smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
Check the link in bio.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CMXk5jtB_Gg/?igshid=1ab0alito3xah
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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As part of a balanced diet, a smoothie diet plan can help you. The smoothie ingredients vary, but the focus on fruits and vegetables with some protein and healthy fats. There is some guidance in the eBook for the one solid food meal, you will consume each day recommendations for what to eat and some “whole food” recipes. Get more info..check the link in the bio https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCvMxKh54d/?igshid=cc7ee5jem2ph
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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Get more info. Check the link in bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CL99GngBwJm/?igshid=xyryrb7s2cc4
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
How to become obsessive about eating right and managing your life.
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
Discover.. how to boost energy || feel better || and even lose weight.
Imagine if you could wake up every morning feeling amazing. Instead of waking up with a headache, or struggling to open your eyes because you’re still so tired; you just leap out of bed full of life and ready to go and take on the day. This energy is then enough to carry you through workouts, through your office job and through the evenings when you still have enough left in the tank to chat to play with your family. You have enough to work on projects, to keep the house clean and tidy and to make the very most of every last hour. And imagine if you had the dream physique you’ve always wanted: flat abs, ripped muscle and skin that looks glowing and healthy.
Of course, there’s no quick fix that can make all of this a reality, but it is a very good aim to have. And actually, there are just a few simple things you can do that will immediately take you a lot closer to that reality. One of them is just to start drinking a smoothie every day.
Really? A smoothie? A drink hat can improve your health, your mood, your appearance and your energy levels?
Definitely — and much more as well! In this book you’ll learn how smoothies can change your life and you’ll discover easy recipes for smoothies that boost immunity, fight stress, improve athletic
Performance, build muscle, fight cancer and MUCH more.
Let’s take a look at just how it happens…
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Why We Need Nutrients
A smoothie is of course a blend of different fruits and vegetables. You simply take a bunch of fruits, drop them into a blender and hit ‘go’ so that your drink will be ready to consume. It’s a simple process but it’s enough to give you a drink that not only tastes amazing but also provides you with a ton of nutrition. And this is the key word: nutrition.
What is incredibly important for all of us, is that we eat a nutrient dense diet. That is to say that it isn’t good enough that we view our diet just as a source of fuel — it also must be a source of raw materials that provide us with enhanced performance and health.
The old saying that you ‘are what you eat’ is literally true. Your muscles, your bones, your hormones, your brain cells, your immune system and your digestive enzymes are all made from nutrients in your food and that’s what makes it so important. When you consume fruits, meats or vegetables, your body will proceed to break them down and then use the constituent parts to perform numerous jobs throughout your system. These help you to grow, to develop, to fight illness and to function optimally. And it’s no coincidence that we need fruits, vegetables and other ingredients to thrive. After all, these are the things we evolved eating. It’s not that our biology forced us to seek out these foods — the foods were available and so our biology adapted to survive on them. We need these ingredients to thrive then and without them, we start to literally fall apart. We start to see signs of poor health such as difficulty sleeping, brittle hair and nails, weaker bones and lack of muscle tone. Our eyes aren’t quite as white and we lose the spring in our step. Our hormones fall out of whack and we eventually start to see serious illnesses and other conditions slowly arise. And this isn’t the exception. This isn’t a rare and unfortunate scenario that only some people experience… this is the norm.
Did you know that a huge number of the diseases and illnesses that affect us in old age are actually highly avoidable degenerative diseases? Your body was built to last you your entire life. In theory, you should be able to stay healthy, active and engaged right up until you keel over. But malnutrition allows all sorts of problems to slowly creep up on us from weak bones, to heart disease, to high blood pressure, to arthritis, to dementia.
Not all of these conditions are avoidable but in many cases, they are.
So what’s the problem with our modern diet?
The biggest issue is that we eat far too much processed food. What is processed food? Simply put its food that has been manufactured and prepared in such a way that it bears little resemblance to the original ingredients.
A good example might be a sausage role. Here, you think that you are getting some meat and pastry. The pastry is made from flower and egg but at least the sausage is real meat, filled with real amino acids and minerals, right?
Wrong! That meat is most likely a combination of all the cast offs from countless other meals that have been blended together and mushed into a pulp. That means you’re getting the gristle and the parts of the meat that no one would eat in any other format.
