snapsiesthoughts · 2 months
is somebody gonna match my freak (be a butch who likes taking strap)
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snapsiesthoughts · 2 months
I discovered something that I think more people should know. So the gel lube that comes in the little bottles, don't love it it's too thick. The liquid astroglide? Too thin. I feel really silly for this one but you can add water to water based lubes and make it thinner. If this is common knowledge let me live in my delusion that I just discovered something great
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
Guys I saw a housefinch today but he was too fast to get a picture of. In honor of my girlfriends addiction to Harry potters dad and his gay friends I'm naming this bird jegulus
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
I went over to my girlfriends house today and saw my hoodie in her room and it made me realize like, she thinks about me when I am not there. I am PERCIVED and not in an icky way. Like, she hears things that remind her of me and i think that is just wild @olivias-ramblings
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
I love birds, this is a spotted sandpiper, isn't he so cool?
Update: this is an upland sandpiper, he fooled me, the little bastard.
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
Guys, I fear I have been classically trained by my loving girlfriend. There is a specific shade of lipstick she knows I like and she wears it every time she wants to rile me up and tease me. Now I can't see that shade of lipstick on her without thinking about her hands on me.
I've been pavloved
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
Puter, how do I let my girlfriend know exactly how much I love her, quickest route, no freeways.
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
I love being masculine and having a fem girlfriend. I get to watch her put makeup on, I get to braid her hair, I get to help her pick out pretty dresses to wear it's just so nice
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
What I will never understand is societies distaste for chubby folks. HELLO?!!!! More to hold and love and kiss and yes.
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
I love my girlfriend because we both hate Japanese beetles with a passion for very diffrent reasons. I hate them because they are invasive little shits that destroy native flora, she hates them because they have little grippy claws and eat all of her basil. Both reasons are 100% valid
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
Lesbianisim is funny to me, like I am hardwired to like women. I think I really lucked out in that regard
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
femmes are so cute when you get them flowers. “you remembered my favorite?” like of course i did baby i have a whole list of things about you in my notes app
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
I think it's so funny how the stereotype is that butches always top and femmes always bottom because I am the more masculine one between my girlfriend and I, however she tends to wear the pants and the strap in our relatuonship
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snapsiesthoughts · 3 months
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Tiddie lamp in the ikea?!!
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snapsiesthoughts · 4 months
Having high levels of testosterone because of pcos is all fun and games untill you experience man levels of hornyness on some random Monday night for litteraly no reason other than you're on your period
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snapsiesthoughts · 4 months
How is it that on the first day of pride my girlfriend and I are both on out period, this is a hatecrime
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snapsiesthoughts · 4 months
as much as I would love to be the scary butch archetype, I'm really the type that looks like this
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and I just need to come to terms with that I think
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