slyvester101 · 2 hours
When Carolina and Tucker first meet, Tucker immediately clocks that she’s a fake redhead.
Not even Wash knew, and he’s known her for years. Has seen her without her helmet on countless times.
Carolina is shocked because she also dyes her eyebrows and her goddamn eyelashes and she’s a damn good redhead so no one has ever questioned it before.
But Tucker knows a fake ass bitch when he sees one. And he sees a big ole bitch using box dye for her fake ass hair.
(He may or may not get punched for saying that last part aloud)
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slyvester101 · 2 hours
Caboose and Wash bonding over their head trauma.
Caboose and Wash sharing tips on how they remember things and keep track of dates and names and where they are versus where they’re supposed to be.
Caboose and Wash both being at risk/susceptible to seizures due to their head trauma, so all the sim troopers have to learn how to help them through it.
Caboose and Wash having panic attacks because they can’t remember an important detail about their lives (they should know this they should know this they should know this why don’t they know this?)
Caboose and Wash both being able to remember Tucker’s name. Always. First try. Easiest thing to remember. (Tucker being scared of the day they don’t.)
Caboose and Wash hating the giant gaps in their memory, so they spend a lot of time trying to fill it.
Caboose and Wash sharing stories all the time because they don’t want to forget…
What were we talking about again?
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Tucker is the kind of guy to look Washington in the eyes while holding him with all the love in the world and go: “You are my light, my love, my everything. I will stand with you forever and keep you in my heart always.”
And make Washington absolutely swoon, but when Wash goes to gush about how suave and sweet Tucker is when they’re alone to Donut, Tucker bursts through the door like: “I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE YOU BITCH”
And then tackle Wash to the floor.
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Tucker when he first meets Carolina: With all due respect, which is none—
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slyvester101 · 1 day
I’m feeling sappy so
Tucker’s fav places to kiss Washington
• Trick question, everywhere
• But notable choices are
• His freckles
• The crook of his neck
• The back of his neck (specifically the port)
• The bridge of his nose (there’s a perfect little indent for him to kiss)
• The inside of his thighs (he’s very sensitive there)
• And, of course, his pretty little lips
Wash’s fav places to kiss Tucker
• the back of his hand (the only thing he can do that actually flusters Tucker)
• The scars on his stomach
• His scars in general
• The hollow of his cheeks
• The underside of his jaw
• The dip of his hip
• His lips
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Tucker: How long does it take before you start hallucinating from sleep depression?
Carolina: I think—
Wash: Seventy-two hours
Carolina, mildly worried: How do you know?
Wash: There’s a clown behind you
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Simmons: Can you teach me how to hoe?
Tucker: Rude
Tucker: [sips whine]
Tucker: But yes
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Tucker: I’m super cool! I’m the coolest!
Tucker: In fact, I was once arrested for being too cool.
Church: The charges were dropped because there was a lack of supporting evidence.
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Wash: So apparently the “bad vibes” I’ve been feeling is actually “severe psychological distress”
Church: Well if what you have is psychological distress, I don’t even want to know what I have
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slyvester101 · 1 day
Tucker when he first meets Carolina: With all due respect, which is none—
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slyvester101 · 1 day
If Tucker can't handle hand kisses, do you think Wash can't handle it when Tucker says he loves him for the first time? Like action speaks louder, but the confirmation from Tucker, the idea of him being lovable makes Wash's heart soar. I like to think that Wash is more prone to do Tucker's whims if he asks because Wash is high on the fuzzy feeling he's experiencing.
Oh, definitely. Wash is a sappy, love sick puppy anytime Tucker says or does something that blatantly proves the love and affection he has for Wash.
He doesn’t even need to say ‘I love you’ necessarily because there are a million ways to say it and Tucker knows a lot of them:
“I know you didn’t eat yet, so I brought you food.”
“I know you like these, so I got a bunch.”
“I thought of you when I saw this.”
“I’m always going to come for you.”
“Even when I’m pissed at you, I want you to stay.”
Etc. Etc.
Wash isn’t used to being known by someone, nevermind being loved for it, so when Tucker shows just how much he loves every part of Wash, even if it drives him up the wall, Wash might get just a little shaky after. 
And Tucker doesn’t really think about it since it’s such second nature to him. It’s not a big deal to him to know random facts about Wash that were only mentioned once or finish a task that Wash forgot because he’s hyperfocused on something else. It’s just what a good partner does. (Plus, he’s more interested in getting Wash flustered from his flirting than his proclamations of love).  
That being said, Wash is much more likely to listen to Tucker (specifically times when he’s hurt and refuses to go to the med bay) after getting a casual confession of devotion like that. But more often than not, he just ends up staring at Tucker with this absolutely besotted look. 
The reds make fun of him for it sometimes. Tucker thinks it's cute whenever he catches him staring.
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slyvester101 · 2 days
ur tuckington posts are so cute, how do u think wash would be with junior? i think he'd be so stressed over trying to get junior to like him
Ooh, yes. I love thinking about how Junior comes into play in Tuckington.
Tucker has definitely bragged about Junior to Wash before, talking about how smart and awesome his kid is so Wash knows about him and knows how important he is to Tucker so once they start dating, he definitely stresses over whether or not Junior will like him. 
