smalldrizzle · 2 months
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A blessing in disguise. That’s exactly how I see it. I can tell that everything is starting to fall into place. That moment was the turning point that set my long-awaited dreams into motion. The dreams that I have constantly asked for from Allah in the past five years. How beautiful is that?
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smalldrizzle · 4 months
THIS BROKE ME!! Yuta is the only one that understands Gojo and the burden you carry with being the strongest... Everyone just expects you to throw your life away and doing the unthinkable all to save humanity
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194 notes · View notes
smalldrizzle · 5 months
"Takdir itu akan menjadi netral apabila kita mengenal siapa yang sedang menguji..." - Kajian Kitab Al Hikam
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smalldrizzle · 6 months
What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
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smalldrizzle · 7 months
JJK 251 delivered one of the most intense fights till now, and honestly, I can't wait to see it animated! (if I'm still alive 10 years from now, that is lol).
That said, I need to write a little about this chapter because it has been eating me out since Thursday, and the HQ scan release is MAGNIFICENT. So let’s go!
Yuta used Cleave on Sukuna!
But, alas, he wasn’t the one to eat Sukuna’s finger. It was prolly Rika.
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I don’t think anyone would think it makes sense that Yuta - second only to Gojo, the strongest modern sorcerer  - could be the one to eat the King of Curse’s finger. While he IS powerful, it is still so risky to think he could ingest a piece of Sukuna’s soul and keep it inside himself for God knows how long.
Also, if a human had eaten one of his fingers, it seems a bit unlikely Sukuna wouldn’t have noticed somehow, as the cursed object holds a part of his very soul.
On the other hand, Rika hasn’t fully manifested. It seems an odd thing since this battle is even more dangerous and important than all previous battles Yuta had since his 2vs1 with Geto. Which may be just a wild speculation, but that has me thinking that maybe - just maybe - he hasn’t allowed her to fully manifest because she ate the finger. Like with the finger bearers at the beginning of the manga, Sukuna would know it is there, and he could target Rika more fiercely. Perhaps get to even retrieve it.
But this is speculation only - and I hope we will be sure of it in the next chapters.
It’s good to remember tho that it was Rika who ate Uro’s arm, not Yuta. And I doubt Yuta himself could have also eaten Hana’s and Inumaki’s arms…
Yuta was right in thinking that Sukuna would be surprised at being hit by his own technique.
However, something pretty nice happening here is that Sukuna looks pleased at tasting his own technique.
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You know, we are well aware by now that Sukuna is a hedonist to the fullest. So I’m actually pleased that, rather than being really pissed off for getting a taste of his own medicine, he really experienced this little moment in a way that couldn’t show better how a being can be more self centered lol
I mean, his smile as he says ‘I see. Quite the meal.’ or "Oh, I get it. You ate it." feels like he is amused at tasting some of the power his own technique holds. I can hear Suwabe-san making it sound like he is having a foodgasm. And Yuta’s face turning worried is a sign that he oughta move to his next attack against the King of Hedonism ASAP.
Yuji and Yuta’s hand-to-hand-fight with Sukuna is beautiful, my god.
Sukuna is a good +4m tall muscle-built four-armed TITAN GIANT. Yuta and mostly Yuji are making him bend, making him bleed, making him blind by spitting blood on his cursed eyes, and FUCK - THIS FIGHT IS GOLD!!
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Details I gotta highlight:
This is the second time Yuji survives Cleave at point blank, showing how much his endurance is up in such a crucial moment.
It was so smart of him to spit blood on Sukuna’s face. Reminds a little how his lil brother Kechizu spat his cursed blood on him back in s01 times.
Yuji’s determination to save defeat Sukuna and save Megumi with ‘heal up, heal up, HEAL UP’ makes me wanna chomp on wood T_T (C’mon baby, you can do it!)
Count on Sukuna to keep looking amused as he is being wrecked to the bones lmao. But also, this means he is thinking, analyzing, plotting, and soon preparing to counterattack.
The way Rika grabs him by the leg and throws him at Yuji’s soul shaking kick IS PERFECT.
The beating is so well delivered that, in fact, Sukuna is pushed to a deadly gamble.
I love when Sukuna gambles. He does it so many times throughout the story that I don’t think anyone can actually be surprised to see him doing this again in this chapter.
And I really mean it, cause not even our MCs are surprised. They had a solid plan of what to do once they had pushed Sukuna to the point they wanted: aka, releasing the HWC to try using Space Dismantle while tanking Jacob’s Ladder.
In less than a blink, Sukuna is 3/4 immobilized.
Rika, half manifested, gets his upper arms while Yuji goes for the lower right.
Yuta, though, goes straight to his guts, and bravely shoves his hand inside his belly mouth while Sukuna's only free arm goes straight to his head.
The cost for such a risky attack? A Cleave delivered directly on his bloody head.
