so-reyes-blog · 8 years
I don’t know how hard it is being a Surgical Resident, but I’ve got a lot of friends in the hospital, and I’ve watched Greys Anatomy.
Make the word load lighter, and dive into this.
Love, Santa.
When Sofia saw the gift, she couldn’t help but laugh out loud. Actually working in a hospital might be very, very different from Grey’s Anatomy, but Meredith Grey’s love for tequila and use of it as a coping mechanism for life in general was definitely not inaccurate. She would definitely be using the little cocktail book. 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
Sofia! It’s me again!
A girl can never have too many pairs of shoes, now get on that Christmas jumper, and get on your Loubs.
They match perfectly, I made sure.
Love, Santa.
Agreed one hundred percent, Santa. A girl really can never have too many pairs of shoes. A bold pair of Louboutins, who wouldn’t be happy with those? Plus, her Secret Santa had great fashion sense, because the pattern on the shoes was amazing. Since she’d managed to work out her schedule so that she could go to the apartment Christmas party, she planned to break them out then with her new sweater. 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
Tssssk, Sofia!
Christmas isn’t Christmas unless you have a jumper! Not one of those cheesy ones that everyone wears mind, this SS has taste.
Here’s number one of your SS gifts.
Love, Santa.
Sofia loved the jumper and she could tell that whoever her Secret Santa was had paid some attention to her own personal style. While she thought the cheesy Christmas sweaters were entertaining and loved them on other people, she herself had never wore them. This one, she would definitely wear. Plus, it was totally accurate. 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
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“What?” Jason looked up at the other and shrugged. “I’m eating Chinese take out at this hour. So what? I haven’t had a proper meal for days. Shut up and have a dumpling.” He pushed the packet full of chicken dumplings towards the person with a pair of chopsticks and sneered, “For each dumpling you eat, you need pay me 3 bucks. Thanks.” 
Sofia took the offered chopsticks and stabbed it into one of the dumplings before popping it into her mouth. At his next words, she raised an eyebrow. “You’re telling me to have a dumpling but you’re charging me three bucks for it? What kind of a deal is that?” she asked after she’d finished it. "Too late, I ate it. Though seriously, at your asking price, we might as well just go to actual dinner next time." 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
Sofia had made her way to the mall on her day off under the pretense of Christmas shopping, but in reality, the day had turned out to be more of a personal shopping trip. She was lugging an armload of stuff and texting when someone bumped into her. The impact caused her to drop her bags which tumbled to the ground among his things and, she turned to face the guy. “You’d probably get fewer glares if you didn’t bump into people,” she said flatly, even though it probably was equally as much her fault. 
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Normally Logan wasn’t the type of man you’d find wandering shopping malls, but on this occasion his plans for the day had led him to Cherry Creek. As expected this close to Christmas - it was packed. The constant hustle and bustle of the people around him was beginning to take it’s toll, and when he brushed shoulders with another person (causing him to drop his bags), he let out an audible sigh before turning to pick it up, speaking half to the person he’d collided with and half to himself. “I’m still yet to find the joy of this last minute Christmas shopping everyone talks about, all I’ve got so far is countless glares and a near accident in the parking lot.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“I swear I don’t usually change for work in the lobby.” Rae said as she saw a fellow resident walking through. It was early, she thought she could quickly change without anyone noticing. “What? Oh, my shirt is backwards isn’t it?” She asked, quickly looking down to see it. “God, sorry. Just pretend you didn’t see that.” The brunette chuckled.
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Sofia blinked as she got off the elevator to see Rae pulling her shirt over her head, then she grinned. “I changed in the actual elevator once. When shifts start this early, I don't even blame you.” She had gotten to know Rae a bit since she started working at the hospital, as the other woman was always bringing people in through the emergency doors. “Your tag’s sticking out too,” she said, reaching over to tuck it in.
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“Sure, but unless they took the tests for you, it’s still all you,” said GQ with a casual shrug. “Credit still lies with you, right?” she said kindly. “I guess it’s definitely a different experience than the big, chain kind of places. Well, I’m almost always there if you ever do stop by. Except for tonight, obviously,” she said with a small laugh.
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“Point taken. I did sit through the nightmare that is the MCAT on my own so, I definitely deserve that credit. And I came out the other end only slightly scarred.” She slid the second shot over to GQ. “Because you certainly do not need to be where you’re always working on your night off.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“It’s called ‘Highway to Helena’, I’ve have it for over ten years now. Traveled too much, if that’s even possible so I figured settling down for a while would be good. So no, no plans for the holidays. Maybe New Years, but I’ll go as far to San Francisco to see my brother.” She explained with a soft smile, excited. “Oh, that’s pretty amazing. Girl, you’re a doctor, don’t go telling any different.”
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“Hah! I like that. Very punny,” Sofia laughed as she made a mental note to check it out. “I always thought that if I ran a blog or something, I’d call it ‘That’s So Reyes’ since I grew up watching That’s So Raven all the time. San Francisco’s a great city, and it’s always good to see family. Why’d you pick Denver to settle of all places?” She nodded before continuing. “You’re right, I just get used to the attendings at the hospital constantly reminding me that I'm still in training.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
Casey nodded, knowing the building could be a bit confusing at times. “You’ll get used to it, takes a while though, i still find myself getting lost sometimes.” She glanced down at her bag and then looked back up at the woman, marveling at her good looks. As they stepped into the elevator that had now arrived she laughed breathily. “Oh this? It’s just a court case that we’re doing, well i’m defending the victim. I’m an assistant district attorney.” She clarified, hitting the button for her floor and then looking at Sofia expectantly to hear which one she needed. 