From there, the sausage meat then has copious amounts of sugar, salt and fat added. This helps to preserve the sausage and make sure it still looks that appetising grey color when you come to eat it.
What about the fruits and vegetables you get in your cereal and your breakfast bars?
Nope, they’re just as bad! These fruits have been ‘freeze dried’. That means that they have been subjected to a vacuum and sub-zero temperatures. The low temperature will have frozen the moisture to the point that it becomes tiny icicles and the low pressure will then have forcibly removed them from the fruit. You think that won’t bring with it some of the all important nutrients along the way?
Apart from anything else, when you consume something containing vitamin C, you need the moisture in order to absorb it. Vitamin C is literally a ‘water soluble vitamin’ and you can’t use it if it’s not presented correctly. And once again, lots of sugar and other additives will be added which will make your fruit look colorful and remain edible.
Something like crisps or chocolate bars meanwhile barely have any nutrients in them to begin with!
How Empty Calories Are Destroying Your Health All this means that you are consuming empty calories. An empty calorie is food like sausage roles, like unhealthy breakfast cereals and like ready meals that contain lots of calories but very little actual nutrition. You’re temporarily filling yourself up and spiking your blood sugar but you’re not providing any actual sustenance.
Plus, these empty calories take the form of simple carbs. Because there’s nothing ‘real’ left in them, you’ll digest them too quickly resulting in a spike in blood sugar. This provides a short energy burst but that then runs out just as quickly, leaving you craving real food.
Moreover, you’ll be malnourished and fail to get the vitamins and minerals you need. And what’s more, is that this will eventually translate to the build-up of more serious diseases and conditions.
Failing to get proper food in your diet is also what causes snacking behavior and weight gain. This is partly due to the fact that your blood sugar troughs so soon after it spike and partly due to the fact that your body will ‘crave’ the things it needs. If you’re not getting enough vitamin C, then your body will tell you it wants something sweet. It’s trying to communicate that you need an orange or an apple — but years of training mean that you’ll interpret this as needing a chocolate bar!
And even before that happens, you’ll find you gain weight easily and you have to drag yourself through the day like some kind of zombie!
When you view food just as fuel and forget that it is also sustenance that is when your body starts to fail you.
Why Smoothies Are the Solution ?
So why are smoothies the answer?
The answer is simple: fruits and vegetables are particularly high in many of the micro-nutrients that we really need. They also provide them in a manner that is highly convenient and that is easy for the body to absorb. And thus, when we drink smoothies, we provide a ‘hit’ of great stuff that will help to power us through the day.
There are alternative options of course. One is just to try and get more home-prepared fruit and veg in your diet. This will definitely help to supply all the same nutrients but let’s be honest — it’s also a lot of hard work and something many of us will fail at.
Be honest with yourself. Will you really commit to cooking dinner from scratch every night? Are you really likely to stick to your five fruit a day as well?
Note as well that the whole ‘five fruit and veg daily’ guideline is highly arbitrary. The reality is that we need more nutrients than five fruit and vegetables will really supply us with. It’s also important to note that it’s more about what we’re eating than how much. Eating a kiwi fruit, avocado, mango, blueberries and banana will have a far different impact than eating 5 apples — or any other collection of fruits and vegetables. And don’t even get me started on sauces and ready meals that claim they offer ‘one of your five a day’. Apart from the fact that they don’t offer any of the same fiber that you’d get from real fruit, there is barely a more meaningless phrase in existence!
Smoothies offer a convenient way to make sure you’re getting a BIG helping of vitamins and minerals that are ready to go and that makes them an excellent solution that can combat many of the ill-effects of a modern diet. Smoothies also let you get much more creative and not spend hours peeling or cutting up your fruits.
The other alternative solution that may already have crossed your mind, is to supplement in order to get your requirement of vitamins and minerals. While this is a good option, it’s important to recognize that supplementing is never as effective as getting the same minerals and nutrients naturally. Once again, this comes down to our evolution and the way our bodies are designed to get sustenance.
Some vitamins for example are best absorbed with fats, whereas others are better absorbed with water.
Some get absorbed right away, whereas others take longer to digest. Some vitamins and minerals work best when taken at the same time.
All these are things that many supplements don’t take fully into account and the result is that a lot of the goodness ends up getting flushed down the toilet. With fruits and vegetables though, the vitamins and minerals are readily available in a ‘bio-availability form that the body is much better at using.
