smollwitchybean · 5 years
An emoji spell so that you’re crush talks to you!! For that summer loving you’re looking for!
Likes charge/ reblogs cast!
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smollwitchybean · 5 years
Summer swimming tip for trans guys and Non binary folks!
I almost didnt go swimming or to the beach all summer because of how anxious and uncomfortable just thinking about being in a wet t shirt and sports bra would make me.
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But this company saved me. They’re called Outplay and seem to be mainly advertised towards females but not to the point where navigating the website is unbearable. The flatsea compression shirt is the most comfortable binder I’ve ever worn. Its thicker than a bathing suit but doesnt make you overheat and you dont stay wet longer than normal after getting out of the water either.
I got a size small and with high compression and couldnt be more happy with the results. Its comfortable enough to wear all day at the beach and is more comfortable to wear as a regular binder. My weight has also fluctuated while I’ve owned this binder and when my stomach was bigger the material didnt roll at all. It will run you about $65 (shipping included)for a great transitional binder and it seemed worth it to me.
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smollwitchybean · 5 years
why the fuck is no one naming their children after greek goddesses? Name your fucking child Persephone?????? Bitch???????!?
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
I just want people to KNOW i’m a witch without me saying it. I want them to see how cats and crows gather around me and treat me like i’m one of them. I want to be the dark disney princess.
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
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Egyptian gods by Yliade
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Before January ends, I’m going to magically and extremely be blessed by the universe.
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
What to ask tarot
So tarot card questions are actually a lot different than asking a specific question. You wouldn’t say, for example, “Is my dad going to graduate?” because if you got the 3 of cups, you would be utterly confused as to why I did not provide a yes or a no. So below I am going to list questions that are good to ask the cards. 
• I’m at a fork in the road. Which way should I go?
• How do I weigh out the choices I have? What are the Pros and Cons?
• What do I need to know to make the best decision? What do I need to know?
• What do I need to know about a situation with a family member?
• What do I need to know about my love life?
• What do I need to know about my career?
Moving forward
• How do I move forward in my career?
• How do I move forward in my relationship/ love life?
• What is coming forth in my life?
• Which foundation is the strongest to build on in my life?
* What should I do?
• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with my job?
• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with a friend or family member?
• How can I restore my hope for the future?
• What overall positives do I bring to my life?
• What positives do the people in my life provide me?
• Is there meaning in my life?
• Is there love in my life? Hidden Elements
• Are there things I am ignoring that are important?
• What am I not seeing?
• What is holding me back?
• Are there truths that I am denying?
• Are there things that I see that are untrue?
• What important things have I forgotten?
• What could get in my way?
• What is most important for me to get done?
• How will a certain occasion or event turn out?
• What will be the best way for me to communicate with certain people?
• What should I learn from my past?
• What is the impending future telling me?
• What cycles am I stuck in?
• What have a learned from my past?
• Where am I strongest?
• What should I look out for?
I hope this helps!!!!
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Witch Problems
Expectation: *Uses Amethyst, gets amazing grades and never gets a cold life is grrrreat!* Reality: *Uses every crystal in the book and sleeps 3 hours instead of four.*
Expectation: *Creates a beautiful sigil that’s amaZING AND POWERFUL* Reality: *It’s a blob of letters oh no.*
Expectation: *ITS SO PRETTY YES THE GODDESS WILL BE PROUD HAPPY HOLIDAYS WHOOOOHOOOO!* Reality: *Wow! One candle! I might burn the house down!*
Expectation: *Reveals to me how to accomplish everything I need, in detail* Reality: *Calls me out on my bad habits constantly*
Expectation: *Is messy but the kind of messy that looks put together.* Reality: *Just a complete mess.*
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Incorporating witchcraft/witchy things into your everyday life
I always get asked tones of questions on how to incorporate witchcraft into your daily routine so here are some ways that you could possibly do so
The tips:
- when you wake up you could burn incense or sage around your house and yourself to cleanse everything for a brand new day
- when drinking drinks like tea or coffee you can use the spoon to mix in a clockwise direction to increase something or anti clockwise to decrease something
- you can also draw a sigil in the bottom of your cup with honey and then add you drink on top
- when baking things with crust you can carve sigils into it to make your food more magickal and be filled with your intent
- set up an altar for your ancestors and pray to it everyday when you wake up or before bed, you can also leave offerings on there
- carry crystals or amulets you have made in your pocket or around your neck for them to work their magick
- enchant things such as makeup brushes or jewellery
- pretty self explanatory but you can write in your book of shadows or grimoire everyday
- have a moon chart which shows the stages of the moon each month and mark when you would like to practise your spells based on what moon phase will be most beneficial
- grow a garden filled with lots of different plants and trees and bushes, everyday go out and spend time in it to clear your mind and become more in tune with your spirituality and intuition
I hope this helped some of you’s! Feel free to add more suggestions below, happy enchanting ✨
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Quotes from a Witch’s Boyfriend ☾
🔮 “How have Poseidon and Athena been treating my baby girl?”
