smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Jooheon: I really like Eminem
I.M: I prefer skittles
Jooheon: I meant the rapper
I.M: Why would you eat a wrapper?
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
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Lockscreen monsta x
do you used this? post a screenshot in my twitter ( @ASTRWZ)
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
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Monsta X (Moodboard)
reblog if you save/use please!!  
open them to get a full hd lockscreen  
do NOT repost,edit or remove logo!!!
Copyright to the rightful owners
Cr: Karol
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
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Hyungwon memeboard for anon part 2 (part 1)
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
A 10 year old shows up to a fan signing and tells him he’s her bias (Monsta X)
Shownu: -He would raise a brow, finding it rather cute- “really? I’m your favorite”
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Jooheon: -he would find it precious and wanted to hug them- “this is so cute. Thank you”
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Wonho: -he saw it as something so precious when she smiled feeling a bit embarrassed- “don’t get so shy this is cute”
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Minhyuk: -he would get shy thinking it was precious- “aw thank you dear”
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I.M: -they would be holding hands one second and he thought it was just so cute- “thank you for loving me”
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Hyungwon: -he stroked her hair and all. Patting her head- “I think you’re my favorite fan here too”
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Kihyun: -all the boys found her so cute so they asked her who her favorite was and looked at him- “do you really love me the most?”
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Monsta X reaction to s/o wanting cuddles
It’s been so long since I’ve posted a reaction, actually it’s been a long time since I’ve posted in general. No one requested this but I came up with this idea and it was a lot of fun to write. ENJOY READING <3
Dating an idol was definitely something to get used to, most couples go out whenever they have free time but idols spend a lot of their free  time practicing
Shownu was in the studio practicing Dramarama by himself but it was getting late
You have a habit of hugging things in your sleep and Shownu didn’t look like he was going to stop practicing anytime soon
Normally you don’t demand much attention and you’ve never been the clingy type but today you just yearn for affection more specifically cuddles from your human teddy bear Shownu
Monsta X is constantly serving monbebe bops or in other words, albums that are pieces of art and because of this your relationship with Shownu occasionally became long distance
Shownu and you can be in the same city but most likely you two would be working, you’re in your office staring away at your desktop while Shownu is in the practice room
Usually when you miss Shownu it’s because he’s in another city or country to perform but today was out of the ordinary
He was just in the studio which is a couple streets away but you missed him a lot
You usually come to visit him while he’s practicing just to check up on him so when he saw you at the door he wasn’t shocked
After he greeted you with a hug and a kiss on the forehead he let go to continue dancing
However you didn’t want to let go but you had no choice so you took a seat by the wall and watched him practice
Watching him dance only made you wish you were in between his arms even more
Surprisingly he was actually almost finish with practicing when you had came
You sat on the floor by the side of the room and watched him danced as you drifted away in your own thoughts
Your eyelids became heavier slowly and eventually you were asleep on the floor
Shortly after you fell asleep, Shownu had finished dancing and when he saw you he smiled to himself trying to find a way to wake you up without disturbing you too much
That was pretty much an impossible task but he tried and gently tapped you which didn’t work so he just bopped you on the nose and it strangely worked
On the way home you two usually hold hands but today Shownu told you to walk in front of him
You were confused but when you walked ahead he draped his arms on top of your shoulders so he was pretty much hugging you the whole way home
When the two of you got inside the house Shownu asked you if you wanted to watch a movie
First the two of you got ready and put on your pajamas and chose a movie
You grabbed a teddy bear to hold as you watched the movie, you still wanted cuddles from Shownu but you thought he was oblivious to this idea and you didn’t want to voice it
When Shownu saw you grab the bear as soon as you went to sit on the couch he threw it and engulfed you in his arms as he told you that if you wanted cuddles all you had to do was ask
more below the cut :)
Wonho had a day off today and the two of you decided to sleep in
Usually when the two of you sleep he would be cuddling you but you decided to hang out with Hyungwon the day before so he got jealous and slept with his back to you
No matter how many times you ask him if he’s jealous he won’t admit it so you usually pull him aside to reassure him that he’s your one and only and as cheesy as it sounds it helps
You had already told him the reassuring words that usually work but they didn’t seem to have worked, when you hugged him he had no reaction but you just told yourself it’s because he just woke up to make yourself feel better
You were right that it was because he just woke up but you felt bad for making him jealous even though you didn’t do anything wrong and so you were extra affectionate towards him
Wonho immediately sensed this and caught on and decided to play along with the thought that he was still jealous
He didn’t mind if you held his hand or hugged him and didn’t ignore you but wouldn’t return any of the actions to see what would happen
Because he did this it made you wish that things would return to normal so he could cuddle you
You two went to get coffee and on the way there things were like normal, the two of you talked happily but when you tried to grab his hand so you could hold it he put his hands in his pockets
You thought things were normal again but apparently not, you wanted to confront him for dodging you but you didn’t know how to approach it
When the two of you walked into the cafe you two usually get the drinks and sit for awhile to talk but Wonho suggested to just go home
This made you a bit upset but at home you could talk to him in private but naturally you were a really sensitive person and the more you thought about him dodging you the worst you felt
One the way home it was silent and you had convinced yourself that Wonho just needed a day off from spending time with you but Wonho just wanted to push your limits
However as much as you told yourself that a day in the house with him but without his contact would be okay you couldn’t help but feel a little upset and felt sorry
The two of you sat on the couch and you looked at him as his stared into his phone you unconsciously shed a tear and sniffled a little louder than you had planned
Wonho looked up and when he saw you crying he ran up to hug you, apologized and explained that he just wanted to see how you would be without his affection
When he hugged you in his tight embrace you realized how much you enjoyed hugs and you also learned to never take his hugs for granted
When you pulled away from the hug he wiped your tears and kissed you and he promised that he’ll never do this again and try his best to not get jealous
