snapdragonsapling · 5 years
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Christmas presents!
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snapdragonsapling · 5 years
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I just wanted to protect you.
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snapdragonsapling · 5 years
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If this isn’t a mood i dunno what is
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snapdragonsapling · 5 years
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Lex’s new bio pic whoop. The actual thing will be going up on dA tomorrow
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snapdragonsapling · 5 years
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Writing out his bio made me realize, maybe Adryn has a bit more depth to his character than i thought. Oh well, 1 more bio to write, 1 more picture to make. Then i think i’m gonna open asks for the characters. We’ll see
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snapdragonsapling · 5 years
Some changes
Most people probably followed me for ff15 stuffs, but i’m gonna broaden my horizon a bit and post more mmd stuff from my deviant art account. Feel free to unfollow if thats not your cup of tea
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
Hello Fellow Tyrians! It appears that we’ve somehow reached 5000 followers (wtf are you guys even doing here)!  
TWO 2000 Gem Codes - one winner for each.
How to Enter:
One reblog and one heart on this post will each count as an entry. Only one reblog (be nice to your followers, kids) will count per account. Also, if you’ve submitted a post since our last giveaway, you will be given an extra entry. Therefore, each person may have up to 3 entries.
You will have SEVEN DAYS to enter. We’ll stop counting entries at server reset on Wednesday, February 28th.
You must be following shitgw2playerssay. Yes, we will check.
Once our winners are drawn we’ll message them on Tumblr to let them know what lucky, lucky bookahs they are.
You will have THREE DAYS from the time that we message you if you’re a winner for you to respond or we will reroll and give your prize to someone else.
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Thanks for being so damn weird. We love you guys!
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
asdgahsj combine my two favorite games at the moment and you’ll have me sobbing. Like now
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Hope’s just a sunrise away.
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
This is what happens when you stay up past 4 am
Ravus had always admired you from afar. Sneaky glances when you walked past, lingering touches when he brushed nonexistant dust off your shoulder. The High Commander was, however, a emotinally constipated bean. How could he ever admit his undying love to you? He decided to ask his sister for help, who redirected him to the library to read up on romantic stories. In one story he read, the hero went to the house of his love interest in the dead of the night. So one night, Ravus set forth (1/2)
On his way, he read the passage of the book again. The hero stealthly made his way over to his beloveds house, and, not to invoke the wrath of her strict father, threw pebbles against her window to catch her attention. Ravus plan was going smoothly until he reached the window. And there were no pebbles. After a small panic, he said to himself: Go big or go home, unclasped his magitek arm and flung it at your window, poorly missjudged the height. Thats how his arm got stuck in your drainage pipe (2/2)
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
watch me breaking the rules with style - prompt 3 and 4, characters: chocobros AND altissian strippers ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
3.“You can’t just sit there all day.”  + 4. “I’m too sober for this.”
“I can’t believe this is happening.” Noctis murmured with his face burried in his hands. He was sitting on a plush chair in the suite they were staying in. Noctis and his entourage had just arrived in Altissia today. When they made their way over to the Leville, Gladio had insited they rent the most expensive room before disappearing for 2 hours. Now he was back … And Gladio did a thing. The shield had returned with 3 beautiful women in tow who were throwing themselves at him. “Its your last day as a free man, Noct!” he said with a grin. “Enjoy it!”
Thats how they ended up in their expensive room with multiple bottles of beer and champagne strewn all over the tables and 3 already halfnaked strippers slowly losing more and more articles of clothing. Gladio was having the time of his life, laughing his ass off kicked back on one of the beds with a bottle of beer in his hand and watching Prompto across the room praising the blonde stripper like a goddess. The young gunslingers face was red as a lucian tomato, stuttering his heart out, his voice several octaves higher than usual and camera long forgotten. The other two strippers were crowded around Noctis after Gladio announced he was to be wed tomorrow. The prince now had one hand clenched into the armrest while one of the strippers played with his other one with an airy laugh. The only one who didn’t seem to take part in any of Gladios shenanigans was Ignis. He was sitting in the far back of the room with a can of ebony in his hands and a book in the other, obviously trying very hard to focus on the pages. Gladio frowned before getting up, walking over to Noctis and handing him a bottle of beer. The Prince downed half of it within seconds. 
