snurplederp · 3 years
How in the FUCK am I supposed to ever be happy again
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snurplederp · 3 years
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snurplederp · 3 years
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snurplederp · 3 years
To be honest.. if more children were shown from birth that they are loved, cared for, and listened no matter their gender we might not have some of the problems we have now.  
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snurplederp · 4 years
cant stop thinking about how there’s a portion of the population that have never had a migraine, don’t have consistent problems sleeping, don’t find great trouble in getting out of bed, and understand social cues.
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snurplederp · 4 years
if you haven’t seen Cinderella III: A Twist in Time, you are missing out
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snurplederp · 4 years
it's 2022. donald trump has died in disgrace days after being impeached and jailed. my chemical romance's new album is coming out the same day as the new spiderverse movie. the lizzo and janelle monaé collab song is blowing up the radio. lil nas x has a verse in it. you and your partner have time and energy for dates after work after jeff bezos' assets have been seized and distributed to the public in the wake of his arrest for keeping employees in unsafe working conditions.
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snurplederp · 4 years
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snurplederp · 4 years
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It is the job of the police to oppress the working class on behalf of the bosses. Do not believe the sanitized rhetoric of the powers that be—all positive social change was fought for, tooth and nail. They will never make concessions without mass action.
Take care of each other out there. Never act alone. Don’t talk to cops.
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snurplederp · 4 years
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez before her democratic primary debate with Rep. Joe Crowley.
Knock Down the House (dir. Rachel Lears, 2019)
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snurplederp · 4 years
please don’t forget to drink water and get some sunlight because you’re basically a houseplant with complicated emotions.
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snurplederp · 4 years
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snurplederp · 4 years
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snurplederp · 4 years
What happened yesterday in Warsaw?
Yesterday, an attempt was made to arrest for 2 months an activist Margot (a non-binary person - from Stop Bzdurom) for damage to a van that preaches homophobic slogans (such as "homosexuals are pedophiles") and for damage to the health of the person from the foundation that finances these vans - (these vans often drive around Poland in police custody). When they came to get her, she was in the headquarters of KPH (Kampania Przeciw Homofobii - Campaign Against Homophobia). On the Internet, I read how they called to appear there and disturb the police. The police could not get to Margot thanks to people who came and other activists.
Eventually Margot went out to voluntarily surrender herself to the police, but was not arrested. The police left her...
Margot and the rest of them went to the Krakowskie Przedmieście district, where a rainbow flag was hung on the Nicolaus Copernicus monument again. Then Margot was raided in an unmarked police car. Even more people gathered in the square and sat around the car so that it could not leave. Police was agressive.
There were no warnings before the police started using force. It was brutal. The left-wing MPs were on the spot and tried how they could defend those who were treated worst.
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(Jakub Kaminski - East News/ Przemysław Stefaniak)
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Paweł H. Głogowski/REPORTER
Everything lasted many hours and about 50 people were detained/arrested.
The MP testifies that she heard the cops talking to each other to arrest 3 people at random.
„An escalation in police violence I haven't seen in a long time.
We were blocking the car with Margot. The police crashed the crowd. Then the car tried to drive away, but the crowd kept blocking it... Another person who threw himself on the car to stop the political police from taking the activist. This is our rainbow civil disobedience. I don't have a word for what happened. Tears come into my own eyes. There are many detainees at several commands and a huge team of attorneys who help. There are also MPs from the opposition.”
- Bart Staszewski
"Solidarity is our weapon."
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Foto. Przemysław Stefaniak
Please share this.
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snurplederp · 4 years
imagine being someones dream girl . i almost blacked out thinking abt it
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snurplederp · 4 years
therapy is like trying to hack your brain into giving you admin privileges  
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snurplederp · 4 years
I got my heart broken and I survived, I failed 3 courses in university and graduated, I got rejected in the very first job I applied for and got promoted yesterday, I went through hard times with my family but then two years later, we laughed our hearts out over lunch, The closest friends disappointed me several times but I made new friends and loved them with all my heart. I did it once, I can do it again.
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