sneezingowl · 3 days
looks delectable
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I don't know if it's just my antidepressants but this is the most beautiful stew I've ever made
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sneezingowl · 6 days
got a major pest problem this year actually
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sneezingowl · 7 days
"just throw some rice and stuff in there" is in fact my favorite meal to make. few dishes to clean. easy quick no effort. mwah.
i love overfilling my pathetic little rice cooker to the point where i have to sit next to it to constantly monitor its little precum hole for flooding, negating its raison d'être and making fools out of both of us
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sneezingowl · 12 days
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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sneezingowl · 15 days
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sneezingowl · 17 days
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This is one of the thai restaurants in my hometown and i can tell you first hand this lady is wonderful
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sneezingowl · 17 days
I know it is my father's first time on this Earth, too. And I know He had it worse when he was little.
But I was little too.
— Franz Kafka, from letters to his father
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sneezingowl · 21 days
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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sneezingowl · 22 days
bsssssssssss... there's a mosquito in my room. it already stung me twice this night. bsssssssssssss... i grab my phone flashlight and i go on the hunt. i spend minutes scanning all my walls until finally - HA! there the little bastard is! i SLAP and it falls to the ground dead. satisfied i lay back into the bed, trying to ignore the excruciating itching on my shoulder and calf. after a while i am sooo close to falling asleep when suddenly - bsssssssssss. bsssssssss. i curse my existence and these godawful bugs.
Another thing about summer is that there's always an insect and another
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sneezingowl · 25 days
who fucking litters. why do i ever see litter. who thinks that’s okay. who. who NEEDS to throw their fast food bag out the fucking window instead of waiting until they get somewhere with a trashcan. what kinda clown behavior. get fucked.
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sneezingowl · 30 days
Do you or anyone you know have an usual or exotic pet? (so not a dog, cat, horse, rabbit, goldfish, lizard, etc).
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sneezingowl · 1 month
ur government assigned gender for the day is the first thing u get when u click this link to a randomised wikipedia article. NO REROLLS . i am the  trollsteineggje mountain in norway
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sneezingowl · 1 month
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sneezingowl · 1 month
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sneezingowl · 2 months
beauty standards are so fucked up what happened to i love your body because it's you. what then.
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sneezingowl · 2 months
Your phone battery percentage determines what year of the 1900s you'll live in.
How screwed are you?
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sneezingowl · 2 months
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