slytherin-stories · 4 months
Alleyways and Avenues.
Part 3 of 4 | pairing: Dabi x Reader | rating: T+ (suggestive themes, language) | genre: suspense
Read ‘Part 1’ here.
You had been so engrossed in conversation with the man you had just met, you hadn’t even realized that you had already stepped out onto the sidewalk.
A weight you hadn’t known you were carrying lifted off your chest as you stepped into the light; and almost at the same time, it seemed, your mind found a new stressor to take the previous ones place.
Maybe because you were just so shaken up at the time, you hadn’t really noticed until now, but your shirt, or whatever was left of it, was just barely hanging on by a thread; quite literally. And now, faced with the reality of being seen clearly, being perceived; you froze up.
Your face got hot and your stomach nauseous all at once, and you felt paralyzed in fear, uncertainty, and embarrassment all at the same time; like your fight or flight response was short-circuiting.
Managing at least to cover your exposed chest with your arms, a weird, guttural “AHHHGNH” left your mouth as you turned away from him in a panic and closed your eyes instinctively; bracing yourself.
But, once again proving that he was no ordinary guy, Dabi did probably the last thing you’d ever expect from a man in this position with you-
“Here,” you heard his smooth voice say, and you felt a piece of fabric be placed on your back, “take my sweatshirt.”
Opening your eyes, you turned back around slowly while a shaky hand reached around to grab the garment on your back. After you maneuvered it probably not so gracefully over your head, you looked up at him, to see his head quickly turn away.
Was he blushing?
You certainly were. “Thank you.” You breathed out, probably for like the millionth time that night. “God, I’m sorry I keep saying that.” He was probably so tired of hearing it by now. “I’m not usually such a mess.”
Though he just shrugged, “Don’t mention it.”
Taking a moment to just breathe, you tried to steady your heart rate; but found it hard when the smell of his cologne wafted all too pleasantly into your nose from his borrowed clothes. It smelled so…clean. Like expensive sandalwood and fresh air , with just the faintest hint of smoke.
Shooting a quick glance over to where he stood, you noticed that he wasn’t wearing much under his sweatshirt; just a tight white tank top that clung onto his clearly taught body way too well. But, even more peculiar than that, were the scars that seemed to run all along his body.
He had what looked like two different types of skin making up his body, held together simply by titanium staples; and, if you looked close enough, you were pretty sure you could even see a bit through the gaps.
It was like he was some kind of handsome, generous, human-Frankenstein; a gift from above meant to save you from yet another soul crushing identity wiping experience.
But, why? Who was he? What was he getting out of this?
Finally catching your breath enough to stand up straight, you cleared your throat a bit awkwardly, “okay, cool. Thank you,” fuck, “I think we can keep walking now.”
Motioning for you to lead the way, you watched the subtle way his muscles flexed when he moved his arms. “After you, doll.” He said, flashing you that dashingly handsome smile, making you feel a bit less embarrassed again; amongst other things.
However, you decided, you were still only just blushing right now from being so exposed in front of him earlier; that’s all. “We’re almost there.” You tried to assure him, hopefully he wasn’t beginning to get annoyed with you.
When you glanced up at him, though, he seemed to be looking around the area with a disquieted expression. “You live around here?” He asked, eyes scanning over the shanty apartment buildings and hoards of people that were adorning the area currently.
Still on the outskirts of Midori, the neighborhood you were currently residing in was riddled with social outcasts, vagrants, and other societal rejects; it was a hotbed of criminal activity at any time of day, you could always find someone up to no good here if you were looking for it.
Even now, around 2am, as you and Dabi walked along the street you passed huddles of people working on bikes in the corner or passing around a pipe while talking and laughing.
A sheepish smile took over your face as you tried to shrug it off a bit. “Sometimes.”
Sometimes? Dabi quickly realized, amongst all your vague statements and peculiar reasons for roaming such dangerous streets so late, why you might be acting so strange.
But he decided to stay quiet, at least for now.
As he continued to follow you, he watched the way you maneuvered yourself through the crowds of people almost expertly; he might’ve even lost you once or twice, if it wasn’t so easy to spot the obviously lewd stares you seemed to get from every other man that walked past you.
Watching the way they looked at you like meat made him scowl; he even ended up walking straight into one of the guys whose eyes were lingering just a bit too long on your figure. Fucker should’ve been paying attention instead of drooling like an animal.
“Watch it.” Dabi seethed, towering over the short, grubby mole of a man that stood in his way. It almost looked like, for a second, that the man was going to try and say something back; but he quickly realized who was standing in front of him.
The small man’s eyes grew wide as the moon as he side-stepped quickly out of the way. “S-sorry.” He stuttered, bowing his head a bit as Dabi walked past him.
You watched the entire scene unfold behind you as you stood still for a moment to wait for Dabi to catch up realizing that, in his large size, he probably wasn’t able to weave through the crowd as quickly as you could.
But, judging based on the way he was able to clear a path for himself just by looking at people, you started to think maybe he really wasn’t just some random dude.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” Dabi said while walking up to you, throwing back one more nasty glare toward that guys direction, “some people have no manners.”
Finally, when he caught up to you, you began to turn back around to guide him, but felt a hand on your shoulder; stopping you.
The contact made you jump a little, and your stomach suddenly felt bubbly.
“Stay a little closer to me this time,” he said, looking down at you with a small smile, “for my sake. Yeah?”
The implication that he was the one who needed you right now made you feel a bit lighter, and you looked into his bright eyes.
You took his hand off of your shoulder, and held it lightly in your own. “Sure.” Your hand was definitely shaking, and maybe a little sweaty, but you tried your best to pretend like you didn’t notice, and continued guiding him through the crowds.
As you trekked forward, you saw the entrance to your building approaching, and felt a pit build in your stomach. Your journey was just about to come to an end.
Slowing your steps ever so slightly, you moved toward the front door, releasing the tight grip you hadn’t realized you had on his hand…but not completely. You couldn’t; not yet.
You didn’t want to.
“____!” An unfortunately familiar voice said, pulling you violently from your thoughts. “You got my fuckin money tonight or what?”
Dabis face immediately twisted up like he ate something sour; but managed to refrain himself. For now.
He watched in silence as you turned to face the wrinkled old hag that stood in the doorway. Her clothes were faded and torn, and her mousy hair looked like it was tied in a messy knot on top her head.
Still though, you obeyed her, and a pang shot through his heart; he knew what this was.
“Here.” You said, voice low as you reached into the pocket you had sewn inside your skirt.
She snatched the wad of cash from your hands with a scowl, “Feels light.”
The embarrassing sting of tears in your eyes didn’t help the worthless, empty feeling she was causing to build inside you. “It was a slow night for me.” You said through gritted teeth. She always had to make sure she humiliated you before she let you inside.
Only, the woman in front of you seemed to get more displeased. “Worthless whore,” she spat, raising her hand to you, “just like your mothe-“
And then, suddenly, she stopped;
“Alright,” Dabi interjected, his tall figure stepping in between you and the woman, catching her wrist in a grip so painful she screamed out in anguish, “I think we’re done here.”
“Hey!” She screamed, trying fruitlessly to twist out of his tight grasp, “that bitch belongs to me, until she pays off her families debt.”
But Dabis expression remained the same, “im familiar with how your little trafficking scheme works,” his eyes darkened ever so slightly, “been to a few of these myself in my spare time.” He smirked down at her, his lip twisting up a bit in disgust as he scanned the disorderly room in the house behind her, “but never one as fucked as this place.”
Finally, Dabi released the woman’s arm.
“What do you want?”
His eyebrow raised in amusement at her attitude, but he wasn’t in the mood to do any cleanup tonight on account of reckless behavior, so he was really trying to reel it in right now; besides, he didn’t want to frighten you any further. Despite the fact he thought you looked incredibly hot with that tear stained expression on your face.
He glanced behind himself to see you still standing right where he left you, looking up at him with those big, gorgeous eyes that he suddenly realized he never wanted to look away from;
“The girl.” Dabi said, looking back at the old hag.
Your ears perked up. What did he say?
Her eyes narrowed upon hearing the request, and from a quick glance back into the open door of the house, she saw some of the other girls had begun to gather around the door. They had acquired an audience.
“¥500,000.” She demanded, though her voice now wavered a bit as she spoke, “that’s the debt still left by her parents.”
But Dabi just laughed sharply, making everyone jump a little in surprise; you could cut the tension in the air with a knife.
Taking another dauntingly close step towards her, he positioned his face so close to hers, she could now clearly see the dangerous gleam in his eyes;
“How about,” he breathed out, patience running thin, “I take the girl,” taking a quick glance back into the house, he saw a full crowd of young girls hanging by the door. Watching, waiting; hoping.
But, Dabi could only do so much good for one night.
“And,” he lowered his voice to just a hush, “you get keep on running your whore house without having to worry about me coming back and burning it down while you all sleep.” Smiling eerily, Dabis stare never faltered; if anything, it only grew watching the womans face as she realized she had lost.
With just a huff, and a sharp turn of her heel, the miserable old woman stomped back into the house; yelling at the other girls to ‘get back to work!’ Before slamming the door shut behind her.
Releasing a small sigh, Dabi looked down for a moment and closed his eyes; his chest felt tight.
“Thank you.” Your soft voice said, hitting Dabis ears pleasantly and pulling him from his somber thoughts after the emotional exchange that had just transpired.
He turned his head around to face you; you were still standing just right behind him, close enough he could feel your body heat, and even smell your perfume. It was so sweet, like strawberries.
“B-but,” you stuttered, causing his ears to perk up, though, you seemed to have lost your words. Twiddling your thumbs, you suddenly found it impossible to look up at him. Your mind started to race. What were you gonna do? “I don’t have anywhere else to go.”
Though, you felt his cold fingers lift your chin up gently to look at him.
He held a soft expression on his face, one very different from the one you saw just moments ago. “You can stay with me, even if it’s just for the night.” Dropping his hand down from your chin to your side, he took your hand in his own lightly, “if you want.”
Staying quiet for a moment, you didn’t know what to say; your face got a bit hot again.
Though you felt his hand give yours a light squeeze, and you saw him smile a bit. “I can take the couch for the night.”
A small part of you, the one that was still scared and felt all alone, told you to run; that you’d never be able to make it out here on your own and trusting a stranger out of the blue like this, no matter what he may have done for you, was a stupid decision that was only going to get into deeper shit;
But, another part, the one that felt a bit more daring, told you that this was your chance; you had to go for it.
Taking in a deep breath, you tried your best to put on a smile. Looks like your adventure was only beginning.
A/N: ahhhhhh loved writing this ! I never know where it’s going when I start tbh I’m as surprised as yall sometimes. Part 4 coming soon !
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slytherin-stories · 4 months
Alleyways and Avenues.
Part 2 of 4 | pairing: Dabi x Reader | rating: T (language, themes) | genre: suspense
Read ‘Part 1’ here.
You soon fell into a comfortable silence walking down the alleyway; He was guiding you by leading the way slightly, but you stayed close to his side.
Looking up at him, you watched the way his shaggy black hair flopped slightly with every step he took, and the way it seemed to shine so brightly under the sparse street lights. “Do you dye your hair?” You finally squeaked out.
He turned his head back to look down at you, and you saw a small smile curling on his deliciously plump lips- not that you were looking or anything.
“On occasion.” His smooth voice hit your ears pleasantly, “surprised you noticed.” Turning his head back around, he trekked forward a few more steps in silence while he shoved his hands inside his pockets. It almost looked like he was trying to think of a way to say something, but you beat him to it.
“Why did you help me?”
And as soon as the words left your mouth, he immediately stopped walking, and just stood there facing away from you for a second, in silence; declining to answer. At least at first, so you decided to ask again, “why would you help me if you didn’t have to?”
Finally, he turned around to face you, and while you weren’t necessarily expecting anything, the look on his face surprised you.
“I wasn’t helping you.” He said rather plainly.
His expression lacked in emotional investment, and the aloof look in his eyes seemed to come on all at once. It was mildly startling, but you didn’t feel any ill will directed towards you so tried to remain calm.
You stared up at him in silence, trying to decipher the moment you were in. Both of you simply stood facing each other in the dark alleyway, waiting for something to happen next.
Though he seemed to break the tension that was building in the air by throwing you a small smile, which, you hate to admit, made your heart skip a beat. “You don’t know who I am, do you?”
Your face must’ve twisted up into a funny expression at his inquiry, because he laughed a bit at your innocent response. “No, am I supposed to?”
The air around you two suddenly turned light and warm again as you felt his demeanor softening once more. “Not necessarily.” The dark haired man took a moment to lock eyes with you while you walked, and you felt your heart race for some reason as he stared into your eyes with his strikingly beautiful blue ones. Though, he averted his gaze down with a smile still on his lips, while he began to lead you down the alleyway again. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why were you walking around back alleys past midnight in the midori prefecture?”
Which was a fair question; the midori prefecture is known as one of the most dangerous in Japan due to prolific crime and poverty that seems to mark the territory. But now, it seems as if it were your turn to be tongue-tied.
Staying silent, you stared up the man walking in front you with apprehension; the way you played the next few moments could be a matter of life and death.
What you were doing in that area so late at night wasn’t exactly legal, nor respected. If you were to admit this to the average citizen, there was a great chance you’d be putting your own freedom at risk.
Though, this man was obviously no ordinary citizen; He was also walking around that same prefecture past midnight, and had this certain air about him that felt as far from organized society as it could get.
But that’s also what scared you- he killed someone in front of you mere moments ago, and he admitted that it was not for the purpose of any benefit to you. He was planning on doing that anyway, so who’s to say he won’t hurt you when he finds out what you are.
Or worse.
“I, uh,” you stuttered, suddenly finding yourself engrossed with twiddling your fingers, “just had some business to take care of there.” Which was not far from the truth, but hopefully vague enough to keep your secret.
Looking back up at his face to see his reaction, you saw his brows scrunched together in question; but he declined to comment on it. It seems as if you were off the hook; at least for now.
