softidolimagines · 4 years
Cute Boys and Kitty Cats
A Noir Daewon x Reader AU
2.8K, Fluff, Drabble, Strangers to Lovers, Meet-Cute
Requested by @daewonbiased​ - I hope you like it!
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There was really nothing more fulfilling than signing the last of the paperwork needed for someone to take their new animal companion home. Working in the rescue shelter for the past few months since you graduated from university had been the best decision of your life, and while it didn’t pay much it was worth it to see the pure joy on people’s faces when they met the pet that was perfect for them. After bidding goodbye to the young couple and their newly adopted older dog it was time to close up shop. You turned the sign around and switched off some of the outside lights, making sure the front door was locked before heading into the back to check on the animals who had yet to be adopted. 
It was mostly cats and dogs, usually older animals or ones that needed a lot of attention and care. Unfortunately, some people just were not willing to put in the effort to learn how to love a shy dog or a jumpy cat. You made sure to say goodnight to each and every animal in your care, giving the ones who would accept it a gentle rub behind their ears or on their bellies. Some of these sweet babies were just so loveable, if you could adopt all of them yourself you would do it in a heartbeat. Just as you finished your rounds, checking that they all had water and were safely settled in for the night, you heard a very loud banging noise come from the front of the shop. You quickly ran out to see what the commotion was, trying to shush some of the more nervous animals as you went. 
When you reached the foyer you looked towards the front of the store and saw a light shining in through the window. It moved and pointed sideways to illuminate a young-looking face. You cautiously stepped forward, but before you could ask anything they were calling to you. “Please help me! I just found this cat on the side of the road and I think she’s about to have kittens.” It was only then you saw the bundle in his other arm, it looked to be a jacket of some sort, probably his own. You also realised it was raining very hard outside, and this poor good soul was getting drenched. Against your better judgement, you unlocked the front door and ushered the boy inside, his black hair was dripping wet and sticking to his forehead, and he was cradling the bundle against his chest as if to protect it from the elements. 
Sure enough, as he had said, there was a very pregnant cat wrapped inside his university jacket. She had a beautiful black colour to her coat, but she looked to be badly injured. Her ears and parts of her back were scarred and her fur was completely matted. It was obvious she was a stray. “How did you manage to catch her?” Carefully you set the little bundle down on the floor beside the reception desk. You had dealt with cats and dogs having their babies in front of you before, but usually you had more time to prepare. “I was just walking home after practice and I heard a really distressed sound come from one of the ditches along the canal. When I went looking with my phone torch I found her stuck in a bramble. She let me pull her out and when I realised she was pregnant I decided it would be best to bring her to a vet or something where she would be safe.”
He hadn’t taken his eyes off the cat the whole time he spoke. You took a moment to properly look at the animal rescuer in front of you. Even if you hadn’t recognised the crest on his jacket it wouldn’t have been hard to guess that he was younger than you. Round cheeks and soft skin paired with big, kind eyes and pouty lips - he was absolutely adorable. “You know this isn’t a vet’s office right?” He finally looked up at you, eyes twinkling as he nodded earnestly. “I know, but the nearest vet is too far away for me to walk and the lights were still on here when I was walking past.” You smiled softly at him and got a bright grin in response. Your heart did a little flip in your chest, he was too cute to handle. But you had other things to work on. 
“Ok, you stay here and try keep her calm while I go get a few things that will make her more comfortable, alright?” He nodded again, and as you stood to move away he stuck his hand out towards you. “My name is Daewon by the way. Thank you for helping me.” You shook his hand, a little surprised by the strength of his grip, and introduced yourself as well. Then you hurried off to the storeroom to grab a towel and a bowl for water. This could be a long night.
Finally, after three hours the beautiful little cat had given birth to four healthy kittens. It was a relief when they all began suckling from their mother, and she was very placid around them. Daewon let out a very large yawn and it was only then you realised how late it had gotten. “You should really head home, you probably have classes tomorrow right?” He turned his head and looked at you with a sleepy grin, and your heart squeezed at the sight. “Yeah, I have a ten am lecture and then a double after lunch.” You convinced him that the cat would be safe now thanks to him, and somehow he convinced you to exchange phone numbers so you could send him pictures of the kittens tomorrow. After much fussing and giving the cat a name “Noir, because of her fur,” he finally said his goodnights and headed off, leaving his university jacket behind.
