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               ERA AESTHETICS                ↳ Roaring Twenties or The Jazz Age. 1920 - 1929
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OOC: Indefinite hiatus
The HCs I had for this must be rewritten to fit new canon and I'm playing with another new muse right now, so all that is getting pushed back. I might be back, but we'll see. The blog will stay right here.
It was fun anyway, and I loved thinking up these dark 20s wizard AUs. Phyllida and Anna's other verses can still be found on @nothing-ventured and, as always, my hub is @mr-henry-lascelles.
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Queenie Goldstein 
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I aten’t dead
but I need to catch up on the new canon and do some rewriting!
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Your OC accidentally spills something on their shirt at a fancy restaurant. What do they do?
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{ Reblog if your RP character is poor }
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“In my eyes certain laws were meant to be broken”, stated Gellert, “It lays in human nature. The more INTRIGUING something seems, the more willingly people are going to break laws to achieve it. The only way for a person to 100% follow the laws is by, as you so eloquently put it, forcing them to fit your image. And the only way this can be achieved is by breaking them.”
Gellert turned one of his rings in his hands. “I say, you only have two ways to deal with this problem. Either a) you offer a sufficient alternative, a different way of handling the issue or b) you create such fear, such dark consequences for breaking the law, that people won’t even consider trying it. I am not against both solutions as in certain cases, even the second solution is NECESSARY, but I rather have an alternative way of government offered to me then get thrown into jail for breaking the law. Isn’t that how Britain has been doing it? The only reasons citizens follow the law is because the thought of Azkaban makes them piss their pants.”
“It is,” Henry admitted. “It has been that way a long time–a threat of punishment so extreme that anyone will think twice before defying the law. Anyone who isn’t connected, in any case. Not everyone who breaks the law gets sentenced, after all. That adds a new dimension to the question. Say you are an Auror, and someone brings in a report of your brother-in-law, or your old schoolmate, or a writer you respect, caught in the act of tormenting Muggles with the Cruciatus curse, for example. You know very well they may do it again, but how willing are you to leave them to the terrors of Azkaban for who knows how many years for one cruel joke? So reports go missing. The punishment has become another incentive to undermine the system.
"As I said… It is an inelegant thing. How much better would it be to make the people want what the law want? Naturally the law cannot simply reflect what the people want… People, on mass, are idiots. It would be chaos. No… For society that works, I would employ subterfuge on a grand scale. Turn your friends into enemies and your enemies into friends until the only thing you can trust is the narrative the government’s storytellers choose to hand down.”
Henry spread his arms. “What a pity no-one has asked me to become the Minister of Magic yet. Perhaps I should apply?”
"What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?" Based on an encounter that hasn't even happened in current RP "canon"... Not holding his punches.
Oh, you handsome!||Accepting.
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“Your most attractive feature?” Gellert thoughtfully scanned Henry Rosier from head to toe. Mismatched eyes GLIMMERED as he took in the well build, the clean hands, the perfectly combed hair and the shiny suit…
“Like all members of the Rosier family”, began Gellert, “you are having a built, fit for a gentleman and it seems you even got the right end of the gene pool. Despite the fact that you are rather LANKY, but then who am I to complain about such a minor flaw? Other then that you have very clear eyes, very stern even, which I personally find rather INTERESTING. Your hair too has a lovely shade of red…”
There was a strange moment of SILENCE.
Then with a harsh blink of his eyes, Gellert stated: “Yes, the eyes are what I like the most!”
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Travel was something he had grown up with since he was a young boy. It almost felt like a second nature to him nowadays. Gellert had been more or less everywhere, though Asia and Africa were places he had not yet visited so much. However when it came to Europe, he had been in every COUNTRY under the sun. And his influence had not stopped at this border.
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“I have been to America, once or twice”, mused Gellert. He was half lieing and half telling the truth. “And yes, the laws are incredibly restrictive. You can barely do magic at all. You are not allowed to talk with Muggles, befriend them or marry them. You have to keep your magic strictly separate from their world. Which seems rather absurd to me. I mean, I know hiding is necessary, but they are all so incredibly afraid. Nobody dares to really live. It seems to me.”