“That’s actually why I was there, too.” The man explained, allowing you to drop the previous subject, “that guy that you were having trouble with,” he said with slight emphasis on the word ‘trouble’, “he was in that alley hiding from me.”
His statement caused a jittery feeling to build inside you once more. But, admittedly, you were intrigued; and you must’ve looked it too, because he seemed to answer your question without you even having to ask it.
“Guy was late on a couple pretty substantial payments to my boss,” he said with a shrug, “I was just doing my part of the job to hold the guy accountable.”
Accountable, huh? “So, you’re a loan shark?”
He released a hearty laugh upon hearing your question, and looked down at you with a dashingly handsome smile. “Amongst other things, yeah I suppose.”
Your cheeks suddenly felt hot as he looked at you, but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his own; and you felt a small laugh bubble up out of your own chest.
As you continued walking down the alleyway, the conversation between you two flowed easily, and you noticed that the feeling of fear you held in your stomach earlier, had dissipated, and was replaced with something else.
Though as luck would have it, your journey with him through the alleyway, seemed to be coming to an end as you approached the well-lit street ahead.
A/N: ahhhhh part 2 omg ! What do you think the reader is hiding ? Why wouldn’t she want to tell Dabi? And now that the walk is over, where will the story take our two new friends next?
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slytherin-stories · 4 months
Moments | Shigaraki
The Moments Series | pairing: Shigaraki x reader | words: approx 500 | rating: M | genre: smut
“Shut up!” Shigaraki hissed, shoving your face down into the pillow you were crouching over, “I don’t want the rest of them to know I’m back yet.”
But you could hardly think, let alone control the deep moans that emanated out of your chest each time he bottomed out inside you. After he hit a particularly sensitive spot, though, you squeaked; rather loud.
He spanked your ass hard enough for you to yelp, only to have him grab your head by your hair, and cover your mouth with his hand roughly. “What did I just say?”
Your muffled ‘sorry’ was barely audible, and you felt him tugging on your hair harder while he chuckled evilly from behind you.
Grabbing your hips with a painful grip, he smashed his hips into yours, his big cock filling up your bruised hole so violently, you couldn’t help but scream again.
“Ahhh-“ you cried, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes due to the sting, “yo-your s-so fucking b-big.” But as much as it hurt, you felt so turned on. You loved it when he let his animalistic side take over and just pound the shit out of you; he was usually relatively gentle.
Not right now though, that was for sure.
He kept a steady pace, his insane length hitting your cervix every time; you tried to jump forward and squirm around in his grip to adjust, but he wouldn’t let you.
You felt another sharp pain across your ass. “Why do you keep trying to run away from me?” Abruptly, you felt him pull out, and the delicious sting of him inside you was gone.
It made you feel so empty suddenly and-
“Are you whining now?!” You heard him scoff, his strong hands suddenly grabbing your sides painfully and wantonly flipping you over.
As you laid on your back, you were able to look up at him for just a second, and finally saw the lecherous look in his eyes; it was kind of scary.
You kind of liked it.
Though you were pulled from your thoughts when his hand clasped around your throat suddenly, and you felt him position himself at your entrance.
“Such a fucking slut for me,” He breathed, his face inching closer over yours as he studied the way your face changed every time he ran his tip along your folds; the way your body squirmed around in his grasp. “So fucking pretty.”
You started to feel that nagging aching feeling again, “Shiggy,” you breathed out, your face twisting up a bit as if you were in pain, “please I ne-AHH”
Before you were even able to finish begging, he shoved himself inside you so violently you couldn’t help but scream again. You tried to say something but you couldn’t; Your voice came out to the cadence of his rapid thrusts, and your words were just a jumbled mess. It even felt like you might have been drooling a little bit, too.
Your eyes started to close in pure ecstasy as he fucked and stuffed you harder than anyone had ever before, but you felt his hand across your cheek as he slapped you awake; and grabbed your face to make you look at him.
He was so in love with you. Even now, after everything, after the way he’s treated you, the way he fucks you; you look at him with more love and admiration in your eyes for him than anyone he’s ever seen.
There’s no way he’s letting you go now.
A/N: ahhhh I wrote something! This is just a quick lil series I’m doing about “moments” w/the characters, they’ll range from all ratings and genres !
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slytherin-stories · 4 months
Alleyways and Avenues.
Part 1 of 4 | Pairing: Dabi x Reader | rating: T (language) | genre: suspense
“Hey!” A deep voice called out behind you.
fuck. Just keep walking.
“Hey!” The voice called out again, louder this time. “I’m talking to you!” The pace of your footsteps picked up; but so did theirs.
Looking ahead, there was still a few hundred feet of dark alleyway to walk until you arrived at the next street. Maybe if you just ran a little faster-
“HEY!” The man screamed in your ear, grabbing your arm and shoulder firmly enough to yank you back, trapping you between his dauntingly tall body and the wall. You screamed and thrashed around, obviously trying to escape but he wouldn’t let you. “Ya’know itss rude t’ ignore people.” He slurred, and you could smell the alcohol wafting off his stale breath.
“Let go!” You yelled, trying fruitlessly to push away against his giant smelly, bloated belly and grubby hands that violated more and more of you with each second that passed. Yelping and jumping around when he began to pull and tug at your skirt or they to go around the hem, you felt the sting of tears in your eyes as the panic began to set in. You were really fucked this time.
The evil man chuckled at your expression, a sinister look in his eyes as he continued to make you feel humiliated, violated, and small “Whats wrong little girl? M’ybe now youll be nicseee to me like y’sshould’a been.”
Trying to fight off his hands that were attacking your skirt, you weren’t able to stop him from ripping your shirt off; and him nearly choking you with the fabric on accident in the process.
His eyes glazed over watching you gag. “Such prtty sounds.” Shoving you down onto your knees in front of him, you cried out with pain when you hit the gravel floor;
and when you looked up again to see him reaching for his belt, you couldnt help it anymore; big ugly sobs began to escape you. Your heart was beating a thousand miles a minute and your face was hot, and if you didn’t pass out or throw up in the next few minutes you felt like your body might implode.
Though the man only smiled more, “s’pretty lookin up at me like that.” He finally succeeded with his belt buckle, and began to discard it. “What a good gi-“ then suddenly, he stopped talking.
Feeling his dead weight suddenly buckle down on you, you released another high pitched scream, and almost began to sobbing uncontrollably. But as fate would have it, someone seemed to have yanked the mans body off of you almost as quickly as it fell.
Looking up with a tear-stained expression on your messy face, you encountered the face of a man even more daunting than the one before; Only it seemed as if maybe, fate might be on your side for this one.
“You okay?” He said, extending out his hand to help you up. At first, you hesitated; But eventually decided to take the offer to help you up.
“Yeah.” Your voice was raspy, and you didn’t feel very confident when you spoke. It was like your body was still stuck, frozen in that moment. Despite your mind going a thousand miles a minute, you couldn’t seem to form a coherent thought. You couldn’t speak.
Taking a moment to look at him, you were shocked by how striking his features were. You hadn’t noticed at first, but his piercing blue eyes complemented is dark hair and sharp features impeccably, while all his piercings served to accentuate his more alternative look.
He seemed dissatisfied with your answer by the way his lips pursed in response, but didn’t try to stop you.
“No, really.” You assured him, taking a small step back and trying your best to muster up a smile. “I’ll be okay.” But as soon as you said it, a voice in your head wondered.
Will you?
Trying to walk away, you turned around, and were met with his body standing in front of you once more. Though, his movements and body language didn’t feel aggressive. When you glanced up at his face he almost looked worried to you, but why? It’s not like he’s the weak one here.
“Why don’t you let me walk you home?” The dark haired man said, and despite your initial hesitation, you decided it was probably a good idea.
If he wanted to hurt you, he could’ve done it by now.
“O-okay.” You managed to squeak out. Though, before beginning the journey back home with a man who you just met, no matter how heroic he may seem, you decided that you should probably at least ask one question. “What’s your name?”
A soft smile etched itself on the mans marred lips after you asked, and you tried to ignore how handsome you thought he looked in that moment. “You can call me Dabi.” He said, waiting you for you to lead the way.
Looking between him, and the dark alleyway that lay ahead, somehow, suddenly, you weren’t scared anymore.
“I’m ____.”
To Be Continued…
A/N: aggh i’ve had this idea in my head for a long time I just thought I’d hammer it out. I’m working on so many things at the same time and I’m about to graduate college but I want you guys to know I literally think about this blog every single day.
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slytherin-stories · 1 year
Stolen Hearts.
Todorokis girlfriend is captured one day after the attack on the UA summer camp, and is ready to battle her way out of it; but when her devilishly handsome captor makes an odd request, she has to make a dangerous choice: does she fight? Or, does she just, give in?…Does she want to give in?
Pairing: Reader x Dabi | Words: 11.7k | Rating: M | genre: smut
Your eyes watering did little to loosen the duct tape over your mouth like you had hoped, and when you were thrown onto the ground by one of your captors your head hit the hard floor with a loud thud. Looking around to where they had brought you to, it seemed as if you were in some kind of hideout. There were minimal decorations and furniture adorning the concrete room, save for a charred punching bag in the corner and an old ratty couch running along the back wall. Also, you noticed, there was a door off to the side, that looked like it had maybe 4 deadbolts on it. Your head was spinning from what was definitely blunt force trauma as you tried to piece it all together.
What was happening to me?
All you could remember was, one second, you were walking back to the dorms from the convenience store down the street in broad daylight, and then the next second, was a bit of blur. You remember a blow to your head from behind, and a cloth around your mouth when you tried to scream out and then suddenly, next thing you knew your arms and legs were tied up and you were being dragged through an alley, the sunset signaling to you that significant time had passed.
The sound of a door unlocking tore your attention away from your thoughts, and onto a tall, dark haired man who entered the room. His presence immediately caused a tension in the room, palpable not only to you, but to everyone, illustrated by the way that the group of men who had captured you suddenly began to stand at attention. You took a moment to study the strange features on this man more closely, and saw the way parts of his skin looked marred and...h-held together by staples?
A gasp left your mouth upon realizing that you had seen him before; That day, at the summer camp when UA was attacked. He was there.
Suddenly, the man turned his head down to face where you were laying, and the look in his eyes as he zeroed in on you caused your blood to grow cold. "Hey there, gorgeous." His face inched closer, allowing you to see his strikingly handsome features juxtaposed against the staples and damaged skin, and you couldn't help but let fear flood your body.
Along with a tiny flicker of something else, something you refused to acknowledge, that ignited a fuzzy feeling in your stomach; You told yourself it was just nerves.
The man crouched down to where you were laying, and turned his head to the side as he stared, an eerie smile etching on his lips. Your breathing picked up watching him stand above you, and was made more exasperated by the fact your mouth was taped so you could only breathe through your nose. When he reached his hand out toward your face, you flinched back, earning a chuckle from him as he simply brushed some of the hair that was matted to your sweaty forehead behind your ear.
Surprisingly, his touch was light, and his skin was so cold it almost felt soothing against yours.
"Now, now, now, no need to be scared, 'darlin." When his fingers moved graciously through your hair your eyes couldn't help but close for just a second in a moment of over-exhaustion and weakness, taking a deep breath to cherish the fleeting moments of pleasurable contact, before being able to think straight enough to realize you shouldn't be so relaxed in front of such a notoriously deadly villain.
Though upon opening your eyes and being met with his minacious stare, you wondered if you should have just kept them shut. You began breathing a bit frantically, huffing loudly through your nose, nauseous from the smell of the tape as you borderline hyperventilated, flinching at every change in his movements; even though they remained unsettlingly gentle.
"I ain't gonna hurt 'cha," The dark haired man said, stopping for a moment. His hand moved down to caress your tear-stained cheek, and you had to stop yourself from instinctively leaning into his rather soothing touch, the deep lull of his smooth voice almost coercing your exhausted brain into submission. Your eyes widened as his face inched closer to yours, and put his lips millimeters from your ear when he whispered, "Not unless, you want me to, that is."
Abruptly grabbing the corner of the piece of tape that was covering your mouth, he yanked it off harshly and stood back up, leaving a stinging sensation behind that caused your eyes to tear up even more.
Screaming out at his action, you watched his face to see if he felt any remorse, but the cheeky look on the man before you didn’t seem to falter at all. If anything, you thought he may have started to smile a little wider. "You fucking bastard." You spat back at him, a sour look on your face. "If I "wanted" any of this, you wouldn't of had to kidnap me." But still, your words seemed to have little to no effect on the mysterious man in front of you, as he remained silent. Just staring staring down at you with that dark look in his eyes that made your skin crawl. You tried to use your quirk, but something seemed to be blocking it. Must've been that drug they put on the cloth from earlier. From what you had seen on the news about it, the effects of the drug should wear off eventually, but it could take hours. Sighing, you dropped your aggressive tone. "What do you even want with me?"
Finally seeming to elicit some kind reaction out of him, the man in front of you turned to the others for a brief second to wave them off, requesting to be alone. Watching the last of your captors walk out of the room from where you lay on the cold concrete floor, and shut the door behind them with a click, made your heart start to beat a mile a minute; and the man with scars unlike any you had ever seen before, turned his full attention to you.
What was he planning to do to me, that he needed us to be alone?
The obvious answer hung menacingly in the air, taking your mind inevitably back to Shoto with a pang running through your heart. He must be so worried about me. Your boyfriend and you were still a fairly new relationship, but a bonded one nonetheless. The six months you had spent together proved to be filled with your fair share of ups and downs, but it was your first real relationship with a guy, and Todoroki had been one of the most caring guys you had ever met.
"I brought you here to help me out with a lil' somethin'." The mans voice broke the silence. Standing up, he walked over to the where the couch was, on the wall opposite to where you lay facing, and took a seat.
