soft-peterparker · 3 years
Looking for a roleplaypartner!
Hey guys! I need a little help from you! ☺
I'm searching for some new roleplay partners! I'm open for every kind of genre and I'm also willing to try some new stuff out! I'm also fine with some darker themes and NSFW stuff, as long as you're comfortable, I'm comfortable too!
I roleplay in third person and I'm trying to write as much as I can, or more what comes to my mind. Sometimes I write up to one or two small paragraphs (Depends how long my sentences are) and sometimes I write 3-5 long sentences. Sometimes it's hard to find the right words since English is not my first language, but I will try my best to not dissapoint you! But I will never replie with a few words and then be gone for a while without letting you know.
What fandoms am I interested in
I mostly have experience in playing bottom Peter or bottom Bucky. Every pairing is fine by me so far and it doesn't have to be pure cannon.
My Hero Academia
I haven't had many My Hero Academia roleplays so far but I would like to try to rolaplay as a bottom Todoroki.
You may have noticed that I'm more (mostly) a bottom kind of roleplayer, I tried top and switch, but I feel more comfortable playing a bottom but I'm willing to try to roleplay as a switch I'd I feel comfortable enough.
I also may update this list when I'm in new fandoms or find new character I would like to play.
If anyone is interested please message me!
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Hdjsvwhwbwkiqma!!! I love it!!!! Thank you so much for writing my prompt! Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh it made me so happy and horny 🥰😆
Puppy play with Top!Steve and Bottom! Bucky please ☺ I absolutely love your writing!
warnings: light feminization, degradation
“Puppy wants a treat?” Steve laughed when Bucky flushed all the way down to his neck. “No?” Bucky let out a small noise in his throat, looking confused, almost, and Steve smiled, but it was mean. “Dumb thing, can’t think for yourself, can you? ‘s okay, I’ll do it for you.”
Bucky’s breath caught in his chest, looking up at Steve with wide, blown eyes from where he was kneeling under Steve’s desk, and Steve pressed the palm of his hand to the growing tent in his suit pants. “You’re distractin’ me, Buck. You think I can get anything done when all I can see is you ready to hump my fucking leg like a bitch in heat?”
Letting out a soft whine, Bucky thumped his forehead against Steve’s knee. Steve pushed a hand into his hair, scrubbing lightly before pulling his head back with a grip tight enough to make Bucky’s lips part in a silent gasp. “Would suit you, puppy. You’d look so pretty like that, wouldn’t’cha?”
Bucky’s eyelashes fluttered, and Steve cooed. “Ohhh, you do like that. No, no, don’t shake your head at me—don’t lie. I can see it, pup, look at your pretty cock leakin’ everywhere, ‘m surprised ‘s not your hungry little pussy makin’ a mess on the floor.”
Bucky keened, and Steve rolled his eyes. “You know the rule—leave a room lookin’ cleaner than it was before. So you do exactly that, puppy, I want my floor shinin’ like it’s a fuckin’ diamond when you’re done, you got me?”
He released his grip on Bucky’s hair, pushing him away to make him sway on his knees, and turned his attention to the computer screen in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bucky—cheeks flushed a pretty pink—bending down to lick up the pre-come on the floor.
Good puppy.
send me a word + ship!
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
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Anyway, this is something I’ve had on my mind for a while. Superior Iron Man and hero Spider-man. Also, sorta inspire by a tumblr post I saw on TikTok. I’m trying to motivate myself back into writing more so... well, we see how it goes. TW: Implied abuse/sexual assault
Tony was in a meeting, pretending to pay attention, when his security altered him to a little bug problem. He brought up his camera screen, annoyed. Spider-Man out on his balcony. The goody-two-shoes hero was cute at first, attempting to interfere with Tony’s work. But he was slowly becoming a thorn in the man’s side. Little boy had a lot of nerve, coming unsolicited to Tony’s home. Did he think Tony was away?
He glared at the screen as Spider-man took a couple of wobbly steps toward the penthouse. “Shall I deploy defenses, Boss?” FRIDAY asked.
“Don’t bother,” Tony replied. Something wasn’t right. The video was grainy, due to rain and wind, but Spider-Man wasn’t carrying himself with the usual youthful confidence. “I’ll go myself.”
