smithlucifer · 9 years
How Luke thinks the girls should react to him
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smithlucifer · 9 years
(This is a bit of Luke) 
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smithlucifer · 9 years
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Luke was confused as to why his charm was not working on any of the ladies that he had met so far, but he decided to remain unperturbed... surely someone at this camp would be wooed by him. He nodded his head sadly at Kyra as she asked him if trouble found him frequently. “Oh yes. Trouble has found me so frequently that I am quite happy to be alive right now.” He shrugged at her, “Oh, others have arrived? I thought for sure that everyone was here. I shall have to go and look for them at some point.. and eventually find my cabin, but I am not too worried about that quite yet.”  He looked over his shoulder- he hadn’t realized that he was still being monitored. He glared at one of the men that had brought him here and rubbed his wrist... he had not come quietly (mostly because he had thought he was going to prison not to a camp filled with beautiful ladies.) but Kyra did not need to know that if she didn’t already, so he turned back to her. “They seem like lovely people.... are they always going to be around?” 
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Luke tried to keep from laughing as the camp head accurately described exactly what Luke was planning. He did smile though, everyone loved a good smile and Luke had a great one and he enjoyed using it. He was very happy that he was making Kyra blush, but this was just the beginning of his plan. He shook his head her “I never plan on getting in to trouble darling- it just seems to find me rather easily.” He did laugh at this, because it was the truth. Luke never actually planned on getting in trouble. His plan’s were well thought out and they usually worked very well, and he hoped that whatever plan he came up for this Camp Walt would go just as well. “To whom are you referring?”
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smithlucifer · 9 years
He shrugged at Ashe’s question. “To tell the truth I am not sure. You simply do not look like an Ashlynn..” He got the feeling vaguely that Ashe was not really believing a word that Luke was saying. He was tempted to try his hypnotism on her, but his skill was not always perfect. He had trained but he had not been able to perfect the skill to put someone under his spell. He did not even want to try hypnotism unless he was desperate for revealing his skill too early would lessen his ability to hypnotize someone else when he really needed to. He laughed a bit at her, “You do not like my hair?” a bit concerned he fluffed his hair.... women loved his hair. He nodded at her answer and was glad that he had decided not to hypnotize her... independent women were his ultimate blind spot in his skill. “Independence is a very good feature ma Cherie... but I have always felt that life is much more fun when it is spent with someone else.”
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“Everyone calls me Ashe, so you monsieur are no different” she said with a smirk before continuing to draw on her sketch pad “enjoying your cocky grin? You seem to use it a lot”
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smithlucifer · 9 years
Luke was very surprised at the girls reaction to him. He was not doing very well at being charming today. He shook his head and took a step back from the girl. “I am very sorry mademoiselle. I did not mean to upset you, I just thought that since you are here... then you would want to meet some of your fellow campers.” He shrugged his shoulders and started to walk away from the girl. “There are apparently many other French people here.. you might make a friend.” He and Jafar were quickly back stepping all of their plans, this was not working. The people here must have some strange sense that he was a villain at heart. As he walked back to the group he spoke one more time, “Je ne veux pas vous déranger plus longtemps”. 
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Getting to Camp
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smithlucifer · 9 years
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Luke couldn’t help but let out a laugh Ashlynn’s response. This girl had spunk. He very much wondered who sh e could be a host to. His own character was stirring in the back of his mind, plotting and planning his next step. “I think I shall enjoy our further banter Ashlynn, may I call you Ash or is that too familiar?” He gave her his winning grin and eagerly awaited their next round.
(Replying to Ash)
Luke was shocked at the girls reaction to him. He smiled charmingly at her, “I am sorry Ma Cherie, I had hoped to find some answers among you all- I did not realize that this was a private conversation… I can excuse my self if you truly wish.”
(internal monologue)
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smithlucifer · 9 years
(Catching up) Luke smiled charmingly at the girl, if she was the only one in charge then he would have quite an easy time at getting away with just about everything. He shook his head at her, “No my dear, I just like to know who to turn to if I were to get into trouble…” he winked at her, as if suggesting that he would be getting in to trouble quite a bit. He planned to ruffle this girl feathers and he felt that it might be a bit easy to do. 