🔮 “That’s my favourite witch right there!”
🔮 “Not even your strongest hexes could make me want to leave you!”
🔮 “So, if I fuck a witch do I get magic powers?”
🔮 “OoOOoooh! My little witch is doing things for others; making me so proud!”
🔮 “Call me when you get to the witch shop, ok? I wanna help pick crystals!”
🔮 “If I’m not good in bed please don’t curse me thanks.”
🔮 “So like… Did you go to Hogwarts?”
🔮 “Promise me when we kiss I won’t turn into a frog?”
🔮 “Wand? What wan-… Ohhhh! Right, you’re a witch!”
🔮 “Burn the witch? More like KISS THE WITCH!”
🔮 “I must have amazing karma if I ended up with you!”
🔮 “Babe! I’m going through your tarot deck again! The pictures are pretty!”
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
🔮 witchy things that are easy to do
• simply just calmly sit somewhere and think about the energies and the elements 🌊
• talk to nature 🍃 it may sound weird, but it’s a great way to get in touch with the earthy elements and bond with them
• sit with a candle 🕯(any candle if you don’t have plain colored ones for reasonating different energies) and think positively and wish for simple things in your life to get better
• look at witchy aesthetics to just get motivated, it’s a fun and creative way to get your witch energies excited 🔮
• tell yourself small affirmations, chants, or even spells of desire 📝
remember that anything working with energies and spells, make sure you believe that it will work. the biggest part of spells, chants, wishes, or anything of the sort is that you BELIEVE!!
blessed be <3
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Know your crystals!
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Black and red crystals🖤❤
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White and purple crystals 💜
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Green crystals💚
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Blue crystals💙
All pictures are made by myself and all crystals are from my collection.🎀
Follow my instagram- @crystalia_witch
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Yup. This is one of those posts. I thought i’d try and meet new people as well as follow some people with similar interests to mine. So if you are any of the following please message me or reblog this!
Otherkin, angelkin, demonkin, catkin, fictionkin, therian, have a daemon, love cats, practice magic, love Fairy Tail, love Pokemon, lgbtq+ or you are just a fellow lonely human being out there in need of a friend!
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Reading A Candle
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Watch your candles closely and learn to read them to help you with your practice.
The Flame
A strong flame: It means that your energies are raised. There is a lot of power behind your spell and little to no resistance. Indicates that all your power and energy is focused on your manifestation. This is a good sign. If a candle shaped into a figure is used and has a strong flame it means that whoever it represents is either angry, winning, or using authority over another. When their are two figures the candle with the higher flame has authority over the other person.   
A weak flame: Indicates that the magick you cast is facing a heavy opposition and is a sign that you may need to recast your spell in order to overcome the opposing force. On a figure candle this may indicate that the representative may be loosing a battle or an argument. 
A jumping flame: This indicates strong emotions. There may also be some sort of resistance against you. Maybe close your circle and bring your mind back to focus before continuing. It may also mean an explosion of energy. When two figure candles are being used it often means that an energetic or a heated argument is taking place between them.  
A noisy candle: Indicates a conversation. It may may that a spirit is trying to send you a message or get in contact with you. The louder the noises get the more urgent communication must be. 
The flame catches something on fire: Someone one may be using malicious magick against you.  
A clean even burning candle: Means your spell and manifestations are likely to come true.
Fast Burn: The results of your spell will happen quickly.
Flickering Flame: If there is no breeze then it means a spirit is near by. If it is a devotional flame it means you were able to get in contact with your deity.
Cannot blow the flame out: A spirit may not be finished its conversation with you or you did not complete a spell. The spirit needs to complete its work, something may be may in the works that you do not want to interrupt. 
A flame goes out while burning: This means the spirits cannot help you and the answer you seek is already determined.  
The Smoke
Black smoke/soot: Your energy and magick is being blocked. Negative energy is being sent your way, whether as a curse or hex. You may soon be faced with tough challenges and a hard road ahead of you. 
Smoke wafts towards you: It means your call will likely be answered or your spell has been cast successfully. You will get results quickly.
Smoke wafts away from you: You must work harder in order for your calls to be answered.