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What You Can Expect When You Start Drinking Smoothies
So what should you expect when you start drinking smoothies regularly?
As I suggested at the start of this chapter, you should expect to see your energy change in a BIG way. All the most energetic people I know — all the people who are most driven and focused when it comes to working toward goals and getting what they want — are people who have regular smoothies.
You can also expect to feel better in a ton of other ways. You’ll find that your skin, hair and nails look better; you’ll find that your eyes are whiter and people will comment that you have a ‘healthy glow’. You’ll feel healthier too. You’ll sleep better, you’ll find you get ill much less often and you’ll find you need to snack less throughout the day.
You’ll lose weight too, thanks partly to the smaller intake of food (a nice side effect of reduced cravings and hunger) and partly to the increased metabolic rate of your body that will help you to burn through fat.
Best of all, you’ll be reinforcing your body and improving your long term health so that you are less likely to develop cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease or countless other conditions.
And this shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is no alien supplement that is supercharging your body. This is how you are MEANT to feel.
This is how we felt ALL THE TIME. Before we forget that we were meant to eat real food…
Get More Info…Watch this short video.
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Jump- Start your weight loss increase your energy level clear your mind, and Improve your overall health.
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
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smoothiediet21 · 3 years
A Holistic Approach to Nutrition || Health ||Fitness ||Wellness
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  Drinking Water... Does It Work ?
Is there a link between drinking water and weight loss? Yes and one that has been scientifically proven. Drinking water with or after food helps to bulk out our food, sending messages to the brain to say that we are full so we will eat less. Water also helps in aiding the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our food. For example, fat needs water in order to be broken down and used by the body. Water also helps to flush out the waste material in our bodies and thus helps keep us in optimum health.
   So how much should you be drinking and when. You should aim to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, more on hot days.  You should spread your consumption throughout the day. There is no need to drink bottled water as in most areas tap water is perfectly safe. If you do prefer the bottled variety, steer clear of the flavored ones. These products contain sweeteners which do not help with weight loss and may be carcinogenic.
 If you do not drink sufficient water, you will feel lethargic, tried and confused. Your body may misinterpret your feelings of thirst as hunger and thus you can over eat. In fact by the time you feel thirsty your body is already starting to dehydrate hence why should drink regularly. You may find that initially you have to go to the bathroom more often but your body will soon adapt to the increased volume.
 Drinking water on its own won’t win your weight loss battle. You need to make changes in other areas as well including your diet and the level of exercise you undertake. You should aim to be doing at least twenty minutes of exercise per day.  Walking 10,000 steps per day is one good way to get those calories shifted.
 Any form of exercise is good for you so try to do something you enjoy. Get a group of friends together to play tennis or golf. Mixing socializing with exercise is a great way to increase your physical activity. Small things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, standing instead of sitting down and getting off the bus/subway at the stop before yours also helps.
 There is no point in drinking loads of water and taking exercise if you are still eating fast food every day. You need to retrain your palate and make your diet healthier. Do it gradually. Replace your favorite’s bad food with something healthy.  Swap your chicken nuggets for a salad.  Increase your fruit and vegetable consumption while decreasing the amount of cakes, candy and bad fats you eat. Not only will you lose weight but your skin will love you too.
 The link between drinking water and weight loss will also help to give you glowing skin and you will soon become the envy of your friends when you show off your new slimmer figure at the next social occasion.
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🔜- As with so many weight loss plan, as part of a Balanced diet smoothie Diet can help you to lose weight..100% money back guarantee within 60 days if you are not satisfied with result.
  Imagine if you could wake up every morning feeling amazing. Instead of waking up with a headache, or struggling to open your eyes because you’re still so tired; you just leap out of bed full of life and ready to go and take on the day. This energy is then enough to carry you through workouts, through your office job and through the evenings when you still have enough left in the tank to chat to play with your family. You have enough to work on projects, to keep the house clean and tidy and to make the very most of every last hour. And imagine if you had the dream physique you’ve always wanted: flat abs, ripped muscle and skin that looks glowing and healthy. Of course, there’s no quick fix that can make all of this a reality, but it is a very good aim to have. And actually, there are just a few simple things you can do that will immediately take you a lot closer to that reality. One of them is just to start drinking a smoothie every day.  