Before he sat down though, he took off his long coat, and you couldn't help but gaze up at the way that his muscles seemed to look so defined in the low light of the room you were in. It was absolutely not the time, but you allowed your eyes to follow the sharp contours of his arms and chest that disappeared under his low-cut tank top, and your mind started to picture what the rest of him would look like; Wondering how far his purple scars continued. It didn't help either that the way he leaned forward and placed his elbows on his knees allowed him to look down at you, literally, and you had to acknowledge how despicably good looking he really was. Especially from that angle. All his piercings glittering as he stared down at you with a foreboding look in his eyes, but fear wasn't the only thing he was causing to stir inside you.
The way your abdomen suddenly started to ache, and you felt your heartbeat in between your legs, you could tell. Some sick part of you actually liked the way his predatory eyes on you were making you feel; the way he- Stop it. You seethed internally, hes a villain, he hurt you. He wants to hurt you. How could you even begin to let your mind go there?
Maybe it was just adrenaline and anxiety, getting the best of you and your hormones, which had been raging long before any of this mess ever happened anyway. You tried to forget about it completely; Just shake it off, you had bigger things to worry about.
But, you couldn't stop yourself from rubbing your legs together just a bit, trying to shake the feeling off that you feared was growing more intense by the minute.
"Something distract you there, princess?" He interjected, drawing your attention back up to his face, which was embellished with a devilishly handsome smile. Though, it looked like he wasn't going to bring up your wandering eyes, if he even really noticed. "As I was sayin', when we attacked your little summer camp, you caught my eye—I mean, water manipulation? Very powerful potential." Looking away from you for a moment, he studied the purple on his arms with a strange and suddenly absent expression before he continued, "But, that wasn't what sealed your fate." However, when he turned back to face you, the glossy look in his eyes seemed to have left just as quickly as it came. "It was your healing powers." Then, almost as if on second thought, his face twisted into a nasty grin, and with malice behind every word, he continued, "Probably why Shoto chose you, too." Releasing an evil chuckle, he continued, "S'nothin personal. Just kind of a thing for us, to be turned on by thinking of shit like that."
Your eyes suddenly grew wide, your breath caught in your throat. Shoto? "W-What?" You knew he was just probably just trying to bait you into talking, but still; How did he know about your relationship, or anything about you for that matter? It's not like you and Shoto were ever very public about your budding relationship.
And 'us'? What the hell was this guy even talking about?
The mean look on his face intensified and you wanted to squirm, but with the way he seemed to bask in every reaction you've made, you tried to contain yourself. "Oh, come on, ____."He said, lips curled into a cruel smile while his analytical eyes never strayed form yours, making you feel smaller with each passing second. "Ya gotta be smarter than that." And with that he got up, your mind racing as his heavy boots came closer, and closer to where you lay; helpless.
Visibly shaking your head, you shut your eyes and tried to focus. Maybe you could fight the drug.
"Stop!" You screamed, "You don't know anything about me!" Beginning to act out of short spouts of rage, you pulled and thrashed at the restraints on your wrists and ankles behind you. Hitting your head on the floor in the process and feeling your wrists stinging from rope burn, tears welled embarrassingly in your eyes once more before you stubbornly shouted, "You're just a random lowlife trying to stop UA students because you know were gonna destroy you, and The League Of Villains!"
The futile attempts to break free of your binds that were made during your little outburst did little but cause the man in front of you to realize, that he really liked watching you struggle like that underneath him. All tied and bound, that absolutely adorable, helpless tear-stained expression on your face, just waiting, begging, for him to come and take care of you in ways he knew you needed, even if you didn't yet.
That being said, he decided that it was finally time to release you at least of your ignorance, and shed some light onto why it was exactly he had you brought here in the first place.
With a theatrical gasp, he placed a hand over his chest. "'Random'? That hurts, princess." Bending down, he grabbed you by your arms and, quite easily, placed you so that you were now sitting up instead of just laying on the floor. Still remaining at your eye level, he ran his hands through his messy black hair and pulled it back a bit, allowing his face to be seen more clearly through the low light of the dark room. "You're tellin' me, you can't see the family resemblance?"
Still thrashing your wrists around behind your back a bit, you were wincing from the pain, so you declined to really study his newly displayed features at first. "Yeah right," you started, still fruitlessly struggling to escape, "like you're related to any one of-" But, when your eyes met finally his in a passing second, your vision uninhibited by shadows or hair covering his face, you stopped dead in your movements and gasped. Those eyes. They were unmistakeable, but, it couldn't be,
Though your last word came out barely a whisper, the dark haired man in front of you smirked, and threw his hands up like he was caught upon hearing your utterance. "Guilty, but I'm going by Dabi nowadays."  He reached down, making you flinch back a bit. But when he only went to untie the rope around your ankles, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
Looking back up at your face, Dabi was met with that precious deer-in-headlights look you had been giving him the whole time that caused the animalistic urge to claim you as his grow inside him even more. Breifly, he even wondered if you knew how fuckable it made you look, and if you had been doing it on purpose the whole time to try and entice him even further; or maybe you really were just a helpless little slut who needed someone like him to take care of you in ways those little school boys at UA never could.
Finally pulling the rope away, and releasing your legs, Dabi never broke eye contact as he continued to say, "though I dont know which one Id like hearing better, coming from that pretty little mouth of yours."
Your mind was spinning way too much to react or even try and think about a way to use your newly freed legs to escape. This...was...is? Todorokis...older brother? The one...who Endeavor...killed? The bile rose in your stomach as your thoughts raced, and your body suddenly flushed, the intense heat flash not helping the fact that you felt like you were gonna throw up. That must be what all those scars are from, then. The accident. But then...where did the unscarred pieces of flesh come from? "Ho-How..." Was all you were able to muster out before you began to feel a bit woozy once again.
Dabi stood up, watching all those precious emotions flash across your face with more enjoyment than he expected. "It's a long boring story, but to cut it short, after an unfortunate accident, I happened to have been chosen by a doctor looking to experiment." He reached to take off his shirt, and couldnt help but notice with a satisfied smirk, that you bit your lip while you watched him tug it over his head; and he definitely saw where your eyes lingered. Letting out a low chuckle, he now displayed his bare chest before you, admiring the lines of his patchwork body while running his hands along the staples. "Let's just say, it was mutually beneficial in the end."
As you sat looking up at the freakishly handsome, shirtless, Frankenstein in front of you in disbelief, your mind still craved answers to one important question. "But, why," you gulped, mouth dryer than expected, "why do you need me?"
Dabi seemed to have forgot he was explaining that himself for a second, too busy finally watching you piece it all together, savoring your reactions and watching you hang onto his every word. The big reveal was one of the best parts of being a villain, after all.
Your eyes intuitively followed his hand as it moved to where he hung it dangerously low from his belt buckle, and you swore you saw his pants twitch, making you look down frantically to avoid his gaze. However, he was quick to reach down and grab your neck with a tight grasp.
Yanking your body up roughly towards his, you were met with a startlingly close proximity to his calculating eyes when you landed on your feet. A light-headed, spinning feeling you had never experienced before began to flood your head from the way he was choking you, and you had to admit; It felt kind of good. So good, you couldn't help but release a little involuntary whimper as you felt goosebumps form down your arms.
Smirking at your reaction, his free hand moved down, caressing the side of your body, and ending its descent with a rather harsh squeeze under skirt, on your butt; causing you to gasp, much to his amusement. "All this death happening recently got me thinkin' about passing on my amazing power to a little, 'creation' of my own." Looking over your body briefly, as if sizing you up, he removed the hand he had around your neck to cup your waist on either side; An action that served to make you blush more than it should have considering your current situation.
"Why do you need me for that?" You said, voice trembling as your body remained frozen, trying not to focus on the way that you almost missed the feeling of his hand clasping tightly around your neck.
Another nasty smirk made its way onto his lips, a predatory one you had seen on men many times before, and you felt his right hand suddenly move to cup your lower abdomen. Having his hand press over where your womb was sent another involuntary shiver down your spine, though you couldn't deny that you liked having him touch you like this, which is why you didn’t exactly try to move away.
Was it really so wrong, to simply just go along with what he was doing? An obvious part of you couldn't help but feel guilty for lusting after someone this hard while still technically with Todoroki. But honestly, a bigger, louder, hungrier part of you, felt enticed and unbelievably aroused by the thought of having such a forbidden night with someone so powerful and alluring; Someone so daunting and sexy. Besides, it was obvious by the fact that you were kidnapped and drugged that no matter how you felt about it, he was going to take whatever he wanted; which you hated to admit, turned you on even more.
So, was it so wrong if you liked it?
"I happen to have a minor defect to my otherwise amazing quirk, thanks to my dear old dads messy breeding." He continued to explain, his hand suddenly dropping further, moving under your skirt and dragging the tips of his fingers ever so lightly across the thin fabric of your underwear. It took every ounce of resolve you had left not to moan out and feed his ego even more than you already had. Your legs became a bit wobbly, and Dabi retracted his hand to steady you by your waist once more, though not without letting out a low chuckle at your small display of weakness. "Whenever I use my quirk, it burns me thanks to my bodies heat intolerance from my mother." Pulling you flush against him, and steadying your limp body against his sturdy one by holding your butt and lower back, he met your wide eyes with a fleeting glance before putting his lips so close to your ear you could feel his breath. You inhaled sharply when you felt his tongue lap out at the sensitive skin, even moaning a bit without thinking when he gently bit down on your earlobe. "But," he continued, his husky voice basically purring in your ear, "with your powers, our child would be unstoppable."
The whisper danced menacingly across your skin, causing even more goosebumps to form down your spine. That's when it hit you.
'Our child?'
You felt him smirk against your skin, and wanted to simply give into the unexpected pleasure and forget the harrowing events of today by getting lost in Dabis warm and admittedly inviting embrace. Though still, it seemed as if your conscience finally found its voice, and managed to propel it out of where it seemed to get caught in your throat.
"What?!" Your exclamation seemed to come across, however, as more of an inquiry based on your hushed tone, and the way that you declined to move at all away from him. Suddenly remembering what he said earlier, you couldn't help but look up at him and ask, "And...and what did you mean earlier, about Shoto?" Trying to think back, you wondered if there had ever been a time Todoroki even mentioned having kids with you.
At first, nothing really came to mind. That was, until you remembered one specific date, maybe a month into your relationship, that had ended with Todoroki a few more sakis deep than you, and him drunkenly admitting to you that he fantasized about 'impregnating you since the moment he saw you fighting at the entrance exam'. Which, funnily enough, was also the date that marked the first time you and Todoroki had slept together.
Sure, it might have been a pretty odd thing to say, but at the time you had just written it off. Besides, while you may not have had too many real boyfriends, you been around enough to get a pretty good grasp on the inherently deviant sexual nature of men. All men have weird fantasies in bed, at least his was something that seemed relatively normal. Why wouldn't he want to have a baby with the girl he was dating, right?
"Well," Dabi said, lifting your body up by your arms gently one more time as he began to guide you over to the couch while your hands still remained tied behind your back. In that moment, he noticed quite suddenly that you didn't seem to be putting up much resistance as he dragged you over. You were even helping him out by walking yourself over to where he plopped you down to sit in front of him once more. Though, at least this time you were on a couch cushion and not the cold concrete floor. "Guess it's kinda our dad's fault." He said, shrugging as he lowered himself down onto his knees, swiftly moving in between your legs while making sure to catch your eyes. You felt frozen as you watched him take his position, his shirtless torso so close to where you had been aching for him that you were sure he was going to be able to feel the heat radiating off of you; but you weren't concerned, your mind was shot and your body was exhausted. In this moment, all you wanted to do, was to keep gazing into his beautiful piercing blue eyes, and hope that he continued to placate you with his soothing touch. "And, to be honest, I never thought that was going to be possible for me." Reaching out to brush another stray hair behind your ear, he smiled. You weren't flinching anymore. "'Till I saw you, that was."
Then, with his other hand, he cupped your cheek, and you couldn't help but inhale sharply upon feeling the icy contact. "Your skins pretty cold for someone with a fire quirk." Must be what he was talking about earlier. But, the feel of his cold skin against your flushed body inclined your rapid heart beat to slow down ever so slightly, and your breathing became just a bit more even.
You had assumed this whole time that you had been brought here to be tortured into a confession about UA secrets, or maybe even tied up and sold to harvest your body parts on the black market. And, while you had been tied up and kidnapped, as you were faced with the possibility of the dark and mysterious man in front of you using you to...breed, a part of you couldn't help but feel...
Intrigued? Insanely guilty? Like a deviant?
Along with that achingly familiar feeling that you could no longer even pretend to deny was pooling in your abdomen, completely soaking your underwear, telling you that your body had betrayed you long before your mind ever made the conscious decision to. As terrible a person you felt when the back of your mind echoed images of Todoroki, the more selfish part of you reminded yourself that you couldn't deny, there was definitely a part of you that felt increasingly untouched and ignored by him.
You tried to push it down at first; You could live without that, right? It's only one small aspect of the whole relationship. Besides, Shoto was so nice, and doting, and the most polite gentlemen you had ever been with. And its not like you two didn't have sex, because you did. It was just that sometimes, your mind couldn't help but imagine being dominated by him in a severely different way. It was more than slightly disappointing every time you tried get him to just act a little bit more aggressively in bed, only to have him constantly stop to make sure he hadn't hurt you for real in the process, even though thats exactly what you were begging him to do. Though you told yourself you wouldn't give up. He would get it eventually, as long as you kept communicating. Right?
It was always your hope that one day, he would finally be able to understand. However, as time went on and you found yourself having the same awkward conversation over and over, you began to think that maybe you were just asking Shoto to do something that he simply wasn't into.
But, Dabi? It wasn't hard for you to see that he might be exactly what you had been dreaming about; He was dangerous and sexy and rough, like the guy you thought about late at night when your hand travelled down into your underwear, trying to satisfy the ache deep in your abdomen that never seemed to completely subdue. If anything, he probably was a lot more intense than what you ever imagined, causing a little bit of fear to bubble up inside you alongside the copious amounts of lust that had been building.
Not to mention, how could you really be held responsible for this? You were literally drugged, tied, and kidnapped by a notoriously powerful villain, now matter how breathtakingly sexy he may have turned out to be. If you didn't give him what he wanted, he would take it anyways.