Things were actually and finally normal again and the two of you laid on the couch to take a cuddle break so he could make it up to you
You were just glad Wonho wasn’t actually mad and you got the affection you wanted 
Before dating Minhyuk you didn’t really enjoy hugs, they were fine but you could easily live without them
However it didn’t matter whether you liked them or not because Minhyuk loved them and eventually it grew on you and now you have a habit of hugging things in your sleep
Before dating Minhyuk you always found it weird when people had the habit of hugging things in their sleep but now that you caught on to the habit you understood why
When Minhyuk came home he asked if you were hungry so you two could stay up late together to eat but you were much more interest in sleeping
He wanted to join you but being the excited little puppy he is he had too much energy to sleep so he decided to take a small walk to grab some food for himself
When the two of you started dating you started to realize how you really didn’t mind constant hand holding and hugs it just depended on who it was coming from
But eventually you became just like him and demanded lots of hugs and cuddles and this couldn’t have make him any happier
It made him happy that the two of you enjoyed each other accompaniment to the maximum but this made it harder for him to leave for tour
Before he left for tour he gave you a super fluffy stuffed dog that was almost as tall as him and it wore one of his hoodies so the dog could be more like him
This way you had something to cuddle when you sleep and he would always joke about how he is practically the same as the dog so you can't miss him when he’s away
The dog pretty much served as a cuddling pillow but whenever Minhyuk came over he would demand for the stuffed dog to sleep on the couch
You always found it funny how you so called manly boyfriend was jealous of a stuffed animal
If he’s present and not busy with anything he automatically thinks he should be the one receiving your attention and  affection not the dog but you found it cute when he got jealous
Whenever he stayed over you would sometimes forget to put the dog on the couch and Minhyuk would get sulky about how you love a stuff animal more than you
When he had left to pick to pick up the food you went to the living room to wait but you were sleepy and feel asleep on the couch hugging the stuffed dog
Minhyuk came home and he thought that his eyes has blessed him for being able to see something so precious to him
He felt bad for making you wait even though you honestly didn’t mind because you were quite comfortable on the couch so he finished eating and carried you bridal style to the bed
However you were attached to the dog even when he tried to pry you off the dog to carry you so he ended up having to carry both you and the dog
But when you got to the bed the dog fell out of your grasp and Minhyuk took the chance to take its place and soon your dog was on the floor and you were in his arms fast asleep
Monsta X was given a vacation to do whatever they want but of course Kihyun decided to spend his first day in the studio
You don’t blame him since singing is his job, hobby and passion so there was no use in trying to convince him to do something a little more relaxing
The only thing was every time he decides to go to the studio he would stay there for hours and forget about eating which you found ironic because he’s always trying to feed you
Usually Kihyun was like the mom in the relationship, as much as you call him your boyfriend he enjoys nagging you a little too much to not also play the role of a second mom
In the morning he left a sticky note to tell you that he was going to be in the studio
Usually your vacations never line up with Kihyun’s but for once it did and you wanted to spend the day with Kihyun but you were simple person and had no elaborate plan in mind
Your ideal way to spend the day might sound boring but having a relaxing day with Kihyun was all you wanted, snuggling up with Kihyun and watching something sounded perfect to you
So far you spent the morning eating breakfast, watching youtube videos and asking yourself if you had enough willpower to step outside and do something productive
You were about to make plans with a friend to go out but before you were able to make plans you got a text from Kihyun telling you to come visit him
Earlier in the day it was gloomy and foggy but now it was cold and rainy and on the way to the studio you accidently broke your umbrella
The wind blew and your umbrella hit a branch and it made a small rip in the umbrella but the moment you pulled it back the top had a huge rip in it so you had to just throw it away
It was only a 15 minute walk but it was pouring and you had no umbrella now so you had no choice but to run to the studio unless you wanted to be soaked in water when you arrived
You entered the lobby and made your way up to his studio, Kihyun was too focused into his music and didn’t even realize it was raining outside
When he saw you he was in shock and felt bad but was surprised to see that you weren’t completely soaked in rain but even then he worried that you were going to get sick
He gave you one of his spare hoodies and sweatpants to change into and when you walked out the hood covered your eyes completely and the sweatpants looked loose on you
You pulled the hood off your head and walked over to the couch to sit but before you could Kihyun ran up to you and hugged you tightly in his arms as the two of you fell onto the couch
He kissed you on your forehead and told you how you should wear his clothes more often because you looked cute in them
Then he somehow read your mind and pulled up a movie on his laptop so they two of you could enjoy each other’s company and cuddle to try and enjoy the gloomy day
You lived in an apartment by yourself which is nice because you valued peace and quiet but you’re also petrified of every little unidentified sound you hear
Sometimes you wish you weren’t so paranoid but you couldn’t blame yourself because most people would be scared if they lived by themselves
Living alone is great until you hear a single pin drop on the floor and you’re convinced your apartment is haunted by a ghost
To avoid your daily heart attacks about paranormal activity in your apartment you try to always have music or a drama playing at all times
However the less introvert option is to have your friends or your boyfriend Hyungwon visit but this isn’t always an option because everyone has a busy life of their own
In the daytime while you’re in classes or your part time job, Hyungwon is at practice or asleep in the dorm to try and get rest because sleep tends to get sacrificed during comebacks
No matter how busy the two of you are the one thing that is always prioritized is talking to each other, no matter where, no matter when you two made it a point to talk at least once a da
Whether it was a short phone call, hours of facetiming, or going out at midnight to see each other the two of you had to do it once a day
Technology made your semi long distance relationship with Hyungwon easier to deal with but no matter how advanced technology gets the two to you will always miss each other
Monsta X had a show in Seoul tonight which is one city over from where you live and as much as you wanted to go see the show Hyungwon was too afraid of your safety
And you know it would make him really upset if you did go and you’re not trying to lose energy and get into an argument with him so you just put on one of his hoodies that he leave behind and watched some kdrama
It was still an hour before Monsta X was going up on stage so Hyungwon decided to facetime you to get rid of some nerves before going out to perform
