snakeamongus · 6 years
Please reblog this post.
My mother died in October 2018, and I already have a post raising money for her hospital expenses here.
But I left something out of this post and its continuations. 
My older sister has been severely physically, mentally, socially and medically abusive to me almost my entire life. She has caused me deep, psychological trauma that I will never be able to fully recover from. 
When my mother died, my sister promised she would make the effort to change herself into a better person.
She, of course, lied to me.
I am not safe here.
-She often physically attacks me and berates me for every little thing I do or say. 
-She gaslights me constantly, making me question my own perception of realitly, even though I know i’m right. 
-She digs through any packages or mail that I receive,
-She forces me to work through physical and emotional exhaustion and demands I respond to her every beck and call. Often attacking me if I refuse.
-She completely stopped buying groceries for the house. Instead, she only feeds herself and her husband, leaving me to starve.
-She refuses to allow me to learn how to drive, forcing me to stay reliant on her and her husband as well as refusing to take me anywhere to get the things I need (like a learners permit or food.)
-She has stolen the house from me. My momma promised that I would receive this house when she died but my sister stole it and now holds the ability to kick me out and make me homeless.
-She refuses to put me on her insurance even though shes claiming me as a dependent, so if I ever get hurt or sick, i’d definitely plunge myself into debt
-She isolates me and forces me to stay locked in my room as she doesn’t want to look at me.
-She has multiple times threatened to take away my ability to access the internet (which I need to access college-work as well as any form of escape from her abuse.)
-She removed the heater from my room. Our house does not have proper insulation and it gets well under 30 degrees in here in winter. 
-She talks bad about me in public, therefore making me look like a waste of space in the public eye. 
This is only a few examples of her abuse. 
I am Autistic and I have Anxiety, Depression, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. 
I am also nearly legally blind with a permanently dislocated left arm and a bad case of asthma.
The reason I say this, is because my sister is also severely ableist and almost every conversation I have with her usually ends with her demeaning me about my multiple disabilities or just flat out calling me the r-slur. 
I am not safe here.
But I do have a plan to escape. 
In two years time I will graduate from my college, allowing me the opportunity to escape from her abuse. My best friend and the platonic love of my life @transscourge​ has offered me the opportunity to live with him. 
This is not out of the blue either. 
My living with him is, and always has been, both of our end-game plans. 
However, he lives in Oklahoma and I live in Louisiana, and even if/when I learn how to drive the car that I now own, it will never be able to make that big of a trip.
I have a job with my college, but i’m only allowed to work 17 hours a week receiving $7.25 an hour.
This is not enough. Most of it goes to my own tuition and the things I need to survive.
Which is why I need your help to pull this off. 
I am 20 years old and will turn 21 in March 2019.
If all goes well, I will graduate in the fall of 2020. 
I have two years to raise enough money to do the following:
-Buy new copies of my social security card and birth certificate as my sister has made mine inaccessible as well as a learners permit so I may legally learn how to drive. (there is no public transport where I live. This is imperative.)
-Finally receive the official papers for my autism diagnosis as well as legally confirming my other disabilities so I may try to apply for disability benefits. 
-Pay 300 dollars to the driving school so I can Learn how to drive.
-Buy proper winter clothing as I don’t own any as a Louisianian. 
-Raise enough money to either take a train all the way to Oklahoma or rent a U-Haul and drive there. or repair my mother’s 17 year old car enough so that it will actually survive the trip in the first place… 
I desperately need your help to be able to pull this off.
This is my paypal.me: /rider11
This is my ko-fi: /A8251SD
And I take commissions over on @riderdoesart
Thank you for listening to me and please…..REBLOG this post. 
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snakeamongus · 6 years
things I wish autism research actually tried to figure out:
why caffeine works for some of us, but not all, and even then it often depends on the way you take it and the dosage
how come all of us have gastrointestinal problems?
addendum to the above: what exactly are our gastrointestinal problems? are we genetically more likely to have autism be comorbid with gluten sensitivity/colitis/IBS/lactose intolerance/whatever else or is it something completely different? is it psychosomatic? the fuck
okay but how does being sensory-seeking work. and what does stimming do to your brain. what neurological function are we facilitating with flapping hands and rocking back and forth and spinning? wouldn’t it be great if we had a serious long-term study of the brain on stimming?
are you more likely to be autistic and LGBT?
what are things we do better than neurotypicals?
but no it’s always “how do we train the animals to be something they’re not” or “but what made you this way??” or “Time To Find A Cure”
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snakeamongus · 6 years
on the 17th, log off of tumblr. ill be offline too. just for a week, stay offline. we need to prove a point to staff. please reblog this.
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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The fuck outta here Winnie the piss
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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What a legend
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snakeamongus · 6 years
time sure does fly when you're
when you
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snakeamongus · 6 years
the grinch being in all these stupid advertisements contradicts the anti-consumerist nature of the grinch himself. the reason he hated christmas was because he thought the holiday was simply an expression of vain materialism. the grinch only loved christmas after he realized that christmas wasn’t actually about mundane consumption, but the selfless love of community. in this essay i will-
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snakeamongus · 6 years
so that post about how you can get around the bot by tagging things “#sfw”? uhhhhh it’s TRUE.
i did a little test in my drafts:
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i am losing my goddamn mind like how is it possible to be this stupid
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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snakeamongus · 6 years
*steps on a thin layer of ice to hear that ccrrruumch*
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snakeamongus · 6 years
others: “so, how ~southern~ are you?”
me: “The entrance of my hometown has a shrimp boat sitting in the main street. At Christmas theres a shrimper Santa and alligators pulling him instead of reindeer.”
others: “what?!”
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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snakeamongus · 6 years
Elf androgyny and dwarf androgyny and orc androgyny are like three very different forms of androgyny and defiance of the binary and they’re all so good
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snakeamongus · 6 years
I just realized the Five Stages of Grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) spell out DABDA and I feel like this is Important Information
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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snakeamongus · 6 years
honestly so many Gamers ™ are so blatantly racist and homophobic that sonicfox not only winning the esports award last night (in a FURSUIT NO LESS), and then proceeding to snatch them all by their grey hairs in his speech was so fucking ballsy and i am honestly so proud of him for it
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snakeamongus · 6 years
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This is lesbian culture
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