"Still, you seem to love it when I put my hands on you." Dabis low voice spoke once more, commanding all your attention back to the present moment and the electric feeling his skin gave you, and those bright blue eyes that mesmerized you. His thumb made a soothing motion along your cheekbone, and you finally released all restraint, leaning into his hand with a soft, high-pitched sigh of relief. "See?" He said, a malicious chuckle emanating from his chest, "I told you," You could hear the smile behind his words as his other hand began to tangle further into your hair, and you almost didn’t hear what he said next, getting lost in the feeling. "You'd be beggin' me to hurt you by the end of this."
But you forced your eyes to snap open. He couldn't really mean that, could he?  Upon being met with his half lidded ones, and a close proximity to his bare chest, you decided to ask, "Why would I want you to hurt me?" You squeaked out in the meekest voice you had ever heard yourself use. Though when you felt his hands drop down to your thighs, sliding easily under your skirt to give a harsh squeeze, another moan left your mouth.
"You know what I mean, doll face." He said, matter o' factly as he pushed your legs further apart. His grip, while a bit bruising, didn’t feel threatening to you at all. It honestly made you feel electrified, and sent your body reeling with each squeeze and slap made against your skin. Reaching behind and placing his hands on your butt, he hugged your body forward, colliding his bare chest with your noticeably damp underwear. It made him bite his lip and close his eyes, how he could feel how wet you already were for him after just a few little whispers and touches. "M'not really gonna hurt ya." You felt his fingers slip in between you two and brush teasingly light past where your clit lay throbbing on the other side of your underwear, causing you to hold your breath as you felt knots turn in your stomach. "I just wanna get a little rough with you when we have our fun, s'all." When his fingers declined to move at first, you almost instinctively bucked your hips, your body trying to create that little fluttering feeling he caused to stir inside you only a few moments ago. Dabi snickered at your actions, placing his hand back where it was on your bum and earning a small whine from you. "Besides," planting a sloppy kiss on your neck he whispered in your ear, "Somethin' tells me you'd like that."
Still trying your best to fight how good his skin seemed to feel against yours, you made one more, rather weak attempt at protesting against his actions. Though you both knew at this point your objections were ceremonious at best. "N-no, st-aaahhh." Your sentence was cut off by the feeling of his calloused fingers finally sliding past the thin barrier of your underwear and along your slick folds, causing your eyes to roll back a bit as he stroked you.
The feeling his hands gave you as he rubbed and circled your heat was truly unlike anything you had ever felt before, and you felt yourself not being able to think about holding back the moans and mewls that escaped your mouth, even trying to spread your legs open further to give him better access.
Reeling from the small sounds he was causing to escape from you, he began to tease your hole mercilessly while he basked in the sight of you turning to putty in his hands. But, he couldn't just let you get what you wanted that easily, not after all that big talk earlier.
"Whats that?" Spreading his fingers, his voice seemed to mock that of one who's concerned as he watched you fall apart from his every move. "You said 'stop'? M'kay," he said, abruptly withdrawing his hand and beginning to back away from you, "if ya' really want me to stop I can-"
"No!" You shouted suddenly, the words leaving your mouth before you really had a chance to think about what you were saying, making him smirk down victoriously. But you didn't want to think; All you wanted was to feel his fingers against your throbbing pussy again; and you were ready to do anything to make that happen. "P-please, Dabi." You choked out, inviting him back in between your legs by opening them wider for him, even grinding your hips a bit out of frustration as you stared up at him through your eyelashes; A look that you knew almost never failed to charm men, probably because of how submissive it made you seem.
He had finally given you a taste of the delicious intimate aggression and desire you had only ever been able to dream about, and there was no way you were letting this opportunity pass you by. You would think about the consequences later.
For the first time in your life, you decided, it was time to put your own selfish needs first; and, you were going to have fun doing it.
He took back his place in between your legs, making you sigh in relief, and this time he began to reach for the rope that was holding your wrists behind your back. Once your faces were inches from each other, and your noses just barely touched, he whispered with a playful gleam in his eye, "Gonna be a good girl for me if I take this off?" His gruff voice served to send another shiver down your spine as you nodded frantically up at your captor, causing another knowing smile to take over his enticing lips. "Keep begging for daddy like that and I promise baby girl, I'm gonna make sure I pound that pussy nice and hard. 'Kay?" Finally loosing the knot enough to let you remove the rope, he began to stand up, and step back a bit to undo the fly on his pants; the needy look on your face causing his chest to swell with triumph, "You're just gonna have to do a little something for me first."
It was obvious what he meant. Eyes going wide, you couldn't seem to speak up nor look away, and you watched silently as he swiftly undid his boots and pants, discarding them haphazardly to the side while never looking away from you. Though, when he pulled down his boxers, your eyes were drawn to the way his hard dick plopped out and bounced around deliciously in the air for a bit, making you subconsciously lick your lips.
He shoved himself inside your mouth without warning, causing a loud gag to echo through the small concrete room. Steadying himself with a groan by placing his hands behind your head, he turned you so you looked up at him with his dick still shoved down your throat, spreading those pretty, soft, plump lips of yours around him. "Ahh, sorry about that, princess." But really he wasn't sorry; He loved the way your big eyes were tearing up again because you were choking on his girth. That helplessly dumb, fuckable making him go a little more feral every time he saw it.
Giving one more violent thrust into your mouth, he savored the feeling of your throat closing around him as you gagged, and the lewd sound of you finally choking on him filling up the room. Something you always should've been doing for him, and him only. "Couldn't help myself, with the way you were just starin' at my cock like that." Starting to move himself in and out slowly, he was pleased to feel you grip behind his hips without him having to tell you. However, he was surprised when one of your hands expertly began to cup his balls, while the other moved to swirl around the base of his shaft that was more than generously lubricated by the globs of spit you provided.
Maybe you weren't the innocent little hero-course student he initially thought you were. Especially with what you were doing with your hands, he was certain this wasn't your first time sucking dick. A part of him breifly wondered if you had ever shown out like this for his little brother; If he ever got to stare into those big beautiful eyes of yours as he fucked your cute little mouth enough to make you gag all over his dick.
Even if you had, he decided, it didn't matter. He was going to make sure that by the end of this night, the only Todoroki your needy little cunt would ever be satisfied with, the only man your brain would ever think of when you felt horny and needed to be touched and fucked, was him.
You felt another loud groan vibrate through his chest as you continued to pick up the pace of your hand that was pumping what couldn't fit in your mouth. Feeling the moment begin to take over, and all restraint fly promptly out the window, you giggled a bit at his reaction, proud that you had made him make a sound like that, and you felt your walls clench eagerly in anticipation as you pursued the primitive urge that had been building up inside you.
Every fiber in your being was screaming for him, wanting his hands back on your body and around your neck while he stuffed you to the brim with his thick girth, stretching you out and bouncing you up and down while you screamed out his name.
But, you knew to really get a man like him invested in your own sexual pleasure, you were going to have to entertain his desires first. Not that you minded, though. Especially for someone so alluring and sexy, you honestly felt like he deserved it, which made the task of sucking dick a lot more enjoyable.
You couldn't believe this dark, mysterious man, the one who tied you up and imprisoned you, had you practically feigning to satisfy him in any way you could. Every trick in the book you had ever learned, you were pulling out for him; Spitting, gagging, choking, you were even blowing bubbles in the spit and taking his balls into your mouth occasionally as you slapped his hard cock all across your face, sneaking fleeting looks to see him bite his lip back, and even fidget around as you worked your mouth around him. You don’t think you've ever wanted to suck a dick more than you did right now. It honestly felt kind of freeing, to be able to completely loose your sense of composure and let yourself become so uninhibited and debauched. Not to mention, you don't think anyone had ever made you feel so sexy in your life, and you wanted to thank him.
Spitting more huge globs over his swollen red tip you slid your thumb over it as you pumped your hands, and made sure to throw a wide eyed glance his way as you took him back in your mouth, shoving him all the way down your throat and then back out again with a 'pop'. The amazed look in his eyes as he watched made you giggle while he was still in your mouth, and judging by the way he threw his head back for a second to let out a strangled cry, that must've felt good.
Dabi watched intently as your tongue ran along his length and you worked to shove him down your throat so enthusiastically, making a little show out of how you sucked him off. The way you were spitting and making a mess all over yourself just to please him, all while looking up at him with those big, gorgeous eyes of yours, told him exactly what he needed to know.
You were officially his.
Pulling his throbbing cock out of your mouth with haste, he threw your body back against the couch and quickly crawled over you. Not caring to waste any time with buttons, Dabi ripped your uniform shirt down the middle, finally fully exposing your perky breasts to him. It was then that he took a moment to stare down at you, appreciating the way you had begun to submit to him completely.
And you really were so beautiful, he thought. All soft and nice and clean, an innocent little pro-hero in training, dating the s0n of the number one hero. Yet, here you were lying under one of the filthiest, nastiest villains in the country just begging for him to ravage you, probably cock-deprived and craving a nice, hard, pounding; one like his gift-of-god little brother had probably never been able to do. It wasn't hard for Dabi to tell after how you reacted to him choking you that you definitely preferred it a little rougher than the average girl, making him wonder how far he could push you. But he didn’t have to rush; something told him this wouldn’t be the last time he would have you naked and begging under him.
In the short moment he took to admire your exposed form, however, you seemed to have grown impatient, and your hand snaked its way down to push your underwear aside while you let out a whine. "Dabiiii." Your voice was pained with sexual frustration as you rubbed small circles on your clit, staring lustfully up at him with furrowed brows and parted lips. The rise and fall of your chest signaling how hot and bothered he had made you.
He was right about hearing you say his name. He noted, feeling his dick twitch upon listening to it roll off your tongue like that while you pleasured yourself underneath him. Such a fucking slut for him, already. The way you simultaneously looked like the naughtiest and also most innocent woman he had ever seen made him want to mark you and claim you as his. He wanted to bend you over, and slam into your precious little cunt harder than you had ever felt while he filled you to the brim with his seed. Suddenly, he wondered: Have you ever let a man finish inside you?
Had you ever let Todoroki?
"Let's get a little more comfortable, hmm?" Dabi suggested, planting one more sloppy kiss on the side of your neck before beginning to help you up and guide you over towards the side door you had noticed earlier.
And, finally feeling the haze of lust and exhaustion you had been in dissipate in the silence of the room as you walked over, a sudden moment of clarity hit.
You realized, you were now mindlessly following your kidnapper, who you were admittedly still at least a little bit afraid of, into another room, with the hope he would take you and finally fuck your brains out the way you'd been dreaming since you saw him.
And impregnate me. Your brain reminded you, That’s why I’m here in the first place. And you almost hated to admit that you felt butterflies in your stomach from the thought. You had never let anyone even come close to doing that before, and the thought of a man filling you up like that made your knees instantly go weak and you faltered a bit in your steps. Dabis hand was quick to steady your waist as he unlocked the excessive amount of locks on the door.
No one from your past even came close to making you feel like they loved you enough to spend the rest of their lives with you, let alone even want to reproduce with you. The fact someone so powerful, and so incredibly sexy, not only chose you, but specifically sought you out to bring his kids into this life, to grow them inside your womb; It made your head swell a little bit, your thoughts becoming even more dazed as your ego reeled in the thought of being desired like that by him.
The door opened to reveal a large, messy king bed littered, surprisingly, with pillows and fluffy blankets that looked so soft you were drawn to it immediately, not even the slightest bit interested in anything else the room might have had in it. Pushing past Dabi almost thoughtlessly, you raced to feel the soft textures against your skin and planted yourself face down.
Simply laying there, you sighed in relief, relishing in the simple and delicate feel of the grey micro plush blanket against your skin after enduring such rough treatment all day. Your eyes closed instinctively as you took in a deep breath, an enchanting mixture of sandalwood, cologne, and a very faint hint of smoke wafting through your nose pleasantly, and you realized you felt more relaxed than ever as you exhaled.
Though, you were soon met with the feeling of his heavy body above yours, and the heat returned to your face when you felt him quickly tug your skirt and underwear down your legs while you remained laying on your belly. Finally pulling both annoying pieces of fabric off and throwing them to the side, he pulled your cheeks back to give the small swell of heat that was peaking out from in between your legs a gentle, wet kiss, making you squeal a bit as you jumped forward instinctively, hiding your face in your hands; and you could literally feel the smirk grow on his lips. "Kinda cute," he mumbled against your skin, placing his hands under your hips to gain him better access, "how shy you are." His hands felt so big, and the way he was squeezing your hips made you moan out loudly.
When you tried to formulate a response you felt another swipe of his tongue along your already soaked entrance, and you buried your face deep into the bed to muffle the screams that he was causing to come out of you. Then, you thought maybe you could at least prop yourself up on your elbows, until you felt his tongue begin to lap out at you mercilessly. Another sharp cry left your mouth as your arms faltered, and you fell face first onto the bed. "I-I-f-fAhhh-" was all you were able to muster up as a response before being reduced to a stuttering, begging mess in his lap.
Dabis low chuckle that followed your screams vibrated through your body, and you felt his grip on your hips tighten despite the way you were squirming around. Pulling himself back a bit, he flipped your body over with ease, causing you to land on your back as he moved back in between your legs, spreading them open while his hands were squeezing the inside of your thighs.
"Mmm," he said, his eyes glistening as he stared shamelessly at your heat, "such a pretty pink pussy you have baby." His gravely voice and the words he was saying while his eyes were fixated on your most intimate part made your entire body flush as you felt all the heat suddenly rise to your face again. "Fuck."
You wanted to try and hide yourself, or close your legs because of how exposed you felt, but his grip wouldn't let you. While the way he was gripping and squeezing your legs while holding them down was bruising, the feeling of pain was mixing with the adrenaline and the pleasure all at once; making your brain a fuzzy mess once again, incapable of any coherent thought that wasn't centered around the seductive man in between your legs.
Then, he placed a lingering kiss on your clit, and sucked ever so slightly; Something you've never felt before.