“Ladies,” Gladio beckoned. The strippers shifted their attention to the tall man and smiled. “I fear our friend over there is a little shy. Help him out, will you?” he said with a smirk and tipped his head towards Ignis. The women smiled mischviously and sauntered over, taking their 3rd companion with them. They crowded around Ignis, circling him like a pack of hunting lionesses.
“Honey, you can’t just sit there all day~” one of them purred while caressing his crimson cheek and taking off his glasses. Ignis tried to stutter a retort but failed as no sound came from his mouth. The ladies laughed before starting to playfully tug on his clothes.
Gladio gripped Promptos shoulder, leaning in towards his still red ears and said : “Prompto, grab your camera, right now.”
The blonde snickered and scrambled to find his precious camera. Noctis simply watched Ignis, the man who had been taking care of him since he was a child, the man who was almost like a mother to him, slowly getting undressed by a bunch of strippers. “I’m too sober for this.” he said, took up another bottle of beer and downed it.
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
omg go go guys! Send it up to 4 characters (xreaders too) and a number!!!
Drabble Challenge!
Repost this. Followers/Readers send numbers to your Ask. You write a fic/drabble using that line in your piece. Have fun! Expect a ton of requests!! 
“That’s starting to get annoying”
“Hey, hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“You can’t just sit there all day.”
“I’m too sober for this.”
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“I need a place to stay.”
“Well, that’s tragic.”
“You’re seriously like a man-child.”
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
“The ladies love a guy who’s good with kids.”
“Dear Diary, …”
“She’s hiding behind the sofa.”
“I lost our baby.”
“They’re so cute when they’re asleep.”
“I’d kill for a coffee…literally.”
“You’re getting crumbs all over my bed.”
“Good thing I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
“What’s the matter, sweetie?”
“You’re Satan.”
“I don’t want to hear your excuse. You can’t just give me wet-willies.”
“I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.”
“Did you just hiss at me?”
“Do you really need all that candy?”
“It’s six o’clock in the morning, you’re not having vodka.”
“I swear, I’m not crazy!!!”
“The diamond in your engagement ring is fake.”
“No. Regrets.”
“How drunk was I?”
“How is my wife more badass than me?”
“Be you. No one else can.”
“I haven’t slept in ages.”
“I locked the keys in the car.”
“Are you sure that’s the decision you want to make?”
“You work for me. You are my slave.”
“Take your medicine.”
“They’re monsters.”
“Welcome to fatherhood.”
“Why can’t you appreciate my sense of humor?”
“It’s your turn to make dinner.”
“The kids, they ambushed me.”
“Sorry isn’t going to help when I kick your ass!!!”
“Stop being so cute.”
“I feel like I can’t breathe.”
“You need to see a doctor.”
“You’re getting a vasectomy. That’s final.”
“I was a joke, baby. I swear.”
“Dogs don’t wear clothes!”
“I didn’t think you could get any less romantic…”
“Safety first. What are you? FIVE?”
“This is girl talk, so leave.”
“Where am I going? Crazy. Wanna come?”
“There’s a herd of them!”
“Do you think I’m scared of a woman?”
“They’re not your kids, back the f*ck off.”
“You’re a nerd.”
“I’m late.”
“Just get home as soon as possible, okay?!”
“You smell like a wet dog.”
“I could punch you right now.”
“Are you going to talk to me?”
“Welcome back. Now fucking help me.”
“If you can’t sleep…we could have sex?”
“Flea markets don’t carry fleas, you know?”
“Here, take my blanket.”
“I don’t want you to stop.”
“How could I ever forget about you?”
“You’re bleeding all over my carpet.”
“Run for it!”
“We need to talk.”
“Not everyone is out to get you. Stop thinking that. It’s annoying.”
“I want a pet.”
“Just smile, I really need to see you smile right now.”
“I’m not wearing a dress.”
“I’m not wearing a tie.”