Watch the direction the smoke wafts: East - Something powerful is assisting you, North - You are ready to begin your ritual and get results, South - The spell will be successful, West - A powerful interference from an outside force.
Smoking Candle: Negative energy is being burned away.
The Wax
When a candle leaves wax residue: Your spell may need to be repeated.
Look for symbols in the candle wax, like reading tea leaves.
Resources: askanthony.weebly.com, anamericanwitch.wordpress.com,   
May the Moon light you path!
☾ Moonlight Academy ☽ 
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Candles: Color and Purpose
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Candles are seen as the most powerful object for witches. If one lights a candle while reciting a chant or prayer for enlightenment, empowerment, and good health is one way to use a candle. One can also ward off negative energy and impart positive energy into one’s life using a candle also. 
Historical Uses
Birthdays were the first ritual with candles used. Many believe the practice of wishing and blowing out the candle brought this wish to the gods who would grant it via the smoke. 
Candles represent earth (wax), air (smoke), water (melted wax), and fire (flaming wick).
Magical Uses
Always be in the right frame of mind, or the spell will create an opposite effect intended
Allow candle to burn down on its own for most rituals 
When the candle has extinguished itself, the spell will be complete
Some rituals and spells may ask for the candle to be extinguished and then re-lit the next day
Never leave a candle unattended 
Give decent amounts of time for the candle to burn
Choosing a Candle 
Magickally disinfecting your candles before using them is very important, since the energy from those who shipped it may linger on the wax. It is good to make your own candles from scratch for this reason also. 
Avoid dipped candles such as white candles dipped into colored wax. Try to find ones solid color throughout  
Cleansing Your Candle
Depending upon your preference, you can do a few things to cleanse your candle, such as leaving it outside for a week in the garden to soak up the moon’s rays at night. 
For a less time-consuming cleansing, you may anoint your candle, using water and oils prior to the spell or ritual:
Wipe clean with a paper towel, removing all dirt 
Prepare a solution of spring water, one teaspoon of sea salt, and warm until the salt dissolves. Allow to cool, and then pour back into the bottle. Keep this in the refrigerator for about a month for use over time. 
Intent. Stand in front of your sink, hold the candle in your left hand (nearer to your heart). Be very careful not to wet the wick, and pour a small amount of the sea salt spring water solution over the candle. If using a tea-light candle for quick burn time, remove the candle from its casing before cleansing with the water. Take a fresh paper towel and dry the candle very well and say the following: “This magickal water cleanses thee, with good intent and purity” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017).
Inscribe the candle with a small, sharp knife or thick needle, and scratch your full name and your wish into the wax. It is not important that it be legible, nor the location where inscribed. The words will clout the spell more as the candle burns down. 
To anoint your candle, pour some pure vegetable oil into a bowl. This oil is used for most anointing, but if using a spell for health and well-being, you may mix in a few drops of other oils if you wish. Lavender is common for health and well-being spells and will make the magick more intense. Hold the candle in your left hand again and dip the first finger of your right hand into the oil and run it down the candle from top to bottom in a line. If anointing a tea-light, place it back in its casing, dip your finger into the oil, and smear it in a clockwork motion around the top of the candle wax. Say this invocation: “This magickal oil anoints thee, with all things good, magickally” (Robbins and Bedell, 2017). The candle is now cleansed, charged, and ready to be placed in a suitable holder in preparation for the spell you choose. 
Rhyming and repetition can help add punch to a spell. A lot of ancient and prewritten spells will rhyme with a poetic fluidity. Repeating the spell will give power to the message each time. The most magickal numbers that represent completion are 7, 9, and 12. 
To end the spell, you will need to close the ritual. Choose one of the phrases such as “and so it is” or “the spell is cast” or “so mote it be” before looking upward and saying “thank you.” 
