ninetailedliligant · 12 days
I know this would probably be a huge pain in the ass coding wise, but I kind of wish steam had a boot a random game you have downloaded button. I don't because lack of energy and comittment and maybe adhd I haven't booted a game for like weeks now and I feel like that would help if I didn't have to decide on anything.
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ninetailedliligant · 12 days
Honestly the thing that kind baffles me the most about this woke game detector chart is the fact that Super Lesbian Animal RPG is even on their. Like it seems pointless since I don't think anyone in your audience was going think it wasn't woke just from the title. I mean lesbian is on the name and just the cover alone would basically make them hiss in terror. Were you afraid that someone subscribed to your curator was going to say "Hmm maybe this is completely ironic and it actually totally not woke once you start the game." and you have to warn them "no this is exactly what it looks like."
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ninetailedliligant · 16 days
I tried looking in the reblogs but, a little known fact about this song is it had a sequel. In that sequel the gist is the Devil basically waited for Johnny to get old and out of practice and then force a challenge on him again. It also very ambiguous if Johnny won that time.
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ninetailedliligant · 27 days
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Man you ever see a good picture that describes how modern gaming trends ruined everything. A fricking premium membership for soltaire on windows, the one you get with a copy of windows 11.
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ninetailedliligant · 1 month
So because of new life circumstances I got netflix now so I watched pokemon Concierge. Good vibes shame it only 4 episodes.
But I did find it weird that Haru seems like she barely seen a pokemon before the resort job. I just now have a headcanon that Haru is a Orre region native, that would explain a lot, especially why she doesn't even have her own pokemon before getting the resort job. Pokemon are a luxury in Orre afterall
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ninetailedliligant · 2 months
You know anyone else think that Legend of Zelda Oracle of ages would better story wise if it starred Ralph and not Link. Like yeah realistically without the zelda branding it would be a weird cult hit at best, But Ralph has more stake in the story seeing Nayru is his childhood friend and he has an interesting conflict later on if he should kill his ancestor for the greater good even though it would make him disappear. With Link there it feels like a bad fanfiction where Link is plopped into someone else's story and Ralph is made a bumbling idiot to make Link look cooler.
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ninetailedliligant · 2 months
"Why does this 19th Century novel have such a boring protagonist" well, for a lot of reasons, really, but one of the big ones is that you're possibly getting the protagonist and the narrator mixed up.
A lot of 19th Century literary critics had this weird hate-boner for omniscient narrators – stories would straight up get criticised as "unrealistic" on the grounds that it was unlikely anyone could have witnessed their events in the manner described, like some sort of proto-CinemaSins bullshit – so authors who didn't want to write their stories from the first-person perspective of one of the participating characters would often go to great lengths to contrive for there to be a Dude present to witness and narrate the story's events.
It's important to understand that the Dude is the viewpoint character, but not the protagonist. His function is to witness stuff, and he only directly participates in the narrative to the extent that's necessary to explain to the satisfaction of persnickety critics why he's present and how he got there. Giving him a personality would defeat the purpose!
(Though lowbrow fiction was unlikely to encounter such criticisms, the device of the elaborately justified diegetic narrator was often present there as well, and was sometimes parodied to great effect – for example, by having the story narrated by a very unlikely party, such as a sapient insect, or by a party whose continued presence is justified in increasingly comical ways.)
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ninetailedliligant · 2 months
I've basically come to the conclusion that Tears of the Kingdom is a hugely impressive piece of technical work that's held back at every turn by the fact that it's a Breath of the Wild sequel. You can see the clear outlines of the game it's trying to be, but in order to actually engage with that game you constantly have to dig through this heavy cruft of mechanics that worked great in the context of Breath of the Wild, but have mutated into annoying distractions in the context of Tears of the Kingdom. Ironically, for all the complaints about TotK playing fast and loose with BotW's narrative, from a mechanical standpoint its problem is that it's too faithful to its predecessor.