As much as he wanted to talk with you the rest of the members were happy to see you and decided to all greet you, you could see Hyungwon trying to push them away but that was no use
You greeted each and everyone of them before blowing a kiss to Hyungwon and wishing him luck to perform well and not get hurt on stage
The show ended and Hyungwon texted you saying that he missed you and you replied saying the same and said how you wish he was with you right now so you could get a hug
When the show ended Monsta X’s manager announced that the show for the next night was moved to another date so they had the next day free
Hyungwon decided to take the train and go to your apartment to surprise you
You heard someone ring the doorbell and nearly dropped your phone on your face but you ran up to the door to open it and there you saw Hyungwon smiling widely when he saw your face
Before you could say anything he engulfed you in his arms and hugged you and told you that your wish came true
Jooheon had the day off and planned to spend the day with you but you have classes to attend so two of you arranged plans for the night
Jooheon stayed in the dorms with the rest of Monsta X and you lived with your family
In the mornings the two of you like to facetime each other to be each other’s motivation to get up and out of bed to get ready for the day
You two also set alarms but the sound of an alarm annoying you to wake up is much less enjoyable than your boyfriend calling you and getting ready alongside you
Waking up at 8 isn’t that bad but being able to talk to Jooheon as you got ready made the morning more memorable
Ending the morning call with him every morning is the hardest part not only because you won’t be able to take to him for awhile but also because now you have to get to class
When you were walking to the train station you pulled out your phone to pick a song and you saw an email from your professor
One of your professors was out sick so one class was cancelled, you texted Jooheon to tell him and he said that he would be able to go home with you after class
You attended all your classes like normal and the day was over before you knew it and when you walked out of the front entrance you saw Jooheon waiting for you
You knew he gets scared easily but that was the fun of it so you decided to sneak up on him
He got more scared than you thought and when you were done laughing you looked up to see him pouting as he scolded you for giving him a heart attack
After scolding you he hugged you so tight it was almost enough to put you out of breath
Then you two walked to the train station holding hands and when you two were sitting waiting for the train you caught Jooheon staring at you and smiling and decided to smile back
He snapped out of it and turned his head quickly to hide the fact that he was blushing but you found it cute and turned his head back to you so you could kiss him
Soon the train came and Jooheon asked you if you would rather go home and meet up later or go to his studio
As much as you wanted to go home and wrap yourself in blankets you wanted to spend more time with Jooheon so you decided to go to the studio and he was thrilled to hear this
His studio was cold so he turned on the heat and went on to work on his laptop but you got bored after 30 minutes of waiting so you went up to him and shouted “Hey you wanna cuddle?”
Most people might find this weird but Jooheon is bad at picking up hints so you like to be straightforward with what you want so he doesn’t have to play guessing games with you
He just threw a giant stuffed bumblebee at you which you honestly didn’t mind cuddling
When he was done with his song he turned around and was shocked to see that you were content with the bee but now it was his turn to cuddle so he threw the bee and replaced the bee with himself
Im was free and your little sister Mina had an apple picking field trip, you could either spend the day enjoying the beautiful but chilly day with your sister or your boyfriend
As much as you tried to convince yourself that you don’t need to go apple picking with your sister you couldn’t deny an opportunity to be surrounded by adorable little beans
When you told Im about the field trip he volunteered to join you as a chaperone and you couldn’t have pictured a better way to spend the day
The night before the field trip you felt sick but tried to play it off but when you woke up you felt horrible so you decided to take some medicine
Apparently the medicine was magic because you felt better immediately, you got ready and came into your sister’s room to help her get ready
When you were done Im arrived and now the three of you were holding hands waiting for the school bus to come
All the teachers sat in the front, all the kids sat in the middle, and all the chaperones sat in the back, as soon as Mina walked in she saw her friends and ran to sit next to them
The bus started to move and Im’s head hit the window when you looked over to him you saw him sleeping so you moved his head to lean on your shoulder
After a couple minutes he woke up and felt a head leaning on his, he soon realized that you were also sleepy and now you were sleeping
The two of you were now asleep and soon Mina was in front of the two of you telling you two to hold her hands so she can go find the apples he wanted to pick
Everyone went off already and Mina was a little behind so you offered her a piggyback ride and Im was the designated apple picker
Your job was to go wherever Mina wanted and Im had to pick all the apples she spotted
The teacher was walking around to check up on everyone and when she saw the sight of you three smiling and picking apples she couldn’t help but ask if you wanted a photo of all this
You agreed and when the teacher handed back your phone you saw the precious photo and Im joked saying that he would steal your phone for the photo
After an hour of apple picking you felt the sickness coming back and you felt cold but luckily it was time to go home so everyone returned to the bus and went into their seats
You asked Im if he would mind if you laid your head on his lap and he sensed that you were getting sick so he let you and took off his sweater so you could use it as a blanket
When the three of you got off the bus your mom took care of Mina and Im took care of you and carried you to your bedroom
He left to get medicine and when he returned you grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bed
You hugged him tightly and laid your head on his chest and apologized saying that you’re probably going to get him sick but he just smiled and told you as long as he’s sick with you and not sick of you he’ll be happy and kissed you
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
안녕~:) May I request a Wonho x reader if you’re currently taking requests? Reader is Shownu‘s cousin, and Shownu’s father takes her to Starship Entertainment when she’s visiting Seoul for about a week. She meets all the boys there, but Wonho stood out. Wonho can’t stop thinking about her, and since reader wouldn’t be staying for long, he decides to do something about his feelings or something in that plot? (You can decide on Wonho’s personality, like being a playboy etc.) Thanks in advance! xx
I’m currently taking requests😄 and I’ll be happy to take your request. I’ll try to write and post your requests ASAP. Thanks for requesting💕
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
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Shownu as your boyfriend when you’re hungry. I’ll try my best to post a reaction tomorrow but for now I made a Shownu text edit, hope you like it🐻💛
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Photography Class
Member: Hyungwon
Word count: 1717
Genre: fluff
Plot: You first met Hyungwon on a bus, just to discover later on that Hyungwon is your photography partner, as the two of you fall for each other.