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But Yuta’s RCT doesn’t fail him. And he also still gets to rip out the Cursed Tongue - leaving Sukuna to have only one way to chant curses now. Confirming their suspicions that the King needs to use hand signs and chants or both to use “Space Dismantle”, which is an opening they can take an important advantage of to both use the domain's sure hit and reach Megumi.
This page made me scream!
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The sight of Sukuna’s cheek exploding is bloody horrible.
Yuta tanking another slash attack shook me.
But Yuta coming up at the fucking King of Curses absolutely confident he can face him off FEARLESSLY is even more gobsmacking. I love my son!
Also, the fact that Sukuna’s output is low to that point is both a sign that 1) his deadly efficiency is truly getting compromised by the biggest jjk team jump this manga had to this day,  2) Yuta and Yuji really leveled up to an impressive stage!
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I don’t think we have ever seen Sukuna getting so overwhelmed and shocked.
Yuta’s next sword attack happens simultaneously with Yuji’s blood manipulation attack, and Sukuna loses his free hand while he realizes Yuji in fact just used his spitted blood to blow half his face off, rendering unable to speak.
A little thought I want to share though is that, while it has been long hinted that Yuji is able to use Blood Manipulation in any form after eating his brothers and training with both Choso and Noritoshi, I still have a little doubt whether the piercing blood attack in chapter 247 really comes from Yuji or not.
From the pov in 247, PB comes from somewhere really high and far from where Sukuna is. And in chapter 244, we see Mei Mei and Momo observing the battle from a tall building not too far away. I could see Choso being taken somewhere safe up to and despite being heavily wounded, still trying to help his lil brother. But also, I can picture Yuji rushing up some of the destroyed buildings to locate Sukuna and Higuruma, and desperately PB Sukuna to buy some time until he gets there. 
I mean, if it had been really Yuji, I half expected Sukuna to have a lil flashback not only of the moment Yuji spat on him, but also from when he was attacked back in 247. That would solidify the fact he shockingly realized Yuji is using BM. So I will wait for a clear confirmation...
This talk is pretty interesting and important.
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We discovered through Yuki’s search that: 
Even when souls mix to some degree, they don’t become one single soul.
Choso can’t feel the OG soul of the human whose (his) body belongs to, and that’s why he asks if Yuji and Sukuna aren’t a special case. A fair question that made me think Choso could actually give back his body to the guy if he knew the poor man was trapped inside.
Yuji explains that CE plays an important role in the case of cursed objects and non-sorcerers then. Yet, no matter how deep a living soul may sink, it won’t merge or disappear in such cases.
Choso proposes another special case: since Yuji said, “in general level things are unmergeable”,  what if Megumi and Sukuna are different tho? What if that could happen to them?
Yuji proceeds to say he added the “general” thing cause he had dealt with Mahito. Also, uniting souls transform them into other separate being. So as long as a soul CT like Mahito’s is NOT a play, then the merging of souls can’t happen.
And trusting fully in Yuki’s search, Yuji promises he will shake Megumi’s soul awake.
And after learning all of this, I wished for real that Yuki had not died so prematurely. The fact she was a former Star Plasma Vessel, that she could hear the voices of the souls Tengen had absorbed throughout the millennium, and that she had now Maki, Yuji/Sukuna, Choso and Mahito to deepen her research on souls and find a “scientific way” for how to break free from CE, BUT she never could do it… is a PAIN. We can’t undo what GG did, tho, so let's move on to the next topic.
Angel’s technique is special.
But it has a well defined role in the story: one that is NOT what some ppl think.
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In an incarnated body, there is the mix of one’s technique + the personality + cursed object. So, since Angel’s CT can eradicate CTs, they can erase Sukuna. As they all want to save Megumi, tho, they will need to do the same thing Hana tried back in chapter 213: using the attack to FIRST weaken the connection between Sukuna and Megumi so Megumi’s chances of surviving the brain damage are better, and THEN move on to finish off the King of Curses.
And here I want to point out how absurd it is for anyone to expect a MINOR side character to end the history of the final MAIN antagonist of this series. Because, truly, unless you are being really disingenuous or purposefully kidding yourself just to hate and badmouth JJK, one cannot be serious over Hana EVER standing a chance against Sukuna. Even more with one of her arms torn off by the King himself.
And that’s why Yuta - the one second only to Gojo - is the one side-handling this freaking final battle. 
Sukuna is damn right roughen and wrecked.
Yuji has one of his arms, Rika has two arms + a bite on his shoulder, his free arm is handless, his main mouth is half blown, and his belly mouth is tongueless and dripping blood.
There is a seriousness to his features that is different though. I mean he is the king of smiles, but he is deadly serious right here...