He stood, ignoring the protest from Pepper. His silver suit was already enveloping his body as he stepped out to a suitable launching place outside the building. He took off toward his penthouse, flying into the storm. It took less than a minute to reach the balcony and land in front of the hero.
Spider-man leaned up against the wall, soaking wet and shaking. Iron Man approached. The younger man was breathing heavily. His suit was torn and bloodied, and he held his left arm close to his body.
“I think you’re lost, little Spider,” Tony said, his eyes glowing blue through the weather.
The hero lifted his head with effort, his mask missing one of its reflective eye pieces. Tony could see his whiskey brown eyes, red rimmed from crying and his pupils blown... had he been drugged? “What are you doing here?” Tony demanded.
Spider-Man used the wall to stand himself up a little more. “I...” he coughed, and Tony could hear the wetness of blood his mouth. “I... didn’t know where else to go...” He stepped toward Tony, legs wobbling. “They’d... t-they’d find me.” He slipped and Tony caught the hero in his arms. Spider-man didn’t resist. His hand wound around Tony’s armor clad wrist, and he held on tightly. “They’d never come here...” he whimpered.
Of course. No one would be stupid enough to cross Tony Stark. Especially if they ran in the same criminal circles. Whoever ‘they’ were, they’d hurt his hero. Spider-man was a nuisance, but he still belonged to Tony. He thought he’d made that clear when he rescued the hero from an Oscorp villain of the week.
He lifted the Spider into his arms and carried him toward the penthouse entrance. The boy finally relaxed in his arms. “Don’t worry little hero,” Tony said. “You’re safe here.” It was a small lie, but his Spider’s eyes fluttered closed anyway. Poor, exhausted thing. Tony would take care of him.
Peter woke with a start, shooting out of the bed he was in. His ears were ringing and something to his right was beeping incessantly. His arm felt trapped and heavy. He stared at it and the cast around it. He was sore all over, but he managed to look around the room. Peter sat on a hospital bed, but this was a normal looking bedroom. He didn’t remember going to a hospital. He didn’t remember much of the night before. Just pain, people laughing, touching him... Peter put his hands against his head, the rush of blurry memories returning made it pound.
He rubbed his eyes and froze. His mask. He had definitely escaped in the suit... and then come to Stark. But his suit and his mask were gone now. The beeping to his right intensified. Peter couldn’t breathe. Stark knew who he was! Because he’d come here while drugged out of his mind. He thought he’d be able to trust the villain for some reason. He shook his head, still trying to calm down.
There was a knock on the bedroom door, breaking Peter from his panic. A woman in a white lab coat came in, followed by Stark himself.
“Mr. Stark said you were awake,” the woman greeted. “I’m Dr. Cho. I’ve been taking care of you since your accident.”
“Accident?” Peter asked, tearing his eyes from Starks imposing figure to the doctor.
“Yes,” She said, “You we’re hit by a car, outside of Stark Tower. You’re lucky to be alive. You injured your head and broke your arm. Everything else is superficial.”
Peter nodded. Stark had created him an alibi. Dr. Cho continued explaining Peter’s condition, but the boy turned his attention Stark. The man gave him a wink with those icy blue eyes. Peter tried to pay attention to Dr. Cho, but he was still panicking about Stark knowing him.
“You’ll need rest,” Dr. Cho said. “And Mr. Stark has agreed you may stay in the in guest room here. I’ll be by from time for time to deliver medications and see your progress.”
She looked at Peter expectantly. “Thank you,” the boy said to her with a small nod.
“Yes, Thank you Doctor,” Tony said. “You’ve helped us so much. I’m sure we should leave Peter to sleep again now.” He escorted the woman toward the door and they disappeared from the room.
Peter felt his heart speeding up in his chest again. Stark had called him by his name. God, how could he have been so stupid to come here? He had to run. Again.
Peter attempted to move, wiggling out of the bedsheets and willing his legs to work as they dangled over the side of the bed. His IV tubes tugged on his arm, but he ignored it. He’d just rip them out when he was standing. Just a little further and his feet were on the floor.
