smeki-blog · 11 years
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Blog: Demo: No one is illegal! – 20.9.2013 - https://imc.li/z1tzw
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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smeki-blog · 11 years
Da das Petitionsrecht eine, wenn man so will, uralte Sehnsucht der Abhängigen stillt, sich bei den Mächtigen Gehör zu verschaffen, kann es in seiner manipulativen Bedeutsamkeit nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden: ein noch so radikaler Protest gegen Willkür und Machtmißbrauch wird in eine Anerkennung der bestehenden Ordnung umgemünzt, wenn er sich in eine Petition umsetzen läßt. Organisiert die Gewerkschaft anstelle eines politischen Streiks eine revolutionär gehaltene Massenpetition, so braucht das Parlament sich vor den Arbeitern nicht fürchten.
Johannes Agnoli: die Transformation der Demokratie (via idiosynkrasien)
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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Besetztes Haus in der Strozzigasse.
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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SoliLa bleibt.
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smeki-blog · 11 years
No science-fiction, only Hong Kong. 
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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Wien: Aufruf zur kollektiven Landbesetzung am Sa 4. Mai!
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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A massive solidarity banner to Athens Indymedia and 98 FM has been hung at the main univeristy building in one of the busiest streets in the center of Athens. 72 anarchists were detained for almost 12 hours and 6 were charged with offending the greek national flag by replacing it with the red black of anarchism! The 6 will appear in court tomorrow Thursday. A protest in solidarity with athens indymedia and 98fm will also take place tomorrow, 18:00 at Monastiraki in Athens.
Τεράστιο πανό αλληλεγγύης στο Athens Indymedia και 98 FM καλύπτει τα Προπύλαια. Πορεία Πέμπτη 25/4, Μοναστηράκι, 18:00.
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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R.I.P. Ivi
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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Free Athens Indymedia
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smeki-blog · 11 years
In a pre-dawn raid on 10th April 2013, hooded, armed ‘cops broke the doors of homes in Ierissos, kidnapped two people and disappeared. That violence was entirely unnecessary and purely demonstrative. The police wanted to show their power and their targets’ vulnerability. As such, it wasn’t just violence against the direct targets (and their private property); it was a symbolic attack on the entire anti-mining community (including through its property). It was also a punitive expedition as, whether the cost is borne individually or communally, there will be a material cost to repair the damage. In response to the violent kidnapping of their neighbours, protesters smashed the doors and windows of the village’s deserted police station, entered, and ‘threw everything outside and burned it, including documents, computers and furniture. Then, the villagers closed the road into Ierissos with at least two lines of roadblocks: first, there is a huge earthwork to stop vehicles; then, there is a pile of tyres, to burn either to stop people or to send tear gas clouds up and away from Ierissos.
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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smeki-blog · 11 years
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smeki-blog · 12 years
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No-TAV demo on 23rd March
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smeki-blog · 12 years
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