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He KNOWS what is coming. He has chosen to gamble his endurance power against Yutangel’s Max Jacob’s ladder. So he is definitely mentally preparing to receive one of the hardest blows on his unstable (connected to Megumi) form.
And then Sukuna takes it.
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His reaction is highly different from last time though, and it’s kinda obvious why. In chapter 213,  he had just barely taken over Megumi’s body as well as he was at 15 fingers. Here he is in his incarnated true form, 19 fingers + his very mummified head in.
That said, the way he only growls/grunts/gasps tanking a DE’s sure hit from someone with a CE around the same as his own is impressive. Not only that, but also another crystal clear hint that he is the fucking King of JJK for a reason. You can’t break him easily. You can’t beat him conventionally. You can’t kill him until his last drop of CE is gone, until his brain is incapacitated, until his self-serving wish to keep existing - even if meaninglessly - is obliterated together with his cursed soul. As long as he holds the overwhelming power to exist, he will keep existing.
Knowing the enemy is NOT down yet, Rika chomps her mouth on Sukuna’s shoulder again as she holds his arms again while Yuta butchers his lower right arm in half, buying the time Yuji needs to fuel the special punch that he hopes will shake Megumi’s soul awake from the depths of this nearly unkillable monster. And if my eyes are not deceiving me, I think that -  by the shape of Sukuna’s tattoo - Yuji hits him in the middle of his chest. Right over his heart.
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Megumi’s breakdown deserves an analysis of its own.
But, yeah, IT HURTS.
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As Yuji is shaken by Megumi’s state, though, the inevitable happens.
Sukuna, following his gamble of tanking and surviving JL to throw the WCD, does exactly that. The chants come on the page on a background a little similar to how his DE first appeared in animation. It’s eerie, cursed, and we know shit will happen on the next page…
Using what seems to be the arm Yuta had slashed in half (or is it the hand Rika was holding before), Sukuna strikes ALL his enemies with a seemingly WCD. 
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Way too close to him, Yuta takes the bruntest of it - the slash rips/slants his abdomen (letting we peek what is probably his liver), his back and his ring fingered hand (strongest way of connection with Rika) is severed from his wrist. Rika is slashed all over her face, the lower jaw which had bitten onto Sukuna’s shoulder is cut off and falling, her monstrous hands all cut and bloodied when they release Sukuna. Yuta is slashed on his forehead, across his face, and by the blood trajectory, from his collarbone down to abdomen. 
There is NO WAY THO that Yuji is dying like that, though.
So before we find out how Yuji - and prolly Yuta too - will survive this attack, it is important to notice here that Sukuna does not say “Dismantle” when he unleashes this attack on them. And, YES, chants ARE important in JJK. (I know a lot of ppl will complain about this, especially since “Gojo died with this attack!”, but I’m just saying what is drawn in the manga.)
Sukuna is back to his menacingly smiling aura as Yuta’s domain starts crumbling on top of him.
But while he RCTing his injuries and tasting what seems to finally be the end of this cursed battle day, he is struck by the sneakiest signature attack of the modern era.
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Maki Zenin, the demon with zero cursed energy, pierces his heart - and soul - with her Split Soul katana.
If I said I haven't screamed at this whole sequence, I would be a liar. This was absolutely INCREDIBLE!
Now I hope GG won't switch the pov back to Hakari x Uraume, but I feel like he might as well do again T_T
Anyway, I just had to write all this to say how PERFECT Gege is weaving Gojo's pupils battle against the greatest King of Curses!!
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smalldrizzle · 7 months
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Yuta Okkotsu
This is True Love…..
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52 notes · View notes
smalldrizzle · 7 months
Tidur dan Kereta
Pukul 5.17, semua penumpang diharapkan naik ke atas gerbong kereta. Padahal, kereta tak akan beranjak sebelum pukul 5.30 pagi. Untung saja, aku datang lebih dulu. Kalau tidak, bisa dipastikan asam lambungku naik lagi.
Dari kursi 21 E, aku melihat lalu lalang penumpang. Menenteng tas, mendorong koper dengan roda-rodanya yang terkadang hampir lepas. Ada pula yang berlari-larian dari pintu masuk stasiun menuju kereta. Ayo, cepatlah. Ah, kecemasan itu memang menular!
Pukul 6.18, kursi penumpang terisi penuh. Beberapa orang nampak berdiri, kehabisan tiket pastinya. Di gerbong sebelah terdengar rombongan anak TK yang sedang merapalkan doa, eh, lebih tepatnya saling meneriakkan doa. Bersahut-sahutan. Lalu sebentar kemudian, penuh dengan celotehan.
Bagiku, berangkat sepagi ini selama tiga setengah tahun terakhir mungkin dapat dihitung jari. Selama perjalanan, pohon-pohon di gunung Gumitir tak pernah berhenti membuatku terpana. Ketika kereta melewati sungai dan jurang, serta suara kereta yang berderit kencang.