I also think it’d be funny if Wash didn’t know Junior was an alien until like, right before they met because Tucker is one hundred percent an unreliable narrator and forgot to tell Wash about how he gave birth to the now seven foot ten-year-old half Sangeheili after being selected to fulfill some aliens’ prophecy. 
Wash had many questions. 
Other than that, I think Wash is pretty good with Junior. I like the headcanon that Wash has sisters (he is definitely a middle child and you can fight me on that) so he knows how to work with kids and while he’s unpracticed and a little clumsy and maybe a bit confused (“how does human child rearing translate into alien child rearing?”), he’s got spirit and he gets attached to this kid very quickly.
Junior also likes Wash, mainly because he’s one of the few people he can actually play-wrestle with, aside from Caboose of course, but also because he’s nice and didn’t try to shoot or kill Junior when they first met and he’s good to his dad and he gets Junior some of the best snacks ever— (The list goes on for a while).
Tucker damn near proposed when he saw how soft Wash got with his kid. It doesn’t help that Junior will call Wash a secondary parental term in Sangheili that only Tucker understands. Wash is very touched when he finds out, the sap.
But yeah, they’re a happy family and this is totally canon and not just my wishful thinking. Thanks for asking
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slyvester101 · 3 days
Tucker to Wash at some point: FLIRT BACK GOD DAMN IT
Wash, mildly distressed: HOW
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slyvester101 · 3 days
live laugh lavernius
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slyvester101 · 3 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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slyvester101 · 3 days
Tucker can’t handle hand kissing.
Which is honestly bullshit because he can spew complete and utter garbage and not get even a little embarrassed. He can talk about the kinkiest shit and not get flustered. He’s done some of the kinkiest shit ever and still be relaxed and blaze about it.
But the moment someone takes his hand and tenderly kisses the back of it? The moment someone gently presses their lips to his hand in something short and sweet? Something that should be mindless and cute and shouldn’t affect Tucker at all?
Tucker fucking swoons.
He discovers this during his relationship with Wash, when things are still new and the high of finally getting to tap that sweet piece of ass makes him giddy with affection.
It’s been a nice morning, Wash still wrapped up in his bed as he got ready for some training with the lieutenants. He was already running late since Wash insisted on being stubborn, not letting Tucker out of bed without a sufficient amount of kisses and then proceeding to stretch out his unfairly attractive body over his sheets in a very enticing display.
Tucker debated just dropping his armor back off and spending the rest of his morning with Wash, rarely getting the chance to see Wash so calm and comfortable. Unfortunately, his training session was with Carolina and the threat of the wrath of his fellow aqua soldier was enough to get him up and moving.
(Besides, if he didn’t go, Carolina would come here and snap Wash out of whatever sweet mood he’d woken up in and Tucker is praying Wash stays in it long enough for him to come back and appreciate it properly)
After he finished suiting up, he crossed over to the bed where Wash was slowly falling back asleep and gave a quick kiss to his cheek, admiring the way Wash flushes even as he tilts into it. “Later.”
Tucker tries to turn, helmet swiftly going over his face in one smooth, practiced motion before heading to the door. A hand stops him before he gets too far, twisting him back around to face Wash as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and swung his legs over the bed, pulling Tucker between them.
Tucker expects him to knock their heads together or kiss the edge of his helmet (it's what he does when Wash has his helmet on), or maybe even bury his face in his stomach and whine for Tucker to stay, but he doesn’t expect Wash to bring Tucker’s hand up to his lips to carefully kiss the back of it, firm and slow and gentle.
It stops every gear in Tucker’s head.
He stares at Wash, feels the heat of his lips even through his glove, and has to swallow down the tremble that threatens to shake his whole body, breathing deep and steady to keep himself on his feet.
And then Wash cracks his eyes open to peer at Tucker through his eyelashes, eyes burning with something Tucker is scared to label, and Tucker nearly buckles onto his knees.
“See you later.”
Tucker shivers at the feeling of Wash’s voice vibrating through his fucking soul. “Um. Yeah. Uh huh. Totally dude.”
Wash chuckles against his hand and, in an act that has Tucker fully ready to crumple onto the floor, tilts it so he can kiss the center of Tucker’s palm. “Better hurry before Carolina comes looking for you.”
That’s almost enough to snap Tucker out of his daze, his brain beginning to reboot by the time Wash drops his hand and leans back onto the bed. “Shit. Yeah. Okay. Uh. See you later?”
He winces at the redundancy of his question, but Wash just snorts. “See you later, dork.”
After a full minute of just standing and staring at Wash in what Tucker can only describe as awe, Tucker finally gets his head screwed back on and quickly turns to leave, hoping he can speed-walk his way to being on time.
He’s completely dazed as he walks through the hallway, face heated from the simple gesture. His heart is pounding in his chest and he feels like a fucking kid again with a crush too big for his body.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Tucker glances at his hand, still feeling the pressure from Wash’s lips on it. He gets dizzy just thinking about it.
As he approaches the training room floor, everyone else already lined up and ready, Carolina standing tall and proper as Tucker walks through the door with knives in her eyes, Tucker has one last thought before taking a breath and trying to act like he’s as cool and unaffected as ever.
I am so fucking screwed.
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slyvester101 · 3 days
Tucker’s line “All I wanted to do was sit around and talk to my friend” feels like it runs in the same vein as “In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you”
And that fucking destroys me
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