Henry blew air out from between his teeth, a dismissive tchah. “They are making a  mistake if they think law alone will govern behaviour. People will do what comes naturally--Muggles and wizards alike. An unbending law can only create martyrs to the cause of human nature. It may work... You can hammer as many square pegs into round holes as you like so long as you do not care what damage you cause. But it is such an inelegant solution, don’t you think?”
"What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?" Based on an encounter that hasn't even happened in current RP "canon"... Not holding his punches.
Oh, you handsome!||Accepting.
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“Your most attractive feature?” Gellert thoughtfully scanned Henry Rosier from head to toe. Mismatched eyes GLIMMERED as he took in the well build, the clean hands, the perfectly combed hair and the shiny suit…
“Like all members of the Rosier family”, began Gellert, “you are having a built, fit for a gentleman and it seems you even got the right end of the gene pool. Despite the fact that you are rather LANKY, but then who am I to complain about such a minor flaw? Other then that you have very clear eyes, very stern even, which I personally find rather INTERESTING. Your hair too has a lovely shade of red…”
There was a strange moment of SILENCE.
Then with a harsh blink of his eyes, Gellert stated: “Yes, the eyes are what I like the most!”
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Theseus had seen many emotions – making it able to recognize a few just by watching someone. “I hope no one has to make the sacrifices we had to make during that time – or those we might need to take in the future… It’s a heavy burden and not everyone is capable of carrying such a weight, no one should actually have to.” Theseus looked at Henry and smiled softly.
“We all play our parts in this world…” He took a few steps closer. “Is there a reason for you to meet with me?”
“Yes, sir, there is,” said Henry quietly. He would keep his thoughts upon the subject of sacrifice, of what should or shouldn’t be, to himself for now. “May we speak in private?” 
Secrecy had meant he had little official recognition for his work in the war, and therefore few chances at promotion. He lacked the rank to push through any of his ideas for the future of the Auror Office, let alone begin his own lines of inquiries. He needed one man of rank and fame to agree with him. Just one--that would be a start. And if he did not--well, then, to hell with the Office. He would find some other way.
(from smoke-mirrors-action Henry) ♧ - slap my muse’s hand away from something they shouldn’t touch (let's just see if this can work out as a first interaction...)
Theseus slapped the hand away from the stranger… “Those medals aren’t yours to touch…” He said sternly. Thes moved to the cabinet and closed it again. “Those soldiers died - this is a way to show our respect, please don’t disturb that.” Usually, Theseus was a very loose guy - but these were his fallen Aurors and he didn’t want anyone disturbing that idea.
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Slytherin Aesthetics:: Lavish
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Beauty of course was not everything. There were beautiful people, who were absolute idiots. Just like there were ugly people, who were geniuses. However society taught that beauty equalised the good of heart. Beauty was WORTH listening to. No wonder it worked so well with wealth.
Gellert himself had never grown up with much wealth. Even though the Bagshots were an influencial family indeed and because of this had quite a lot of wealth to spare, Clara herself had always been surprisingly HUMBLE. She rather used her money on books, instruments, not clothing or excessive jewellery. Hell, she was more the one, who entertained, then the one, BEING entertained.
Gellert had learned to grow hungry for anything he could not have. Maybe some part of him was incredibly vain for wishing to keep his beautiful face. Maybe he simply had learned the true VALUE of wealth, because of how Durmstrang robbed any city of anything valuable. Wealth was not just gold and silver. Wealth was also fur and herbs and rare spices.
Henry’s education on fighting sounded suspicious. Sure, Hogwarts could prepare one for duelling, but the way Henry had fought… It had been way too SPECIALISED to only have a school and a father to thank for. Though of course the Rosiers were good duellists. After all Vinda had barely required training from his side. Still, it felt as if Henry was leaving pieces out.