“Quit beating me up!”
“Please put your penis away.”
“It’s a Texas thing.”
“Don’t argue. Just do it.”
“I hope I’m never stuck with you on a deserted island.”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Hold still.”
“I just ironed these pants!”
“Enough with the sass!”
“Show me what’s behind your back.”
“I’m not going to be sympathetic until you go to a doctor.”
“Fine, don’t say anything and make me worry.”
“Stay awake.”
“You’re not interested, are you?”
“I’m not buying ikea furniture again.”
“Tell me you need me.”
“Oh honey, I’d never be jealous of you.”
“I’m telling you. I’m haunted.”
“I had a bad dream again.”
“Have I mentioned, I fucking hate Halloween.”
“It’s Christmas, don’t be mad at me.”
“You’re not going to starve yourself on Thanksgiving.”
“The store ran out of Easter eggs.”
“How could you forget your son’s birthday?”
“You can only suffer through my whining for so long until you get up and make me a sandwich.”
Visit @prompt-bank for more prompts!!
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
Paws and Prince
RAVUS DESERVES TO BE HAPPY OKAY I have so many feels omg i need to cuddle my doggo now
“Gentiana! Pryna is back!”
The two small dogs were curled around one another like a Yin and Yang symbol, peacefully sleeping the day away in Lunafreyas study. The sun was setting outside, casting the palace of the Tenebraen royal family in a mystical orange glow. Luna herself sat huddled up on one of the sofas with a book in her hands, absentmindedly skimming through the pages. She had been so worried about the fluffy white dog of the messager duo. She had immediately written her letter to this mysterious Prompto person and sent Gentiana off to find him. Luna smiled fondly at her dogs before she heard a knock on the door. With Gentiana gone and most of the servants already retreating into their chambers, it could only be one person outside her door.    "Come in." she said reluctantly. The doors slowly opened but she didn't bother to look up.    "Is it true?" came her brothers voice, so strangely soft and quiet, so not like the Ravus she was forced to live with recently. She looked up at last. Ravus looked haughty at first, straight posture and radiating confidence, the empirial High Commander in the flesh. But upon further inspection, Luna noticed his cheeks were sunken, making his sharp jawline and cheekbones stand out more. Ruffled, silver hair and bags under his eyes made the former prince look exhausted, worry written all over his face. Luna nodded. "Pryna came back earlier." He closed the door behind him and Ravus' steps drew closer to where she was sitting. He came to a halt next to the sofa Lunafreya was seated on. Pryna looked up, blue eyes blinking sleepily before settling on the prince. She got up with a small yawn and made her way towards the High Commander. Ravus kneeled down and petted his tighs, beckoning the messager dog closer. Pryna put her small frontpaws on him, gave a soft yip and nuzzled into his chest. Luna closed her book and sat up, looking at the scene unfolding infront of her. She almost forgot that Ravus was rather fond of Pryna, he must've been worried sick over the past days. Ravus smiled softly at the dog, his whole face lighting up. He suddenly looked a lot younger, innocent and quite happy. It drew a smile on Lunas own face.    "Are you alright, Ravus?" she asked quietly, a question meant for her brother, not the stranger who called himself High Commander. Ravus petted the space between Prynas ears, blinked twice before looking at his sister. "Hm? Oh yes, fine ... Just worried, i suppose." He coughed and shook his head. "If she had gotten into the wrong hands, it would've proven to be a huge disadvantage." Ah, the commander was back. Luna kneeled down beside him and laid her hand on his arm and squeezed it lightly to reassure him. "I was worried too." She rested her head against his shoulder, hoping to coax her brother out once more. Ravus' eyes flickered around anxiously, checking if not perhaps the Chancellor or Emporer himself were lurking outside the window. Once assured he was alone with Luna and the dogs, he let his guard down, sighed and leaned his head against hers. Pryna curled up on his lap and began snoring again. Ravus gave a short, breathy laugh and continued petting Prynas soft white fur.    "There are so many, much more important things i should worry about. And yet here i was, losing sleep over a missing dog." he said quietly, closing his eyes and resting his chin on the top of Lunas head. "I'm just glad she made it back safely." Luna nodded, a hand reaching out towards Umbra, who had woken up and made his way over to the kneeling siblings. Ravus sighed and ruffled Umbras fur once before carefully picking Pryna up from his lap and setting her down before him.    "I wish to get some sleep now." he said, perhaps with a little regret in his voice to cut the moment short. Luna looked up at him, features soft and smiled warmly. "Astrals know, you need it." To her surprise, he leaned in and gently kissed the top of her head before quietly heading out of the room. The door went shut with a soft click. Luna sighed before leaning towards Pryna who had stirred again.    "Keep him company tonight, will you?" she requested and surprisingly, the dog got up and went for the door. Luna opened it for her and saw the white dog scuttle down the hallway towards Ravus' chambers. Later that night, Luna went past Ravus' ajar door. She poked her head in and saw her brother curled up on his bed. His armor was discarded on his desk. Pryna was nuzzled against his chest, one of his arms securely wrapped around her. She smiled fondly at Ravus' peaceful expression. He looked incredibly vulnerable with his guard down, yet so peaceful, as if he hadn't a single worry in the entire world. In this moment, with the little white dog curled up against him Ravus Nox Fleuret looked truly happy.
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
guys help
so i read this book series called Shades of Magic and this one character, who is also my favorite, reminds me of Ravus so i was already having more Ravus feels than usual. Then Chapter 13 verse 2 happend aND NOW RAVUS IS MY FAVORITE SORRY IGGY. Guys send in some prompts for Ravus sin ! I wanna write him so badly 
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snapdragonsapling · 7 years
Can we get some cor sin
I AM SO SORRY OMG. I have been out of the fandom for some time while i was reading this amazing bookseries called Shades of Magic. But now i’m back thanks to the DLC!!! Yay. I had inspiration to write Cor. But i’m quite indifferent about him so its not quite sin? Just some make-out session with preGilgamesh Cor. Hope you like it!!
“I was a lot younger then …. A lot rasher. I thought i was invincible, truly immortal.”
You were walking down the hallways without any worry in your mind when you heard voices arguing from an ajar door. Your shift as servant was technically over and you had no further business in the citadel, yet the shouting drew you in. If you weren’t mistaken, it was Clarus Amicitias voice echoing down the hallway.    "Its a suicide mission! Men and women with more years of experience than you have lived on this earth have set forth on this path! None have come back alive!“You halted three steps from the door, listening. Whoever Clarus was giving this dire warning to simply huffed.“Those men and women experienced peace, a sheltered life within the Kings wall. I have been out there and fought against the troops of Niflheim. I am not afraid.”You instantly recognized the arrogant voice and froze.Cor.Clarus sighed heavily before speaking again. “Will and talent alone will get you nowhere with the Blademaster, Cor.” You heard the shuffle of feet, rustle of fabric and Cors defiant intake of air. Clarus must’ve gripped his shoulder. “Do not do this.”Silence … - then another huff from Cor as he removed himself from Clarus’ grip.    "Just because you are too afraid to take him on, doesn’t mean i am.“Clarus took a sharp breath and you felt as if the blow had been dealt to you. Then the shield sighed in defeat. "Your hubris will be your downfall. You’re not immortal.”You scrambled to hide in an alcove as Clarus’ heavy steps drew near the door. You saw his shoulders slump down. A mans logic and good-will defeated by a mere boys arrogance. You saw the man walk down the hallway and disapear around a corner. What had that been about?, you wondered. A dangerous mission and a mysterious Blademaster? A mission Clarus deemed impossible. And it seemed like Cor was about to run off and get himself killed. With only 16 he was one of the youngest yet strongest fighters for the crown. But still, if Clarus Amicitia doubted Cors ability in this … You couldn’t sit idle by. He meant something to you. What exactly, you weren’t quite sure. The few weeks of passion and stolen kisses during the summer weren’t enough to figure it out. But you were young, who needs to lable everything anyway. But now Cor was putting himself on a dangerous path. A path you couldn’t follow.The door opend again and Cor stepped outside. Clad in royal black, he straightend his shoulders and his clear blue eyes twinkled with determination. He walked past your alcove and you took your chance. Grabbing his wrist and pulling him flush against you. Surprise switched places with a pleased smirk on his boyish features.    "Fancy meeting you here.