storieblu-blog 4 years
Fresh bright yellow dandelions, picked from the green hills of the Ligurian hinterland. A symbiosis of flowers, water and sugar - leading to a Marmelade that brings you back to the warm days of spring, each time you put a piece of it in your mouth. Enjoy the recipe and try it yourself 馃尀聽
Music by Enea Castellini & Demetrio Giacomelli聽聽
Camera Demetrio Giacomelli聽
Voice and Text Liselotte Kirsch
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storieblu-blog 4 years
We at Storie BLU also want to contribute to freedom of information, kicking off the weekly Press Review. Enjoy the reading!
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storieblu-blog 4 years
The Italian cultural industry has had the ability to appropriate foreign artistic languages, and to make them their own. Sometimes with a critical sense, other times in an unscrupulous way, bringing the art of misunderstanding to excess. From the Jazz of Natalino Otto to Spaghetti Western, to the deplored Poliziotteschi [1], a congregation of directors, musicians and producers, halfway between brigandage and lucid professionalism, have squeezed the rhetoric of the imaginary overseas. They squeezed the juice of unbridled Calvinist Capitalism; sweat and blood at the expense of Indians, Blacks and hobos; showing the tragic brutality of armed justice, filtered by Lombrosian atavism [2] and Mastro Titta's homemade gallows (video coming soon). And there is music: from Micalizzi's Tarantelle Funk, passing by James Senese's sax, to Radius' America Goodbye. 岣l膩l-bano, with his DJ set, explodes the Neapolitan tuff subsoil, freeing Femminielli [3], Tombolate and mozzarella gone wild.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poliziotteschi
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cesare_Lombroso
[3] https://www.wikipink.org/index.php/Femminiello
Grazie a Giuseppe Maria Paolillo
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storieblu-blog 4 years
Marco is a birdwatcher who in the last few years has accompanied us on adventurous urban explorations where we have been able to observe the nests of Black Redstart at the entrance of the Milan Metro, observe the vaulting of the Swifts around the San Siro Stadium, the colony of Owls in Gratosoglio and other hidden wonders that modify the perception of the city, suddenly teeming with life. Marco, together with other birdwatchers, did not lose heart in this forced lethargy and continued to scrutinize the topical topography of the city of birds: the sky. With Osservatorio Libellule we don't just want to tell the relationship between man and animal, but to explore a frontier where visions and practices are born that can undermine a domesticated conception of reality.
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storieblu-blog 4 years
When newspapers and television did not exist and when schools and books were still the privilege of a small circle of people, for almost two centuries in Sicily the Opera dei Pupi was one of the few sources of entertainment, and at the same time education , of the subordinate classes.
Born in Sicily at the end of the 18th century, the Opera dei Pupi is a puppet theater in which scenes taken from epic chivalric poems such as the Liberated Jerusalem, Orlando Furioso and Chanson de Roland are represented. During the shows the heroic deeds of paladins like Charlemagne, Orlando and Brandimante are told. The performances of these theatres were a popular change in the everyday life of the population and provided lots of conversation. Comparable to today's soap operas, the audience knew the different characters of the dolls and about the except current state of the action, which was performed in sequels.
Although the stories originally came from French medieval literature, the Sicilian people ended up projecting their feelings and their world view on them. The Opera dei Pupi was therefore born from a mix of external and indigenous traditions.
Il Puparo, who is the one who manoeuvres the puppets and at the same time tells the story to the public, must have great manual and interpretative skills.
We are not puppeteers and we do not have the presumption of being so. We have chosen to create a series using this figure from the Sicilian tradition because it embodies the universal call to adventure and the appropriation by the humble of its own epic narrative.
In doing so, the choice went to the anti-hero par excellence, the Ferocious Saladin, enemy of Richard the Lionheart and nightmare of the Christian Middle Age at the time of the Crusades.
Regia Demetrio Giacomelli Pupara Paola Cassano
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storieblu-blog 4 years
who we are
Storie Blu - video content and much more from Milan. A platform born on the idea of a TV channel. Made with contributions of all directions. Each contribution is coming online in a series of episodes. It is an integration of Birdwatching, DJ-Sets, Graphic Design, the Adventures of a Sicilian muppet and many other stories. It is a platform that gives creators the opportunity to reach an audience that is interested in filtered and artistic contributions with selected content. Since none of the stories end after an episode and the constant new surprises, Storie Blu will never get boring there join the adventures and enjoy!
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