Gellert rose his hands and clapped fast and sharp. “I applaud you, Sir”, he stated, “Your father must have been an excellent mentor.” He smiled briefly. “And well, once could say I studied battle magic. I did indeed. But I also did my own experiments. It is remarkable what nature can teach us when it comes to fighting. And well, travelling too can be a good teacher.”
Nature had always been something he learned to pay attention to in battle. Not only did certain animals, especially cats, helped him to perfect his movements and made him more agile and quick, the environment itself soon became a WEAPON in its own right. Few wizards trained how to fight in rain, mud, dire heat or under other extreme conditions. Except for Aurors to some extent.
“Indeed, he was.” His father’s lessons had been brutal and, Henry suspected, taught him more than the old man had intended--about slight-of-hand, deception and misdirection. William Rosier had not hesitated a blink to burn, bludgeon, cut or freeze his young son, but could not see through the simplest ruse. Deception was how Henry had saved his skin ever since childhood. The recollection caused him no pain now; indeed, his small social smile never shifted. He had every reason to be pleased with himself. He bowed in recognition of the compliment.
“Experimentation, travel--indeed! I only wish I had traveled further. I have been across Europe, up and down, but barely stepped foot outside it. Tell me, sir, have you been to America? I hear magical law over there is rather restrictive.”
"What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?" Based on an encounter that hasn't even happened in current RP "canon"... Not holding his punches.
Oh, you handsome!||Accepting.
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“Your most attractive feature?” Gellert thoughtfully scanned Henry Rosier from head to toe. Mismatched eyes GLIMMERED as he took in the well build, the clean hands, the perfectly combed hair and the shiny suit…
“Like all members of the Rosier family”, began Gellert, “you are having a built, fit for a gentleman and it seems you even got the right end of the gene pool. Despite the fact that you are rather LANKY, but then who am I to complain about such a minor flaw? Other then that you have very clear eyes, very stern even, which I personally find rather INTERESTING. Your hair too has a lovely shade of red…”
There was a strange moment of SILENCE.
Then with a harsh blink of his eyes, Gellert stated: “Yes, the eyes are what I like the most!”
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Reversed! AU
Newt Scamander: MACUSA’s Director of Magical Security. He’s fierce and powerful in his line of work, but put him in a social setting and he becomes an awkward shy little puppy that people find endearing. His brother Theseus brags about him with pride.
Percival Graves: A magizoologist. His parents did not approve of his profession, preferring him to follow into government like his siblings, or at least into a more upstanding profession. Percy travels the globe looking for rare beasts to study, and he’s already working on his first book. Along the way, he dismantles smuggling rings and destroys poachers.
Queenie Goldstein: An auror under Newt. Her bubbly personality makes the bullpen just a bit brighter as he acts as a mother hen to everyone. Her legilimency is also very useful when interrogating suspects. She’s also in love with Jacob.
Tina Goldstein: The coffee girl who supports her sister even if she’s worried about her line of work. After losing their parents, she swore to protect Queenie, and will often scold her for being careless while patching up any injuries.
Gellert Grindelwald: Newt’s old teacher from Hogwarts and mentor. He comes off as charming, but cold at times. He is very supportive of his students and generally liked despite his sometimes frosty demeanor.
Albus Dumbledore: The Dark Lord wreaking havoc across the world. He seems very warm and grandfatherly when he speaks, making people believe that he’s really a good man who just wants what’s best for everyone, but he’s manipulating them all.
Jacob Kowalski: The president of MACUSA. Jacob tries his hardest to make politics fair and to keep people happy, but his job often stretches himself in many directions at once and he must make decisions for the good of his country. He’s in love with Queenie, but keeps it a secret to protect her job.
Seraphina Picquery: A No-Maj baker who’s trying her hardest to make her dream come true of owning a bakery. She stumbles upon Percy at a bank and later gets roped into his shenanigans. She is a smart and elegant woman with a hidden heart that she keeps guarded in her rough life.
Credence Barebone: I couldn’t decide who to switch him with, so he can stay where he is.
