smolgremlinchildren · 5 years
dear smaller content creators,
this is your chance to boost your works!!
my dash is often full of the same works, each with 1k, 2k, 5k notes (and that's fantastic—the creators in question certainly earned their notes!), but rarely ever are already smaller content creators reblogged, which means lots of fantastic artwork, writing and more is never even given the chance to be seen.
so here's a chance for smaller blogs to show off the stuff they're proud of—please reblog this post with links to your fanworks, no matter if art, writing, edits, music or something entirely different!! i'll do my best to reblog as many as i can :D
(larger blogs, please help me boost this!!)
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smolgremlinchildren · 5 years
I love this so much!!! Thank you!
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Doodle of the little gremlins for @smolgremlinchildren ’s dragon prince au
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smolgremlinchildren · 5 years
Castle Shenanigans
The boys are near-constantly getting into trouble with their little shenanigans and it drives their caregivers insane with how easily they manage to slip away and cause chaos. They are like tiny escape artists.
In the kitchen:
 Both of them are absolute menaces
Just imagine these two gremlins weaving in and out between the kitchen staff’s legs like the way cats do
The two of them constantly trip of the staff whenever they are in the kitchen and steal everything
Whole loaves of bread
You name it
They learned not to hoard fruit in their room after they forgot about it for a few days
Did not end well
The throne room:
You bring them in for something important and they end up getting up and wandering around
Their caretakers and some of the other staff in the castle have a running bet on who can take get them to sit the longest
The longest time so far is 5 minutes
Forget it if they have a ball or gathering of some sort
They also have a knack for climbing
So occasionally they will climb up the columns in the throne room and sit in the high up windows
This freaks out everyone 
Especially when they yell “CATCH ME” and proceed to jump down to whoever is standing down there
Out in the courtyard:
The two basically run wild
Constantly getting dirty or muddy
The two of them have a small hoard of rocks they find in the courtyard
Only the flattest, smoothest rocks are allowed in their collection
There is a koi pond in the courtyard
They like to spend time playing and petting with the koi
Or splashing each other with the water
Though when they get questioned about why they are all wet or muddy, they always insist that the koi started it
Or the “fishy fishes” started it
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smolgremlinchildren · 5 years
This is super cute! What's each twins' favorite thing to horde?
It a big tie between sweet and anything warm and fuzzy. One of their favorite things to do is go on their little raids of the kitchen and steal as many sweets as they can before getting caught by the kitchen staff or going to the laundry room and stealing as many of the freshly clean blankets when they are all nice and warm to add to their little nest before taking a nice cozy nap.
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smolgremlinchildren · 5 years
Boy do I have an AU for you
So this AU is primarily based around the twins.
The dragon population has been dwindling over the years due to hunting and poaching. Dragon tears and blood is known for its exceptional healing properties so dragons have been hunted to the point of where they have are near extinct. With the few remaining, they do whatever they can to stay under the radar as much as possible and survive.
The queen of one of the few remaining dragon clans left gifted a king and queen her two eggs, entrusting them to keep her hatchlings safe. As they have royal blood, the twins that hatch from these eggs are capable of polymorphism and changed from dragons to their human appearance and raised from there.
Yay! Roman and Remus are born! Roman is older by 11 minutes and totally teases Remus about it whenever he can.
The two are raised as human princes to the king and queen and are basically inseperable, always getting into shenanigans together in the castle. They are around 5 years old and totally unaware of their draconic heritage, but they by nature display some draconic mannerisms.
The two share a room and instead of using their beds, they sleep together all curled up in their nests they made from various blankets and pillows. Bless the souls of the poor maids who tear that apart to wash the blankets. They use their beds to instead show off their hoards of plush animals. They keep hoards of sweets hidden underneath their beds and in the pillow cases of the pillows they keep on their bed. They can purr and sound abosultely adorable when they do.
I just love this whole concept so much and think its awesome! I can’t wait to build more upon it.
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Credit: @letsdragonesquethings
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