It was finally your last year in college and your grades were good and stable so you didn’t have to stress too much about your grades. Of course getting good grades still mattered but in your last year of college your plan is to take a course on one of your hobbies. You’re in college to study music but one thing has always interested you, photography. Luckily for you, your best friend named Kihyun was also in your photography class so making new friends didn’t occupy your thoughts. When you walked into class expecting there to be more students in the room but the class was early in the morning so the students weren’t eager to get to class early. After entering the room you saw Kihyun sitting at a table saving two chairs. When you walked over to sit Kihyun smiled and warmly greeted you with a hug. Kihyun had saved a seat for you next to him and one in front of him, when you asked who the seat was for he replied telling you that it’s for one of his friends named Hyungwon. When Kihyun saw the blank expression on your face he jokingly pushed you telling you not to worry because you’re his best friend not Hyungwon.
However this wasn’t why your expression was blank, before you were in class you were on the bus with a man who was also named Hyungwon. You take the bus to class and on the bus there was a man sitting next to you who fell asleep. When the bus stopped, his head leaned on your shoulder and he continued to sleep soundly. When you were about to look over to wake him up you saw how he was sleeping peacefully and felt bad about the thought of waking up this sleeping beauty so you just let him be. The fact that he was cute made it even harder to wake him up so there was no point in trying. When the stop before your college was announced the boy woke up abruptly and his cheeks burned up when he realized he was sleeping while leaning on your shoulder the whole time. When he was finally able to collect his thoughts he apologized and introduced himself as Chae Hyungwon. The bus reached your stop and you soon found out that it was also Hyungwon’s stop.
Anyways after a couple minutes more students finally arrived to class and someone who looked extremely familiar walked in. This person was Chae Hyungwon, you couldn't believe that the man who fell asleep on your shoulder as you lowkey crushed on him was now in your class. When Kihyun saw the two of you stare at each other while slightly smiling he assumed you two already met and when you told Kihyun what happened Kihyun was teasing Hyungwon as Hyungwon tried to hide the fact that he was embarrassed.
Eventually the class started and the first assignment was to make a portfolio of twenty photos that showed what you and your partner doing things that the two of you enjoyed to do. Your face lit up when you heard the word partner but the professor soon ruined your moment of happiness by announcing that the partners are assigned. The professor posted the chart with all the pairs on the class website and you pulled out your laptop to check your partner, the name read Chae Hyungwon. The moment you saw this you looked up and Hyungwon looked back at you and smiled. Kihyun went to find his partner, leaving you and Hyungwon to start conversation and luckily the project gave you a chance to get his number. Class ended and Kihyun had already made plans with his partner so he waved goodbye to you and Hyungwon. You were too shy to start a conversation but luckily Hyungwon was not. He came up with an idea for the two of you to go to a local bakery and grab a small snack before starting to brainstorm. You nodded at the idea and smiled, the walk to the bakery was short and quiet but the silence was not uncomfortable.
Hyungwon opened the door for you and the two of you proceeded to get a snack and found a seat for two by the window. The lights that were hanging in the bakery were a golden color and the intricate star on the string lights fascinated you. You were too focused on the lights to notice Hyungwon pulling out his phone and talking a picture of you, but his ringer was on so when the photo snapped you looked at him confused. Hyungwon smiled and said you look beautiful looking at the lights making your lips form a slight smile and the he told you this could be the first photo for their portfolio. He came up with the idea for the two of you to take photos for the portfolio separately and meet up a couple days before the due date to pick the twenty photos for the portfolio, you simply agreed with him. After getting to know each other a little more he discovered that you liked to ice skate. All of a sudden the two of you had a bright smile and you made a plan to go ice skating tomorrow because you two had no classes. It was starting to get late and when you told Hyungwon you were going to walk home but he didn’t let you walk alone even when you tried to run ahead.
After Hyungwon realized that you didn’t live too far away he decided to walk you home but honestly he wished the walk was longer so the two of you could talk more. He grabbed your hand and when you looked at him with a confused expression he smiled and told you it’s just in case you try to run ahead again. You didn’t dislike it, it was just surprising in the best way possible. When you arrived home he texted you and said that he has to walk alone now and you smiled to yourself noticing that this walk just made you fall for him even more. You doubted that he liked you too but had a little hope that you have a chance with him. You texted him back saying how you’re excited about tomorrow and how the two of you should get some rest now. Hyungwon replied with a moon and heart sticker and something as simple as this was able to make you smile and reply with a heart sticker as well. You couldn’t sleep well because you were too excited to go ice skating but eventually you fell asleep.
The day came for you to go ice skating and your heart was beating abnormally quickly but you didn’t understand why it was. Hyungwon showed up in front of your house so you two could go to the ice skating rink. You had your outfit set out the night before and before you left you quickly made two small cups of coffee for you and Hyungwon. You handed the coffee to him and he grabbed your hand and when he tried to explain himself he started to stutter and said “you know… just in case.. You get cold, yeah cold”. You laughed at his nervousness and grasped his hand tighter. The two of you got on the bus and he put one of his headphones in your ear and started to play some music. Last night you were too excited and didn’t sleep and now it’s coming back to bite you and you started to fall asleep. At first you tried to lean on the window but eventually your head hit Hyungwon’s shoulder and it remained there for the rest of the ride. Hyungwon smiled to himself and whispered to himself “I guess we’re even now”. When it was time to get off he woke you up gently and the two of you walked inside to get some skates.
You were excited but nervous and so was Hyungwon except there was one tiny problem, you knew how to ice skate and Hyungwon didn’t. He just wanted to do something you liked to spend more time together. The moment you entered the rink you looked back to see how Hyungwon was doing and you started to laugh immediately when you saw him walk in. Due to his long legs and clumsy self he was unstable on the ice, he started to slip and slide and had to hold onto the outside but you grabbed his hand and reassured him that he won’t fall. Hyungwon started to tease you and said he was better at ice skating and told you to do some tricks if you wanted to prove you were better. So you did and you took the challenge happily and skated to the middle quickly to do some spins that left him speechless as he was taking photos of you for the portfolio. When you skated back to him the two of you held hands and skated for the next hour. Your happy time with Hyungwon was ended abruptly when your friend went to pick you up but the day was enough to keep you very happy.