Then the door swung back open. Stark stood there, frowning at Peter but his eyes twinkled with amusement. “Really?” He asked. “Where do you think you’re going to go exactly?”
“You took off my mask!” Peter accused, the first thing to blurt out of his mouth.
“Did you want the entire medical team to know you were Spider-Man?” Stark asked as he stepped into the room and slammed the door shut behind him. “Only one person in this building knows. To everyone else you’re just an intern who was hit by a car on his way to work.”
Peter took a couple of deep breathes, still angry but... Stark was right. He’d helped Peter...
Stark put his hands on Peter’s shoulders and moved him back. He used Peter’s moment of stunned silence to lay the boy back down. “I’ve thought a lot about you and this whole Hero thing you’ve been doing,” Stark said. “I never knew you’d be so pretty under the mask, Spider.”
Peter glared at him, brought back from his stupor as Stark cupped his cheek. He jerked away from the touch. “Don’t...” he said, though his voice was quiet and unsure. “Don’t touch me.”
“I won’t do what your assailants attempted,” Stark said. “I don’t have to force my partners. And I never will, Peter.”
The boy looked at him again, eye shining with unspooled tears. He wondered just how much his little spider remembered. “You’re mine now,” he said to the hero. “You understand that, don’t you?”
Peter nodded, just once. “Yes, Mr. Stark.”
Good boy. He already knew it. There was no escape from Stark’s reach.
“You’ll stay here and heal, then you become my new PA,” Tony explained. “Finally you’ll have a proper meal ticket. And I’ll even let you continue with Spider-man, because that suit fits you so incredibly well.”
Stark caught the roll of Peter’s eyes, but that little bratty spark was something he loved in a potential partner. He’d make Peter crave his attention. They’d be spending plenty of time together after all. “I just need one thing from you,” Tony said.
Peter’s eyes snapped up to his, apprehensive. Tony tilted the boy’s chin a little, checking out the bruise on his cheek and neck. “This is unacceptable,” he explained. “No one is allowed to touch you like this again. So... I need their names.”
Peter’s pretty eyes widened with realization. “I... I can’t,” he said softly, turning his head away.
Tony gripped the boy’s chin more firmly and turned their gazes back together. “Peter,” he warned.
“I-I can’t!” Peter insisted. “Knowing what you’ll do, Mr. Stark, I can’t tell you.” More tears, and this time one slipped down his black and blue cheek.
“Give me just one,” Tony said, his tone softer. “One name. And knowing what I’ll do, the world be safer for it.” He let go of Peter’s face, and ran his hands through the hero’s soft brown locks. Peter sniffled and closed his eyes. Tony could make Peter tell him, but this was a test. Could his Spider do it? Knowing Tony would likely torture and kill these men? Could Peter condemn them? Could Tony bend the hero’s morals to his will?
Peter let out a shaky breath. He closed his eyes and leaned into Tony’s touch. His voice didn’t waver, though it was quiet. “Quentin Beck,” he said. “You’ll find the others if you find him.”
Tony grinned and leaned over Peter. A little physical affection was all it took, as he suspected. So when a pet does something you like, you reward it. Tony waited for Peter to look up at him again, with those teary, pretty doe eyes. Then he kissed Peter’s forehead and whispered. “Good boy.”
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
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After John Walker takes the serum, all the worst parts about him—his ruthlessness, his violence, his need to be special—are exacerbated. Including his obsession with Captain America and the aching emptiness in the place where his best friend once stood.
John just wants to do the job he was given, dammit. The way he figures, in order to do that, he needs to get what Rogers had. What Sam Wilson stole. Not just the fancy shield, no. That came later. What Steve Rogers had was Bucky Barnes. Best friend, ally, sidekick. Lover. The man at his six and in his bed.
If John can get Bucky Barnes, well. He must be Captain America, not that thief, Wilson.
