snow-fairey · 43 minutes
Abigail’s scowl darkened as Genevieve continued to complain. She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to collecting dishes and gave the Duke a sympathetic look.
“At least it’s only two weeks..” she said quietly. “What could possibly happen in a fourteen day fuck festival?”
“ACHOO!!” Elsa sneezed into her suitcase. “Ugh… sinuses..”
The queen huffed and rolled her eyes to the ceiling. As if she wasn’t stressed out enough arguing with a pretty pregnant princess about sailing towards enemy territory, she had to deal with the risk of summoning her infuriating little snowgies as well?
And at a “summer of love” festival?
The whole thing sounded ridiculous.
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snow-fairey · 2 hours
“And really? A two week long festival? In the middle of summer?” Abby glowered and wiped the sweat from her brow. “Isnt that a bit… over the top?”
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snow-fairey · 22 hours
Even Emperor Crumpets looked pleased with the idea of Hans attending a party. He wagged his stubby tail in Genevieve’s lap and turned his head, nearly smacking the duchess in the face with his “summer afternoon” wig that was stacked upon his head.
Which would have been hilarious had it not been established that Hans was healthy enough to suffer one of his lady wife’s ridiculous social gatherings..
“Nonsense!” A sharp voice cut through the lingering silence. “He’s clearly not well enough to attend such a thing!”
A tiny woman with dark eyes and even darker circles under her eyes schlepped forwards and went to collect the Duke’s dinner even though he gave no indication he was finished. The maid’s thick, raven waves were piled up into a messy bun thanks to the lingering humidity of the summer day, and sweat stains smeared under her arms from the less than comfortable fabric of her maid’s uniform. Pale lips curled into a snarl and she tutted under her breath when she walked past Lady Genevieve’s chair, barely concealing her contempt.
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snow-fairey · 1 day
“Well, it’s not like YOU TWO can attend.” Elsa gestured with a nod to the couple. “By the time you get there, Anna could give birth! It makes far more sense than I go!”
Pale hands pushed down on the table, rattling cutlery and startled everyone into silence.
“I leave the day after tomorrow.”
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snow-fairey · 1 day
“I need to make an effort at some point.” Elsa huffed, hiding her gripped fist under the table to conceal her growing frustration. “Besides, other events I’ve been to like this, the other attending royals have confirmed that the notorious prince is nothing but a pariah in his own duchy. He never makes an appearance at these occasions. He only ever comes out to check on his horses. Something about a freak storm last summer startled them..”
Blue eyes dropped back to her plate, jabbing at the slice of roast chicken with a bit more aggression than she meant to. The air around her had grown noticeably colder and she made no effort to hide the chill.
Of course her choices would be questioned again. No one had any faith in her. Not her parents. Not her staff. Not her sister…
“I have my reasons.” Elsa finally spoke up. “And I feel you are in no condition to argue with me, anyway.”
Anna gasped and reached for her midsection, cradling the swollen bump of her belly where the future prince or princess of Arendelle was growing.
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snow-fairey · 1 day
“You’re GOING!?” Anna shouted in disbelief from across the dinner table. “Elsa, you can’t be serious!”
“Anna,” Elsa said with her usual cool tone. “I’m the queen. I’m going to be invited to things like this.”
“That doesn’t mean you GO!” Anna retorted. “You tell them NO!”
The royal sisters shot eachother vicious glares from across the dinner table. The tension could have been cut with an ice saw. Kai and Gerda, the top castle staff, cautiously stepped back against the wall once the stewardess reached and took Anna’s fork and knife from the table.
“Kristoff!” Anna snapped to her husband on her left. “A little help, here???”
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snow-fairey · 1 day
Emperor Crumpets looked up from his lavish floor pillow as though he was aware they were discussing important. He yawned and stretched, wriggling his stub of a tail before climbing off his pillow and waddled to his owner. He looked up with large, bright brown eyes and his tongue hanging out, ready and waiting for attention to rain down on him.
The stewardess made a small frown of disapproval, but she held her tongue. It was never wise to comment on Lady Genevieve’s treatment of her dog.. even when it was clear she cared far more for Emperor Crumpets’ well-being than the overall health of her husband, whether he had shown progress or not.