Colorful Uses
The correct color is the most important thing with candle use
Some spells are exact to the color needed, and others more flexible 
When in doubt, always use a white candle for it is neutral 
Color Correspondances 
Cleansing homes
Purifying spaces
Creating harmony
Invoking spirits
Improving communication with others
Summoning guides and angels
For use in every situation 
Promoting restful sleep
Finding the truth
Gaining wisdom and knowledge
Invoking psychic visions
Calming emotions
Suppressing anger
Aiding meditation
Moving your house
Becoming more patient with others
Curing a fever
Having a better understanding
Promoting strength and vigor
Rejuvenating energy and stamina
Conjuring willpower
Summoning courage
Inciting passion and sexual love
Sparking enthusiasm
Prompting quick results
Warding off enemies
Becoming more attractive to others
Healing emotions
Attracting romance
Becoming more caring
Inviting peace and tranquility 
Healing rifts
Banishing selfish emotions
Protecting family and friendships
Invoking spiritual healing
Being more compassionate 
Accumulating money and wealth
Promoting prosperity and abundance
Accomplishing goals
Growing plants
Attracting luck
Negotiating employment matters and finding new jobs
Hastening conception and solving fertility issues
Casting out greed and resentment 
Increasing activity
Resolving health matters
Nurturing creativity and imagination
Passing exams and learning
Aiding concentration
Controlling mood swings
Protecting yourself when traveling
Persuading others
Healing problems associated with the head
Increasing energy and stamina 
Improving the mind and memory
Promoting success and luck
Developing business and career
Helping those with new jobs
Clarifying legal matters and justice 
Selling goods or houses
Capturing a thief or recovering lost property 
Removing fear
Summoning spirit help
Bringing peace, tranquility, and harmony
Improving psychic ability 
Aiding astral projection
Easing sadness
Improving male energy 
Summoning spiritual protection
Attuning with the trees and earth
Promoting concentration
Helping with decisiveness
Protecting animals
Amplifying assertiveness 
Aiding friendships
Bringing material gain
Gaining mental stability
Connecting with Mother Nature
Studying and learning
Summoning the Mother Goddess
Drawing down the moon
Connecting with lunar animals
Purifying female energy
Improving all psychic abilities
Aiding clairvoyance and the unconscious mind
Ridding negativity
Developing intuition 
Interpreting messages in dreams
Banishing bad habits
healing and enhancing well-being
Rejuvenating yourself
Improving intelligence
Bringing financial gain and wealth
Winning competitions
Attracting love and happiness
Maintaining peace in families
Cosmic ordering
Robbins, Shawn, and Bedell, Charity. The Good Witch’s Guide. New York: Sterling Ethos, 2017. Print.
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
Small Candle Spells
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Not every witch has the means to collect tons of exotic ingredients.   Sometimes, all you have is a candle and a wish.  So, I have put together 10 small candle spells.  (The types of candles I am talking about are tea lights or small, tapered little fellas.  Relatively cheap and easy to use!)  Hope this becomes a resource for you all!  Let’s get started!  <3 Salt
BLACK CANDLE:  Protection
You will need:
One Black Candle
Sheet of Paper
Write down what it is you wish to protect, be it your home, your family, yourself, etc.
Light the candle.
Chant the following ten times:
By the time this black candle has waned, the blessing of protection be gained by all that fall beneath its wax be safely guarded from attack. Until the next waxing moon appears, protect all that I have written here.
Allow the candle to burn completely down and the wax to spread across the paper. 
Fold it and keep it until the next waxing moon.
Repeat as often as needed.
WHITE CANDLE:  Spirit Communication
You will need:
One White Candle
Photo of the Person you wish to speak to
Before bed, light the white candle and focus on the flame.  Let’s its warmth ignite the love you feel for the person you wish to communicate with.
Say their name allowed.  Speak of the memories you have with them.  Let the memory of them come to life in your mind.
When you are ready, recite the following spell:
Before I rest my head for the night, I ask that my heart’s call to you, (say their name), be answered. In dreams, let us be together again and share the embrace of love. I await your visit and, for it, you have my deepest thanks.
Blow out the candle and visualize their face in your mind’s eye.
Once the wax has cooled, place it and the picture together near your bed.  You are free to sleep.  Enjoy the visit!
You will need:
One Pink Candle
Piece of paper (cut into a heart shape)
Pencil or pen
On the heart paper, write down the positive aspects and assets you have.  It can be anything (from pretty eyes to being compassionate.)  Fill up the paper and fold it into a half heart.
Hold it in your hands and shut your eyes.  Deeply breathe, and focus on your pulse and the things you wrote.  Focus on yourself.
Recite the following incantation:
I am who I am flawed, challenging, human I am who I am soulful, in communion with the universe I am who I will be ever-changing and growing And I bow to the purpose that resides in me.
Light the heart paper on fire, allow it to turn to ash, and blow out the candle.
Anoint your forehead and the center of your chest with hearts made of ash.  Meditate on the self and what your purpose might me.
Anytime you feel the need to revisit self-love, use the ashes and light the candle again.
PURPLE CANDLE:  Accessing Gifts and Talents
You will need:
One Purple Candle
On the night of the New Moon, sit in a quiet, dark room.  Light your candle and concentrate on expelling all the static energy from your mind.  
Focus on your the gifts you would like to explore.  An example?  If you are drawn to Tarot, have your deck nearby and envision yourself shuffling the cards.
