smultitude · 5 years
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This is a great photo of Crash Bandicoot driving a car.
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smultitude · 6 years
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smultitude · 6 years
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smultitude · 6 years
Mighty: The Brave and The Bold CHAPTER 1
EPISODE 1: Singularity
   “No, Sonic you can’t! The process alone will kill you! It’s not even guaranteed to work!” Mighty pleaded with his oldest friend. Sonic looked at a mechanism Tails made to harness chaos energy. It was defective. He then looked at Eggman’s chaos reactor which was malfunctioning. “No time to debate. If I don’t make it out of this, promise me. Promise me you’ll keep fighting in my place. We may have had different paths in life but our goal of peace is the same. You gotta be the one to keep that dream alive! Everyone’s going to be broken after this. They’ll need you. Be there.” Sonic says flipping the device up in the air and catching it. He grinned. He pushed Mighty out the floating machine that housed the reactor. “SONIC!!!” Mighty yelled as he fell. Then before his very eyes the machine blew up shooting up a green light into the sky. Mighty fell from the sky feeling powerless. He let gravity take him.
    “NO!” Mighty yells waking in a cold sweat. He tried to catch his breath. It was the same nightmare every night. “Damn it….” He says feeling his head. “Everything ok?” a female voice asks coming from outside of Mighty’s room. “Yeah…just….nightmare” Mighty says. The female comes in. It was Jackie the Jackal. She was once known as Infinite a long time ago. “I can’t stop having that nightmare….no matter what medication Rotor gives me or number of meditation sessions with Yang, I can’t shake it. It’s been 6 years! 6! And it still messes me up!” Mighty says tensing up. His fists started to shake. “Mighty. It was a traumatic event for everyone. You especially because you were there with him. It’s going to take time to heal.” Jackie says rubbing his back. “BUT HOW LONG?!” Mighty yells punching the wall next to him. He realizes what he had done and looks at Jackie who was unfazed. She knew a lot about anger. Mighty had been the one to help rehabilitate her from her own anger and issues. She wished she could return the favor. “Jackie….im a mess….why do you stick around?” He asks his housemate. “Because you showed me kindness when few would. Not only do I owe you, but I care deeply about you.” Jackie says caressing Mighty’s cheek. They weren’t romantically involved even though Jackie would dream of it. “Thanks…..it’s nearly 6AM. Think I should get going.” Mighty says getting up. His knuckles were scarred from all the training he did. He liked them because it reminded him he came a long way. Looking at them gave him brief relief in his chaotic mind.
              Mighty went to his friend Yang-Tood-Lee, the grey fox’s dojo to train. He put his heart and soul into it. Yang would spar with him when he wanted a challenge. They were both equily matched, but Yang always outwitted him with having a cool head in any situation. “You must let go of that anger stirring in you and focus.” Yang would tell him. A lesson Mighty couldn’t comprehend. How could he let go of everything he’s been through over the years. Not just Sonic’s death, but the regret of living a lonely life until recently, the regret of not telling his true feelings to a certain robo-rabbit, and much more. He pack his anger in every punch, but no relief came. Just more anger. In the middle of the day the two took a tea break. “I feel like this peace won’t last forever. We’ll be tested by forces beyond our control.” Yang says troubled. “What do you mean? You sense something?” Mighty asks taking a sip of his tea. “Not sense but it’s in the air. Im not saying robotnik, because we all know he’s dead….but something just as menacing. The earth speaks of great trouble brewing.” Yang explained. Mighty trusted Yang’s instinct. He had a knack for telling if something was going to happen. “No matter what it is I’ll hold up my promise to Sonic and fight.” Mighty says as Sonic’s words echoed in his head. “That’s good to know you’re still in the game!” a cheerful and familiar voice says. Mighty and Yang turn to see who it was. “Ray!” Mighty says running to his friend and hugging him. “Hey-hey! Not all of us can take being crushed!” Ray teases. “It’s great to see you! It’s been months! Did you become a kingsman?” Mighty asked excitedly. His friend nodded “I’m the lowed rank but I’m in! What about you? How have you been?” Ray asked gleefully. “That’s great! So why are you here if you made it?” Mighty says dodging the question. “Well….There’s a tyrant that’s gaining more followers. We may have a war on our hands. And I told Queen Sally I knew the strongest person we could have, and that’s you!” Ray informs him. Mighty looked at Yang. He was right. “I’ll come. I’ll go get Jackie and head over.” Mighty says. “I’ll join as well. No students means I’m free to travel.” Yang says getting up. “Thanks Yang.” Ray says. Yang gives a solemn nod. The three then went to get Jackie and travel to Knothole.
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smultitude · 6 years
Hello traveler! Have you ever wondered or imagined something about Sonic that wasn’t canon to the games? Have no fear because that idea exists in a different reality! This blog is to assemble stories reaching each corner of the Sonic multiverse! From long epics to one shot stories, this blog will house some very imaginative creators! So stick around for the ride! and remember, anything is possible in the multiverse! 
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