You couldn't help but let out the high pitched scream that followed, and almost immediately went to cover your mouth in embarrassment. "S-sorr-" but you were cut off by your own screams again when he continued sucking, your hands grabbing fistfuls of sheets at your side. The feeling he was giving you sending shockwaves through your body, making your legs jump around and shake in his grasp.
It wasn't hard for him to hold you in place, but seeing the effect he was having on you by doing something so simple definitely inflated his ego. "No need to be sorry babe." He drawled out, a smirk plastered across his lips that were shining with a mixture of spit and your juices. "Sure are a loud one though, huh?" One of his hands met his mouth on your pussy, gently running his fingers along the slippery folds while he continued to suck and kiss your clit.
All you could do was try and let out a hum of approval, throwing your head back onto the soft pillow and getting lost in the feeling he was giving you. Usually whenever Shoto, or any of your other hookups for that matter, tried to eat you out, it wasn't exactly bad, but it wasn't that great either. You always thought that maybe, it just wasn't your thing; Maybe you just didn't like it.
But the way Dabis skilled tongue kissed and sucked while his fingers slid teasingly across your pussy, made you see stars. You were sure that you were screaming the loudest you ever had, and anything that you tried to say just came out as a mumble that ended with a high pitch moan. Also, you noticed secondarily, a lazy smile had painted itself across your face as you embraced the euphoric feeling.
Every time his lips closed around your bundle of nerves you could feel yourself pulse and clench, the needy feeling in your core growing more and more with each movement he made. A whine escaped you alongside all your moans and yelps, and you wiggled your hips under his grip, trying to satisfy your body's need for something deeper.
Dabi laughed, an almost incredulous look on his face as he continued to play with your pussy and watch you fall apart in his hands and beg him for more. He knew he was going to be able to seduce you into this eventually, that much was a given; especially if you already had a thing for Todoroki men.
But, what he hadn't expected, was how much of an effect you were having on him.
He typically never let himself become attached to his conquests. They weren't worth more than a few fleeting hours of his time before he was done with them. Yet, every sound that you made and the way your body felt so small and frail as you wriggled around in his grasp made his cold heart swell, and he really liked the way it made him feel. It was incredible to him how you could be so innocent, so vulnerable and helpless, and yet, still so seductive and so sexy at the same time. Your body responded so fervently to his every touch and the look in your eyes mesmerized him. Seeing you with your head thrown back on his pillow, and that dazed expression on your face, awakened something animalistic inside him.
It made him want to go harder, and be rougher. When you had gotten here, you were so apprehensive; fighting his every word and pretending like you were just an innocent little hero in distress, worried about her boyfriend back at school. Dabi grit his teeth at the thought, a scowl forming on his lips briefly.
He should be the only thing on your mind right now.
He pulled back enough to land a small slap against your swollen clit, making you to cry out in pain suddenly, much to his amusement.
When your head snapped up, you met his eyes, and felt a shiver go down your spine when you looked into them.
"You like it when I kiss your pussy baby?" He asked, now feeling his pants become uncomfortably tight as he stared back at you. Rubbing his thumb in circles on your clit quickly, he never took his eyes off your face as you threw your head back once more. Your eyes were glued shut as you continued to scream and gasp at his every movement, though you definitely made sure to nod your head fervently at his question, making him smile. "Such a good little whore for me." Planting another sloppy kiss against your clit, he dragged his tongue languidly along your folds before teasing you with it around your hole. The way he felt you pulse each and every time he licked and prodded, caused his own lust to begin bubbling up to an uncomfortable level.
It was time to start getting you ready.
Running his index and middle fingers across your sopping wet entrance, he made sure they were properly lubed up before pushing one in, making you gasp. He couldn't believe you were so tight, especially just around his one finger. "My little brother isn't taking care of your pretty pussy, is he?"
Him casually referencing Todoroki, for just a moment, did send a small pang of guilt through your exhausted heart and mind; But then, another part, your most deviant part which had really only begun to find its voice tonight, made you realize:
You were about to fuck Todorokis brother. His insanely hot, powerful, villainous older brother, who was clearly more skilled in physical intimacy than anyone you had ever been with before. And no matter what type of person you may be because of it, the thought of that only turned you on even more. 
His words caused you to flush deeper, if that was even possible, and you pulled your head back up to look at him. Not able to muster up any words, you shook your head slightly; a mixture of embarrassment, lust, and guilt washing over you in waves as you tried to think about your situation.
But still, you could tell. You knew from the moment you laid your eyes on him.
He was definitely the type of guy you were looking for. The one that you dreamt about late at night, hoping that he'd find you somehow one day and help alleviate the ache you have felt so deep inside yourself for so long.
There was no doubt in your mind that Dabi was more than capable, and probably make it even better than you ever could have imagined. You needed this; you just had to throw your pride away, and ask him for it.
"Can you?" Was all you were able to say, your voice barely above a whisper as you spread your legs open more, inviting him deeper as he slid his finger in and out of you at a delicious pace. He released another low chuckle in response and suddenly, you felt him add another finger; and then one more again, without waiting even a second for you to adjust, the stinging sensation mingling with immense pleasure as he stretched you open wide.
The satisfied cry that filled the room caused him to smile down at you deviously. "Can I what, doll?" He drawled out condescendingly.
I knew it.
He was going to make you beg for it, just like he said he would. In no shape to even attempt to preserve whatever shred of pride you had left, you almost immediately gave in."P-please Dabi." Your voice was small, and sensual, and you made sure to look up at him with the biggest doe-eyed look you could muster; But, even after you asked him, he suddenly stopped the movements of his hand, and pulled it out; his teasing fingers lingering just ever so lightly over your skin, leaving you with an even worse ache, and making you take a deep, shaky breath before continuing your groveling. Obviously, he wanted to really see you beg, as if you hadn't been humiliated enough tonight already. "Please, Dabi! I-I want you to keep playing with my pussy, please." It wasn't as hard to find the words as you thought; Turns out the thought of having to beg for his touch did turn you on.
Genuinely distressed, your voice carried the tone of someone truly desperate, satisfying Dabi enough to finally push his fingers back inside you with such enjoyable force you sighed in relief at the feeling of being filled by him again.
"Good girl." He cooed, watching your face twist and smile and gasp with pleasure as he pushed his fingers in and out of your tight cunt. Slightly curling them when he was in past the second knuckle, his eyes were glued to your face, feeling like he was hypnotized by the sight of you; Your lips were parted lazily in an 'o' shape while your hands gripped the sheets of his bed so tightly your knuckles were white, screaming and moaning for him, all because of the way he was able to make you feel with just a few fingers.
Suddenly, an idea popped into Dabis head, causing a devious smile to form on his lips once more as he reached onto the nightstand to grab his phone. At the same time, he continued to work his fingers at a steady place along your folds, occasionally rubbing circles against your small bud, while pulling up the camera app on his phone with the other hand.
He clicked the camera on, the flash so bright you could see it behind your closed eyelids and it caught your attention slightly, but it wasn't enough to make you really react at first.
"Such a pretty little slut, spreading you legs for me." Dabis low voice rang through your ears, finally making you open your eyes and look up to see that he was recording you. The lewd sound his fingers were making as he worked your clit echoed loudly through the room, drawing your attention down to look with an appreciative sigh. Moving the camera between your cunt and your face, he asked "You like watching me play with your pussy baby?" And though you couldn't see him behind the flash, you could practically hear the smirk behind his words.
Normally, you wouldn't ever let yourself be recorded like this; but tonight was different. Tonight, there were no rules. Besides, what was he really gonna do with it, anyways?
Looking up at him, and then into the camera lens directly with the most sensual, doe-eyed look you could muster your nodded your head obediently, a chorus of moans falling from your lips as he continued working you with his fingers. He snickered, moving the camera over your exposed body, and down in between your legs, that were spread wide open for him as he worked your cunt.
Suddenly, he put the phone on the bed beside you, removed his hand and started to get up, earning a whine of protest from you, making him laugh again. "So needy." He sneered.
Dabi was quick to grab your legs, and yank your body down to meet where he was standing on the edge of the bed, his throbbing erection catching your eye as you watched him position the swollen tip at your entrance. Seeing his impressive length and girth in comparison to yourself, almost made you a bit nervous; but not nearly as much as it excited you.
You all but screamed out in suspense, waiting for him to finally push inside and stretch you out like you so desperately needed him to; But just as you felt the pleasant sting of his swollen tip pushing inside, he moved it purposefully so it slipped out, and the pathetic, needy little whimper you let out because of it, made the smirk on his face grow even more.
Without completely pushing it in, he rubbed his slippery cock head along your folds, this time making sure to coat it even more in your arousal while once again teasing your weeping hole despicably by just slipping the tip in, ever so slightly, before moving it back out, up, and down again; The anticipation and desire building in your body had you in tears, your head thrown back and eyes shut once more as you called out variations of his name and 'please' mixed with high pitched squeals that escaped every time he almost entered you. You were in such agony that you hadn't even noticed he pulled the camera back out.
As Dabi held the phone above where he was teasing you, he was beaming down with admiration as the flash caused your drenched pussy to glisten and shine while he ran his cock along your folds. The wet, squelching noises that filled the room coupled with the pornographic moans and gasps and pleas you were making, crying and begging for his cock, was almost too much to handle; He had to fuck that tight little cunt of yours, or he felt like he might explode. But, just as he was about to give in, and finally shove his cock inside you, he heard you cry out.
"Daddy," you finally managed to moan out, your voice sultry and dripping with desperation, "daddy please, stop teasing me!" Reaching your hands down to spread your lips open wider for him, you opened your eyes back up to stare up at him, cheeks stained with tears of frustration. At this point, you didn't even care about the camera, looking directly into the lens when he shined the light in your face. "I need your cock inside me Dabi, please." Behind the bright light of the flash, you could see the way he was looking at you, his eyes hungry and mouth slightly agape while he watched you rub slow circles against your clit with one hand while you held the lips back with the other.
In response, Dabis free hand immediately wrapped around your neck, your eyes fluttering closed as he restricted your airflow and positioned himself at your entrance. He began to push himself in agonizingly slowly, and when you felt the pleasant burn and stretch of him filling you up, you don't think had never felt so euphoric. Your mind started going blank and as you mumbled out a chorus of jumbled "thankyous" and moans, he made sure to point the camera at your face once more, making sure to capture the exact moment he violated you, and the look on your pretty little face in the moment he claimed you as his own, before tossing it aside.
"Fuck." He breathed, shutting his eyes for a moment as he bottomed out, trying to focus. The way your warm gummy walls squeezed and clenched around his throbbing cock made him feel beyond elated. "You are so fucking tight baby girl."If he wasn't concentrating, he would've totally painted the inside of your womb by now. Beginning to move himself in, and out, his hands moved to grip onto your hips tightly, pulling you into his thrusts with extra force that had you seeing stars. "Perfect. Fucking. Pussy." Each word he breathed out was accentuated with a harder thrust than the last, his teeth gritting as he felt himself loose control.
You were absolutely cock drunk, unable to form any kind of coherent though or sentence, high pitched moans and squeaks escaping you every time you felt him slam into you. Opening your eyes just enough to see the expression on his face, your hands made their way to his body; One hand steadying itself on his impossibly chiseled torso, and the other around the bicep that was currently choking you out, giving a squeeze of appreciation as he continued to hammer into you.
His eyes locked with yours, and the way his pupils seemed to be blown out caused his lecherous gaze to appear even darker.
"Such a fucking mess for mess for me already, aren't we?" He leered, his fingers clutching your neck just a bit tighter. Leaning his face down closer to yours, your noses were centimeters away as he continued fucking you with a hard and steady rhythm while you stared into his blue eyes with adoration. "You love being fucked like a helpless little doll, don't you?" His voice was coarse and breathy, making you melt for him even more, if that was even possible.
"Ye-yes da-daddy-y." You moaned out weakly, not being able to steady the cadence of your voice against the impact of his thrusts while your eyes unfocused. A slight shift of his hips and suddenly, he was pounding into you so deep, you were positive you could feel him in your stomach. Sure enough, once you glanced down at your abdomen, you saw the not-so-faint outline of his dick popping up every time he filled you up completely. Your eyes went wide as you admired the sight, "wow."
Dabi watched you intently, pride swelling inside him watching you realize what you were seeing. Positioning himself up again a bit, he released your neck and grabbed your hand, placing it over where the bulge was appearing. "You feel that babygirl?" He asked, his smile growing wider as he watched you nod obediently at his question, while pursing your lips and letting out the most delicious whining noise he had ever heard a woman make. Involuntarily releasing a moan after that himself, he felt his release steadily building up.
He grabbed your hip with his free hand while still securing your other one down, and thrusted up into you, making you scream out in pleasure as he continued to hold your position, another lazy smile taking over your lips as you felt the pleasant burn and sting of his impossible length filling you up past the brim.
Quickly grabbing his discarded phone, he pressed record and watched the flash illuminate your features once more. His other hand pressed down harder on yours, making you feel where his cock head was poking out as he asked, "Want me fill you up, baby?" Focusing the shot on your pleading expression and nodding head, he let out one more satisfactory chuckle, "Want me to breed you like a good little whore?"
"Yes!" You screamed impatiently, "Please Dabi!" Tears were falling in steady streams down your cheeks from the force of taking his thrusts, and shutting your eyes so tightly. "Please cum inside me daddy, please.” Crying out, your voice pleaded for him so sincerely as you begged, “I wanna feel it dripping from my pussy so bad." The way his movements began to get harder, and more sporadic, you knew he was about to give in; and your heart was beating so fast you felt like it might explode. “I want it so bad.”
He threw the phone to the side once more, and began to pick up his pace, your words egging his animalistic side on to an uncontrollable degree. "Fuck." He breathed out, cursing himself for having to bust so soon when he waited so long to get you into his hands; no matter, though. There'll be plenty more days like this where this came from. "M'gonna cum." Dabi mumbled out in a rush, his hand finding its way tightly around your neck.
