snakesartden · 2 years
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snakesartden · 2 years
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This is Bailee, my Pokemon 5e OC
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snakesartden · 2 years
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snakesartden · 2 years
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This story is of a young wretched girl left to the squalor of the world around her. Living in a tiny little shelter that barely blocked the rain, she shivered and cried as her stomach growled and the people that passed her by scoffed with discontent. Sightless eyes would stare into the sky, wishing upon a god that she could have even a glimmer of vision so she could scrounge for food on her own.
The gods never answered.
Edema was given a home by a sickly elderly woman, relying on scraps of food from the woman's family. She grew up skinny, her bones clutching to her tiny frame as malnutrition ate at her body.
When the elderly woman died, she was once again tossed out into the street, where she grew determined to have her eyesight back once again. Hearing stories of genies, Edema devoted her younger adult years to finding one and begging for a wish. When the story of a genie, albeit a cruel one, floated down the vines of gossip, she hunted it down using the only senses she had.
The genie sounded almost nasally when he asked her what she wished for. With a strong breath, she shouted that she wanted to see. The genie had laughed, and asked if she was sure. Edema declared she was never more sure in her life.
She regretted that decision as pain overtook her mind. She could see, but it was too much at once. There were too many relays into her brain as several tentacles began sprouting from her head. The eyes grew into place where the suction cups should have been, and each one moved on its own, making her scream and pass out from the overload.
It would take her four years of torture before she slowly gained control of the eyes and the ability to process over 200 sightlines at once. For four years, she was worse off than she was when she was blind.
She gained a gift though, a gift of seeing the present, past, and future through the eyes that lined her tentacles. It gave her the gift of an oracle, a chance at having a better life than the one she was brought into. Finally, she could afford to buy her own food and not worry about finding somewhere safe for the night.
Though it might seem that she's more adept now, more solidified of her place in the world, her heart is black and thrums to a different beat. She no longer wants to just survive. She wants revenge. She wants to make those who tortured her pay for what they've done.
Edema wasn't evil. Well, she didn't think so. She was justice, and she would make the world pay for what it thrust her into.
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