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“Please”, responded Gellert softly, “You are far too modest, Mister Rosier. I think, each of us has been graced with their own type of BEAUTY.” He was not lieing. There was something about Henry he found strangely attractive. If only due to the fact he had seen him duel. The man was smart, talented and Gellert always loved INTERESTING people.
He took a cocktail glass. Vinda had asked a person called Arthur to fill them both with some cherry wine and added a little bit of lemon juice to the touch. Long fingers carefully turned the little umbrella around. Watching Henry from the borderline of his glass, Gellert reflected his next move.
He did not know about Henry’s sexuality. However he could understand nobody wanted baseless flattery or interminable flattery. Nothing was WORSE then that for it held no meaning in itself.
Gellert finally stated: “I would not dream of boring you with a meaningless conversation, Mister Rosier.” He took a sip of his wine and toasted towards the other wizard. “You fought well. I SALUTE you. Who was your duelling teacher? It seems you received excellent training.”
Henry was proud of the way he carried himself, of his sense of fashion, his hairstyle, his horses and carriages and flawless enunciation with its well-bred tones, but he had never thought the physicality beneath it anything. It did not matter to him, much, as the aforementioned got a fellow far in the world; what more beauty did a man need?
He steepled his fingers on his thighs and studied the man before him, a small, curious smile upon his lips. He did not need the glamour of style or money to be called handsome. But the man was quite right. There were more important things to discuss than looks.
“I assure you, you have not bored me for a moment.” He picked up his glass and raised it in answer. “And I salute you, and thank you, sir.” He drank. “Ah, Hogwarts taught me some, my father a little more, and experience finished the job.” He did not mention his training as an Auror; that, after all, was classified. “May I make a guess, sir? After schooling finished with you, you continued to study battle magic. You appear to me like someone who has made a passion of it.”
"What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?" Based on an encounter that hasn't even happened in current RP "canon"... Not holding his punches.
Oh, you handsome!||Accepting.
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“Your most attractive feature?” Gellert thoughtfully scanned Henry Rosier from head to toe. Mismatched eyes GLIMMERED as he took in the well build, the clean hands, the perfectly combed hair and the shiny suit…
“Like all members of the Rosier family”, began Gellert, “you are having a built, fit for a gentleman and it seems you even got the right end of the gene pool. Despite the fact that you are rather LANKY, but then who am I to complain about such a minor flaw? Other then that you have very clear eyes, very stern even, which I personally find rather INTERESTING. Your hair too has a lovely shade of red…”
There was a strange moment of SILENCE.
Then with a harsh blink of his eyes, Gellert stated: “Yes, the eyes are what I like the most!”
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“You have given me rather more compliments than I have you, sir.” Henry tilted his head up in a way that, in a lady, might have been called almost coquettish. He was as fond of flattery as any. “I will freely concede you have been graced with looks far beyond my own, and there, I expect, we can let the matter lie lest the conversation turn either awkward or--worse!--interminable.”
"What does your muse think is my muse’s most attractive feature?" Based on an encounter that hasn't even happened in current RP "canon"... Not holding his punches.
Oh, you handsome!||Accepting.
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“Your most attractive feature?” Gellert thoughtfully scanned Henry Rosier from head to toe. Mismatched eyes GLIMMERED as he took in the well build, the clean hands, the perfectly combed hair and the shiny suit…
“Like all members of the Rosier family”, began Gellert, “you are having a built, fit for a gentleman and it seems you even got the right end of the gene pool. Despite the fact that you are rather LANKY, but then who am I to complain about such a minor flaw? Other then that you have very clear eyes, very stern even, which I personally find rather INTERESTING. Your hair too has a lovely shade of red…”
There was a strange moment of SILENCE.
Then with a harsh blink of his eyes, Gellert stated: “Yes, the eyes are what I like the most!”
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From 2,000 Jokes and Jests, 1893
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Reblog if it is totally, 100% fine to send anonymous comments to your muse pertaining to the events in your RP
Example, if your muse kisses another muse, it is totally fine for you to get on anon and congratulate my muse, or to say that the other muse isn’t right for them. I will answer ic.
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