  Really? A Smoothie? A drink hat can improve your health, your mood, your appearance and your energy levels? Definitely – and much more as well! In this book you’ll learn how smoothies can change your life and you’ll discover easy recipes for smoothies that boost immunity, fight stress, improve athletic performance, build muscle, fight cancer and MUCH more.
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 What You Can Expect When You Start Drinking Smoothies ??  
   So what should you expect when you start drinking smoothies regularly?  As I suggested at the start of this chapter, you should   expect to see your energy change in a BIG way. All the most energetic people I know – all the people who are most driven and focused when it comes to working toward goals and getting what they want – are people who have regular smoothies. You can also expect to feel better in a ton of other ways. You’ll find that your skin, hair and nails look better, you’ll find that your eyes are whiter and people will comment that you have a ‘healthy glow’. You’ll feel healthier too. You’ll sleep better, you’ll find you get ill much less often and you’ll find you need to snack less throughout the day.   You’ll lose weight too, thanks partly to the smaller intake of food (a nice side effect of reduced cravings and hunger) and partly to the increased metabolic rate of your body that will help you to burn through fat. 
 Best of all, you’ll be reinforcing your body and improving your long term health so that you are less likely to develop cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease or countless other conditions. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise. This is no alien supplement that is supercharging your body. 
 Before We Begin – The Downsides and Dangers of Smoothies Diet 
Before we dive right in though, you need to be aware that there are some downsides and risks involved with smoothies too. Smoothies can do a world of good and throughout the rest of this book you’ll be learning the ingredients, the techniques and tricks to enjoying some seriously healthy and tasty juices. But unfortunately, as with any health trend, there are also those on the web who are pushing false information and generally causing harm to the good name of smoothies! The first thing to be aware of is the idea of ‘juice fasting’. Here, people will use smoothies as meal replacements and will only survive on juice for a period of days or weeks. The claim is that this is a great way to ‘detox’ the body and to remove ‘toxins’ and other things, as well as being a good way to jump start your fat loss. This is not a good idea. As far as detoxing goes, what’s important to keep in mind is that this is another arbitrary term that doesn’t really have any meaning. There is no scientific proof that we need to detox in any way or that we have a ‘build up’ of toxins. The truth is that our body has its own system of detoxification and this works just fine without our help. Your body will have no difficulty in removing toxins over time and they are not likely to build up or increase in number in any way.  In one study, researchers asked the makers of ‘detoxing hair products’ to name some of the toxins that their shampoos and conditions could combat – they found that the manufacturers could give no good explanation. We like the notion of detoxing because it seems to make intuitive sense but the reality is that this is actually just a waste of time. And what you also need to be aware of, is the high sugar content found in smoothies. Now, sugar is not always a bad thing and over the course of this book, you will learn to mitigate the sugar found in your smoothies.
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However, when you remove the food from your diet, you remove the buffer to protect you from the sugar and the acidity of your smoothies. This can then result in some serious damage to health and a diet consisting purely of smoothies is likely to damage the stomach lining and more importantly: the teeth. I actually know someone who tried a ‘smoothie fast’ (despite my protestations) and they ended up eroding all of the enamel from their teeth. They had to go to the doctor and lost two teeth after just one week. So think long and hard before you jump on board any juice fasts or other trends. The last thing to think about is whether or not a diet is sustainable. If you are going to ‘kick start’ a diet by using an extreme fast, then you’ll be putting your body through hell only to return to a normal type of eating. That means your weight will simply return to what it was before the fast and you won’t have benefited. Moreover, when you fast for this long, you actually increase your likelihood of storing fat. Numerous processes in the body ensure this but one key example is that your body will produce a lot of cortisol as a response to low blood sugar. This cortisol then encourages iatrogenesis – the creation of new fat stores. Oh and it also destroys muscle (via the release of molestation) which makes you less metabolically active. It depletes testosterone significantly too, which further slows down your metabolism. But you’re getting sugar right? From all that fruit? Yes - but only simple sugar. Fruits absorb very quickly into the blood stream and that means that you’re going to be getting three massive spikes of energy throughout the day and nothing more. This is not good for your insulin sensitivity and it means you are highly likely to store all that sugar as fat. So in short: avoid juice fasts and smoothie ‘cleanses’. Instead, focus on adding smoothies to your diet! 
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