Dolores hill bombs
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I do not think, therefore I do not am.
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yeah, definitely. it’s currently the only way to get away from all the chaos
hey al!! i feel like it’s been a while. how’ve you been?? -snipes
Honestly a little stir crazy but that's quarantine babey. You?
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yeah, same. i cant wait to get out more. i’ve been spending a lot time on the fire escape.
hey al!! i feel like it’s been a while. how’ve you been?? -snipes
Honestly a little stir crazy but that's quarantine babey. You?
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25- kind of candy?
i love chocolate so much, so basically any chocolate bar. especially almond joys. i also really love swedish fish, for some reason
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11- character from a book?
i love percy jackson, and i always have. i also really like dante from aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe, and danny from the shining
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9- happy song?
i don’t know if it’s because i’ve been into jazz lately or not, but michael bublé’s cover of moondance
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28- superhero?
i’ve always loved spider-man, but iron man and doctor strange are also some of my favorites.
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18- constellation?
i love orion, andromeda, and perseus, but i also really like virgo cause it’s my zodiac sign :)
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12- creative medium?
man, it’s really hard to choose. i really love drawing and painting, but i’ve been writing a lot recently too
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these and more can be found at the Instagram account teabag.cartoon
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i’ve been alright!! not much going on with me either. getting really tired of the walls in my room, but there’s nothing i can do about that
anything interesting happen with you lately??
hey elmer!! how’ve you been lately?? -snipes
i’ve been good!! not much is going on over here! what about you?
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⭐ 30 favourites asks
1 - season?
2 - classic film?
3 - nostalgia-inducing possession?
4 - shade of green?
5 - gemstone?
6 - hour of the night?
7 - quote?
8 - type of dream?
9 - happy song?
10 - sad song?
11 - character from a book?
12 - creative medium?
13 - memory?
14 - aspect of a person’s face?
15 - decade before the 2020s?
16 - band?
17 - animated film/tv show?
18 - constellation?
19 - poem?
20 - album?
21 - ending in fictional media?
22 - shade of blue?
23 - part of being alive?
24 - holiday?
25 - kind of candy?
26 - person you know?
27 - musical movie?
28 - superhero?
29 - book longer than 500 pages?
30 - book shorter than 300 pages?
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sometimes i wanna be a cat
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aw, it’s no problem. anyone would do it, and i’m glad you guys love her so much and she has a safe home
Kitten gray
Do you have any pets? If so, describe them. 
Yeah. A cat named Gigi and a dog named Lady (technically I guess she’s Al’s dog but she lives in our shared apartment so she counts). I actually have to thank @sniper-brandnewcentury for Gigi because she’s the one who rescued her. 
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