(The truth is, John Walker wants to be Steve Rogers, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make that happen.)
for keep your friends close, a HTP @summertrashsplash collab with @kickflaw 😈
(find my fanart and my edits on Tumblr)
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
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preview 😈 full, very NSFW image in inches and anatomy (I Give You Him), a FaWS re-write by @kickflaw​ 🖤
(find my fanart and my edits on Tumblr)   (before & after under the cut  ✨)
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Asylum in Winter - s m u t chapter
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contains: WinterVenom, WinterBones, consensual, brainwashed Bucky, dom/sub, light bondage, soft Rumlow, angst, hurt/comfort, stucky flashbacks, extremely hot sex
Bruises. Everywhere Barnes had grabbed his back is bruised. Brock snorts out a wry laugh at his reflection in the mirror and finishes toweling himself off. Between them fucking and everything that went down at the base today, he’s gonna be in a world of hurt tomorrow. 
As he comes out of the bathroom and sees Barnes on his knees, obediently waiting for him with his soft cock dangling between his thighs, he can only think: it was worth it. The rise and fall of Barnes’ chest becomes very pronounced as Brock walks up to him. He gets up close, close enough that Barnes’ breath warms his cock, which has gone mostly soft since the shower.
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
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Moodboard based on No One Else by @howdoyousleep3
I got back to this fic again and again and again. It owns my soul.
Fishy's Fave Fics Moodboards Series: x / x / x / x / x / x
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Taming Winter
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Captain America (Movies)
Relationship: Brock Rumlow/Bucky Barnes (WinterBones)
Tags: Dubious Consent, Frottage, HYDRA Trash Party, Pre-CATWS, Abuse of Authority
Language: English
Word Count: 4576
Summary: A young Brock Rumlow, newly initiated into the ranks of HYDRA, is enlisted to carry out one of the tasks that the higher ranks don’t like to admit has to take place: grooming the Winter Soldier once his mission is completed. But behind the scenes, the soldier couldn’t be farther from the ruthless animal that he is when he’s unleashed onto the field.There’s something about that shy compliance that Brock can’t help but want to use to his advantage…
Read on AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/4840130
“You want me to what?”
Brock Rumlow isn’t the first new recruit to raise an eyebrow at being asked to assist with the Asset’s personal hygiene. It’s not the kind of thing you think about. In the eyes of Hydra and its members, the soldier is a weapon, an object, not a person who needs to be assisted with things like shaving and showering.
“I want you to follow the order you’ve just been given,” his commanding officer hisses, trying to avoid drawing attention. “Now shut up and come with me.”
Brock bites the inside of his cheek, glaring daggers at the back of the senior agent’s neck as he follows him down the hall to the room where the Asset is being kept. “Don’t remember hearing about this while I was training. Must’ve skipped over that subsection in the protocol manual,” he mutters, loud enough to earn him a warning look.
He’ll learn later on that there actually is no official protocol for grooming the Asset. Repairing, yes, but grooming? Definitely not the sort of thing Hydra’s concerned about… However, in practice, the need can’t be ignored for very long: he gets too scruffy and his mask doesn’t fit right right, too dirty and his arm can start to malfunction, and there’s only so long you can pretend not to be bothered by the smell of drying blood and sweat before it starts to get under your skin.
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Too Cold For You Here
just a winterbaron drabble. i am tired
Bucky’s shaking when he knocks on Zemo’s door. “Put your shoes on the rack,” he says, leaving the door open wide and heading back in, robe flowing around him and glass of champagne in hand.
Bucky obeys, wordlessly untying his boots and setting them carefully on the shoe rack, closing the door behind him and locking it as he pads into the living room, Zemo already leaning back in his seat on the couch. “Sit,” Zemo prompts, and Bucky settles himself cross legged on the floor, ignoring Zemo’s raised eyebrow.
“Why are you here, James?” Zemo asks after a few minutes of silence, and Bucky slumps, curls in on himself.
“I need… Steve would never. And I can’t do this anymore.”
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Of course I want to!!! 😆
mutuals let's sit at the end of the dock and splash our feet in the water while we watch the sunset
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
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Dark/Hydra Steve x Bucky - Breeding kink/ Cum denail (a/b/o)
Thank you anon for the horniest prompt I’ve gotten so far— I honestly sat up last night just thinking about this.
(I didn’t do the cum denial though... hope everything else is pretty satisfying...)
Plus, I’m really excited to write some Stucky, so thank you anon!
Warnings: general Hydra Trash Party warnings, dubcon and coercion, omegaverse, forced heat/rut, drugging, captivity, breeding and forced pregnancy, identity porn, mild violence
“The Omega’s in there."
