yazmanian-dadevil · 4 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 13 days
Your soul knows. It will tell you when it’s time to distance yourself from those who no longer align with you mentally, emotionally, physically or energetically.
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yazmanian-dadevil · 13 days
my pronouns are princess, wifey, and babygirl
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yazmanian-dadevil · 13 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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Halle Berry, 1997
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
stop ignoring yourself. fix your posture, get a fresh haircut, drink water, take care of your skin, eat food that gives you energy, declutter your space, take time to rest, workout, do mindful meditation, fix your sleep schedule. when you feel/look good, you do good. invest in yourself, put the effort you deserve.
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
be aware of what you consume:
the energy of others: surround yourself with positive people and avoid those who drain you.
the videos you watch: select content that inspires, educates or entertains you in a healthy way.
what you read: look for reliable sources and material that enriches you intellectually.
who you follow: follow people who inspire and challenge you to grow.
what you scroll through on social media: avoid negative content and look for something that motivates you or makes you feel good.
the news: look for objective sources of information and avoid information overload.
highlights of others: compare less and celebrate more the achievements of others.
the advice you listen to: evaluate advice according to your criteria and needs.
source: @zamirasaba
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
pink french tip mani pedi, mini skirts, shopping sprees, desert scented perfumes, candy scented lipgloss, sexy lingerie, fluffy eyelashes, soft skin, girly and scary movies, and being spoiled
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 14 days
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yazmanian-dadevil · 2 months
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yazmanian-dadevil · 2 months
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yazmanian-dadevil · 2 months
Level Up Project 2020: #3 The Body
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You can not fully level up, if you do not level up how you take care of your body. Our bodies do so much for us and we must fuel it with the food and exercise it needs. You are doing this for you. There are two main benefits to starting this journey of leveling up how you take care of your body. First, you are going to feel unstoppable and be more energized. Second, you are going to look great, and have the body you’ve always wanted. Being healthy will give you that automatic glow that nobody will be able to resist. Nothing will ever beat the satisfaction of knowing you are taking great care of your body. Taking proper care of your body is one of the greatest acts of self-love. Below I’ve listed some things you can start doing to begin living your best healthy life.
First, you must change your mindset: Decide now that this is not going to be a two week or one month diet, this is now your new lifestyle. It is not going to be easy, and this journey is going to require a lot of determination, focus, and discipline. Do not give yourself the option to quit or to give up. Tell yourself that this time you will see change and progress.
Plan & journal: Before you start changing your lifestyle, you must plan. Decide and write down what times of the day you are going to be eating, how frequently you are going to cook, how many meals you are going to have in a day, and if you want to start meal prepping. This journal is going to be your health journal where you are also going to create a grocery list, a backup plan for when you don’t feel motivated, and quotes or things that motivate.
No more junk food: It is time to stop consuming junk food. You are not trash so stop feeding your body trash. Junk food are foods that are processed and unnatural (white carbs, fast food, candy, etc.). If you do not give up junk food or lower how frequently you eat them now, you will pay for it in the future. It is okay to cheat once in a while but cheat in moderation. Eating too much junk food is linked to high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity, cancer, type two diabetes, and more. 
Start consuming mainly whole foods: Whole food means foods that are barely processed or refined and contain a lot of nutrients that our body needs. Make your diet include vegetables (spinach, carrots, etc.), whole grains (whole grain rice and bread, etc.), legumes (beans, corn, etc.) and fruits (apples, grapefruit, etc.). Find your favorite whole foods and stick to them.
Make protein your best friend: First make sure you are consuming the proper amount of protein for your body (it is possible to eat too much protein so double check with your doctor). Always make sure you are getting a good amount of protein. Protein does not only keep you full for a longer amount of time, but it also helps build muscle and muscle burns fat. Include lean meats, fish, yogurt, and eggs in your diet.
Eat more fruits & vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are packed with the nutrients our bodies need. Try to consume at least one fruit or vegetable with every meal you eat. Forming little habits like this will benefit you greatly in the future.
Healthy snacking: Create a list of healthy snacks you can eat when you are hungry, after or before a meal. Snacking will help sustain your appetite so you do not overeat when it is time to eat your main meals. Try to aim for 2-3 snacks a day.
Avoid eating 3 hours before bed: Do not eat or snack 3 hours before going to bed, because that slows your metabolism and makes it harder for your body to digest food which leads to weight gain.
Drink 3 liters of water a day: Try to carry a 1 liter water bottle around with you to help keep track of how much water you are consuming. You can also download water drinking reminder apps to help you remember to drink your water. Water helps remove waste and toxins out of your body, regulates body temperature, gives you healthy skin, prevents constipation, and more. (TMI: if your pee is yellow or light yellow, that is a sign that you are not drinking enough water)
Exercise 150 min. a week: As much as some don’t like it, our hearts and our bodies need it. Decide what type of exercise you need according to your goals by doing research (weight training, simple cardio, HIIT, ab workouts, or glute workouts) and try to aim for working out 150 min. a week. To ease into working out, you can start out with 10 min. and each week, new month, or when it gets easy for you, increase by 5 min. or 10 min. 
Get 7-8 hours of sleep & have a bedtime: Our bodies need rest. If our bodies do not get the rest it requires it will be more difficult to remember things, we will not be able to function properly, it can ruin our moods, and even cause us to gain weight. Make getting 7-8 hours of sleep one of your top priorities and make sure you are not sleeping too late by setting a bedtime. 
Listen to your body: If you are hungry, eat. If something upsets your stomach or causes you to bloat, stop eating it. You need to start treating your body like it is a precious baby, take care of it and listen to it. It is your temple, your machine, please treat it well.
Herbal tea & Vitamins: Drinking natural tea (ginger, green, peppermint tea)  has many benefits for the body, try to consume tea second thing in the morning (after drinking water first), or before bed. Some natural teas are known to lower cholesterol, fight cancer, detoxify the body, and more. Taking vitamins at a set time daily is also essential (double check with your doctor on the brand and do research before). Multi-vitamins are known to boost your immune system, improve skin, lengthen your hair, and strengthen your bones and nails.
Cheat meals & rewards: Please refrain from having cheat days because it may cause you to relapse. Try to have 1 or 2 cheat meals a week as a rewards for eating well and working out the entire week or just because. This is the only time it is acceptable to eat junk food, because lets face the facts, junk food tastes good. If you do not want to reward yourself with food, shop! If you’ve been maintaining a healthy lifestyle for an entire month, purchase that expensive purse you’ve always wanted! Hard work deserves rewards.
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yazmanian-dadevil · 2 months
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