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“I’ve never lived in a building where people are so...” She struggled for a moment, looking for the right word. “Social. I literally would live in the same building for years and know no one.” She caught the other woman’s gaze as she looked at her and smiled, then gave Casey an empathetic look when she mentioned what she did. “I see. So you’re kind of in the years of your career where you get to work nonstop for none of the credit? I think I kind of get it. I’m a resident, so that’s pretty much what I’m doing at the moment. Oh, sixth floor please.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“I hope that is what he needs. I do know when some things come out, moving to Denver might not be a bad thing.” She was hoping finding out about Vinny would change Niko’s attitude. She laughed when the woman said where she was from. “I’m from Miami, it can be the same. I can try to keep up. I definitely need the help shopping.”
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“Why did you move anyway?” Sofia inquired. “Away from the sun and surf and parties of Miami?” She reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, handing it to Abigail. “Here, put your number in. I’ll text you next time I’m about to go on a crazy shopping spree.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“You must be really smart then, being a surgeon and all. Well I surgical resident.” Nils corrected himself. “The medical field is something I could never do, I’d never want to have someone else’s life in my hands. That’s too much pressure for me.”
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“I’ve spent a lot of time studying.” That was her usual, default response if someone commented on her being really smart or really young to already be a resident. The other option would have been just agreeing, but she tried to at least not sound as egotistical as she felt sometimes. “You’d be surprised how many people enter the medical field who used to think they could never do it actually.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“Well, obviously, but seemed better to start with the lighthearted stories and work our way up to the really heavy stuff,” he said. 
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He looked down as she handed him a scrap of paper. He held up the number and nodded. “Wow, this has to be a first time a girl has given me her number without any other sexually charged intentions behind it.”
“Still working up to the heavy stuff,” Sofia laughed. She glanced at the strip of paper. “The first time? Wow, aren’t you quite the lothario. Sorry talk of renovating closets doesn't exactly get me in the mood.”
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“Exactly.” Helena nodded rather proud of her absurd collection. Walking over to the edge, the blonde hugged her body, feeling cold, but that view brought so many great memories that she couldn’t help but smile. “In a way, yeah. I’m a travel blogger.” She smiled at Sofia. “What about you? What do you do?”
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“What’s the name of your blog? I love traveling. I mean, who doesn’t, let’s be real. Are you going anywhere fun for the holidays?” she asked. “I'm a doctor. Surgical resident, actually. So not a full fledged doctor yet.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“See, when you start a sentence with ‘it’s not too hard to finish in three years’ even though most people still do it in four no matter their major, I think that’s the first sign that you’re pretty up there as far as being clever goes,” she teased the girl. “Takes a very dedicated person to do it in three, I think is what you’re getting at and most people in their late teens and early twenties still don’t have the mind for that dedication,” she reasoned. “It’s a little hole in the wall place, though. Nothing exciting,” she assured the girl with a small smile. “It’s called The Cove. Nautical themed and all that.”
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It was always a tricky topic for Sofia, why she studied so much and how she got through school so quickly. Losing her brother had been her motivation, but telling people that she’d just met usually didn’t make for good conversation. “I had someone who helped keep me on track,” she said, letting her lips turn upwards in a smile. What she said wasn’t a lie anyway. Sofia waved the bartender over and ordered them another round of shots. “I like hole in the wall places. Usually the best and most authentic things come fro them.” In her New York experience anyway. “The Cove, got it. You’ll see me around for sure.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“Oh, I don’t know about that. Probably not as badass as being able to fix people up and save their lives. That is way more badass.” Lilja said with a laugh as the woman spoke. “I like to think I am pretty okay at dancing, or at least I was. I don’t really dance a whole lot these days.” She said, shrugging a little, trying to play it off like it didn’t really bother her. She listened as the woman spoke about her own work, nodding in understanding. “Yeah, I was like that too in dance. I used to think I had wanted to do strictly ballet and I had done it for a while but as I got older I moved into ballroom and found I loved that way more and ended up making my profession out of that. It is always funny when you think you want to do one thing but then discover you want to do another.”
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“Well, saving lives is also pretty badass. Different kinds of badass,” she decided. “What do you do nowadays?” she asked, carefully choosing not to phrase it as why Lilja stopped dancing. She obviously didn’t know the other woman yet, but considering she seemed so passionate about dancing, Sofia couldn’t be sure that why she no longer did it as much wasn’t a sensitive topic. “It is funny. And I think people often miss out on opportunities because they’re so stuck in the idea of what they think they want to do that they don’t consider other options. Considering how long I have to spend in school, I just want to make sure that I’ve explored all my options.” 
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“I can go anywhere we have a resort, yes.” Nils raised a brow, “Are you going to school or something?” He wondered why she would be stuck here for four more years with no option of leaving.
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“Which is like... a lot of places,” she said with a smile. “Not exactly school but kind of. I’m a surgical resident at the moment. And I’ve already transferred residency programs once so I definitely can’t do it again or literally no one’s going to want to hire me at the end of it.”
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so-reyes-blog · 8 years
“Only I didn’t hire them, my employer did.” Her agent always made her relocation part of her contact but that always meant she had no control over who moved her things.
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“Thanks,” It was a good idea and Nicole was glad for the help. She took one of her heavier boxes to prop open the door and began moving them just inside.
“That’s even worse. If they’re hiring movers for other people, they should at least know to hire reliable ones.” She picked up the boxes, being careful not to jostle around whatever was inside, and moved them just inside the doorway so that they could stop freezing. “Who do you work for anyway?’ 
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Knock, Knock, Knock
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