snebleps · 10 hours
Oh shit I just realized I can post the "Gaussian Blur Wizard That Gaussian Blurs You" here
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snebleps · 12 hours
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snebleps · 12 hours
I get riled up about a common subject: America's robust health care system. Every one of the (thousands of) dollars I pay monthly just means I pay a dollar less when the sick visit bill comes due. And holy shit don't get me started on deductibles. I am keenly aware of how other countries excel in this industry, showing actual respect to the people who live and work and breathe there.
So my question to my non-'Merican brethren is
Please share widely for a realistic picture of how little this cuntry cares about its people.
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snebleps · 12 hours
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snebleps · 12 hours
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My twitter TL today and im enjoying every second of it
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snebleps · 15 hours
want to be clear that if i ever talk about a headcanon and then later discuss a headcanon that is directly contradictory to the first one, that’s because headcanons exist in a quantum state where they are all simultaneously true and not true up until the point where i discuss it in detail, in which case that is the one that is true in that instance. schroedinger’s headcanons
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snebleps · 23 hours
The RSN Stitchbank has added 25 new stitches which brings the total to 450!
This is a great resource because it has photos and videos for each stitch. Also they are working to show each stitch for right and left handed stitching as well.
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snebleps · 23 hours
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I don’t give the shrimps junk food for 12 hours and they start high-risk feeding strategies already…
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snebleps · 23 hours
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Don't listen to vocaloid often, but this trend is very wholesome.
Have a lil Appalachian Miku!
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snebleps · 23 hours
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I just had to, even though our broke boy has a nokia phone, not exactly known for its large screen size
dithered version below the cut!
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snebleps · 23 hours
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snebleps · 24 hours
I'd be unstoppable if I didn't have to worry about time or money or having a body
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snebleps · 1 day
Ready to assemble your very own kelp forest?
Just follow these easy steps:
✅ Assemble kelp parts in cold, nutrient-rich water  ✅ Add fish and invertebrates  ✅ Add sea otters! 🦦 ✅ Watch your kelp forest thrive  ⚠️Warning: Without sea otters, your kelp forest may end up with an urchin overload!
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snebleps · 1 day
"This person has a secret onlyfans!" "This artist does NSFW commissions!" "This author writes porn on the side!" I cannot begin to tell you how swag and awesome that is.
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snebleps · 1 day
This is unrelated to what I usually post but I have recently picked up the stained glass hobby and am creating a dragon! This is my second stained glass piece and I am having lots of fun. :)
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snebleps · 1 day
Blood is warm. if blood is cold, you’re really fucking feverish or the person is dead. it’s only sticky after it coagulates.
It smells! like iron, obv, but very metallic. heavy blood loss has a really potent smell, someone will notice.
Unless in a state of shock or fight-flight mode, a character will know they’re bleeding. stop with the ‘i didn’t even feel it’ yeah you did. drowsiness, confusion, pale complexion, nausea, clumsiness, and memory loss are symptoms to include.
blood flow ebbs. sometimes it’s really gushin’, other times it’s a trickle. could be the same wound at different points.
it’s slow. use this to your advantage! more sad writer times hehehe.
Stab wounds:
I have been mildly impaled with rebar on an occasion, so let me explain from experience. being stabbed is bizarre af. your body is soft. you can squish it, feel it jiggle when you move. whatever just stabbed you? not jiggly. it feels stiff and numb after the pain fades. often, stab wounds lead to nerve damage. hands, arms, feet, neck, all have more motor nerve clusters than the torso. fingers may go numb or useless if a tendon is nicked.
also, bleeding takes FOREVER to stop, as mentioned above.
if the wound has an exit wound, like a bullet clean through or a spear through the whole limb, DONT REMOVE THE OBJECT. character will die. leave it, bandage around it. could be a good opportunity for some touchy touchy :)
whump writers - good opportunity for caretaker angst and fluff w/ trying to manhandle whumpee into a good position to access both sites
despite the amnesia and confusion, people ain’t that articulate. even if they’re mumbling about how much they love (person) - if that’s ur trope - or a secret, it’s gonna make no sense. garbled nonsense, no full sentences, just a coupla words here and there.
if the concussion is mild, they’re gonna feel fine. until….bam! out like a light. kinda funny to witness, but also a good time for some caretaking fluff.
you die at 110F. no 'oh no his fever is 120F!! ahhh!“ no his fever is 0F because he’s fucking dead. you lose consciousness around 103, sometimes less if it’s a child. brain damage occurs at over 104.
seizures (severe)
inability to speak clearly
feeling chilly/shivering
symptoms increase as fever rises. slow build that secret sickness! feverish people can be irritable, maybe a bit of sass followed by some hurt/comfort. never hurt anybody.
ALSO about fevers - they absolutely can cause hallucinations. Sometimes these alter memory and future memory processing. they're scary shit guys.
fevers are a big deal! bad shit can happen! milk that till its dry (chill out) and get some good hurt/comfort whumpee shit.
keep writing u sadistic nerds xox love you
sorry I forgot. at that point for a sustained period of time you're too cold to survive.
pt 2
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snebleps · 2 days
Diversity win! The horniest person you know is on the asexual spectrum
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