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ninetailedliligant · 2 months
Anyone else think it scary that entire pc market is entirely dependent on Gabe the owner of steam not dying or selling steam? Like I heard microsoft made an offer to buy steam and isn't that a scary thought of microsoft basically having that power… Don't get me wrong steam was the best case scenario in capitalism of the one pc gaming store, like I shudder to think what if ea or ubisoft stores was first to adopted…but when Gabe dies then suddenly the entirity of pc gaming is up in the air.
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ninetailedliligant · 2 months
Anyone else get kind of annoyed when people try to make the pokemon world out to be this perfect paradise with no underlying issues and basically knock down any ideas that has to do with say a trans person dealing with systemic and cultural issues in the pokemon world. Like I get it I don't like the other extreme of turning the pokemon world into this dark and edgy place like a lot of fan games seem to like doing.
But I don't know I get kind of tired of say wanting to explore disability in the pokemon world and people say something like all physical disabilities don't exist because of the advance socialized healthcare and all the mental disabilities can be helped with psychic pokemon or something and apparently the pokemon world is this perfect place where no one would ever discriminate against anybody.
Maybe it just the fandom spaces I hang in and probably need more queer friendly spaces but it is tiresome to basically have the idea of a trans character be rejected because pokemon world doesn't have any discrimination against is this perfect place where all queer people are accepted perfectly and they wouldn't have any issues existing in the pokemon world.
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ninetailedliligant · 3 months
This is based on a Zelda fanfiction I once read as a young child but it kind of stuck in my mind and I still like the idea.
Basically what is the fierce Diety mask? It's a trap from Majora to turn the hero into a mindless monster which he would then set upon hyrule. Termia is said to be Majora's illusion, I know that an unpopular idea but I think of it like this. Majora created a world where everyone has problems for Link to solve and only a limited time to solve them all but is given unlimited chances to do everything. So Link tourchers himself to have the perfect cycle where he does everything for everyone in 3 days, it took what felt like centuries of time but he did it. Only when he starts the fight with Majora and uses the fierce deity mask given to him Majora reveals that everything in termia was fake and he wasted his time for nothing.
He was hoping this would make the hero fall apart and be taken over by the mask but unfortunately for him the legendary hero will was stronger then he thought it was and he managed to keep control through the fight long enough to kill Majora.
Though as seen in hyrule warriors Link can only use the mask for short burst before he has to take it off to keep it from taking over. But yeah Termia was fake, his efforts ment nothing and all he had left of that world was a cursed mask...probably leading to how dour he was as the Hero Shade
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ninetailedliligant · 3 months
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we’re the same
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ninetailedliligant · 6 months
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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ninetailedliligant · 7 months
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You can only reblog this today.
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ninetailedliligant · 8 months
I find Rosalina a hard character to write. Like Peach is someone you can fill the gaps in with other characters of her archtype and same with Daisy. But Rosalina problem is other characters of her archtype of motherly goddess usually don’t get indepth characterization. I mean the big goddess usually is going go karting with the heroes after all.
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ninetailedliligant · 1 year
I saw something and it put in my head an idea, basically their is a kingdom where they have dragon riders, but dragon only allow women to ride them. This basically allowed woman to basically get equal rights in this midevil society. A young trans woman egg though manages to sneak into a partnering ceremony though and one dragon choose her to be their partner. This basically creates chaos, the queen and head dragon knight wants them dead because if dragons can choose men that basically destroys all the power they collected and so the young trans woman has to basically be on the run while taking care of her dragon partner
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ninetailedliligant · 1 year
So it very well established that Gotham is cursed. What Bruce Wayne somehow found that out very young and instead of instead of mastering martial arts he went to master magic since the dc universe where this is a thing that exist all to try to figure out how the lift the curse that makes Gotham a dark place.
All his foes would get a magic based redesign, with the Joker basically being a direct manifestation of the curse, thus giving a good reason to not kill the joker, killing the host will just mean the curse finds a new host.
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