Repeat the following chant 13 times:
My mind is clear, my heart is too Reveal my gifts, deep and true
Open your eyes and stare into the flame.  Let the fire of inspiration illuminate the talent you want to access.
Invoke the gift by whispering:
On this night, and all nights to come, I will open myself to this ancient power and allow discovery of my true potential.
Blow out the candle and keep by your bedside.  When you practice a gift or talent, light it until there is no more wax.
ORANGE CANDLE:  Calling Your Inner Child
You will need:
One Orange Candle
Divinatory Tool (Suggest: Tarot or Oracle cards)
Light the orange candle and begin shuffling your cards.
When you feel that you have shuffled enough, hold the cards in your hand and focus on the flames.
Say the following spell:
Bring future to past with this candle’s light and provide for me childish insight. One card to tell me of my woes, another about the child within, a third cast to bring us together so that we may begin again.
Draw three cards.  The first will represent your position right now (who you are and what you have been going through); the second will represent your inner child and what insights they can provide through their innocence.  The third and final card will show you what will happen if you allow the present you and your inner child join together.
Light the candle whenever you need guidance from your inner child again.
LIGHT BLUE CANDLE:  Fortune and Glory
You will need:
One Light Blue Candle
Money (coins or paper money)
An Award or piece of Recognition (trophy, certificate, etc.)
Anytime on a Sunday (the day where workings for wealth, achievement, goals, and promotions correspond), place your candle between your representations of fortune and glory.
Put one hand on each item, and say:
I humbly ask for the Universe and all the powers within it to look upon these representations of fortune and glory.  I light this candle to honor you and ask for the following blessings…
Light your candle and return your hands to rest on your items.  Recite:  
By the light of this flame, sweet fortune I do claim.   Wealth and wisdom I do gain. By warmth of this flame, glory granted to my name. Recognition I do gain.
Allow the candle to burn until there is no more wax.  Collect what is left, store in a jar, and keep in a place you conduct business.
YELLOW CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Air
You will need:
One Yellow Candle
At 3 PM, go outside and bathe in the light of the middle of the day.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Air.  Summer breeze and roaring wind, echoing melody and lifting wings, ever-dancing.  I call you forth to infuse my intention with your swirling fits of both song and silence.  Carry my will on your back and raise my purpose into your sky.  Breath and cloud, sound and song.  Air, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Air to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
GREEN CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Earth
You will need:
One Green Candle
At night, go outside and bathe in the light of the moon.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Earth.  Soil of fertility and growth, fecund source of stability, stillness and health.  I call you forth to filter away all that is impure, and to stand rooted in this world.  Mountain and dust, footstep and stone.  Earth, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Earth to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
DARK BLUE CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Water
You will need:
One Blue Candle
At twilight, go outside and bathe in the light of the fading sun.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Water.  Tranquil and powerful, rippling and deep, abundant resource of life.  I call you here to infuse my intention.  Wash my will in your flow, carry my purpose on your current.  Dewdrop and lake, clarity and storm.  Water, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of Water to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
RED CANDLE:  Invoking the Spirit of Fire
You will need:
One Red Candle
At sunrise, go outside and bathe in the light of the new dawn.  Light your candle and place it in front of you.
Fisting your hands, place them on either side of the candle and say the following incantation:
Here and now, I call the element of Fire.  Heat and flame, passion and love, anger and wildfire.  I call you forth to burn away all that impedes my highest vision and to enact change in the world.  Lightning and hearth, heart and forge.  Fire, I call you to me.
Open your fists and allow for the spirit of fire to translate through your palms and into your center.
Let the candle burn for five minutes and then blow it out, keeping it when you need it again.
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smollwitchybean · 6 years
🕯️ Reading Candles for Yes-or-No Questions 🕯️
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🔥 High, steady flame - Yes.
🔥 Low, steady flame - No.
🔥 Short, weak flame - No.
🔥 Dancing flame - Needs more focus. Re-ground, concentrate, and ask again. 
🔥 Violently flickering flame - Strong no. Take this as a warning (if you are positive the flickering is not caused by any outside force).
🔥 Sputtering and crackling flame - There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no.
🔥 Dual-Flame - Thinking, wait for your answer. 
🔥 Flame leaning to the left - Yes.
🔥 Flame leaning to the right - No. 
🔥 Candle will not light - Now is not the right time to ask.
🔥 Candle will not go out - You are not done yet. There is more to your answer that you need to hear.
🔥 Candle goes out on its own before giving an answer - Now is not the right time to ask.
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