You ended up staying for almost another hour, making sure that Noir and all her kittens were settled into the free pen you moved them too and that the mother cat had enough food and water to keep her going. In the morning you would definitely need to arrange for a vet to come around and check them all over, to make sure they were indeed healthy. And so after a very long and eventful night, you finally headed home. 
The next day you were exhausted when you came into work. Your co-worker Yunsung had opened and was very excited about the message you sent him about your late-night additions. He had already called a vet to come for later in the afternoon and when you went to check on Noir she seemed to be happily napping away, her little babies curled up beside her. Work went by as usual, people coming in to meet their potential new animal companions and one girl decided on the spot she was going to adopt the scrawny ginger cat who was missing one eye. It was always a wonderful feeling to watch as new owner and pet interacted for the first time and seeing how perfectly they fit together. 
When the vet came around she confirmed that apart from the scratches on Noir’s back and ears she was healthy, and her kittens all seemed to be responding well. It would be at least 12 weeks before they could home the kittens, but it was never too hard to find people to take the young animals. It was always the older ones who needed more love. You sent Daewon some pictures of the kittens as promised, and he responded with a string of cute emojis that made you giggle. Yunsung read the message over your shoulder and teased you about it, but you just slapped him and went back to work. 
You were on the closing shift again tonight but finished up early so you could get home and go to sleep. Just as you were switching the outside lights off you saw a figure running towards the shop. You laughed a little when you realised it was Daewon and opened the door for him. “I wasn’t expecting you to come back this evening.” He grinned, only a little out of breath, and your heart squeezed at how adorable he looked. His hair was dry today, and it looked so soft and fluffy you just wanted to ruffle your hands through it. “I was in the library working on an assignment and I completely lost track of time! I’m sorry!” He smiled so brightly that you could only laugh, before closing the door behind him and showing him into the back where all the animals were waiting for their nightly checks.
Talking to Daewon made your heart race. He had such an innocent, positive outlook on everything. You introduced him to each of the animals in the shelter and he greeted them politely each time, holding out his hand and petting the ones who let him. He was very good with animals and you couldn’t stop the smile that stayed on your face the entire time. When you finally reached the separate room where you were keeping Noir and her kittens he squealed with joy, and the cat responded happily to his presence. She rubbed up against the front of her pen and you relented to his pleading eyes to let him open it up and hold her. She purred happily the whole time he held her, and you were surprised by how comfortable the two looked together. 
After that, Daewon stopped by the shelter almost every night to see Noir and her kittens. Even when you weren’t working your co-workers told you that he always showed up with a brilliant smile on his face and treated all the animals with the utmost of respect and affection. You also began to develop a little bit of a crush on him. At first, you felt weird about it, because he was definitely younger than you. But after getting to know him better you realised it wasn’t actually that much, and he was very clearly crushing on you too. 
When they were finally old enough, Noir’s four kittens found homes in less than a week. It was bittersweet, sending them off, but all their new homes were going to be very caring for them. All that was left then was Noir herself. She had fattened up in her time at the shelter, and you managed to get her groomed properly with Daewon’s help so that her fur was sleek and shiny. Daewon was there when you signed off on the last of the kitten’s adoption forms, and he looked a little down. “It’s for the best, they’re going to have a wonderful life in their new homes.” It was just the two of you here this evening, it was almost time to close for the day. Daewon nodded, eyes glued to his hands in his lap. 
“Hey, it’s alright. I know it’s hard but they’re going to be very happy.” He looked up at you and your heart broke a little at the tears in his eyes. “I know, I’m just going to miss them all.” His lower lip stuck out in a soft pout and you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching over and brushing some of the tears from his cheeks. “It’s ok, you can still come around every day and see Noir. She hasn’t been adopted yet.” He bit his lip, looking down for a moment and then back up at you with a new shine in his eyes. “What if she does get adopted though? What if her new owners live far away and I can’t see her anymore? What if that means I have to stop coming here to see you?” 
Your heart started beating faster in your chest. You (and your nosy co-workers) all knew about Daewon’s crush on you, but this was the first time he actually said anything about it. So lost in trying to make sense of your own feelings you were silent, and his face fell as he took your lack of response as rejection. He said a bleak goodbye and all but ran out of the shop, and you felt awful. But then an idea came to mind. You really did like him a lot, and you wanted to see him all the time as well, not just when he came to visit Noir in work. So against your better judgement, you text Yunsung and got an immediate reply to say ‘go for it!’. 