Ah, begitu lembut terpaan sinar mentari menyapa wajahku yang terbalut masker. Aku menutup mata, ingin merasakan hangatnya. Rasanya lama sekali aku tak naik kereta setenang ini. Sendirian di antara riuh kepala penumpang lainnya.
Tapi aku tak berhenti memperhatikan, pada mata-mata yang tertutup saat gelapnya terowongan. Dan masih tertutup saat cahaya terang datang dari jendela kereta. Atau ketika seorang gadis disebelahku menyandarkan kepalanya ke bahuku. Lalu terkejut dan meminta maaf.
Rasanya, tiga setengah tahun telah berlalu. Dan aku kehilangan kemampuanku untuk tidur di atas kereta. Tak peduli berapa lama atau pendek aku tidur pada malam atau hari sebelumnya. Tak peduli seberapa mengantuknya aku. Apakah ini kutukan atau kekuatan luar biasa dari semesta? Bagaimana ya, rasanya? Aku hanya bisa bergumam dalam diam. Lagipula, tak patut aku menggerutu. Bukankah keterjagaan adalah spesialis para Ibu?
Di atas kereta menuju Kota Gandrung,
13 Februari 2024.
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smalldrizzle · 8 months
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Yuuta Okkotsu Then vs Now ☆
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smalldrizzle · 9 months
Finally!!! My most anticipated scene is animated! He's sooo fine. Was giggling like a love-struck teenager when I watched this episode.
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呪術廻戦 S2 Ep. 23: Shibuya Incident - Gate, Close
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smalldrizzle · 9 months
He's so fine.
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— Yuuta, my son!
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smalldrizzle · 11 months
He'll have a special place in my heart. 🫰🏽
The First Time We Saw Levi in Battle (2013)
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The Last Time We'll See Levi in Battle (2023)
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smalldrizzle · 11 months
Cried my eyes out when I read it the first time. Now I'm smiling seeing it animated.
Levi sees the Scouts one last time and salutes goodbye
Jean and Connie sees Sasha one last time
Gabi and Falco & Reiner and his mom reunite
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smalldrizzle · 11 months
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yuuta and his haircut appreciation <3
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smalldrizzle · 11 months
Bahagia adalah ketika mengetahui sahabat-sahabat wanita dalam lingkaran pertemananmu memiliki pasangan yang sangat menghormati dan menjunjung tinggi kedudukan istri. Karena kehidupan keluarga yang sehat sama dengan kehidupan kantor yang sehat pula.
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smalldrizzle · 11 months
⚠️ SPOILER ALERT ⚠️ if you haven’t read beyond the Shibuya arc I’ve posted this in my tweet before but I wanna add here. When I was reading the manga on my way home, I thought of how they would end the Season 2.
I placed my Director hat on and I predicted that they would end it with this scene as a cliff hanger…
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Mwahaha. It’s not only cause I love Yuta but hello?? The characters have been talking greatly about Yuta in Season 1 and finally got his own movie.
If not this scene, at least a lil glimpse of him; like perhaps the scene when he saves that girl…
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…or a reveal of him entering the room to meet the higher-ups. But if it were me, I would show THAT scene (1st image), saying THAT line to hype up for the next season 😅
AND THEN…! You can imagine the reaction when freaking Yuta FINALLY appears in the next season…
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Gdisbsdujsdusosjsos *kicking and screaming*
Well, I may be wrong. Just my prediction. I thought of this just when I was reading and catching up on the manga while Season 2 was going on.
Crazy that Yuta was supposed to be the main character yet I’m happy Gege kept him in.
Thoughts? Your predictions of how they’ll end season 2? :)
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smalldrizzle · 1 year
Have you ever wanted to deactivate FB?
As much as I want to deactivate Facebook, it has tons of memories. People joined and forgot about their accounts, but their conversations linger for years in the chat boxes.
Decided to re-read some of my post break up messages with some people I crossed paths with during my late adolescence years. Had me cussing under my breath as I realised that I'd been living the hurt/comfort romances all my life. Only difference was, I was constantly being comforted by God until He finally sent me my husband.
This short trip down the memory lane has actually made me wish for a time machine. Some part of me wants to relish the experience, while cheering for my old self as she struggled with putting back together her shattered heart. As stupid as it sounds, I lived for the slow-burn. Only two counted as infatuations, which I still regret.
But still, I can't bring myself to deactivate my account yet. Few of my online best friends are only reachable through it. If they log out of their accounts and forget, though. Maybe.
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smalldrizzle · 1 year
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“Inumaki-kun is kind. He doesn’t want to accidentally curse others, so he speaks in rice ball components — words that cannot carry curses. Even today, he helped me out. He tried to keep me away from danger. Even back then, he was showing consideration for my anxiety, wasn’t he?”
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