Bucky hears the muted instruction, and tried to shrink against the wall. The cell they threw him in is small, mostly white with tall walls and chrome vents. He’s not sure how long he’s been here, how many hours or days since he was taken from his and Steve’s apartment— drugged and brought here.
He’s well versed in enduring captivity, he has to be. Three tours with the Army Rangers and a day job working for Nick Fury don’t provide him room for anything else. He’s more concerned for his mate— the sweet, beefy Alpha who is more than likely captive in a nearby room, an innocent bystander in Hydra’s nazi quest to dominate... humanity, probably. Bucky’s lost track.
Five men file into the room, and Bucky studies each of them, surprised when the last one is devastatingly familiar.
“Steve! Thank god you’re alright. Did they hurt—"
He’s kicked in the side roughly by one of the Hydra agents, throwing him violently back to the cell floor. He coughs, hacking up a wad of blood that he spits at their feet. Rude.
“Quiet, Agent Barnes, and listen. We’ve brought you the perfect Alpha, able to provide us with the vital results we need. He will stay with you until extraction."
The man speaking nods to the others, quickly backing away and out the door until it’s just Steve left standing in the cell, face drawn and conflicted.
When the door shuts, Bucky stumbles to his feet and into Steve’s arms. The Alpha scents so clinical, distressed and empty, but Bucky still burrows close and holds him tight.
“I’m so sorry Steve, I should have told you... I should never have put you in danger."
Steve strokes his hair and presses a kiss into the crown of his head, “It’s okay Buck, we’ll get through it."
They end up sitting together in a corner of the cell, wrapped in each other’s arms as Bucky fills him in, sharing details about his job and the possible rescue that could be coming for them. Steve listens and nods along, his face drawn and worried as Bucky keeps explaining, trying to comfort him.
“I know Director Fury will assume Hydra took us. They’ll probably come for us in the next 48 hours."
“What if they don’t, Buck?” Steve holds him closer, scenting under his ear, “They told me what they want extracted."
Bucky stutters, “O-oh, what... what is it?"
There’s silences as Steve ducks his head, face riddled with an array of emotion, “They want a pup."
“So... vital results is actually code for..."
“A baby, yes. They told me... if we don’t fuck by Friday, they’ll send in another Alpha to do the job."
There’s an underlying growl to Steve’s words that makes Bucky shiver, wiggling closer at the possessive display by his Alpha.
“We’re gonna be okay, Steve. Shield will come for us tomorrow or the day after, and we won’t have to think about that."
It will be fine.
They take Steve from him soon after, injecting both of them with a blue liquid before leading Steve back out the door, away from Bucky. It’s probably a day later when Steve is dumped back in his cell, thankfully unmarked and mentally sound. He feels half way to insane in this white cell— he can’t imagine how a civilian would feel.
It’s a few hours before they take him again, and both of them spend it wrapped together, finding comfort in each other’s arms. They inject the blue liquid again before leaving, taking Steve away and leaving Bucky alone.
Day three is when Bucky starts to worry. He wakes up sweaty, his stomach in knots and heart pounding— usual signs for his heat, even though it isn’t due for another month. Dammit. Not only that, but there’s been no sign of rescue, not even a hint of being saved. Bucky spends most of the day pacing the room— looking for a way out and trying to work a plan of escape.
He keeps getting distracted, thinking of the steady heat building in his gut, and curses his damn Omega biology.
It only gets worse when Steve’s thrown in with him. Bucky’s hair stands on end, crouching low as the scent of Alpha rut hits him full force. There’s no where to go, no where to run.
“Omega,” the Alpha rumbles, stalking closer and pinning Bucky up against the wall. He tries to resist his instincts, telling him to submit and roll over and show his throat. He growls in response and tries to shove the Alpha off— Steve, it’s Steve— but his wrists are easily trapped above his head, displaying the full length of his body for the Alpha to take.
His Alpha ducks down and fits his teeth over Bucky’s neck, right where they’d planned on putting a mating bite during his next heat. Fuck, “Steve, Alpha,” he whimpers, already drowning in his instincts, “I think they drugged us, Steve."