His mumbles and groans were music to your ears, and you had to force your eyes open upon hearing them, wanting to see his expression when he finally released into you. You squeezed your cunt around him as hard as you could, and felt as the weight of his torso distributed against your own as he tucked his face into your neck, a deep groan emanating from his chest as he pushed himself into you as hard as he could.
At the last moment, he grabbed your thighs, pulling them in and pushing them back a bit with the weight of his body while he felt himself finally release inside you; his hot cum coating your insides while you cried out in unison with him, the way he was folding you under him making you feel stretched and filled to the brim.
Your arms wrapped themselves tenderly around his neck, your fingers finding their way up through his messy locks while he rode out the wave of his orgasm, giving delicious low moans and sloppy kisses to your neck, his hot breath across your neck sending shivers down your spine. Burring your head into his hair and closing your eyes, you held his body close, relishing in the feeling of holding him so close; being so intimate.
After a few moments, you felt the full weight of his body rest down onto you, before he pushed himself off and to the side. Pulling you into a tight embrace, he pulled your body flush against his in the bed, securing your butt tightly against his crotch with his hand while rested his head on top of yours; and it wasn’t until that moment, that you truly realized the height difference between you and him. He was massive.
His lips planted a slow, loud kiss on the top of your head as one of his hands lazily reached for his phone around the bed, and you shifted to turn around. Stealing a quick glance up at him, you appreciated the way his handsome and striking features seemed to be softened by the calm expression that settled on his face after his release. Seeing him like that made you smile, and you felt comfortable as you tucked your head into his chest, closing your eyes, releasing a sigh of content and pulling one of the blankets he had strewn around his bed to cover your bodies.
While you fell into a deep, comfortable sleep tucked into his chest, one of his hands ran itself soothingly through your hair, and he occasionally planted a small, soft kiss against the top of your head while whispering praises in your ear. What you didn’t notice, however, was him grabbing a second phone with his free hand, that you didn’t happen to realize, was on the bedside table beside his.
He slid his finger over the screen, surprised that you didn’t even bother locking your phone with a passcode, but eternally grateful for how easy you were making achieving his little scheme go along. Clicking through the screens and apps until he found your contacts book, he didn’t have to scroll through the list for long until his eyes landed on the name he was looking for.
A wicked smile painted itself across his lips as he shared the contact to his phone, placing yours back on the beside table beside him before opening up the messages on his phone. He saved the shared contact, and began to compose a message.
Attaching the video files and pictures he had taken of you falling apart on his cock, Dabi debated whether or not to just send the attachments with no context, before deciding to include a short line of text in his message that read:
She sure was a fun time.
And then, after hitting send, he finally discarded his phone and laid down, closing his eyes with contentment washing over him as he held his new pet in his arms; sleeping so peacefully, with his cum still dripping down your legs.
The last thought in Dabis mind before he finally drifted off himself, was that he was going to have to fuck you a few more times for good measure once you woke up, just to make absolutely sure you were pregnant; But he’ll let you rest for now, you were such a good girl for him after all.
A/N: omfg yall i finally did it ;) it took me literally a month, I hope it was a good read. I’m kind of obsessed with the concept of dabi stealing away Todorokis girl srry the oc ended up being a pos questionable character lMAO
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slytherin-stories · 1 year
Dark Desires.
AN: heyyyyyyyy so i finally wrote some smut >:) lmk if y’all liked it with a comment or reblog!
Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader | Words: 2.8k | Rating: M
Shigaraki stopped in his tracks when he heard you through your door; Looks like you forgot to shut it completely.
Another soft moan escaped from inside your room that intrigued Shigaraki far too much to simply walk away. Then he heard it again,
He felt his cock twitch inside the sweatpants he was wearing. Were you moaning his name?
Ever since you joined The League, Shigaraki took a special interest towards you. At first, he thought it was simply because you were the perfect recruit. You were fast, strong, and decently experienced in combat; He often stopped by your trainings with the others to see how you were progressing. It wasn't until that fateful day, around two weeks ago, that Shigaraki realized exactly why it was he seemed to be so incredibly drawn to you.
Watching as you maneuvered your way around your sparing partner, Shigaraki seemed throughly impressed. You were pairing nicely against your opponent, he thought as he saw you face against your weaknesses with vast improvements.
But suddenly, the vines created from your opponents quirk began to tangle themselves around you. You would have been trapped, but as you felt the scratch of thorns against your skin you escaped quickly, sliding out from under your shirt and falling on the ground in an act of quick thinking; Only now, you were topless.
Your newly exposed breasts caused your male opponent to falter and stare for a bit, giving you a perfect opening to deliver your final blow with precision. Giddy from your victory, you threw your arms up triumphantly and jumped a few times in victory, not realizing Shigarakis eyes were glued onto you from the balcony where he stood watching.
Ever since that day, Shigarakis mind couldn't help but fill with aggressively smutty thoughts about you. He wondered every day what you would like underneath him, your plump chest and supple skin exposed for his pleasure as he pounded into your tight pussy. He wondered what you would look like, what you would sound like.
Until today, that was.
Now, as he stood in front of the cracked door to your room, he was able to get a sneak peak of you at your most vulnerable.
And you looked absolutely delicious to him. Writhing around on your bed with one hand down your pants and the other caressing your bare chest as your eyes were shut. He almost wondered what had gotten you so hot and bothered, but the next second, you moaned out again.
"Oh, Tomoura please-"
Before you were able to get another word out, you jumped up quickly as the door flew open, your hands retreating from the obviously naughty positions they were in just a moment before. Your face burned bright red as you looked sheepishly at the man who suddenly barged through your door. Shigaraki?! Oh my god, did he hear me just now? "What, um," you stuttered, your eyes trying to look anywhere but at him, "what are you doing in here?" Seriously? That's the best you could come up with?
But as you stared at your boss, you saw the desire that burned behind his red eyes. Turning around, he quickly locked the door to your room before turning back to you with a devilish grin. "Are you saying that you'd rather I not be in here?" He moved close, so that he was inches from your face, and you were sure he could feel the heat coming off of it. "I heard your pretty little voice moaning my name." His clothed hand caressed your face, and without been hesitating you leaned into it with a deep sigh, causing his grin to widen even more. "How could I deny an opportunity to corrupt such a pretty little thing?"
Bashful, you looked down, not believing the encounter you had been dreaming about since you first laid eyes on your alluring boss was finally happening. But he was quick to grab your chin, and almost too roughly he forced you to look up at him. You tried fruitlessly to stammer out a sentence of some kind, but to no avail, much to his satisfaction.
Suddenly, you felt his hand slip below the waistband of your pants and caress the skin of your bare ass as he looped his fingers around the edges of your thong, playfully tugging on the fabric. A small yelp escaped your lips as you felt him brush close to your entrance, now slick from anticipation.
A low chuckle vibrated through his chest; He always knew he would love watching you squirm under his touch, and he was right. The small moans and yelps you let out with every tug and pull he made against your skin were music to his ears. "I had no idea you were such a little whore for me, ____."  His voice was low, and the way he stared down at you with such intensity in his eyes while he clawed at your bare ass sent your body reeling, and your knees began to buckle a bit; Much to his pleasure. Shigaraki let out an almost sinister sounding chuckle, swiftly placing his hand under your knees and back, picking up your limp form almost effortlessly. Throwing your body back on the bed you laid on just moments before, he wasted no time crawling on top of you. He put his lips so close to your ear that you could feel them when he whispered, "Do you want Daddy's cock inside you?"
Your eyes grew even wider, and your words choked up again in your throat as your face burned red. Whenever you imagined Tomoura in bed, you always hoped he was more on the kinky side. But a daddy kink? That was so unexpected, and so unbelievably fucking sexy.
You nodded frantically to his question, beginning to squirm under his weight with impatience and lust. "Yes daddy, please." Soft and sensual, your words were made even more lascivious by the staggering breaths you were taking, and you reached to palm his bulge through the pants he was wearing. It felt bigger than you hoped. "I need to feel your cock inside me daddy."
The look in his eyes grew more intense after your delicious admission and he wasted no time beginning to shrug off his pants, which gave you an opportunity to do the same. However, as you were about to discard your underwear, you felt his clothed hands grip your wrists painfully. "Leave those on." His gravely voice was laced with desire, and his death grip on your wrists only intensified as he moved them above your head. "And keep your hands there, got it?"
You nodded, the warm feeling in your abdomen beginning to make you fidget out of need for him. "Okay Tomour-"
Suddenly, his hand made contact with the softest park of your cheek, leaving a slight stinging sensation, and you looked up at him in shock. "What's my name?" He growled, an almost animalistic expression on his face. You had never been hit before; It had you stunned for a moment, but as soon as you were able to comprehend, your mind and body both relished in the moment.
You moaned in response, his actions serving to get you hotter and wetter than you had ever been before. The light, fuzzy feeling in your abdomen only grew larger as you rubbed your legs together, desperately seeking the friction of his rough skin against yours that you so craved. "Okay daddy." Purring out his new title you arched your back a bit, wanting nothing more than for him to finally touch you while you watched him quickly disregard his shirt. You felt the ache intensify with each passing second, especially now that you were face to face with his chiseled, stark naked form. "Daddy, please."
Seemingly satisfied with your response, he relaxed his grimace and crawled over to straddle you on the bed once more, but the fervor behind his expression remained the same. His hands finally made their way down to your bare waist, looping his fingers through the bands of your underwear, pulling on one of the sides and releasing one with a snap. "Mmm, thats right, be a good little slut and beg for daddy's cock." Suddenly, his hand dropped further south. As he cupped you through your drenched underwear, he stared into your eyes, with an intense hunger behind his own. "How long have you been aching for me, baby?" His fingers slipped past your underwear all too breifly, making you whimper when he pulled them away. Then he let out a small laugh and came closer to your ear, his dry skin tickling your ear. "You know I can feel your pussy clenching for me? And you're already so wet..."
His tongue lapped out at the sensitive skin around where your neck and jawline connected. Every small bite, nip, and lick he made against your skin elicited one more moan or cry for more out of you. Trying your absolute hardest not to bring your hands down and give yourself the stimulation you craved, a loud whine left your mouth as your eyebrows furrowed in frustration and you shut your eyes. "Daddy please! Please, please, please I need to feel your thick cock."
The hand that was teasing you through your underwear suddenly, finally, maneuvered its way underneath the thin piece of fabric. Immediately you hummed, maybe even squeaked, in approval. But you could tell you needed more. Opening your eyes, and your legs further, you stared up at Tomoura through your long eyelashes with a sultry look behind them; Silently pleading for him to finally take every last part of you, any way he so desired.
He was quick to place his hand around your throat, and you wished he was able to take off his gloves so you could feel the rough callouse of his hands on your delicate skin as he choked you harder than you've ever been choked before. Letting out a deep groan, he kept his hand tight around your neck, causing your eyes to already roll to the back of your head a bit as he positioned his hard, red tip against your sopping hole. "I love it when you look up at me like that, like the complacent little cumslut you are." Then, without warning, he slammed into you roughly, eliciting another sharp scream from you as your eyes grew wide, watching the sinister look on his face grow with each of your reactions. Holding himself still, he brought his lips to your ear once more. "Fuck, ____.” His whispers danced across your skin, giving you goosebumps among all else. “You feel so fucking tight around my cock."
Moaning in response to his praises, you relished in the feeling Shigaraki was giving you- it was almost ethereal. The way his hand around your neck served to restrict your air flow in the most delicious way while his throbbing member filled your needy cunt had you seeing stars.
Your whole life, you held your darkest desires close out of the fear you'd be looked at as a freak or worse, mentally unstable. At least, before you decided to leave superhero-society and go off on your own as a small time villain, that was. The things you wanted a man to do to you in bed were admittedly a bit intense, but perhaps thats why it never felt right until you were with a man who was himself, truly rough. Not like all the nameless faces from your past; They were simply rebellious boys who didnt know how to use the bodies of the men they were in.
Tomoura was a true villain, who stood for absolute destruction and chaos along with deserved power and authority that was to be taken by force. That's why you decided, so early on in your initial encounter with The League, that he was the only one fit to fulfill such desires. Not to mention, he was incredibly sexy. His dark aura and intriguingly mysterious personality served to draw you in, and his incredibly striking features enticed you towards the idea of him even more. It honestly flabbergasted you how people seemed to make negative remarks about Tomouras appearance, all because of a few scars and dry patches; Because you were always taken back by his handsome face and wild hair that complimented the eerie look that adorned him so often.
He pulled out, and, before you could even whine in protest, shoved himself back into you with such force it caused your eyes to tear up. "Dont get too comfortable just yet, ____." Shigaraki growled, slapping you once more and grabbing your face by your cheeks, forcing you to look into his eyes in delicious aggression you had never experienced before. "Daddy still has to pound that pretty pussy of yours until you cant see straight."  A shiver went down your spine in anticipation.
Shigaraki gave another hard thrust, you moaned, shutting your eyes in pleasure and bringing your hips up to meet his. You must have done something to make him feel exceptional, because a low guttural sound came from deep within his chest as he began to increase his speed quickly. Lying on the bed helplessly, with your hands pinned above your head, you took every inch of his length eagerly, a moan being expelled out of you each time he bottomed out. Your vision began to blur, and your slight loss of motor functions resulted in your mouth hanging slightly agape and your tongue protruding just a bit. While you didnt think much of it at first, since you couldn't really think about anything except the phenomenal feeling of being filled up with the subject of your darkest fantasies, you were, once again, in shock.
Tomoura took the opportunity to spit, mostly in your mouth but he missed just a bit so his saliva began to drip over your cheek. Frozen once more, you tried to get used to the new sensation; The degradation.
A smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, he finally released your wrists, and smeared his saliva all over your face as you stared back up at him. You smiled up at him, and embraced the mess he was making on you with an enthusiastic giggle.
Without a single word, he quickly pulled out of you, and grabbed your torso. Flipping you onto your stomach, and lifting you up by your hips so you rested on your knees, he shoved your face into the pillow in front of you when you tried to look back at him.
Though you still felt empty, and while you were unable to say anything, you simply wiggled your butt back and forth, trying to tempt him back into you. You felt him run the tip of his length along your slick folds, even bouncing it off of them, lewd sounds filling the air as you whined into your pillow.
