smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
I'm not sure if I want to know what you mean... but anyway, I need a favor. Oh and hi.
What are you doing? The only people who come knocking on my door at this time of night are looking for some kind of service.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
The two were led to their room, the bellboy watching them very closely because of their current condition. He even opened the door for them, making sure they were inside. "What a nice man," Gabe said with a grin. He followed Logan and sat down. "I asked for a regular room," he shrugged. "But at least now we can sleep. Even though I'm not sleepy." He rested his head on Logan's shoulder. "Yes, we should. Much better than going to Africa that's for sure"
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
The ride to the hotel was short but it seemed to take forever. The flashing lights of the city were blinding and Gabe turned to focus on Logan instead, who was looking outside in wonder. "Yes, we will sit down," he said with a yawn. The cab stopped in front of the hotel. The two boys stumbled out and wobbled into the lobby. The people at the reservation desk raised eyebrows, but They didn't seem to notice. "A suite please," Gabe said, digging his id and credit card out of his pants pocket. The receptionist pushed a room key towards him without a word and they were led up to their room.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
They had "danced" for maybe an hour before Logan gave up. "Me too," he said with a small laugh. "There's a nice place not too far from here. I don't feel like going home tonight." The last thing Gabe wanted to deal with was an angry wife. He helped Logan through the crowd. It was a surprise that people were still as lively as they were a couple of hours ago. Gabe called for a cab and when it came, he and Logan got in.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Logan was cute when he was drunk, that was for sure. Gabe was slightly entertained, though he was keeping an eye out for his best friend. He found himself holding Logan up after a while, since he could hardly walk straight. "You alright there, buddy?" Gabe shouted over the music.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Well I'm the exception. Good. I wouldn't want you getting any ideas. Haha
Correct. You deserve it too. You work so hard. Time to get batshit drunk and go crazy. Not that I’m condoning underage drinking or anything like that…
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Correct. You deserve it too. You work so hard. Time to get batshit drunk and go crazy. Not that I'm condoning underage drinking or anything like that...
June is still alive? Who knew. Well whatever you want to do, I’m in.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Gabe led Logan out to the dance floor. As was expected, it was crowded with sweaty drunk people. Most people were just fist pumping. He could see that Logan wasn't quite sure what to do, so to make him feel better, he started dancing randomly, being a sucky dancer himself. He almost tripped over his own feet, since he was so woozy. But he was having fun and started laughing again.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
June is still alive? Who knew. Well whatever you want to do, I'm in.
If people don’t drive me insane before then. IF. So birthday plans?
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
"Oh?" He raised an eyebrow at the other guy. Gabe couldn't imagine Logan having secrets. Then again, no one is perfect. "Well of course I do. But," he shrugged again, "I dunno how far you'd ever go." His vision was getting blurrier by the minute. "Let's go dance" Gabe abandoned his drink and got up to go on the dance floor.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
If people don't drive me insane before then. IF. So birthday plans?
Not that I know of. Hopefully I don’t have to start dying my hair anytime soon.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Not that I know of. Hopefully I don't have to start dying my hair anytime soon.
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At least you haven’t started to grow any gray hairs yet. Or have the twins started that process already?
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Don't remind me that you're growing up. Because that means I'm getting old.
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It’s weird to think I’m turning 19 in less than a week, I still feel 16.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Gabe observed Logan's reaction without much thought. Any critical thinking that would've been occurring in his mind was absent as long as he had a high level of alcohol in his system. He took a drink and shrugged. "I bet you've never had a secret before," Gabe said, picking at the loose paint at the bar.
Logan shivered when Gabe leaned forward, and his lips brushed against his ear. He hadn’t expected that to happen at all, and needed a moment to collect his thoughts again. “Christ.” he muttered under his breath before downing another drink before looking up at Gabe again, with confusion and possibly a bit excitement. 
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
"I dunno, dude. Poppi would get jealous for sure," he joked, bumping his friend on the shoulder playfully. Gabe leaned in so that his lips brushed across Logan's ear. "But it can be our secret," he whispered. He moved away and drank a little more. He was feeling pretty light headed and reckless.
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Gabe finished one drink and started on another. Usually, he didn't drink this quickly. But he was already highly intoxicated. At this point it didn't even matter. He figured he'd keep chugging until he passed out. "A treat?" Gabe asked, raising an eyebrow. "As if hanging out with the coolest guy in New York wasn't treat enough!"
Logan tapped his fingers against the counter along with the music as they patiently waited for their drinks. He followed Gabe’s movements with his eyes as he started drinking, smiling when he said he liked it. “Good! I’m glad it was worth coming here.” he said with a small laugh before taking one himself and drinking from it. “Do I get a treat for doing good?” 
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smo0thcrim1nal · 10 years
Gabe and Logan walked into the bar and it seemed to be a VIP bar. The decor was very posh, yet elegant. Bodies were moving in sync with each other on the dance floor. There was a bar right next to it that sported neon lights and a vast selection of drinks. Gabe followed Logan over to the bar where they were given free drinks immediately. He chose a random glass and started drinking, not knowing what it was. "Well whatever it is, it's great!" he said, patting Logan on the shoulder. "You did good, buddy. You did good," he slurred with a smile.
When they stopped outside the club and got out of the car, Logan swayed for a bit, using Gabe’s shoulder for support. “I hope it is.” he said truthfully. He honestly didn’t know, as he hadn’t been there before. He hated going out alone. Walking inside Logan headed straight for the bar, catching the owner in the bar who happily filled up free drinks for them. He turned back to Gabe and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not sure what I’ve just ordered.” he confessed. 
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