The next time you were going to meet Hyungwon was going to be a few days and within those days the two of you need to take photos for the project which was easy enough. The days went by quickly and it was time for Hyungwon to come over to your house to choose the photos so you two can be prepared to turn in and present the photos. Hyungwon came over and handed you his confession portfolio and he told you to look at all the photos carefully. Hyungwon spent the last few days making two portfolios one for the project and one for his confession. Hyungwon took photos of signs with words he needed to spell out the twenty word sentence “These photos are not for our actual project but I needed to ask you this, would you be my girlfriend?”. You looked up smiling and hugged him tightly as he said “I’m just going to assume that’s a yes” and pulled away from you to give you a quick kiss.
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Member: Kihyun
Word count: 1034
Genre: fluff
Request from: @ravenclique
Plot: You sketched a cute boy (Kihyun) who walked into the cafe and when you left the sketchbook fell, leaving Kihyun to find it.
You woke up panicking about the time as you thought that it was a weekday which would’ve meant that you should be at school. However you facepalmed yourself realizing how you just played yourself by waking up early on a Saturday. However returning to sleep was not an option now as you just ruined your desire to sleep by waking up so abruptly. Being an art student was what you’ve always dreamed of but you never really came to realize how stressful college can be. You liked to dance and draw for pretty much your whole life so when you were accepted into an art school it was a dream come true. However you had to sacrifice sleep and your home but it was okay because you shared a dorm with your best friend. Your best friend was home for the weekend so you decided to go to a cafe to get some work done.
The day was beautiful, the sky was clear and sun was shining ,but the temperature was far from beautiful it might’ve been a nice day but it was freezing. Usually you would spend quite a bit of time getting ready to go to class but it was the weekend so no makeup, a hoodie and sweatpants was your choice of fashion.  Once you arrived you got your usual latte and got to work with all your assignments. Surprisingly you finished all your work in the span of an hour but it was raining out now so you decided to just stay until the rain stopped. As you looked out the window you saw a cute boy walk into the cafe and you happened to catch his name since one of his workers greeted him when he walked in, his name was Kihyun. This was the exact moment when you regretted not getting ready properly. If you had some makeup on and dressed a little more presentably you could’ve gained enough confidence to walk up to start a conversation with Kihyun. The internet in the cafe wasn’t the best but you did carry your sketchbook with you so you pulled it out and sketched a picture of Kihyun. His hair was a perfect shade of brown, his eye smile is probably one of his more attractive features and the sleeves of his sweater perfectly covered his hands. At this point you realized you were stealing too many glances at him and decided to leave and you being so clumsy left your backpack unopened just enough so that the sketchbook was able to fall out. In fact it did fall out and it fell right in front of the door which just happened to be where Kihyun’s table was.
When you left Kihyun took a double take at the door as he thought that the girl who just left because he thought the girl who left aka you looked beautiful in just sweatpants and no makeup. When he saw the sketchbook on the floor he immediately assumed it was yours and ran after you to return it. However you went too far out of sight so he opened the sketchbook to see your name and the school you went to. The sketchbook was new but Kihyun saw the first page and a wide smile spread across his face, your first sketch was of him sitting in the cafe. He came back to his dorm and admired the picture even showing his members as he blushed at his so called secret admirer who he was falling for even though all he knew was your name, school, face and most importantly your amazing art skills.
When you came back to your dorm you started to panic when you realized the sketchbook must’ve slipped out of you bag when you were at the cafe. Your cheeks turned bright pink of embarrassment as you realized that Kihyun probably saw the sketch and saw you as some creepy stalker. The next day you returned to the cafe making sure you got ready properly hoping you would see Kihyun again today to get your sketchbook as you also thought you blew your chances with him. As you reached the door of the cafe your heart was beating quickly as you tried to find a way to explain to him about the sketch without it being creepy. Luckily he was there so you slowly approached him and ask if he had seen your sketchbook he replied by smiling and nodding his head as he complimented you on your amazing art skills. His response greatly surprised you as there was no explanation needed from you. He returned the sketchbook and as you were a very shy person you thanked him and when you went to order your drink he invited you to sit at his table. He said how he thought you were prettier without makeup making you blush, your cheeks turning pink caused him to smile and comfort you by saying how it’s okay if you’re a shy person. Kihyun ended the conversation by saying how you two should get to know each other better and how you two should meet every saturday at that cafe and of course you agreed.
The moment you left Kihyun was left in a daze as he saw you as his ideal type and how he actually has a chance to date you. When you got back to your dorm you saw that the first sketch from the sketchbook was missing but there was a note Kihyun had left for you.
“I’m going to keep this sketch for… reference purposes. Your art is truly amazing and in other words I want to keep this as a memory of our first meeting. I hope to see you in the future, sorry if I’m a bit shy but I like you… It’s okay if you don’t feel the same but here’s my number feel free to text me if you feel the same way *insert his phone number here* -Yoo Kihyun aka your number 1 fan for your art”
The note made you so happy words couldn’t express your happiness and you texted Kihyun immediately because of course you had feelings for him too.
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Thank you for existing 💌 send this to 10 people you think deserve a sweet n kind message in their inbox 💌 + amazing person award as well!!!
Thank you so much💕
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Thank you for existing 💌 send this to 10 people you think deserve a sweet n kind message in their inbox 💌 + amazing person award as well!!!
This is so sweet THANK YOU SO MUCH😊❤️ little things like this always my day~
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Helloo!!! May i request a very very fluffy kihyun scenario?💛 where youre in a coffeeshop/cafe and trying to sketch a bit and you see this cute guy (kihyun) and you decide to draw him. But when you leave you forget your sketchbook and he sees it and tries to run after you but he sees the artwork you made with him as reference? I hope you get it and change it all you want :) 🌟💛 Thank you so much!