No one dared criticized Lady Genevieve’s marriage.
“My lady!!” A short, plump maid rushed into the duchess’ parlor with an envelope. “I have news from Arendelle!”
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snow-fairey · 1 day
“Yes, my lady.” The stewardess put down her notebook and went to the duchess’ wardrobe to fetch dress options for the day.
Her hands gripped and turned the knobs, fashioned to resemble the curled tentacles of a swimming octopus with a polished gold finish. When the wardrobe opened, a spring activated and allowed several racks to unfold and reach out, also giving the illusion of tentacles that held several hangers of dresses, each one more opulent and garish than the next with overdone accents of jewels and sequins, like this were the closet octopus’ treasure.
“And will Emperor Crumpets be matching your ensemble today?” The stewardess asked, turning to the smaller wardrobe to the right and opened it, browsing several collars and accessories for Elsker Isle’s most elegant Royal and unofficial mascot of the Duchy…
An overfed, overdressed sable and white Welsh Corgi.
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snow-fairey · 2 days
“You have the royal family from Enchancia declining to attend the summer festival of love, my lady..” A stewardess made a note in her leather bound journal. “They even included in their RSVP that inviting children to a single’s mixer is one of the most outrageous requests that the Westergaard family has ever made of them..
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snow-fairey · 2 days
The air is heavy with sweet scents of liquor and freshly shaken apple cocktails poured into sugar rimmed glasses. Summer nights in the Southern Isles always guaranteed busy streets and easy commerce. People didn’t want to be out in the honey-thick humidity so they had no choice to seek shelter in a conveniently nearby tavern. Drinks were already being prepared for desperate patrons and being served by a beautiful woman with her bosom ready to burst out of her corset. A tired traveler was always guaranteed a good time if they had the means (and the money) to spend the night in Baltia.
But if a tired traveler couldn’t afford Baltia..
They were tossed on the next available ferry where the damned call home and forced to hear their hellish rondelet.
Stray cats hissed and hollered in the streets while scraping for their half eaten fish. Empty bottles went soaring out the door, followed by a bouncer tossing out another drunk that couldn’t pay his tab. The poor bastard landed right in a puddle that was hopefully just mud. But knowing Elsker Isle, it was very much not just mud.
Crowds of already sauced sailors filled the streets as they were kicked out of the bar and shouted to the open windows of a grandiose Bordeaux. Unamused courtesans waved them off to shift their focus on wandering wealthy merchants looking for a cold drink and some hot flesh. Bare breasts on balconies were a common occurrence on such a hot summer night.
Elsker Isle was home to brigands, drunks and whores. It one of the greatest shames of the Southern Isles. Some even called it the Sodom and Gomorrah this side of Europe. It was stinking, rotten, vile. Only the putrid, brackish and foul would find themselves wandering those putrid, rancid and rank streets.
It was for the lowest of the low.
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snow-fairey · 3 days
“I don’t understand..” Elsa said quietly, wrapping her arms around herself. “I didn’t think it would be THAT bad to ask..”
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 3 days
“… K-…” Helga began but cut herself off. “Prince Klaus…. May I at least have a brief word with you…? ALONE..?”
The sharpness of her tone made Elsa shrink into her seat. She knew it would be a tall ask, but it would look too suspicious if Elsa had asked for Hans to be her personal guard…
Even though that would be much more convenient for her…
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 3 days
Green eyes sharply turned to Klaus, as though silently pleading with him to reconsider. To Hans’ surprise, she looked almost hurt by the comment.
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 4 days
Helga sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. She was smarter than to argue with where her paycheck came from, but ever since she met Klaus, she found her ability to keep business and pleasure separate to be more difficult with each passing day.
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 4 days
“But… sir..” Helga tried to argue. “What about my assignment to your brother…?”
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 4 days
“You want me to WHAT?” Helga Sinclair stared in disbelief.
She stood next to Klaus at his desk in his private office, both gawking at the Duke of Elsker Isle and the Queen of Arendelle after having made an outrageous request. The glass of port slipped right out of her hand and shattered on the floor, guaranteed a large stain on the carpet.
