smashxthexsystem · 9 years
janeysprings replied to your post:(Time for a new icon! Next up is finding a better...
Are you officially returning?
(I’m a little hesitant about making it official as I have kind of a horrible track record with these kinds of things... :^/ more of tentative maybe at the moment. It’s a bit more relevant as I’m on vacation right now and not working all the time, but that’s only for another couple of weeks. I just. Really love Gaige.)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
(Time for a new icon! Next up is finding a better theme for my blog.)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Just. P-peachy. -Gaige grit past her rapidly chattering teeth, feeling anything but peachy at said moment. The metal arm she’d managed to haul out of the icy water was of little use, sparks flying from exposed pockets of drenched wiring, the middle joint clearly on the brink of freezing in place. Not a promising picture for getting out of the water in any case.-
Think y-you c-c-could use that s-siren magic of yours and g-get me outta here? P-pretty please?
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
(Coming back to your blog after a long hiatus is the worst... I have no real count of how many threads are still on-going and tbh I don’t even know if most of them are even wanted anymore)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Okay, Gaige's cupcakes. Axton scoffs them down and with his teeth pink from the icing and mouth full he just says "Dese are awfsome!". Salvador downs them without even chewing. Just tosses them up into the air and lets it fall into his mouth. Maya nibbles them and takes it slow. She gives feedback on the texture and taste and tells her that overall they're delightful. Zer0 inspects one and places in on a table. Doesn't eat it. Krieg...uh...he kind of just screams and mashes it into his mask.
Despite knowing that her grin betrays her, Gaige plays it cool, dusting off her hands on her apron and folding them over her icing-spattered chest. “Yeppp. Dad’s recipe. Two parts flour and sugar, lotsa sprinkles and a touch of instant cocoa powder.” She tries not to stare at Krieg’s icing-slathered mask as she talks, but oh man, she could not have predicted that outcome. Or maybe she should have. Probably. Zer0′s choice of pink and sprinkles sits untouched on the table still. Goddamn masks ruining everything. 
(I’m in LOVE with this, thank u anon)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
I feel Gaige would be awesome at baking stuff, but people don't seem to notice she adds cybernetic components to her baking lol
(Baking is a SCIENCE after all! So yes, she’d probably be pretty ace at cupcakes. And so what if she tinkers a bit with the recipe and accidentally gives everyone lead poisoning, shit happens, right?)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
(that awkward moment when rp blogs with the same character as you use your art for icons without permission.)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Oh, ha ha. Cool it on the sarcasm buddy. I meant your stump, duh. I need to measure around it to see if the base will fit. Lemme just… -Crouching down next to the mattress, she reached out to take what little was left of his arm, stretching it out next to his body and wrapping a length of tape measure around the bandaged part. Maybe not as carefully as she could have done it, but he’d probably had worse in terms of pain.- 
This whole situation was still creepy to Vasquez, but if he still got his arm back out of it then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. Hopefully..
He winced as she grabbed the stub of his arm. Yup. This was weird. He really wasn’t enjoying this. “Is..is it gonna work or not?”
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
(I’m sorry I haven’t been here in a while... between work getting busier and my newfound obsession with Dishonored, there hasn’t been much room in my mind for Gaige. Not that I don’t still love her to bits, but yeah, just... attention span at an all time low right now.)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Broken a bone | Gotten stitches | Had a near-death experience | Killed someone | Tried and failed to kill someone | Invented something | Been hungover | Kissed someone | Slow danced | Been in a long-term relationship | Had sex | Had sex and regretted it | Had a one-night stand | Had a threesome | Experimented with their sexuality | Had a kid | Gotten married | Self-harmed | Traveled to another country | Been in a play | Received an inheritance | Been in a car wreck | Lost a loved one | Been dumped | Dumped someone | Smoked | Gotten high | Been slipped something in their food/drink | Won a contest | Won an election | Joined a sports team | Gone skydiving | Gone hunting | Been in a band | Had a job | Been fired | Been in a wedding party | Owned a pet | Seen a ghost | Skipped class/work | Learned an instrument | Gotten a noticeable scar | Sued someone | Been robbed  | Been mugged | Been kidnapped | Been sexually assaulted | Been brainwashed/hypnotized | Gone more than one day without eating | Had a recurring nightmare | Been bullied | Bullied someone | Seen someone die | Attempted suicide | Been tied/chained up | Shot someone | Stabbed someone | Saved someone’s life | Cheated on someone | Been cheated on | Had a stalker | Been betrayed | Been in a fight | Been arrested | Been to a funeral | Had surgery | Broken someone’s trust | Gotten a piercing | Gotten a tattoo | Used a fake name | Been tortured | Been abused | Been blackmailed | Had an attempt on their life | Gotten away with a crime | Gone on a road trip | Been in love
Bold everything your muse has done (contains multiple common triggers).
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
+ Jack. Or Angel.
Send me a “+” and a character you would like to see me hook up with..and Mun and Muse will give their opinion on the ship.
“EW ew ew ickity-EW! No way! … well, okay, he’s technically an engineering genius whiiiich is kind of hot, not gonna lie, but!- No. Nuh-uh. I do have some standards, you know?”
(Mun is kinda ‘eh’ on Jack/Gaige, but likes John/Gaige from the John’s Loaders AU.)
“I… haven’t told the others yet, but Angel called me once. Just me. Apparently she’d picked up a conversation I’d had about my dad? And, well, y’know, she’s not exactly well-off in that department. I like talking to her though. She knows a shit-ton of interesting stuff about AIs, a lot more than I thought I knew. And she’s, I don’t know, just genuinely nice? I wish there’d been more girls like her and less girls like Marcie back in school.”
(Mun APPROVES of girls geeking out and bonding over the echonet. Mun also cries about Angel basically being adopted by Gaige’s dad because the girl deserves some real love for once.)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
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(just a lil wip of my bby because i’m not feeling overly productive tonight)
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
... Tannis.
*shrugs* Have you seen underneath the mask? You never know.
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Send me a "+" and a character you would like to see me hook up with..and Mun and Muse will give their opinion on the ship.
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
Oh- oh! Holy shit. Wow, how are you not, you know, dead? 
This girl is on fiyaa
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smashxthexsystem · 9 years
-A sigh, then a pout.- Tanniiisss.... 
He’s got a comb. You never know, he could be hiding a moustache.
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