sockbutton · 9 years
The Medici's were given no reason to believe the Contiellos hadn't stolen the Skull Heart, and generally you don't steal from friends.
The Contiellos couldn’t have stolen it from the Medicis because the Medicis never had it to begin with. It had been given directly to Selene by Double.
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sockbutton · 9 years
I’m pretty sure Lorenzo is obssessed with immortality. He believed the skullheart could be a backup plan to the life gem, as well as the life gem’s greatest weakness.
If this were the case, why is Lorenzo uninterested in obtaining the Skull Heart in every other story, even when he should want it more considering he’d also lost the Life Gem? Bear in mind that he already possessed the Life Gem at the time the Contiellos were given the Heart, so that would then mean he had them all killed over a backup plan?
Also, even if he thought the Heart was the Life Gem’s “weakness” (which is given no evidence in game), again, he wasn’t told that the Contiellos were planning to use it against him, but simply that they possessed it. Hardly seems like a plausible scenario to order a massacre of such close associates and “clients”.
Just to reiterate, the Contiellos didn’t “betray” the Medicis, and the Medicis were never given a reason to think they did.  Were the Medicis trying to teach the Contiellos a lesson? If so, what?
This is a flashback, its how the horror appeared to Squigly. The actual appearance didn’t matter to her, she perceived everyone to return as monsters.
The scene is a flashback, but it’s not Squigly’s memory of the event. It wasn’t shown from just her POV, as we see both her and her parents during it. Also, if it were Squigly’s memory, how could she have known what Selene’s wish was, or that Roberto told Leviathan to go to her? Shouldn’t she have been dead at that time?
Issues with Squigly’s story
I’ve given Squigly’s story a LOT of consideration in the past and I’ve noticed a few issues and inconsistencies with her character and story, but for now I’ll just leave it at these two. I’d like if anyone could tell me if I’m just missing something or if these are actual plot holes.
-Why did the Medicis want the Skull Heart from the Contiellos in the first place? The two families were on friendly terms, and the Medicis weren’t shown to have desired it for themselves (they want the Life Gem, not the Heart), yet from what I understand Squigly and her family were murdered simply because they had it, and no other reason. The only explanation I could think of is that the Medicis had believed the Contiellos had been planning to use the Heart against them somehow, but this is given no support in the game itself. The only explanation we are given is by Double’s statement that “she let Lorenzo know the Contiellos possessed the Heart”, and that was all it took to provoke the attack. Why did Lorenzo care that they had it? The original draft of Squigly’s story (that her family was being extorted) made more sense IMO, but the Skull Heart aspect just seems like it was shoehorned in to fit with the rest of the game’s plot.
-Why does, when Selene makes the wish, her entire family immediately turns into tattered-clothed zombies with missing flesh? You could say that this is the effect the Skull Heart has on the dead, but if that were true then Squigly should’ve also ended up that way, as she was also dead (and without Leviathan) at the time the wish was made.
Sorry but I had to get this out. Anyone feel like they could coherently answer these?
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sockbutton · 9 years
Also, you know the ending of Squigly’s story? The ending everyone says is so incredibly sad and cries over (myself included)? It makes no sense either.
How did Squigly end up buried again? Where did her new tombstone come from? If Filia buried her, how was she able to do it on such short notice, and where did she get the tombstone?
Again, I know people have come up with explanations but the game itself should’ve been answering these questions.
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sockbutton · 9 years
i think it was implied that Double convinced Lorenzo to go after it by sort of triggering his greed?
@aberrantkenosis Could be, but I’m looking for more concrete evidence than “implications”. The game’s stories have lots of implications and things open to interpretation, but not much of actual solid information or backstory, which I’ve always seen as one of its major flaws.
Isn’t Selene’s wish to literally give life back to her family?  Also i’m P sure Squigly wasn’t actually dead at the point of Selene’s wish.  Getting shot in the head is usually a quick death but not always instant.
@s13nn4 It was, but that wouldn’t explain why they all rapidly decomposed the instant it was made.
Your second point brings up an interesting possibility: despite the gunshot, Squigly’s death might not have been instantaneous, and she could've still had a small ounce of life in her before joining with Leviathan (what happened to her could've possibly mirrored the Bride in kill bill). That would actually explain things like why Squigly doesn’t decay normally or why only her body was able to be recovered and buried.
Again though, this is all just interpretation, and it’s a shame these answers are never given in the game itself.
The only plot I acknowledge is squiglys family being extorted.  Not everything has to be connected just because they’re in the same game/story.  Screwed up stiff happens every day.
And as I recall, leviathan was squiglys in spirit, she’d already been chosen as a host for him.  It’s possible that this fact alone provided her with some level of defense against its effects.
@dayspreceding I’m not sure what you mean. My stance is that it felt like the Skull Heart was put into Squigly’s story late in development specifically because they felt it had to be connected. I agree that the extortion plot would have made much more sense, but it would’ve been disconnected from the game’s “main plot” of everyone needing to find the Skullgirl/Skull Heart.
Leviathan was still in Squigly’s father at the time the massacre happened, (which could be used to explain why he hadn’t radically changed appearance like the others, but again we’re given no answers), but where did it say Squigly and Leviathan had a previously established bond? The only information we are given was that her father was shown specifically ordering Leviathan to go to her to save her life at that moment. It’s unlikely that his powers could’ve also protected Squigly without being physically bonded to her. Otherwise why couldn’t they protect everyone else?
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sockbutton · 9 years
Issues with Squigly’s story
I've given Squigly’s story a LOT of consideration in the past and I’ve noticed a few issues and inconsistencies with her character and story, but for now I’ll just leave it at these two. I’d like if anyone could tell me if I’m just missing something or if these are actual plot holes.
-Why did the Medicis want the Skull Heart from the Contiellos in the first place? The two families were on friendly terms, and the Medicis weren’t shown to have desired it for themselves (they want the Life Gem, not the Heart), yet from what I understand Squigly and her family were murdered simply because they had it, and no other reason. The only explanation I could think of is that the Medicis had believed the Contiellos had been planning to use the Heart against them somehow, but this is given no support in the game itself. The only explanation we are given is by Double's statement that “she let Lorenzo know the Contiellos possessed the Heart”, and that was all it took to provoke the attack. Why did Lorenzo care that they had it? The original draft of Squigly's story (that her family was being extorted) made more sense IMO, but the Skull Heart aspect just seems like it was shoehorned in to fit with the rest of the game’s plot.
-Why does, when Selene makes the wish, her entire family immediately turns into tattered-clothed zombies with missing flesh? You could say that this is the effect the Skull Heart has on the dead, but if that were true then Squigly should’ve also ended up that way, as she was also dead (and without Leviathan) at the time the wish was made.
Sorry but I had to get this out. Anyone feel like they could coherently answer these?
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sockbutton · 9 years
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