Steve nods, still holding Bucky in place, and he murmurs, “M’sorry, Buck,” against his pulse point.
Bucky pulls back, holding his Alpha’s face in his hands, “It’s okay. Not your fault. I was ready to be yours anyways."
A tear trickles out of Steve’s eye, betraying his despair and emotion. He gives Bucky a sad smile, a brief moment of humanity, before turning them and pushing Bucky to the floor.
The rough movement shocks Bucky’s instincts. Both of their scents flare, combining together into a viral, fertile mix of Alpha and Omega, perfect for each other. Bucky lands on his hands and knees, stretching his back temptingly as he feels Steve hook fingers into his waistband, ripping the cotton pants clean off his body.
“Alpha, please,” he begs, high and whiney, as Steve yanks him closer, baring his dripping, needy hole to the cool, cell air. There’s a wet slapping noise— most likely Steve touching his own dick— before a blunt pressure pushes at his rim, forcing it’s way inside.
Bucky cries out, half in shock and half in pleasure. He knew an Alpha’s rut could get violent, but he didn’t expect the abruptness, the complete lack of prep as Steve starts shoving himself in. He pulls Bucky back with a snarl, spearing the Omega open wide on his cock, before withdrawing and snapping himself back in, hips pressed flush together.
They both howl this time, Bucky’s body desperately clenching against the intrusion as his Alpha sets a relentless pace, fucking into Bucky harder and faster than they have done in the past. After having a moment to adjust, Bucky goes limp in Steve’s bruising grip— sinking into the floor and arching his back instinctively.
His smaller, Omega cock is dripping steadily onto the floor, betraying the insistent arousal of his heat. Steve’s knot is steadily expanding and teasing Bucky’s rim, so close to filling him, to blowing wide inside.
There’s an arm around his chest, pulling him up on his knees as Steve’s thrusts slow, grinding his knot against Bucky’s entrance until it slips in, locking them together. The width of it settles against Bucky’s sweet spot, pressing incessantly, as he pants in Bucky’s ear, “Come on, come for me, Omega, come on."
Bucky shudders, a sudden pain blooming in his shoulder as Steve bites down, bonding them together, and he falls over the edge. He trembles in his Alpha’s arms as they come together, their orgasms working to synch their emotions, their souls, into a sweet harmony.
They settle together on the ground, Steve curled up behind him. Bucky can feel him pumping load after load into his womb, filling him, putting a pup in his belly. He breathes deep and settles back into their bond— horrified to suddenly feel despair, agony and guilt radiating off his Alpha.
“S-steve? What’s wrong— are you okay?"
A sobbing hiccup follows, and Steve holds him tighter, whispering a litany of, “I’m sorry, Buck— I couldn’t... I’m so sorry, Omega,” into his hair.
It’s concerning. Bucky lets his Alpha hold him, trying to send reassurances through the bond as the knot goes down. He can’t imagine what has the Alpha so upset, feeling responsible, but they promised to get through this together. They will get through this together.
Almost the moment his knot deflates and they pull apart, the cell doors are opening, allowing five Hydra agents to file in. Steve jumps in front of Bucky, guarding his vulnerable mate from the agents.
“Stand down, Captain."
Steve freezes, looking between the agent and Bucky, before lowering his guard and standing to his feet. He tucks his softened cock back into his pants and stands at attention, and Bucky just stares, horrified.
“... Steve?"
They ignore him, turning to his Alpha, “Well done, Captain. You may return to your quarters."
“Alpha!” Bucky yells, trying to get Steve’s attention as the Alpha walks towards the door, eyes wide and expression devastated.
Before he leaves the room, Steve turns, suddenly, and meets Bucky’s eyes, “I didn’t have a choice.” They push him from the room before he can say any more, and Bucky can feel the deep, devastating guilt through their bond.
Bucky shakes his head. No. There’s no way his Alpha, his Stevie, could be working with Hydra.
His horror must show in his face because the agent in front of him laughs, “We thought you were better than this, Agent Barnes. But there is a reason why Captain Hydra is our greatest Asset."