“ he purred and almost instantly his hands started to roam like you were used to. But the summer fling was in the past.You stopped his hands with yours and looked him straight in the eye, worry etched onto your face. "What was that about?”Cor cocked his head to the side. “What was what?”You realized how bad it would reflect on you if you admitted to have eavesdropped.Gears turning quickly in your head, you answered honestly. “I just saw Clarus Amicita looking rather displeased after he left that room you just came out of.” Close enough.Cors eyebrows furrowed before he shook his head dismissively. “That was nothing. Just a minor argument about a mission i want to take on.” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear and smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry about it.”You leaned into his touch, not quite convinced. Cor leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your lips.When you parted, you bit your lip, already missing the tingly sensation.    "Are you about to do something dangerous, Cor?“ you asked, never breaking eye concact.He simply smirked and a rather arrogant expression took over his face. "Everything i do is dangerous, babe.” he said, obviously proud of it. Was he still trying to impress you with his daredevil attitude?You had to admit, his arrogance could be quite alluring, but only when it was show. Not if it was something that could get him killed.The only thing that worked against that was sass, you figured out.    "And you tell me not to worry?“ you asked with a smirk on your lips. You knew he loved to kiss it away.And so he did. Cor dipped his head towards your lips and started mashing his soft lips against yours. His hands started wandering again, down your spine, rounded at your hips and under your shirt, while his other hand came to rest at your lower back. Damn this man for so easily kissing away your worries. You gave in to his advances and your leg started circling his. Cors hand at your lower back gave your butt a firm squeeze before grabbing your lifted leg and holding it up by your tigh. You hooked it around his hips and his groin started rubbing against yours. A sigh escaped your throat and was captured by his lips right away. He bucked his hips once more and took advantage of the moan that crawled out of you, this time by invading your mouth with his tounge. He broke the kiss, made quick eyecontact with you before trailing kisses down your jaw and neck. Your head fell back and a pleased sigh left your lips.    "Cor …” you mouthed softy and he hummed in response against your skin. His lips reached your collar and pushed a necklace away that was resting there, claiming the space above your breasts with kisses.    "I’ve always quite like that necklace on you.“ he mouthed, the tickle of his lips and warmth of his breath made you shudder. One of your hands came to rest against the intricate metal symbol before moving to his cheek, cupping it and bringing his face up to place another kiss onto his lips. "Shall we go to your chambers?” you breathed against his lips and he simply nodded. With another chaste kiss on your lips, he took your hand and lead you down the hallway to his chambers in the citadel.You woke up the next morning, sore in all the right places with fond memories circling in your head. Light was falling into the room through the curtains. Your hand reached out, towards Cor who was sleeping peacefully next to you. Or so you thought. A small panic ran through you as you found his space empty. You sat up in the bed quickly and looked around. His clothes and gear were gone. Calling out his name once, you got up and looked into the bathroom connected to his chambers. Still, no sign of him. Your hands flew to your heart which was apparently throwing a fit inside of your ribcage. Then you noticed the absence of your necklace. You walked toward the window and threw it open, hoping to see Cor in the busy streets of Insomnia. Little did you know, your necklace was safely slung around Cors Katana as he set forth to face the Blademaster.
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snapdragonsapling · 8 years
Nay !
Ravus Nox Fleuret, Final Fantasy XV
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snapdragonsapling · 8 years
Hello friend how are you was wondering if you still write :c
Ahh friendo i’m so sorry ;-; I’ve come down with a nasty flu for the last couple weeks and i’m not feeling sexy at all to write sin. Since all the requests i have at the moment are sin. Sweet of you checking up on me though, darling
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snapdragonsapling · 8 years
Ardyns so hot like that holy shit
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age/story/everything swap. noct is ardyn’s design+kingly raiment, ardyn is noct’s design+touches from his own design
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