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Smart-buildings talent | Application Development Manager | Regional Sales Manager
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Smart-buildings talent | Application Development Manager | Regional Sales Manager
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Smart-buildings talent | Application Development Manager | Regional Sales Manager
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Smart-buildings talent | Application Development Manager | Regional Sales Manager
Smart Buildings lie at the boundary of the physical and digital worlds... along with their digital twins, smart infrastructure, and the metaverse.
It’s during this period of history that a group of 15 Smart Buildings industry influencers took the initiative and started getting together every Monday afternoon “live” (now called MondayLive.org) at 3 PM Eastern Time to discuss & brainstorm ideas for getting our industry through this and for improving air quality so lives would be saved.
The weekly discussions became so popular that they continue today. Come learn with the team every Monday at  3 p.m. Eastern Time by clicking here to access MondayLive.org.
The group at Monday Live most recently created the C4SB (Coalition for Smart Buildings) as an industry group making our presence felt in Washington, DC.
After several months of work by the MondayLive.org team (and other participants), the “Smarter Stack” has been created. It’s an exciting industry-first open-source communication tool that simplifies and explains the complexities of smarter building technology.https://smartbuildingstalent.com/clients/
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Regional Sales Executive | Regional Sales Specialist | Building Energy Management Software
For the latest application manager job description smart buildings talent provides the latest updates and quality jobs for your career
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smartbuildingstalent | Application Development Manager | Regional Sales Manager
Your business is growing. You need to fill a role. You “post” and “hope” that the right candidate sees your posting and applies…soon! And you wait…and wait…and you wait some more.
In our niche, Smart Buildings, top talent already has jobs, good jobs.
So, here’s the question you need to ask yourself about your job opening: “Why would a good candidate, buried in excellence, quit a perfectly good job and come to work for me?”
For More Information Visit My Website:- https://smartbuildingstalent.com/
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