The next day you were on the closing shift with Minhyuk, one of the new part-timers in the shelter. You were showing him the ropes, and he seemed to really get the hang of it. Just as you were preparing to close, the front door opened and Daewon walked in wearing his university jacket and carrying a blanket in his arms. “Hi Daewon, how are you?” You tried to make small talk, excited to get to tell him your plan. He walked up to the front desk and put the blanket to one side, speaking to Minhyuk instead of you. “I would like to fill out adoption papers please.” Minhyuk looked to you for help, and you just shot him a small smile.
“Daewon, sweetie, Noir has been adopted already.” He looked like he was about to burst into tears as he turned to face you, jaw dropping and hand clenching in the blanket he had brought. “B-but I -” “I have adopted her. I’m bringing her home with me tonight.” His face completely changed in a split second, from heartache to boundless joy. “REALLY? CAN I COME AND SEE WHERE SHE’S GOING TO LIVE?!” He was so cute, so so so cute that it really wasn’t your fault for what you did next. You leaned close and placed a soft kiss on one of his adorable cheeks. When you pulled away his face had frozen in shock and a bright pink blush was turning him into a tomato. “Good job, you broke him.” Minhyuk teased you and you stuck your tongue out at him. 
“Come on, let’s go get Noir and bring her home yeah?” You took his hand a gently tugged, and he followed along with you still slightly dazed. It was only when you reached the pen where Noir was sleeping and she jumped up to greet Daewon that he broke out of his trance. You opened the door and he picked her up gently, letting her rub her head against his chin and purr loudly into his chest. His smile was blinding as you brought her back out front and got her settled into a cat carrier and grabbed a small bag filled with everything you had bought for her. After closing up properly for the night and saying goodbye to Minhyuk, you walked with Daewon to your car and let him hold Noir’s carrier the whole journey to your apartment. 
It took a few hours for her to settle into her new surroundings, but having Daewon there to play with her seemed to help a lot. After she finally curled up in her new bed in the living room you happily collapsed onto your couch, and watched as Daewon stood awkwardly in the middle of the floor. Oh, right. “You are welcome to come and visit her in the evenings or whenever I’m not working. Or you could just come and visit me.” He looked at you wide-eyed and you went for your best comforting smile. He started to go pink again and you held out one of your hands towards him. Daewon shuffled over and sat beside you on the couch and he was just so cute you giggled as you scooted closer to him. 
“I like you a lot Daewon. I would like it if you came to visit me as well as Noir.” You looked at him and saw the tips of his ears were red and he was fiddling with his fingers. You bumped him with your shoulder and he finally turned to look at you. Before you could say anything else he leaned in at lightning speed and pressed a kiss to your cheek. Then he pulled away and buried his face in his hands. Your face broke into a huge smile, heat flushing across your cheeks from where his soft lips had pressed against your skin. Giggling you leaned over and wrestled his hands away from his face and proceeded to press dozens of little kisses all across his face. Cheeks, nose, forehead - everywhere you could reach until he had also dissolved into an adorable giggling mess on your couch. He looked up at you with the most beautiful smile on his face as he said “I like you a lot too, I really want to see you more often.” 
You sent him home with another gentle kiss on the cheek and got one on your nose in return. That night, as you finally got into bed, Noir came in and curled up beside you. It really was perfect that such a sweet little kitty also managed to introduce you to the most adorable boyfriend in the world. 
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softidolimagines · 5 years
Yunsung as your boyfriend
Yunsung is a very friendly guy, he easily gets along with anyone
So he is either your friend and falls in love with you or he talks to you once and from then on, he feels the need to know more about you, get closer to you
Talks about you a lot without even noticing and when his friends point it out and ask if he has a crush on you, he’d be like ???? Do I???