His right hand steadied itself on your hips, as the other placed itself in the middle of your lower back, pushing down slightly. “Arch your back for daddy, baby girl- yeah, augh, juust like that.” Sliding in once more, a bit slowly, Shigaraki felt himself savoring the warm feeling even more. The way your tight, warm, walls clenched around him as he watched your ass shake with every impact he made into you. His hand smacked your ass hard, and even though he was wearing a glove, he still managed to make you yelp in response.
He loved having you at his mercy like this, submitting to him without even an ounce of protest in those big, ‘fuck-me’ eyes of yours; He almost didnt want it to be over, but-
“Mmmmm, fill me with your cum, daddy!” Somehow, you managed to turn your face without him noticing, yelling out something so dirty, just for him. His intensity picked up, and he began to thrust into you with every inch he had, almost positive your ass would be bruised the next day.
Good. Tomoura smirked at the thought, excited to see the marks he left on your skin after you finally surrendered yourself to him; The first of many.
Abruptly, your hips began to meet his as you thrusted back, and he was positive that he wasn’t able to hold back any more once he heard your loud screams being barely concealed by the pillow you lay your face in. His thrusts became sporadic, but as he felt himself begin to shoot out his hot cum, he held your hips as close to him as he could.
Laying his body against yours, you could feel the heavy movements of his chest as he whispered in your ear, still holding your hips tight, “you are mine.”
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slytherin-stories · 1 year
I hope y’all enjoy, this is my first piece of writing in a looooong time.
Don’t forget I take requests!
Bakugou hated when people had quirks annoyingly similar to his.
Ever since your first day meeting him during the entrance exam, and witnessing your fire production and manipulation powers, he knew you'd be a tough bug to squash. From the second you exhibited your quirk in front of the others, he could already hear the similarities being drawn between you too.
"Woah, did you see that girls quirk?"
"Yeah! Fire manipulation is totally cool, and super helpful in combat."
"Hey, doesnt Bakugou have the same power?"
"No, he can only make explosions. She seems to be able to do whatever she wants with fire."
"Yeah, I saw her use a rope of fire to take down one of the robots!"
"I saw her fly!"
Bakugou audibly grunted at the memory. "Can only make explosions", what kind of bullshit comment was that. His quirk was awesome, one of the best. Who were his second-rate classmates to deem his amazing quirk as anything less than the best?
With his usual scowl, he got up from the table he was sitting at, and made his way to the quad. He knew you'd be studying down under the willow tree, you were always spending any free time down there.
"Sitting in the sun just gives me so much more energy!" You chirped lightly, smiling sickeningly wide at Bakugous face after he asked, in annoyance, why you were always reading in the quad rather than training or sparring with the others.
He scoffed at his memories once more. Sitting in the sun? You think you are just so much better than everyone else, don't you ____? Turning the corner in the hall and walking through the doors that led to area where you sat, Bakugou began to feel himself get fired up; Just itching to tear you a new one and explain how he was the best, and you were here out of sheer luck.
But what he saw when he finally made his way under the willow tree stopped him dead in his tracks.
As he stood, about three hundred yards away from where you sat, under the same tree, he noticed a new figure sitting down next to you. A male figure.
"Deku." Bakugou said through clenched teeth. His fists began to form tight balls at his sides as he watched you and Mydoria, sitting together, so closely, on your blanket. He watched you laugh, and playfully hit him on the arm in response to something he said, and while you may not have noticed it, Bakugou could see the intensity of Midoriyas blush from where he was standing.
Not being able to contain himself anymore, Bakugou huffed out of where he was standing and immediately began stomping over to where you two sat. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING DEKU?!"
His scream seemed to startle the both of you, but definitely had more of an effect on Midoriya, as he jumped straight up from where he was sitting to stand at attention, while you merely furrowed your brows at him in a skeptical scowl. Are you not intimidated by his awesome power and brute strength? That's even more annoying than your quirk.
"What? I didnt mean anything by it Kacchan I swear!" Midoriya rushed out, taking a few steps back with each one Bakugou took forward. "____ and I are partners for a project and I just thought that-"
"You dont have to explain yourself, Izuku." You butted in, finally standing up on your own and moving so you were in between them. Giving him a mean squint and crossing your arms, you looked at Bakugou directly in his eyes; And you could have swore for just a second, you thought you saw something all too familiar. But it couldn't be. "What's your problem, hothead?"
For a second, Bakugou was too stunned to speak. He was so used to you being happy and unbothered, he wasn't prepared for anything else. Not to mention, when you were staring into his eyes so intently, he couldn't help but recognize how big and pretty he thought they were; And maybe that he had always felt that way.
But suddenly, he realized that you were expecting an answer, and he was just standing there like a fool with his mouth open. Not very becoming of the next top hero.
Midoriya, who was all but forgotten in Bakugous mind, piped up from the corner he had backed into. "Hey-uh, I think I'm just gonna leave you guys to it, okay?" His voice carried meekly to where you guys stood, and continued to exit the quad through the south exit. "Ill see you in class, ____!"
Anger bubbled up once more in Bakugous chest upon hearing what Deku said to you. Since when are you two such good friends anyway?
"Since he was the one who's been nice to me in class since we started here, for one!" You snapped at him, causing his eyes to involuntarily grow a bit wide; He didnt mean to say that part out loud. "Unlike you, who yells at me every chance you can get, just to tell me about how much more 'superior' your quirk is to mine." Though, as your classmate stood in front of you, you noticed the way his sleeves were rolled halfway up his forearm, exposing the toned muscle definition you got to sneak glimpses of during your hero training. It made something low in your abdomen twitch, and you chastised yourself for even dreaming of that reality for a second. There was no way Bakugou was interested in you, or maybe even anyone, like that.
"I dont yell at you!" He shouted, simply earning another grimace from your plump, pouty lips. "I just..." Unable to formulate a coherent thought to describe what he was feeling, he trailed off, almost startling you more than when he raised his voice at you.
Your eyebrow shot up in a moment of genuine concern. "Katsuki? Are you okay?"
That was the first time he heard you use his first name. He liked the way it seemed to roll off your tongue, and the way you were looking up at him with those big, bright eyes made him reluctantly flush a light crimson.
"Are you-Are you blushing right now?"
Bakugou was quick to respond. "NO SHUT UP!" But his usual intimidation tactics seemed to have no effect on you, and he watched a small smirk tug its way at the end of your lips. He tried to quickly think of a way out of his situation, when he was suddenly distracted by the sound of a buttons coming undone.
Your hands continued their semi-slow descent undoing the buttons of your blazer, to reveal your school uniform shirt unbuttoned dangerously low. If you were right, and Bakugou came over here for the reason you think he did, hope he did, then there was one thing you could definitely do to try and make his tough guy facade crack a little quicker.
Feigning heat exhaustion, you began to frivolously fan your face as you discarded your blazer on the ground.
“W-What’re you doing?” Bakugous voice was laced with something you had heard plenty of times before; Desire.
Eyes going wide once more, you used your free hand to tug at the sides of your shirt, exposing your cleavage even more than it was before. Thank god you decided to wear a push up bra today. “Ugh,” you exclaimed, pretending not to notice him squirming over your subtleties, “its just so hot today, you know?”
But finally, Bakugou seemed to have found his confidence once more; He knew what you were trying to do, and he found it so damn annoying he could smack the smirk off your face right now and force you onto your knees in front of him where you belonged. Without waiting another second, he lunged toward you.
Though his attempt, while futile in its initial efforts, proved useful in the fact that upon dodging his advance, you were able to use his own weight against him and manage to get him to land on his back. While you straddled his waist tightly, you made sure to grind your hips ever so slightly. Not enough for anyone who may be onlooking to notice, but certainly enough that you were able to feel him twitch underneath the strain of his now-tight pants.
“What the hell are you doing, ____?” Only now, Bakugous question came in a hushed whisper, as he frantically looked around To make sure no one was watching you guys.
Dipping your waist down a bit lower as to make your eyes level, and give him a better view of your cleavage, you got dangerously close to his face. Possibly for the first time, you were able to study the sharp features of his face, and admire his impossibly clear skin and perfectly messy hair; Suddenly, Bakugou wasn’t the only one with red cheeks. “Are you telling me you didn’t initially rush over here in a jealous rage, because I was talking to Midoriya?”
The way your breath danced lightly across his skin from such a close proximity caused an involuntary shiver to run down his spine, and he scowled in defense of his tough-persona. “Of course not, why would you ever think I’d be jealous of Deku.” Though, as you stared down into his amber eyes, you felt a giddy feeling build in your stomach.
“Well,” you started, a sultry tone carried in your voice as you moved your lips closer to his ear, “if you weren’t jealous, then what was it you were coming over here for?”
An uncharacteristic whimper left his lips, and you felt his crotch twitch under where you straddled his waist once more. However, before you could finish your delish torture of your newly found admirer, a familiar voice caused you both to stop dead in your tracks, and you could almost feel his impossible length retract from under his pants.
“What do you two think you’re doing out here?” Aizawas monotone voice cut through the palpable tension you two had created, and now both of your faces were a deep beet red. You two scrambled to get up, stuttering desperately to find a suitable answer, but Aizawa simply waved it off, “Just get back to class, you two missed warm-up training exercises already.”
Now Bakugous turn to smirk, he looked away from Aizawa, and back at you struggling to button up your top at an impossible speed. “Dont worry, sir. ____ took the liberty of teaching me her own warm-up excercise.”
“Just get back to class.”
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slytherin-stories · 1 year
You watched Steve with careful eyes as he once again made his way into your plushy prison cell.
By your calculations you had probably been locked away in his basement for about a week now, and each day becomes more confusing and frustrating than the last. The first few days felt like an apocalyptic type nightmare that you would discover as your reality upon waking up. Then just as the denial began to dissipate, things had certainly taken an unexpected turn last night when he had invited you up for dinner.
“Why did you ask me what it tasted like?” Steve questioned, his eyes squinting down at your sitting figure. He was holding a plastic grocery bag with what looked like clothes inside of it.
You took a moment to study his expression, trying to discern what type of mood he was in. He was hard to read but you adapted quick; So far you had managed not only to not piss him off, but a part of you felt like he had taken a personal interest in you- not just your meat. Trying your best to make your eyes as big and doe-like as possible, you looked up at him through your lashes. “Just curious, I suppose.” Though that wasn’t exactly the truth; This situation was very layered.
Squinting down harder, he bit his lip in contemplation for a moment before finally deciding to drop the grocery bag in front of you. “Well, I was thinking we could have dinner tonight.” His tone lowered as did he, crouching down in front of you. With his sudden proximity you could see the ferocity In his eyes. It made you gasp; Much to his pleasure. “And we can see how curious you really are.”
Though after he spoke he had yet to stand back up. Suddenly, his hand reached out for the side of your face, cupping your cheek as you held your breath. He smirked at the reaction and ran his thumb over your cheek in soothing motions. You found yourself melting into his touch with a deep exhale.
He chuckled, his deep voice vibrating through you and again, cursing an involuntary shudder to ring throughout your spine. “Mmmm, If I didn’t know better princess I’d say you were enjoying my presence.”
I mean, it’s not like you weren’t. As much as you hate yourself for admitting it, some part of you had grown attracted to your aggressor. Despite the preliminary seething anger and feelings of betrayal he had caused to stir up inside of you the night of your capture, you had also discovered an ever-growing infatuation.
While you must admit the idea of him slowly dismembering and consuming you was unnerving, he had yet to actually take any part of you. Not that you didn’t believe he wouldn’t, but as the days come and go you can hear the other girls faint screams and fruitless sounds of struggle as Steve would take them up to his operating room; Yet not once had he taken you from your cell.
Except for tonight. A voice rang in your head, looking down upon the bag in front of you. Inside was a nice, silky black mid-length dress and a few basic makeup items. No shoes, though. You thought, staring down at the same socks you had been wearing for almost a week.
But right now, you were trying to focus on the positive. While your situation was all but desirable, if tonight’s dinner went well, you had a feeling things were about to improve for you. If you had to guess, serial killers and crazed cannibals don’t often wine and dine their victims.
And you were right.
Disregarding the connotation that came with last nights dinner, you had to chalk it up to a success. In addition to finally bringing you some nice clothes with your dress, a simple sweater and skirt, Steve also threw in an assortment of basic makeup items in your bag. While it wasn’t everything you could have hoped for, the mascara and lip gloss he gifted you definitely worked to make your face look more sultry during your meal together.
You can admit you weren’t great at too many things, but you could always tell when a man was attracted to you; and the way Steve’s eyes never strayed from you didn’t go unnoticed.
They frequently darted between your eyes and your mouth, almost like watching you eat the meals he made got him off. It probably did. Your brain reminded you. Use it.
With slow motions you cut off another piece of the dish he prepared you, and brought it up to your mouth while never breaking eye contact. You could see the way his pupils grew and eyes darkened, prompting you to gently part your lips just ever so slightly; and take a small, careful bite. Trying to ignore what exactly it was that you were eating, you tried your best to make it look like the best bite you had ever taken.
From there, things got interesting to say the least. While the sexual tension between you two was palpable, nothing that Steve did or said gave you enough confidence that his attraction to you was stronger than his desire to consume you. At least, not until right now.
As Steve stood in front of you, you remained crouched down on your knees looking to at him through your mascara-coated lashes. “Yes?”
Though he remained silent, you could tell he was thinking about what to do by the way his jaw was clenching. Such a sharp jawline.
Still silent, he crouched down in front of you, his eyes burning holes into you. It almost worried you, the way he wasn’t speaking. His usual light banter was typically how you could tell he was in a good mood.
Trying your best to keep somewhat of a poker face, you cocked your head to the side slightly. “Steve,” you began, your voice gentle as possible,” are you oka-“
A sudden choke cut you off as Steve’s hand clamped tightly around your neck. “Shut up,” he breathed, “and let me think.” The devious look in his eyes sent a chill down your spine.
