snoodlesnoup · 5 years
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snoodlesnoup · 6 years
(donald duck voice) this is so sad alexa play despacito
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
When ya man’s choking but it makes a good beat
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Webby: Hey pardon me, do you know where we can find the intern?
Fenton: I'm the intern
(Webby narrows her eyes)
Fenton: How has your day been progressing?
Webby, whipping out a cattle prod: We'll ask the questions, scumbag!
Huey: Webby!
Webby: Just give me an excuse, punk!
Huey: Please!
Webby, being pulled away: Let me at him! Oh I'm, oh I'm-oh! I'm watching you shrimp toes!
Huey: Webby! What on earth was that?
Webby: Oh, um-I thought we were doing "Good Cop/Bad Cop"
Louie: And who are you, Dangerously Unstable Cop? And why do you have a cattle prod?!
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Dakota: Have a safe flight!
Cavendish: I have no say in the matter
Dakota, already driving away: die then
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Donald: Where did you get this?
Scrooge: My fiance
Donald: I see...your WHAT?
Scrooge: Yes, I made some cocoa and got engaged
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
i can’t believe baymax killed scrooge mcduck
This is hella Adorable
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Papa: Go ahead and introduce yourself
Scaredy: My name is Scaredy with a B and I've been afraid of insects my entire-
Brainy: Stop, stop, stop. Where?
Scaredy: Hmm?
Brainy: Where's the B
Scaredy: tHeRe'S A bEe?!
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Lil Bulb, pulling up to Gyro's house in a toy car: get in loser we're going shopping
Gyro, yelling into his house: K MOM LIL BULB'S HERE
(He runs towards the car)
Gyro: scoot over bitches
(Throws himself at the car and crushes it)
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Darkwing “Did I save Gosalyn or did Gosalyn save me” Duck 
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
owo what's this? why it's the papewwowk to sepawate you two!
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
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this is the last thing you see before you die
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
Donald: there's only one thing worse than going on adventures
(he removes a piece of paper from a board revealing "children")
Donald: boom
Scrooge: children
Donald: No-
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
 psychic: *reads my mind*
my mind: huey louie dewey webby had an uncle DONALD they’re all a bunch of ducks so when they run they kinda WADDLE and then there’s launchpad when he talks you know it’s kinda FUNNY and scrooge mcduck’s so rich he’s practically made of MONEY do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the DUCKTALE CALL (quack) do the...WOO-OO
psychic: what the fuck
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
me, sobbing into my hands: i fu kcing,,,,,love du ck s
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
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snoodlesnoup · 7 years
clumsy: hey brainy
clumsy: do rocks people collect
brainy: oh my god clumsy i don't know go back to sleep
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