smokingbigbadwolf · 8 years
“dude i know youre a werewolf and all but seriously that freaking howl laughter you do is so fucking extra and i cant take it anymore”
“you being part dog has its perks, mostly for me because whenever i toss something away your eyes follow it and you perk up like you want to chase it but restrict yourself and its honestly the cutest fucking thing ive ever seen”
“honestly though i hate my pack so much, like theyre a bunch of assholes but i ran into you on a full moon run in the forest and idk u seem pretty cool. wanna go hunting or scare some people or some shit? i know this sick ass lake thats always really warm, i can show you”
“yes i understand im a big bad werewolf now but really i dont want to hurt those cute little rabbits and deer, cant we just wait until we transform back to eat? thats not how it works? well cant i just eat before i transform so i wont be hungry–im sorry im just new at this and im sorta trying to go vegetarian here–”
“babe you know i love you and i would give up my life for yours but i sWEAR TO GOD IF YOU GIVE ME ONE MORE DOG TOY FOR MY BIRTHDAY IM GONNA PUNCH YOU SQUARE IN THE FACE”
“look im not a supernatural fanatic or anything but i swear man every time this kid next to me gets frustrated they actually growl and it sounds just like some rabid steroid induced dog, and im not saying their a werewolf man but theyre totally a werewolf”
a werewolf getting personally offended when someone says they’re not a dog person
“as a werewolf i can personally talk to dogs and boyohboy does ur little pug have some tea to spill…"
“alternatively, i find you to be really superduper adorable and whenever i come over your little dog goes off on rants to me about the cute embarrassing stuff that you do when your home alone and honestly I wake up every day for these chats”
“when I saw you climbing out of the stream I was fishing in dirty, wet, and naked, I assumed you had just survived some kind of intense mob hit or something but really you had just detransformed from a werewolf after you were playing in the water trying to catch a fish, and ultimately failing. nice ass, by the way.”
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smokingbigbadwolf · 8 years
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An assassin who fooled people with their beauty to take them out.
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
The worst thing is that                                       they aren’t even nightmares                                                                                           they’re memories.
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
How do you feel about smokingbigbadwolf?
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“Ah, Del, fluff help me that woman is dangerous on so many levels; gorgeous to boot and trouble with a capital T. Honestly? I want to get to know her more— intimately. Sure she’s a wolf but on her I don’t quite hate the stink of canine. She carries it well.”
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
beastly thing
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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Okay but in all seriousness, thank you so much for sending this in. You rock and I’m glad that I can make you laugh with my sass  and Del is thankful too <333
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smokingbigbadwolf is an amazing OC with lots of interesting verses to interact with. The mun also happens to be a master of sass who never fails to make me smile or giggle every time I see her on my dash. Del and her mun are awesome, that is all.
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
Smokingbigbadwolf is the worst OC I’ve ever seen.
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Like...I should care....why?
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
Werewolves who reject anthropocentric identities; who are neither wolf nor human, who see the beauty and power in being both or neither.
Werewolves with pawprint stickers on their cars and tattoos on their wrists, werewolves who are proud of who and what they are, despite what they’ve been told for generations
LGBTQIA+ werewolves who eschew traditional ideas of gender and sexuality, who craft their own identities with hackles raised and teeth bared; trans werewolves who know that skin is only skin, that what is within can withstand transformations of all sorts and remain authentic; werewolves who have different partners in different forms; werewolves in loving, polyamorous packs
Werewolves exploring their spirituality: werewolves who find their homes in churches and cathedrals, who believe that all sins can be forgiven; werewolves who find Loki, the wolf-sire, god of boundary-crossers, singing in their blood; werewolves who find their own gods in the wilderness; werewolves who search and search and find no gods at all. 
Werewolves who fiercely, adamantly reject the idea that they must be ‘good’ monsters to deserve a place in this world, who are frightening and violent and feral and refuse to apologize, who know that they are not obligated to make humans comfortable
Werewolves who become werewolf hunters, who see great power used for great evil and are called to stop it; werewolves who believe that every werewolf is family, who protect other werewolves at all costs; werewolves who hold themselves accountable for no one’s sins but their own, and leave both the hunters and the guardians to their battles
Werewolves who are form-fluid, whose skin is as soft and supple as water, whose shadows are mismatched, whose shape you can’t quite distinguish when you catch them in the corner of your eye
Werewolves who shake and suffer and scream through each transformation, who find ecstasy and escape on the other side, who leave human thoughts and cares in human skin and never look back
Werewolves who see their wolf form as something outside of themselves, something primal or transcendent; werewolves who see their wolf form as their real body; werewolves who see their wolf form as just another shape the unchanging inner-self can take
Werewolves protesting for animal rights; werewolves eating vegan when they’re human-shaped; werewolves freeing dogs from testing facilities and sabotaging factory farms because they know that sentience is not just a human trait
Werewolves eating as much meat as they please and feeling no guilt, because they know that nature is soaked in blood and caressed by death, because they are predators in every form
Young werewolves with human parents: parents who fret over the full moon and donate to research for a cure; parents who learn ‘lycanthrope-inclusive language’ and encourage their children to embrace every bit of who they are; parents who take one look at the thing that was their child and never look at them again.
Older werewolves with human families: mothers who let their children snuggle into their fur; packs who would kill for their member’s human kids; sisters who introduce themselves to their sibling’s bully one full-moon night and know they won’t be bothered again
just give me more werewolves okay
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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Sooooooooo I’m leaving again until Thursday eveningish/ won’t have signal on my phone for most of the time, because………I’ll be at the beach. (Nice thing about being in CA,  most places are two hours or lessish from the ocean)
I’m sorry but it’s only like a day and a half at most. Please keep yourself safe and be kind to each other. I’ll try and finish all my 150ish drafts when I come home.  
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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“Mhmmm, well, aren’t you forward kitty cat?” Del said with a chuckle and sipped her beer. This one she liked, but maybe that was because of the spunk. “ I’m sure we could work something out, but business before pleasure.” She stretched a little and set down the beer before standing up.  “ So...what’s your poison huh?”
1 cried Wolf
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“ That all depends, If I get double what I need do I get the company as well?” Chesh had to admit that she wasn’t used to being on this end of drug deals– in her wonderland she was a damn Queen pin, enough to get the Queen’s attention at least.
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
1 Cried Wolf
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She just watched the woman from the shadows, hesitant to come out, given her inhuman features . “Why are you here?” Del growled, waiting for an answer.
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
1 cried Wolf
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“Well, well, sugar, you here for the two for on special?”
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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Don’t you know, little one?
           You’re suppose to run from the
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
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smokingbigbadwolf · 9 years
The experiment growled as she curled her lip, revealing sharp canines, longer than any humans. All she wants to do is get the money and then get herself something to eat. She’s not sure how much the darkness hides her inhuman features, the cross between human and wolf marring her face. Her  eyes glow amber in the dark as she speaks again.
“Now!”  Del orders again reaching out to grab the bag. However, the peper spray hit her eyes and skin causing her to jerk back. Howling in pain, Del stumbled, clawing at her face, revealing sharp claws. ‘ Kill you!’ she howled, coughing as the spray aggravated her throat.  “ I’m going to fucking kill you!”  The hybrid promised as she crouched down, looking more beast than human as she growled trying to ignore the pain she was in before leaping to attack her.
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