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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snow-fairey · 4 days
“… anyone?” She raised a blonde brow.
The light burned his eyes forcing them to stay closed and the warmth on his face, something he had so loved at sea, was now an unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since he had been in the presence of the sun.
“I am sorry I was unable to secure your release sooner.” Klaus, the tenth prince of House Westergaard, sighed while he supported his brother who was struggling to walk out of the prison after three years of confinement. “And I am sorry that I was not able to succeed under better circumstances. I will explain once we have departed from this accursed place.”
Hans did not have the energy to speak in response. He had no choice but to lean on and be guided by his older brother. He was half a foot taller than Klaus and before entering nearly twice his weight, but while his height had not technically changed, he was how the smaller man.
Raven Rot was not kind to anyone, but Torvald, the fourth prince and master of the prison, had made every moment for the thirteenth prince a living Hell. Without interference by Queen Adelaide, the mother of the thirteenth prince, and Klaus, Hans would have long been carrion for the black birds to feast on.
“I’ve got you, admiral.” The familiar voice of Severin Dahl, the man that had been Hans’ loyal first mate for years, said as he lifted Hans from the other side and carried him on to the ship. “I’ll be taking him to the ship’s surgeon, your highness.”
“Please do.” Klaus pleaded as he followed him past dozens of sailors all wearing expressions of shock and concern at the state of their former leader.
“When was the last time he ate or drank, your highness?” The doctor frowned at the emaciated condition of his patient.
“I-I do not know.” Klaus looked down at his feet. “I doubt he has been given any form of sustenance or hydration in the days since Torvald was informed of Hans’ impending release. Likely a final attempt to kill Hans in a way that he could claim he was not responsible for.”
“He damned near succeeded.” Doctor Jensen opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle filled with a green liquid that swirled and shimmered inside the glass. “This will make sure he doesn’t die, but the three of us are going to have to take shifts making sure he’s drinking and eating every two hours.” He lifted Hans’ head, pulled the cork from the bottle with his teeth and poured the fluid down the admiral’s throat. “I’m going to tell the cook to how make his food. I doubt he could handle solid food right now or have the strength to feed himself. I’ve seen this before in men that have been shipwrecked for long periods. It’s going to take him quite a while to recover.”
“Thank you, sir.” Klaus was on the verge of tears with gratitude and relief. He had witnessed Hans slowly decline with each visit as he fought for his brother’s release on the outside.
“No matter what happened, to the sailors of The Southern Isle he will always be The Red Lion of Baltia and there is not a man onboard that doesn’t owe him their life, me included.” The doctor patted Klaus on the shoulder before stepping out of the room.
“What are the terms of his release, your highness? I know they wouldn’t let him go easily.” Dahl asked as he watched his best friend and former commander barely breathing on the bed.
“Captain, please, do not address me with such formality when it is not absolutely necessary.” Klaus ran a hand through his hair, unable to look Dahl in the eye. “The terms are far less than ideal. Hans is no longer a prince; he is now a grand duke.”
“He never cared for his title anyway,” Dahl said with a small smile.
“Do not be relieved so quickly, there are unfortunately more conditions. He will be wedded to Princess Genevieve of Yador.”
“Wait, wait, what?! He’s being forced to marry?!” Dahl looked horrified. “You know how he feels about marriage!”
“I do,” Klaus sighed, “I tried desperately to talk father out of it, but he refused. The marriage is politically advantageous to The Southern Isles. As you know The Kingdom of Yador controls valuable trade routes through the center of the continent.”
“Does Hans know? He’s going to be devastated.”
“There is more, and it is worse.”
“Worse than coming out of prison just to be forced into an arranged marriage?!”
“He is being given the Grand Duchy of Elsker to oversee.”
“Elsker?! As in Elsker Isle?!” Dahl recoiled in disgust at the name.
“Yes, and he is to essentially be confined there…along with me.”
“You!? You’re both being exiled to Elsker Isle?!”
“Yes, father sees it as a fitting punishment for me for defying him in my pursuit of Hans’ freedom.”
“He is not going to take this well when he wakes up…”
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