But once the idea is in his head, he can’t stop thinking about it anymore
After a while, when he’s sure he likes you, he’d want to ask you out on a date
But for some reason, it’s not as easy as he thought it would be
It’s not like he has never asked anyone out before
But it’s different with you
He’s not 100% sure you like him as much as he likes you
So he tries to give you some hints, and eventually, just blurts it out because he can’t wait anymore
He’s going all out for the first date with the classic restaurant or some really fancy thing because he wants to impress you
Gives you a boquet of your favorite flowers, does everything a gentleman should and it’s really cheesy but it’s also kind of cute  
Showers you in compliments, like you could be a whole mess and he’d still say you’re the most beautiful person in the world and means it
He loves, loves snuggling with you in bed and falling asleep / waking up with you 
He loves it even more when you cook for him! He’s the type of guy you can buy with some food in a second
Not shy with pda, I imagine his arms are always around you and he’s stuck to you like glue
You’re like that disgustingly cute couple
And the members are “ew, they’re doing it again”
Has a million pictures of you in his phone and you have no idea how he managed to take some of them
Aside from hugs and cuddling, he also loves to kiss you a lot
He loves it even more if you kiss him first, it makes him feel really loved and confident
Nose kisses
Kisses you without reason just to make you flustered
He finds your blushing face the cutest thing in the world
He’s not half assing his kisses, he gives his all every time
Gets really intense really fast
Whines when you stop him even though he or you have to go to do your thing
Misses you a lot when you’re not with him and sends you his pouting selfies
Is overall an excited and happy puppy please love him even though he’s fucking rude sometimes
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softidolimagines · 5 years
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It wasn’t until you met Yunsung that you realised how much more there was to dates than “dinner and a movie”. He never seemed to run out of new ideas, new ways to make you feel like you were the most special person in the world.
A carnival date. 
He texts you twenty minutes before he arrived to tell you he was on his way. No indication of where you were going this time, but you had come to trust him. When you realise that you are heading to the next town over you get excited, the carnival is there. He tells you he remembered how excited you had been when you heard about it coming, so he planned to bring you before it left. You spent the whole afternoon there together; eating cotton candy, riding the dodgy fairground rides and spending obscene amounts of money on games. He did win you a teddy, eventually. When he asked what you were going to name it you had to think about it, eventually setting on Star Boy. “Why?” he asks. Because it reminds you of the sparkle in his eyes when he won.
A picnic date.
It was a beautiful day and this time he arrived unannounced. You giggled as he took you by the hand and you hopped in the car, wondering where you would be going next. The drive wasn’t far, but there was nothing but trees and fields in the area where you parked. But he took your hand again, leading the way. It took almost an hour of walking through woods and flowers before you reached the destination he had arranged for your date. A colourful blanket was set up in the middle of a clearing, with a basket of food sitting beside it. There were freshly cut flowers and all your favourite foods. He just smiled and winked when you asked him how long this had taken to set up. You spent hours sitting together with nothing but the sounds of nature around you, drinking in the sight of him under the golden sunlight. 
A movie date.
When he told you he was picking you up for a movie you felt a twinge of disappointment. It was cliché, but you understood that sometimes regular dates were fun too. So when he picked you up you didn’t question it, even though the cinema was within walking distance. Before long you noticed you weren’t heading towards the cinema at all, but he just winked and said it was a secret. Soon enough you found out what the plan was. It was a drive-in cinema, you paid for your car and could buy popcorn and snacks at vendors dotted around the venue. He opened up the boot of his car and you laughed at all the pillows and blankets he had thrown in, more than enough to get you two comfortable. You threw on thick hoodies and curled up together, fingers locked as you watched the film playing across the screen.
Every date was special with Yunsung, it was always something new and unexpected. So when he asked you to dress for a hike you didn’t question it. You drove for hours since the early morning, way out of the city and up into the mountains. The drive itself could be considered a date. There were snacks and singing and laughter as you just enjoyed your time in one another's company. Eventually, you reached your destination, climbing out of the car and stretching your stiff limbs. The hike wasn’t difficult, and you had great company. He took the lead, your hand in his, and soon enough you reached a rocky outcropping looking down on a small valley. It was beautiful. You moved closer to the edge to get a look down and marvelled at the sight before you. But when you spun around, what you saw in front of you was even more special
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Down on one knee, Yunsung was holding a small velvet box. Inside the box was a ring. Nothing fancy, just a simple silver band with a small stone set into it. But it was perfect, exactly what you wanted. 
Every date with your boyfriend had always been special. And now they would be even more so, as they were going to be dates with your fiancé.
