sneezingfetishftw · 12 hours
Hey friends I hate to be that guy but…
The YouTube account JSneezes (@ / JWSSNZ) has been reuploading some of y’all’s content without credits and I assume without permissions.
I recognize one or two people… He erases the watermarks on videos, another huge red flag for me.
If any of you have posted videos here showing your face or body I highly recommend checking if you’re on this account and reporting them when you do so.
Stay safe out there. 🫡
Edit: some of the videos are also of m!nors. Please rb to spread awareness and get more ppl to report
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sneezingfetishftw · 17 hours
Men in suit sneezing.
I said what needed to be said
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sneezingfetishftw · 17 hours
Lu/ci/fer thought of the day:
He never gets sick as a seraphim and doesn't to this day because he still has some angelic blood left in him. However, to balance this out for his punishment, once a year for a week straight Lu/ci/fer gets hit with just. The worst and most symptoms of the flu imaginable. Nonstop chills, fever, coughing, sneezing, nausea, everything under the sun packed in a year's worth of time.
He had Li/li/th to help every time it happened, but after she disappeared he suffered every year since then on his own. But now that he lives in the hotel as a visitor-- not a resident, thank you very much-- he's surprised when Char/lie immediately notices something is wrong and starts prepping without even knowing what he's stuck with. Tea, tissues, a humidifier, a pillow fort for comfort's sake, anything and everything she can think of. And as he's shivering and sweating under a pile of blankets, literally and figuratively burning through his fourth tissue box in the past six hours, suddenly he realizes oh.
He's not alone anymore.
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sneezingfetishftw · 18 hours
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sneezingfetishftw · 18 hours
I don't know why, but I feel really clingy today. Or rather, I feel like I want a cute, sniffly woman to be clingy with me, lol. Like she would just wrap herself around me and not let go, maybe wipe her nose on me or stifle/muffle a sneeze against me now and then but just wanting to be as close as possible.
I'm really weird about touch, but today I'm clearly more touch-starved than anything else, but I guess I kinda want to be needed, somehow...? TBH she doesn't even have to be sniffly/sneezy, she could just be tired or just generally cuddly, but damn... I've been thinking about this the whole day.
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sneezingfetishftw · 18 hours
shout out to the people who have normal-moderate allergies that they cannot go more than a minute without referencing for no reason. no shyness about it at all. always with my allergies this my nose that oh did somebody say pollen or spring or fall or dust or animal or air?! well i have something to say
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
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Congested purrs make congested snz <3
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
Good: When a sick person says "I don't feel so good... ugh!"
Better: When someone else says to the sick person: "You don't feel so good, huh?"
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
Idk if y’all can visualize this…
but I REALLY want a taller partner to just sit with their arm around me on the couch while we watch tv or talk.
And then they sorta curl into you, covering a sneeze with the hand that was around you - a mix of on top of/behind your head/shoulder.
If anyone wants to draw this because I can’t describe it properly please be my guest 😭❤️
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
Was wishing there was a positivity post for original fiction writers since I see so many about how fanfic writers are doing so much for their communities even when they're not actively writing, and then I thought:
Be the change you want to see in the world.
So this is a positivity post for the writers out here who are working very hard on stories with no established community. Who can't talk about their blorbos and plot lines and brainstorming to anyone and expect them to know what any of it means. Who don't have much to share publicly, but are hoping they will one day.
You're doing a lot of hard work, and I recognize and appreciate what you're putting into the world, even when you're resting.
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
a miserable, swollen, stuffy cold. the sickie’s nose is red around the nostrils and dusted in circles underneath, their lips parted slightly and chapped enough to be ringed with pink where the skin pulls with each miserable, stuffy breath. they sniffle every few seconds, either deep and crackling or just enough to keep their nose from running onto their lip, and sometimes their nostrils flare enough to show the soft inner membranes, red and inflamed and oh-so-sensitive and constantly gleaming a bit with liquid. eyes red around the edges, face pale and slightly puffy with congestion and lack of sleep. their throat is red and swollen, their lungs irritated with the first indicators of a tiny cough. they’re sleepwalking through their day, their sinuses feeling heavy on their face, their nose occasionally giving way into a fit of irritated wiggling and flaring as their face elongates and their eyelids flutter, their breath hitches, they try for the tissue packet in their pocket and sometimes make it, sometimes not: “huh…huhiss’uhh. Oh…sniff! Guh.” 
As the day goes on, the bad virus multiplies in their head, and despite their best hopes of this being over soon their cold gets worse: their nose gets redder and redder until it starts to peel and swell a bit from the irritation, the sneezes come more frequently and are messier each time, their starting to run a bit of a fever, their voice officially clogs tight and drops a raspy octave. everything feels tender and tired and swollen and they just want to crawl into bed with a box of tissues and a cup of hot tea, but they keep going on, sniffling through another tissue packet and then another, trying to blow their nose just to hit a wall of congestion, but the virus just won’t let them catch a break, until they give their tender nose another rub with a tissue and admit:
“I’b…sniff! sniff! Ugh, I’b nodd feelig so good.”
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
someone having a proper sneezing fit while their partner watches. self-described as one of their infamous “sneeze attacks”; it’s one small, pathetic sneeze after another, barely making a dent in the itch.
then, their breath stutters long enough for them to get in air for a loud, forceful sneeze. their partner rubs their back, shushing them and murmuring, “good, there you go, get it all out…” as they dazedly build up again.
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
Self obs this morning….
Not sure if it was the spice or mild allergies 🤧 but as I was making my lunch before heading to the office I started to feel a little tickle and started getting really sniffly.
I had just grabbed multiple containers in both hands to return to the fridge when a particular sniffle sent an URGENT tickle shooting up the bridge of my nose.
Helplessly all I could do is tightly hold everything in my arms and aim down 😅 Afterwards hearing and seeing the large droplets spraying over the kitchen floor 🙈
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
character with illusion magic fucking with a sick or allergic character by offering a handkerchief that they accept but realize too late is useless, after burying their nose into its non-existent folds and sneezing messily into their hands
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
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Eheh… 😵‍💫
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
hhhh give me bodyguard with a bad cold who has to stand still in position
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sneezingfetishftw · 20 hours
Sneezy roommate and roommate with the kink has been in my mind ALL DAYYYY
just them being subjected to their hot roommates helpless sneezes which just seemed to be getting louder and more frequent by the minute 😩😩😩
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