This is such a cute request💕 I’ll do it as soon as possible, thanks for requesting😊❤️
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
High School Crush
Member: I.m
Request: I.m running into his high school crush
Requested by: @tuggingatanangelsheartstring (hope you like it <3, I took a while to write this tho IM SO SORRY)
Word count: 747
In high school I.m had a huge crush on you and apparently the fact that you two were best friends made you oblivious to all this. He would stick notes in your locker but every time he did you would show him the notes and talk about how this “secret admirer” was so stupid for liking you. It broke his heart every time you said this as he thought that someone as beautiful as you should have more confidence about someone actually admiring them. His only goal in the four years of high school was for you to become his girlfriend but he was always one step behind a boy named Mark Tuan. On the last day of high school the school hosted a prom night and in the first year of high school the two of you promised each other that if you two don’t get a date you two will go together. It was night before the prom and I.m thought that he was going to finally be able to ask you to be his girlfriend but just as he was about to tell you the plans for prom night he received a text. The text was from you telling him that you were going to prom with Mark and another text came up from a girl named Wendy asking him to go to prom. All hope was lost but I.m didn’t want to mess up anything and make you worry about how he was going to stay home on prom night now so he just accepted Wendy’s request. The night was close to being the worst thing that ever happened to him, all he could pay attention to was Mark’s hands holding yours realizing that he longer has a chance with you and he couldn’t even blame Mark. In his head anyone with a pair of eyes would see that Mark is a charming guy the only difference he saw between him and Mark was that Mark was actually confident enough to confess whereas he saw himself as a scaredy cat for waiting for four years just to confess and fail.
However your relationship with Mark only lasted a year after high school and I.m and you stopped talking, I.m tried to continue being best friends with you but he got hurt every time you even mentioned Mark’s name so the two of you drifted away. After the relationship you looked back at all the old photos of you and I.m. You had a whole album of photos where you and I.m were smiling and laughing together, tears were brought to your eyes as you realized that I.m liked you this whole time but you were too oblivious. Every photo brought back a special memory, memories ranging from sneaking out with him to get ice cream with him to him giving you a piggy back ride when you sprained your ankle. You went to bed as you tried to wipe away your tears but they kept falling down your face as you realized how much pain you brought to I.m by being so oblivious and dating Mark in front of him.
The next day you woke up with red puffy eyes but you couldn’t care less it was nothing a little concealer couldn’t fix. You tried to forget about you and I.m as you felt bad every time you thought about it but the thought wasn’t going anywhere so you went out to grab a cup of coffee hoping eventually things would get better. When you entered you saw a man that looked very familiar and the moment the two of you locked eyes it seemed as if everything around you no longer mattered. That man was I.m, your best friend, your secret admirer and the person you made suffer unintentionally. He hugged you out of reflex and didn’t let go for a while but then quickly let go as he thought you were still dating Mark, you reassured him that you weren’t. I.m was speechless to see you in person after such a long time and asked you to be his girlfriend, in his mind he thought that it was better to be late than never. He told you that from now on his goal as a boyfriend is to protect you and say whatever is on his mind so he doesn’t trap his feelings like he did in high school.
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Monsta X reaction to s/o having frequent anxiety attacks
requested by @ofcoffeeandunhealthyobsessions I TOOK FOREVER I’M SO SORRY SCHOOL JUST HAPPENS TO ABSOUTELY HATE ME  but I really hope you like this <3
Starting college isn’t something easy and for you having anxiety made it even harder for you to deal with
College is a crowded school with young adults running around trying to get all their work done to graduate and the thought of failing gave you serious anxiety
I mean how is someone supposed to walk into an environment out of their comfort zone and just get used to
It even though it’s your senior year in college the anxiety just doesn’t seem to go away
Anxiety made college life hard but having a sweet and caring boyfriend seemed to soften the pain of having anxiety sneak up on you
Shownu however didn’t just serve as your boyfriend but he was also a shield for all your worries and thoughts about failing
He is a good listener and listening to you rant actually made his feel better, knowing that you trusted him with what was on your mind reassured him that you were okay with being vulnerable around him
Things like ranting or asking for him to comfort you made him feel like a good boyfriend
Your first class of your last year of college started at 12 but overthinking kept you up all night so you ended up waking you at 6
Overthinking was something that just came along with being human but this didn’t stop you from thinking about how you were going to fail the year
Staying in Shownu’s arms was your comfort, his arms wrapping around you as you drift off to sleep was what you were used to but his busy schedule doesn’t allow this to happen today
The thought of Shownu being away and failing school gave you an anxiety attack, curling up into a ball with your knees to your chest trembling and crying was all you could do
Shownu knew about your frequent anxiety attacks and often visits you to make sure you were okay and lucky for you his senses seemed to just spark and he came to visit
As he walked up to your door he could hear your sniffs from crying and quickly rushed inside
He ran up to you asking you to try your best to breathe at a constant rate and hugged you tightly comforting you knowing that he was your source of comfort
He constantly reminded you to try and relax so you don’t tense up
Slowly your anxiety attack went away, he wiped away your tears telling you that you had nothing to worry about
He was confident that he would never leave you as long as you promise the same and that you were going to get through school even if it takes hard work
Shownu stayed with you and when it was time to get to class  he waited until you were done getting ready he drove you to class letting you know that he truly loves you
other members below cut~
When you first started to date Wonho you made sure to mention that you have frequent anxiety attacks to make sure that he was aware of it
Being supporting is a factor everyone wants in a significant other but Wonho is more than just supporting, he’s your best friend, boyfriend and your cuddle buddy
He is naturally very protective and when he learned that you had frequent anxiety attacks he made sure that he did everything he could to help
Becoming an idol was your dream but it was difficult to achieve because of your anxiety
Luckily, the passion you had for singing and dancing was much greater than your fear of failing as an idol in the future but anxiety still played a large role in your life
Every idol shared the dream of being able to debut and lucky for you Wonho understood this dream of yours and supported you through every step
Your dream of debuting came true a couple months ago after lots of practicing
Wonho was probably the person most proud of you when you debuted
Being an idol came lots of hard work and your anxiety just seemed to hate you this month you would start to worry about things at the worst time possible but practice is still necessary