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softidolimagines · 5 years
Rainy Days and Tea
Noir Seunghoon x Reader AU
1.8K, Fluff, Drabble, Coffee Shop AU
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Naturally, it would be the one day you didn’t bring any sort of hood or umbrella that the skies opened and released sheets of water on you as you walked home from work. It came out of nowhere, giving you no chance to even duck under an awning or into a store before you were getting drenched in the rain. Two minutes and more running than you cared to do ever again and you made it to a store that was still open and ducked inside.
The chimes above the door rang cheerfully as you stepped in out of the downpour, and the white noise of water beating down on the windows and roof was complemented by smooth jazz playing inside. Warmth was the next thing you noticed, a comforting feeling of being surrounded and safe as you stood just inside the door, water dripping from your hair and clothes. The store was empty and you took a moment to look around to see what it actually was. A café, of some sort at least. 
There were tables and booths here and there and a counter area that looked inviting. The fairy lights and lamps dotted around the store added to the feeling of warmth and comfort that you felt as soon as you walked inside. Another beat passed before someone emerged from behind a curtain at the back of the store. When he stepped out into the room you felt your breath hitch in your throat. He was beautiful.
“Oh my god are you alright? That rain really came out of nowhere.”
His voice was deep and rich and made the hairs on your arms stand up. You shivered slightly as he came closer and you saw how his shirt clung to his arms. He took it to be that you were cold from getting soaked in the rain luckily, and offered you to come further into the store and sit down at one of the tables next to the counter. He disappeared behind the curtain again and returned with a towel, which he offered you with a soft smile. You took it, thanking him, before starting to try dry yourself off.
“Let me get you something warm to drink. What would you like?”
“Tea would be lovely.”
“We have a lot of teas to choose from! Fruit, herbal, fermented - any preference?”
“As long as it warms me up I’m not fussy.”
He smiled wider this time and you hid your surprised gasp with a cough, playing up on the cold you were probably going to catch from this. As he went to choose a drink for you, you diligently returned to drying yourself off. You checked your bag and fortunately it didn’t seem like anything inside had water damage, and it wasn’t long before the handsome man came back with two cups of steaming tea.
“It’s chamomile with a little bit of honey, good for when you’re cold.”
“Thank you.”
You took the offered cup and hummed happily as the warmth spread across your skin. The steam fanned over your face as you took a small sip. It was too hot to drink straight away, but the tingling of warmth on your lips began to dispell the cold from your bones that the rain had left you with. Across from you, he had sat down as well, cupping his own tea in his hands as he watched you.
“Is it alright?”
“It’s perfect, thank you.”
You took his offered hand and shook it, giving him your name too. His hands were warm and strong, and you felt a little blush coming on when he smiled at you again and called your name pretty. When you left work today you certainly hadn’t expected something like this to break your usual routine.
The both of you began talking as you sipped on your tea and let it heat you up from the inside while Seunghoon’s smiles warmed up your skin. He was a wonderful conversationalist, telling you all sorts of stories about his college years, setting up this store and the crazy kids who worked here. His little brothers he called them, and they sounded like a wild bunch. 
Soon enough your cup was empty and the rain had stopped outside. It probably had stopped a while ago but you and Seunghoon had been so caught up in talking that neither of you noticed. It had gotten late, the little light of the evening fading to darkness. On seeing the time your stomach decided to rumble, reminding you that you hadn’t eaten since lunch six hours ago. Seunghoon looked concerned when you explained as much, and apologised for keeping you here so late.
“No no, it’s fine! I enjoyed spending time with you.”
As soon as the words had left your mouth you felt yourself flush with embarrassment. Before you could amend it though Seunghoon had smiled widely and agreed. That just made you blush even more. He gathered up your cups and brought them back behind the counter, and you figured you should dig out your purse to pay. When you reached him though he refused, saying it was on the house. Despite your insistence, he wouldn’t let you pay for the tea. 
“If you want to pay so badly why don’t you come back again another day?”
He seemed shy to say it, turning his back to you and pretended to be busy cleaning the coffee machine. You squeaked a little, not used to having someone this sweet and handsome flirting with you so openly. But you agreed, and when he whipped his head back around his eyes were wide and a smile broke across his face. It was cute. He was cute. 