They leave him there, in a puddle of their shared release, alone and undressed. And he gave them everything, told Steve everything. His mate for almost a year was just building trust, getting close, and now they have him. By the new mating bond bleeding from his neck, by the seed most likely catching in his womb, tying him to Steve with their shared pup.
He feels furious. He feels defeated. Everything in him wilts, melting in a heap of grief and anger in the same corner Steve just breaded him in, knocked him up and left him.
But most of all, he feels Steve’s guilt, strong and deep through the bond, calling to him. Begging for his forgiveness.
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
Meeeeee!! Please tag me!! ☺😱
‘Unclaimed Sub’ - coming soon on AO3
by @snowstark & @professional-benaddict
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Unclaimed subs end up in government run institutions. Everyone knows that. So far, Peter has managed to avoid getting in trouble for being an unclaimed sub. However, one fateful night, he ends up in the hands of hospital staff who cannot let him go without a Dom’s signature.
Should Doctor Stark call the D/s department about Peter, or should he claim the sub for himself?
Coming to AO3 soon. Let us know if you want to be tagged.
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soft-peterparker · 3 years
THIS is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! 😱😱😱
Could you tag me for the next chapter pretty please? ☺🙏🏽
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Cruel Intentions (Fanfic)
Summary: When college student and SI intern Peter Parker starts dating billionaire mastermind Tony Stark, he couldn’t be any happier. That is until Tony’s son Harley shows up, kicked out of college and with his eyes set on his father’s secret boyfriend. Peter soon finds his relationship put to the test by the one person that could unravel his happiness, or make what he has with Tony stronger. Blinded by jealousy and resentment, Harley enlists the help of Quentin Beck to sabotage the relationship, not realizing that Beck might have cruel intentions of his own…
Rating: Explicit
Pairings: Peter Parker/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Harley Keener (one-sided), Peter Parker/Quentin Beck (one-sided)
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Harley Keener, Morgan Stark, Quentin Beck, Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Pepper Potts,
Click to read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29068293/chapters/71351481
Full Masterlist: https://thenelalila.tumblr.com/post/639135744911343616/masterlist-ao3
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soft-peterparker · 4 years
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soft-peterparker · 4 years
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Kinktober Prompt Fill #10: Pinwheel
Find our full Kinktober post right here!
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Summary: Ranch!AU - Peter seduces Tony into fucking him in the hay attic. Warnings: Seducing, Pinwheel, Mention of a Riding Crop, Half-Dressed Fuck, Dirty Talk, ‘Merican Accents
Read on AO3
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soft-peterparker · 4 years
This was amaaaaaazinggggg!!!!
Sweeter Than Sugar (Ch 4)
Collab fic with @send-me-your-hcs
Summary: Tony is a man of refinement. Only the best, the highest quality specimens get added to his collection. Peter, a beautiful and very rare male omega, quickly becomes his favorite of all his pets. The perfect omega deserves an equally-perfect alpha. (Or: An a/b/o au where pet owner!Tony forcibly mates Peter and Bucky together for his own enjoyment.)
Warnings: Underage, noncon, a/b/o au, dark!Tony, confinement, forced pet play dynamics, forced mating/in heat cycles, forced daddy kink, forced feminization, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat.
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Peter is the perfect picture of obedience after that day.
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soft-peterparker · 4 years
I'm sooo excited!!! And congratulation to your 700 followers my friends!! 💙❤
Samhain’s Eve
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A story written, yet to be told;
An adventure yearning to unfold,
of Peter on an epic quest,
so he and his family may find rest.
To find the cure to a disease,
into the woods in attempt to seize.
A mischievous friend, our Peter makes,
but no names shared to raise the stakes.
This was the teaser to our tale,
now onto the wait, we hope not to fail.
Fear not, for we would never leave,
before starting the fic on Samhain’s Eve.
We are incredibly humbled by all of our 700!! FOLLOWERS!! Thank you all so much for all your love, kindness and support! Since October is such a busy month for us with regards to writing (Kinktober + this lil secret fic mhmhmhmhm) we decided to give you all a poem teasing our upcoming project. Mark your calendars, beans: Halloween will bring you the first part of our new multichapter fic!
Can you guess what it’s going to be about? 👀
Thanks again! Your continued support motivates us to keep creating! <3
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