When you were done practicing you headed back to your dorm which felt empty so you texted Wonho to come over if he was free
Wonho knew about your upcoming comeback so he thought that staying by your side was the best decision and had already planned to visit
However he thought it was cute how you texted him that your dorm felt empty without him
He never takes long to come over but without the short time frame of you texting him you started to breathe unusually and started to get dizzy
Even though your anxiety often sneaked up on you, you’ll never get used to the feeling your world of thoughts just slowly crushing you
A lot of the times your anxiety is unpredictable and Wonho was aware of this so he texts you throughout the day and visits you to make sure you’re okay
While getting out of bed thoughts started to rush into your head and walking straight became a struggle, all a sudden you were worrying about your comeback and sweating profusely
Immediately after exiting the door of your bedroom you fell on the floor and you held your apartment door open and saw Wonho
When he saw you on the floor he quickly closed the door and rushed over dropping all of his belongings on the floor to see what was going on
Without you having to saw anything he knew it was one of your anxiety attacks and picked you up and placed you back on your bed as your head laid on his lap
After wiping your sweat and waiting for your attack to go away he pulled you into a tight hug expressing his worries when he first walked in
Minhyuk is your boyfriend but he also doubles as a ray of sunshine which is much needed when you have frequent anxiety attacks
When he discovered that you had anxiety he did so much research about it to the point where he knew more about anxiety than you did
He’s very cautious about everything around you making sure that he can do the most so you can avoid getting anxiety
Doing things like asking for you to tag along with Shownu and him to workout, reminding you to sleep early, and avoiding things that make your anxiety worse like caffeine
He’s the type of boyfriend to stay up all night facetiming you to talk about your day to make sure things went well and listen to your worries so you don’t get trapped in your own thoughts
Being considerate and caring were the biggest traits that he was able to show constantly
However he also values your alone time because when he cares he can get a little clingy
You work in an office environment so a lot of the times your workload can stack up and cause you stress but what was worse than stress was the anxiety that came along with it
Work usually piles up during the beginning of the week which means that you are more prone to anxiety around this time rather than the end of the week
Minhyuk knew about this so he always made sure that when you need a shoulder to lean on and complain he will always be there for you
He never wants you to keep your thoughts locked up knowing that the more you think about it the more you would start to worry
However this evening when it was about time to go home but you just didn’t feel well, you have frequent anxiety attacks but this one just sparked randomly
It was time to go home and Minhyuk showed up to your office to find you sitting at your desk quietly crying holding your stomach as thoughts rushed through your head
Your attacks often came with chest pain, abdominal cramps and headaches which pretty much just meant that you’re in pain for the majority of the time of your anxiety attack
When Minhyuk saw this he didn’t hesitate to pick you up bridal style and get you to the car to get home as soon as possible
You didn’t live far so the anxiety attack was still there when you arrived home
He piggybacked you up to your apartment and rushed to get you in bed with a hot water bottle to lessen the pain and some medicine with a bottle of water
He stuck to your side until it went away and couldn’t help but smile when he saw you were back to normal
Sleep was now most important for your health so he kissed you and tucked you in as he slept beside you to make sure you would be okay for the rest of the night
Kihyun is known to be the mother of Monsta X and when you heard about this you thought people were exaggerating but honestly mother is an understatement
In other words your boyfriend is a cuddly hamster that likes to nag, cook, bluff and take care of you which you found to be endearing
Whenever he has time he enjoyed cooking for you and visiting you with the food he made which was nice because you were good at baking not cooking
When Kihyun found out about your anxiety he spent a whole day asking you questions to make sure he can do what’s best for you
Some people would probably think that was pretty annoying but finding someone that cared that much about you is hard so it made you love him more
You work in a bakery so your job is pretty chill which is good for your anxiety but Kihyun knew that large crowds of people in the bakery can easily get you anxious
After practice on days where his schedule allowed him to he would come to visit and wait until closing time so he can go home with you
Along with him visiting the bakery he enjoys writing little messages to cheer you up on sticky notes and posting them arounds places you sit in the bakery
Little things like this can be meaningless to others but to you they actually helped you push through the day with a smile on your face
Today Kihyun decided to visit the bakery, the bakery is ran by you and some of your friends so they were all used to Kihyun coming to visit you
When he came he sneaked up behind you and wrapped you in his arms as he gave you a back hug and kissed you on your cheek
Your day wasn’t going well so his presence immediately made you feel better
Kihyun sat on the bench by a table in the cafe and played on his phone until it was time to leave
Around closing time he heard a bowl shatter and ran to see what happened
You had dropped a bowl and cut your hand on the sharp porcelain shards
He knew you were afraid of blood so he tried his best to clean up the cut before your anxiety kicked in but that was too late
You started to feel a sharp headache come on and felt nauseous as you tried your best to compose yourself and your thoughts so your anxiety doesn’t get any worse
Your friends told Kihyun to take you home first worrying about your health
He cleaned up your cut and put you on his back so he can quickly run to your apartment
When the two of you arrived he gently put you down onto the couch while embracing you in his arms knowing that this made you feel safe and calm down slowly
He hummed lightly which put you to sleep as the anxiety slowly wore off
When he stood up you quickly grabbed his arm so the two of you slept on the couch together
Dating Hyungwon was enough of a struggle because of his busy schedule but on top of that keeping your relationship away from media was difficult
People are always trying to show off their significant other and show affection and PDA
However all of your dating had to be done in private which you didn’t mind but the thing that always works up your anxiety are fans that just don’t seem to understand what feelings are
Fans can be vicious and no matter how much you try to block them out it just gets to you
You worked from home as a fashion designer for a large company, art was one of the few things that you have continued to love throughout your entire life
But besides from that the job paid well and allowed you to stay in your apartment and work which helped your anxiety because crowded environments are a large cause for your anxiousness  
As much as people made you feel anxious staying in your apartment all day designing new clothes got lonely as much as you loved it
Hyungwon doesn’t come home until later on because Monsta X has a comeback coming up and they have to practice a lot in order to satisfy fans
Because you work from home your boss just sends you what needs to be done with a time it needs to be done by and today you were actually able to get everything done easily
So you decided to take a break and checked Twitter to see some hate that Hyungwon was receiving because of a dating scandal