You waited around the café as he closed up. The rain had started to pick up again and Seunghoon offered to give you a lift home. You were going to decline when a flash of lightning lit up the store and you decided to take him up on that instead. He held an umbrella over your heads as you walked out of the store towards his car. Like a gentleman, he held your door open first before running around and getting into the driver seat. He smiled at you and gently reminded you to put on your safety belt before taking off.
The drive was comfortable. His music taste matched yours very well as you both suggested songs to listen to back and forth. The rain outside got even heavier and you were very glad you accepted his offer. It was slow going through the downpour but eventually Seunghoon pulled up outside your apartment block. You were just going to thank him and run up the stairs to your door but he beat you to it, hopping out with his umbrella and offering to walk you up. Your face was surely bright pink at this stage, but you couldn’t decline. 
Outside your door, he stopped and smiled at you. It didn’t make you feel uneasy or on edge, he didn’t ask to come inside or make any move to step closer to you. Your heart fluttered as you said your goodbyes and thank yous, but before you could go inside he called out to you.
“Um, would you like to exchange phone numbers? Just so you can let me know when you’re coming to the café next and I’ll make sure I’m there. Only if you want to that is!”
He rubbed the back of his neck and bit his lip, looking shy. You giggled a little and wondered if you should tease him a bit but decided against it. So you agreed, the smile he gave you brighter than the lightning as you exchanged contact details. Seunghoon had put a little coffee cup emoji next to his name in your phone and it made you smile. This time you said goodbye for real.
“Thank you Seunghoon, I really appreciate everything.”
“You’re welcome, I was happy to help. See you soon?”
“Absolutely. Drive safe!”
A little wave and he turned and walked back down to his car, the rain running off his umbrella in sheets. You opened the door and stepped inside, but waited to see him drive off before closing it. Running up the stairs to your apartment you threw yourself onto your bed and screamed into a pillow. Your heart was beating so fast and your stomach was full of butterflies. Seunghoon was so sweet and handsome, you couldn’t wait to meet him again.
You and Seunghoon had been an official couple for a while now, after many dates in the café and walks in the park he eventually asked you out with a bouquet of roses and a hot chocolate. It was cute, just like him. Today when you were on your way to the shop after work the skies opened again and began thundering down on top of you. You had an umbrella this time, but as you ran down the street you felt this was oddly reminiscent of the first time you met. 
The café was empty again, the new selections of healthy drinks and snacks that Seunghoon had asked for your opinion on were lined up against the wall. He was proud of expanding his stock, and a lot of people seemed to like the new choices. You called out for your boyfriend as you walked in the door, dropping your umbrella into the bucket beside it. His voice echoed from the back of the store and you sat at the counter and waited for him to appear.
“The rain is really coming down isn’t it?”
“Mmm, I feel bad for anyone caught out there without an umbrella.”
You shared a smile and he leaned down to capture your lips in a chaste kiss. He tasted like peppermint, probably leftover from his last drink. He turned and started putting leaves into a teapot and preparing two cups. It had become a routine for you both, you dropping in when the shop was closing and Seunghoon making you tea. You hadn’t realised just how many kinds of tea there were until meeting him. You watched him as he worked, fluid movements showing just how much time he had poured into his shop. When he finally turned back around there were two cups of steaming tea in hand, one which he offered to you before coming around the counter to sit next to you.
“Chamomile with honey?”
He smiled as you tasted it, reminded once more of your first meeting. You laughed as he ducked his head shyly, and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek as you took a small sip. There was something comfortable in his presence, making you feel safe and cared for. Seunghoon never failed to cheer you up when you were down and always was there to listen to your worries. He was perfect for you, warming you up from the inside and out.
“I love you.”
You felt your heart flutter hearing those words, looking over to find him watching you softly. There was no pressure in his eyes, he wasn’t expecting you to say it back, but you felt the same. 
“I love you too.”
A kiss, tender and filled with love. Seunghoon was your safe place, and you were glad that you had found him. 
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softidolimagines · 5 years
Chicken nuggets and Cartoons
Noir Minhyuk x Reader AU
1.6K, Fluff, Drabble, Best Friends to Lovers
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“I want chicken nuggets, cartoons, and Minhyuk.”