Fear began to pool inside your abdomen...along with something else. A small whimper escaped you as you took in the delicious situation. As much as he scared you, Steve enticed you even more. Besides the fact that you’ve always been an outcast and he was impossibly good at making you feel seen, his lifestyle was alluring.
And he was just a gorgeous specimen.
“You like that, don’t you?” He said through his teeth, bringing you back to reality. “I knew it. You’re filthy. You want to be daddy’s little whore.”
Your eyes grew wide, not believing the moment you’ve been craving ever since he tied you up on the first night was actually happening.
Not that you hadn’t had sex before he captured you, you had; and it was good, but Steve was playing a part back then. He acted with reservations, inhibitions.
You both did.
But now, now as you sit there relishing in the feel of his hand around your throat, you could both be free.
“Yes, daddy.” You choked out, your eyes closing as you threw your head back.
He scoffed and gripped your neck harder, a nasty smirk curling on his lips. “I fucking knew it.” His free hand hooked onto the waistband of your sleep shorts, “You pretended to be happy in your fancy corporate world,” then suddenly his hand plunged, “but , I know what you really want.” As his fingers teased their way into your folds you couldn’t help but to fidget at the sensation; Your eyes even rolled back for a brief moment. “You want to submit to someone. To me. You don’t want to ever use that pretty little head of yours for anything other than giving me pleasure.”
Steve began to gently spread his fingers and you gasped suddenly, relishing in the feeling. “Steve I-“
Your head was slammed into the wall behind you and the grip on your neck suddenly became threatening. “Bad girl,” he brought his lips up to your ear, “you know what my name is.”
Another whimper escaped you as you moaned out his new title. “Daddy, please.” His fingers began to move again, but just ever so slightly. You whined again.
“What’s wrong my dumb little bunny?” He teased, “please what?” The more gravely his voice got the tighter you felt yourself clench.
Oh god, he was gonna make you say it.
You tried to buck your hips around to attempt to create some friction but your efforts were thwarted when Steve held down your hips. “Nuh-uh-uh.” He clicked, taking his hand out from inside my shorts and causing me to let out a huge whine. The smirk that painted itself on his face grew wider at my reaction. “What is it, ____?”
You tried your best to throw your biggest, most pouty-expression on him. “Daddy, please stop teasing me.” Looking up at him through your eyelashes you silently pleaded with him. “I need to feel you.”
Suddenly you were pushed onto the floor, and as you laid on your back you watched the man above you grow hungry with desire. He quickly threw his shirt off over his head, revealing the impossibly perfect physique you had been craving since your last night together.
His teeth suddenly sunk into your neck with a delicious sting; coinciding with the return of his hand down your shorts, you gasped, and you felt his low chuckle vibrate through your body. “Mmm, you are so delicious.” Steve’s whispers danced across your neck as he nibbles on your earlobe. “My dumb, beautiful, complacent little cumslut.” One of his fingers teased your entrance mercilessly as you relished in the way he spoke to you.
It was easy for you to loose yourself like this. To just completely surrender your body and mind to Steve; Anything he wants, you’ll give him, just as long as he keeps touching you.
Once you felt his long finger slip inside you your eyes closed and a moan escaped from deep in your chest. You bucked your hips trying to meet his hand in a thrust.
“You want it rough, huh?” He chuckled, his eyes growing darker as he stared down with a sinister look. “What a dirty little slut.” Pulling his finger back out, you whined at the loss, and he started to tease your slick folds again, making him chuckle.
As another one of his fingers slid over, and across, but never inside you, a loud whine left you with impatience. You looked up at him, your eyes pleading for him to completely take over, but you knew he was having too much fun watching you squirm to make it that easy.
But this wasn’t your first rodeo, and it looked like it was about time to flip the script and pull out the tricks.
Releasing any inhibitions you previously held, each movement he made elicited a sultry moan or mewl, and tried your best to muster up the most sensual expression possible. Your eyes fluttered close when his speed picked up, and he finally plunged two of his digits inside you.
A high pitched squeak left your mouth at the sudden movement- a sound that drove Steve crazy. His smirk grew from ear to ear as he continued to plunge into you with the same delicious brute force that made you cry out the first time. Steve relished in the sounds of your moans bouncing off the walls. He loved to be the one to do this to you.
“_____, you really are irresistible.” His praises washed over you, adding to your euphoric state as he continued pumping his fingers into you at a steady rate. “I knew from the moment I saw you that I’d have to have you. I knew I’d have to make you mine forever.” Suddenly, his hand focused in on your bundle of nerves, applying a delicious amount of pressure in a circular motion that made you scream out in pleasure.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you relished in the feeling. “Fuck daddy,” You breathes, arching your back to meet his hand,” you make me feel so fucking good!” Thrashing your hands around in their binds, you fervently thrust your hips up, trying desperately to create the friction you so craved.
A low chuckle vibrates through his chest as he finally obliged your requests, plunging his hand a bit deeper, and with just a bit more of the delicious force he was using. As he curled his fingers another sultry mewl rolled off your tongue, eagling him on. “You are such a nasty little slut, moaning for me.” Steve’s free hand cupped your face, “I bet you’ve been wanting this ever since you woke up chained to my floor.”
You nodded, a meek look in your eyes as you looked up at the handsome devil above you.
“And I love it when you fucking look at me like that, god.” He breathed out, his dark eyes locking with yours. “Like a beautiful, complacent little bunny. My bunny.” Your sexy new title rolling of his tongue was music to your ears and you let out another sharp squeal of joy, followed by a brief case of the giggles, making him smirk even more. As he picked up the pace you spread your legs open further, trying desperately to get him to fuck you.
“Daddy,” you whined, your eyes closed as he slipped his fingers in and out, and all over your slick pussy. “deeper daddy, please.”
Steve continued staining down at your possesively, watching how you responded so eagerly to every little touch. “You want it deeper baby?” He cooed, slipping in a third finger and beginning to pump incredibly, incredibly slow. An evil look came into his eye “I think you’re gonna have to do something for me first.” And before you could ask what, he took his fingers out of you and began to speedily undo his pants.
It felt like not a moment passed before you were faced with his impressive length, plopping promptly out of his pants and bouncing around deliciously.
Without much warning, he grabbed the back of your head and steadied himself as he shoved his dick inside your mouth, and down your throat. You moaned deeply as he began to push in and out.
“Fuck yes just like that.” He hissed, his mouth hanging open with pleasure. “Be a good little slut for me.”
You closed your eyes and relished in the moment; possibly the hottest sex you’ve ever had— and you haven’t even fucked yet.
Swirling your tongue and sucking extra hard for a little pizzazz that you hoped would impress Steve, you wished your hands weren’t still bound in their shackles so you could use them to help.
But it was kind of hot being tied up like this.
He suddenly jerked himself forward even harder, and held your head down to keep himself deep inside you for a long pause, causing a deep guttural moan to rise from your chest.
The vibrating sensation deliciously encapsulated his already throbbing member deep in your throat and Steve threw his eyes back in pure pleasure. He knew he had found what he had been looking for his whole life.
He pulled himself out with a pop, and saw a glob of saliva drip down your chin, enticing him to smear it all over your face as you continued to look up at him with those delectable “fuck-me” eyes. His smirk grew from ear to ear as he finally gave your chest a hard push, and as you fell on your back he quickly spread your legs open and crawled over you.
Positioning himself at your entrance, he placed a hand over your neck, and whispered in your ear,
“Are you ready for me, princess?”
A/N: Ahhhhh guys I did it! I wrote ! If you liked it, comment, and there will be a part 2 ! If you have any other requests pls hit my ask box as it is open 😃
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slytherin-stories · 3 years
hey! this my other blog. Any Billy Loomis/Scream fans ?
How do yall feel about Billy Loomis from scream? Honestly so in love with him rn wanna write something but im so blocked i havent written in years. Ideas? Help?
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slytherin-stories · 3 years
anyone still here? im down to keep writing
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slytherin-stories · 7 years
here for you
wow i forgot how intense malfoys character got in thbp so heres an emotional take on the reader being forced into a situation similar to his
The sound of the door opening caused you to jump a foot in the air, turning around with your wand poised. Though, when you saw an alarmed Draco, you instantly felt at ease. At least, relatively, that was.
"____?" His voice was cautious, and you weren't exactly sure how it came over you. Whether it was what was about to happen, the fact that he was here, or all of it, but something strange happened that second. You didn't feel strong and powerful, but low, and rather weak. Scared. In that moment, you realized, you cried. "____!"
His arms instantly enveloped you, sitting next to you on the windowsill while ugly sobs escaped your throat. For weeks, you had felt the world closing in on you, the inescapable fear that one day, they would ask too much. And they had.
Rain steadily poured down against a large window, producing a chilling contrast to the typical warmth Draco provided.
He seemed to be the only one you could turn to. In a world full of variables, he was the only constant. His smell, so distinctly rich cologne and an odd aroma of smoke, comforted you in a way that nothing else could. You wanted nothing more than him, and him only. But you weren't stupid.
"Love, will you tell me whats wrong?" His voice was nothing more than a soft whisper lost amongst your moans. If you hadn't already cast a silencing spell, you would be embarrassed beyond repair. "Please."
"They're making me do it." You screamed weakly, clutching onto his forearm with a faint grip. "Don't you see, Draco? They're making me get it." My sobs turned into a silent, violent shaking in his arms, wanting nothing more than an alternate reality.
His hands reached out to grab my chin, almost forcing me to face him. When I finally met his eyes, I could see the pain in them, for he could see the fear in mine. His hands began a soothing path through my messy hair, trying their best to smooth the knots. Suddenly, he understood what was wrong, he understood what you were afraid of.
"The Dark Mark." He breathed, feeling you jump when he said the words. You began to spiral once more, though felt Draco pull your body closer to his. "When is your ceremony?"
Feeling that you exhausted yourself, it seemed that your body had calmed some, though tears still seemed to glide down your cheeks. "Tonight." You muttered, finding the strength to take a deep, but shaky, breath.
"Hey, it's going to be alright." As he whispered you were able to feel the warmth from his breath dance across the top of your head, providing a small but powerful feeling of comfort to you. "I can come, if you want."
Nodding silently, you allowed yourself to suppress the emotions once more. You never succumbed to emotional outbursts. You couldn't. Turning to face him fully, you lazily wiped your face with your sleeve, earning a small smile from your boyfriend.
You laughed a bit, realizing how animated you had made such a small situation. "I know, Im being dramatic."
"No," he said quickly, taking your hand in his own, "you're not. Not at all."
Though you began to feel yourself choke up again at his small action, and wanted desperately for this night to be over with. Your fingers began to trace up his arm, up his sleeve, your curiosity unspoken, but blatantly obvious. "Did," you took in another breath, not wanting to meet his eyes again. Not quite yet. "Did it hurt?"
Such a silly question, but simplicity seemed to sooth you. Both of you. "Only for a bit." You knew that he hadn't a choice either, the pressure from a long line of dark wizards and an overwhelming majority of death eaters in his own family was too great of a force to overcome. He had always wanted to be like his father in an attempt to gain his love, though I feel, he doesn't yearn after it anymore. Not after what became of Lucius. What he made Draco do.
Draco took you over to your bed, laying next to you silently. His hands continued their soothing motions through your hair, and you listened closely to the small sounds he made as he breathed, the steady rise and fall of his chest. You weren't able to fall asleep, though the lump in your throat seemed to subdue enough to allow a healthy amount of air back into your lungs.
There was no way to tell how long you two laid there like that, but when you heard a knock on your door, time seemed to slip through your fingers. Before you sat up, you placed a hard grip onto his hand, averting your eyes away from his own. Your actions were uncharacteristic at the least, and your pride had already suffered enough. But you had to ask, if you didn't, you felt as though you wouldn't be able to carry on.
"Will you, will you stay with me after?" The second the whisper left your lips, you were returned with a kiss. It was tender, and full of an emotion that seemed to instantly warm your heart. He  instilled a shred of confidence in you, large enough, for you to carry on.
"Of course."
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slytherin-stories · 7 years
young love
Guys! This is my first ever draco story! I hope you guys enjoy and remember that I am open for requests! (nsfw accepted) -Yang Joo
"Oh Draco, don't be so dramatic." You cried, smiling down at the blonde haired boy who sat before you. The common room was rather quiet, and you sat with your boyfriend, playing up a tiny scratch in the most 'Draco' way possible.
"____! I nearly lost my arm." Though you could read his expression, and was able to tell that even he could see how unreasonably animated he was being.
Your eyebrows shot up, running your fingers gently across his good arm. "Poor baby, do you want some more ice? Or should all the attention suffice?" Finally, you were able to crack a smile from him. "See, I knew it."
He chuckled a bit, moving over on the couch just enough for a space for you. "You do seem to know me the best, ___. I mean, how could I pass up an opportunity like this?"
Looking over his features, you took a moment to simply appreciate him. The way his smile was, for once, genuine. And the fact that he had broken free of the misconception that he had to use half a bottle of hair gel every morning, just to look like his father. He had changed so much since last year. Suddenly the curious, talkative boy, had developed into, well...into a prince. Something in him was changing, and whether it was for the better or for the worse, you realized you had to be there for him.
"What are you thinking about, love?" His voice was a low whisper, and uncharacteristically he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
A small blush dusting your cheeks at his action. While your relationship was relatively established, the line between friendship and intimacy seemed to waver more with each passing day. "Just, you. Us."
His face moved ever so close to yours, his smile never slipping. "One of my favourite subjects."
For a moment you seemed caught in time, focusing on his bright eyes and wonderfully distinct smell. Though, you found yourself trying to brush everything off, slightly shoving him away.
He winced, cradling his arm gently and looking over with pleading eyes. "___, that really does hurt!"
For a moment, you almost felt bad for hurting him. Though, when a slight chuckle broke his demeanor, you found yourself laughing along with him.
I hope things never change.
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slytherin-stories · 7 years
hello! im back in this fandom and draco is irresistable so pls request away! Smut is accepted (Just,,,,,,,,,, no d*ddy kinks pls)
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