 Kyra gave a slow nod but smiled at him nonetheless. Something just felt off, but she pushed it aside. “Oh?” She questioned, brow furrowing, “Ye sound like ye gonna start trouble, Luke?” The flush spread at the wink but she remained at least outwardly composed. “’m sure ‘ere are others around as well.”
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Luke tried to keep from laughing as the camp head accurately described exactly what Luke was planning. He did smile though, everyone loved a good smile and Luke had a great one and he enjoyed using it. He was very happy that he was making Kyra blush, but this was just the beginning of his plan. He shook his head her “I never plan on getting in to trouble darling- it just seems to find me rather easily.” He did laugh at this, because it was the truth. Luke never actually planned on getting in trouble. His plan’s were well thought out and they usually worked very well, and he hoped that whatever plan he came up for this Camp Walt would go just as well. “To whom are you referring?”
(replying to Kyra) Luke brought Kyra’s hand up to his lips and gave it a light kiss. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well. So, do you know who is in charge here Kyra?” 
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smithlucifer · 9 years
Luke smiled at the girl, and took her hand and gave it a quick kiss. With all of these girls around, he could surely find at least one to call his own... especially if he continued to be the only male on the premises. He replied to Lindy, “Oh no my dear, the pleasure is all mind.” He had just met the camp head Kyra and so he directed Lindy to her, “Lindy this is Kyra. If you speak to her I am sure that you will be able to get a new name tag from her.”  
Campers Welcome!
Lindy stared at the name tag that Che had received in her welcome pack; “Juliana Cuevas”. She grimaced, approaching the first person she saw. “Any clue who I would see about getting a new name tag?”
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smithlucifer · 9 years
(replying to Kyra) Luke brought Kyra’s hand up to his lips and gave it a light kiss. “It is a pleasure to meet you as well. So, do you know who is in charge here Kyra?” 
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smithlucifer · 9 years
(Replying to Ash)
Luke was shocked at the girls reaction to him. He smiled charmingly at her, “I am sorry Ma Cherie, I had hoped to find some answers among you all- I did not realize that this was a private conversation... I can excuse my self if you truly wish.”
(internal monologue)
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smithlucifer · 9 years
Luke turned from the group of ladies that he had been talking to. “Well, I am not sure my dear- but I would be happy to help you find your answer, My name is Luke.”
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Campers Welcome!
Lindy stared at the name tag that Che had received in her welcome pack; “Juliana Cuevas”. She grimaced, approaching the first person she saw. “Any clue who I would see about getting a new name tag?”
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smithlucifer · 9 years
Luke walked up to the group of ladies and decided to put on the charm, “Well Hello there, am I the only guy to have arrived thus far? My name is Luke. May I have the pleasure of learning the names of you lovely ladies?” Luke extended his hand to each of the girls. 
“I was talking to the person looking at me like I’m crazy" she said annoyed not caring if her accent was thick “thank you. My names Ashlynn, but everyone calls me Ashe”
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smithlucifer · 9 years
Getting to Camp
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Luke grimaced and rolled his eyes as the people who had captured him forced him out of the van and revealed that they had arrived at some sort of camp. They drove off and he looked around, he had been told that he apparently “hosted” a Disney character and though he wasn’t really sure exactly what that meant but he realized on the way to this god forsaken place that he could hear a voice inside of his head.
Now that he was actually at his destination he realized that the voice that he had been hearing was that of Jafar. At this realization he grinned, of course he would be connected to the hypnotist… It did make him wonder if his powers of persuasion were increased by this new connection. He shook his head, if that were the case he would have been able to persuade his captors to let him go.
He looked at the things that appeared in his hands and looked at the map first, he was tempted to just throw away the rule book but it was important to know what rules he was breaking and what possible punishments they might try to give him. Looking at the map he saw that the check in should be right ahead of him. Walking up to the building he saw that many attractive ladies were gathered there. Oh, this would definitely be alright.
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