All idols have fans and not all of them are completely sane, some don’t understand the definition of boundaries and the fact that idols are human too
Reading the hurtful tweets and articles about how fans started to unstan Hyungwon just because he has a girlfriend broke your heart
As much as you wish people would be more kind that’s just not how life works and you started to feel you heartbeat after and breathing slowly became more difficult
It was not apparent that your anxiety has gotten to you and just as you started to feel as if you were being trapped under something you heard the door swing open
Hyungwon knew something was wrong when you weren’t there to greet him when he first came in and when he saw your computer screen he knew exactly what cause your anxiety
Being an idol just means that you were going to have to understand how to deal with hate and he knew you were sensitive but was shocked to see you like this
Hyungwon wrapped his long arms after you and told you not to worry about anything as he explained that hate just comes along with being an idol and this was nothing to worry about
You can tell that he was worried about dating because it might ruin his reputation but when he sensed that you were thinking too much he told you to just close your eyes and relax
When you did he pecked you on the lips explaining that as much as he loves music he also cherishes you as his girlfriend
You had a love and passion for music but being in the public eye never appealed to you because you were a sensitive person and knew the music industry is a harsh thing
After realizing that you would never belong in a company your career as an indie artist began
Even though you qualified to be put into a girl group after auditioning you quickly realized that people aren’t all like they seem and this would make anyone anxious
But in your case getting frequent anxiety attacks only made this worse for you
Girls who audition might look and seem nice but a selective come off as some of the most narcissistic and selfish people you’ve ever met and you rather not risk having to work with them
However most companies don’t care about this they’re looking for a talented pretty face who will make them money
This gave all the more reason to love your job as in indie artist but not only did being an indie artist help your anxiety it helped you get a boyfriend you wouldn’t trade for the world
You post all of your music on soundcloud and youtube which was where Jooheon found out about you and the most the two of you talked the more you two fell now
When you two first started to date you explained how you were an indie artist because having a spotlight on your life gave you anxiety easily
As you said people aren’t all like they seem and even though Jooheon can come off as someone who can be aggressive and loud he’s one of the most caring people you know
His constant aegyo, bright smiles that flash his dimples and sweet little compliment kept you going through your day happily
Being an indie artist meant that you worked on your own schedule and everything revolves around what you want so when Jooheon asked you to collab with him it was an easy yes
Jooheon first got into you because of your music so when you agreed to collab with him he couldn’t be any happier
However you forgot the tendency of fans to ship every idol with others who hang around that idol and their tendency to spew hate at hate at an idol’s significant other
But this thought only hit you after the song was posted you tried to be positive but it didn’t work and the opposite actually happened
You thought of the worst thing and you started to imagine all the hate comments  but the thing that made your anxiety start to spark was that fact that it can potentially hurt Jooheon’s career
Jooheon went for a quick run to grab his bag from the dorm leaving you in your room to drown yourself in thoughts that caused an anxiety attack
When he came back he saw you with your knees at your chest crying without having to he knew what was going on so he slowly pulled your knees away from your chest as you leaned your head on his shoulder
When you calmed down he pulled out his phone to show you all the positive comments which made you the both of you smile simultaneously
High school for most people are either the best four years of their lives or the worst and your last year in high school is somewhere between the two
You tried to make the best of your four years in high school but it’s difficult to get good grades, make new experiences and find time to hang out with your boyfriends and friends
As if that wasn’t hard enough anxiety is always trying to get the best of you
Luckily all of your classes are with I.m who is your boyfriend so you can always trust him to make your day better
His school bag is pretty much the equivalent to Doraemon’s pouch so he never failed to cheer you up with something strange he brought to school just to show you
When dating you made it a clear point that you get anxious easily so he doesn’t think that you are ever trying to hide something or avoid him
In the past you had people who found out that you get frequent anxiety attacks and saw you as a burden so they just never interacted with you
I.m was supportive but even more than that he was a happy virus without knowing that he was
He’s constantly telling jokes and teasing you in small ways to get you to smile
Some people might see their boyfriend as a distraction in class but you I.m was actually the person who kept you on task but occasionally he would mess around or annoy you
Every morning I.m walks to your house and waits until you’re ready to leave so you two can walk to school together
When I.m found out that exercise can help with anxiety he thought it was a better idea to walk than to get driven and when he was too cold he always kept an extra scarf in his bag and held your hand and put it in his pocket as you two walk
At this point everyone in the school was already familiar with Monsta X and when they learned that I.m was a member and was dating you some girls started unnecessary drama
However because I.m was in all your classes this year they never really get the chance to try and mess with you so you would break up with I.m
You are considered a pretty person so they always try to make others see you as someone ugly
It was time to go to gym class and I.m is in your class but you two have to separate in order to go to the locker rooms to change into gym clothes
When you were down getting dressed for gym you saw your normal clothes all cut up in front of your locker as much as you wish you can do something about it you were a shy person
Kneeling down as you saw your clothes the girls stood there and laughed and your anxiety got the best of you as you cried and try to catch your breath
When you walked out slowly you were still crying and saw I.m waiting for you with the principal because he heard everything and reported the girls
I.m embraced you in a tight hug apologizing saying he wished he was there to help you as he wiped away your tears and gave you a some of his clothes to change into
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
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School is draining😫 At this point I just hoping I get some free time this weekend to write
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smolmonstax ¡ 7 years
Hi there, I'm not sure if I sent you a request already, if I did then feel free to disregard the request part of this message. I love your writing and I know how hard it is balancing school and fulfilling requests but you're doing a great job :D Is it possible to get a Monsta X imagine of running into their high school crush? If not that, just IM running into his high school crush, which ever inspires you more. Happy writing :)
Thanks for understanding that balancing school and writing about Monsta X is a bit difficult💕I’ll gladly take this request, it’s so cute and even if I take a while I hope you don’t mind❤️
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