After hitting send on the message you threw your phone onto the couch beside you and snuggled deeper into the blanket cocoon you had woven for yourself. It had been a hard day, dealing with awful customers and getting drenched on the walk home from work just left you feeling completely drained. There was nothing more you wanted than to curl up with your best friend and watch tv while it rained outside. But unfortunately, it was past midnight and Minhyuk was probably fast asleep after a long day of rehearsals.
They were going abroad for another competition soon. Somewhere in the Philippines, some big event that his crew were super excited about. And you were excited too, mostly. Part of you wished your best friend wasn’t so talented that he disappeared to a different country every other month and wasn’t around to help you through your bad days. You weren’t quite sure when you had become so dependant on Minhyuk to cheer you up, but even his smile or hearing his voice was enough to raise your mood. It wasn’t a bad thing though, having your own personal happy virus.
Time sloshed past as you blankly stared at the tv, not really taking in anything playing on screen. Really, you knew you should go upstairs, get into bed and sleep off this funk, but you just had no energy to get off the couch. You didn’t even have the energy to go looking for your phone again, wherever it had bounced when you threw it. So the clock on the wall kept ticking as your brain shut off and static flooded your mind.
It wasn’t until a quiet knock on your apartment door came some while later that you were shaken from this stupor. A glance at the wall showed it was just passed two am, on a Thursday morning. Intrigued enough to get off the couch, you pulled the blanket tighter around your shoulders and shuffled to the front door. When in your right mind you would have checked to see who was there first, but this tiredness that had seeped into your bones was shrouding your judgement too, so you just lifted the chain and pulled the door open. 
Just like that, a ray of sunshine pierced through the fog in your mind. Minhyuk was standing there, hair wet but a large smile on his face and his arms behind his back. He was wearing the winter coat you bought him for his birthday last year and there were rivulets of water running off the material. Quickly you ushered him inside, wanting to get him dry and warm. You ran off to grab a towel while he removed his coat and shoes, and when you came back you stopped in your tracks. Underneath his coat he was wearing his peach pyjamas, your favourite ones that made him look even more adorable. 
“I come bearing gifts.”
In his hand now you could see what he had been hiding from you. A bag from McDonald’s, slightly damp on the outside but it was the contents that mattered. Chicken nuggets, still warm. If it wasn’t so sad to cry over pieces of breaded white meat you probably would have teared up. As it was, you simply grabbed the food in one hand and Minhyuk’s arm in the other and marched back into the sitting room where you had been sitting immobile for the past two hours. 
A bit of rearranging later and both you and Minhyuk were wrapped up together under a blanket on the couch, cartoons playing on the tv screen in front of you and chicken nuggets in your lap. This was as close to bliss as you thought it would be possible to achieve.
“Never say that Hoyeon never did anything for you.”
“He showed you my message?”
“Yup, we were on the way back to the dorm so when we got home I went and got changed and then ran to McDonald’s before they closed.”
“I love you.”
It wasn’t the first time you had said those three words to your best friend. In fact, it probably wasn’t even the hundredth time you had said it. You and Minhyuk had been close for years by now, sharing many memorable experiences as you grew up together. All of your friends had been on the receiving end of your loving words at least once before, as you were the kind of person who verbally showed their appreciation. 
This time though, something felt a little different. Usually, those words would pass by with no remark, just another comment in your vocabulary for your close friends. But there was a weird kind of tension in the air this time. You would have thought you were imagining things were it not for the way Minhyuk was fidgeting beside you and refusing to meet your eyes. You munched on another chicken nugget and let the cartoon be background noise for your brain as you began thinking about why this time was different.
You soon came to realise it wasn’t just this time.
It had been coming at you for a while now, the small changes in Minhyuk’s behaviour. Watching you more thoughtfully during the day, sticking closer by your side when you went out to bars or clubs, remembering the little things like your coffee order or that necklace you saw weeks ago and had pointed out was pretty. You realised then that the way you had started looking at him had changed too. You used to look at Minhyuk and see your best friend, all the dumbass things he did and how much of a fool he could make of himself to see you smile. But recently, when you looked at him you noticed things, like how his eyes sparkled like stars were trapped in them, how he ran his fingers through his hair when he got nervous about something and it made him look even more dashing, how pretty and plush his pink lips looked when he was speaking.
It wasn’t hard to admit you were in love with your best friend. But it just hit you in this moment that it was a different kind of love you were feeling.
Minhyuk looked up when you called his name shyly, his eyes meeting yours only for a brief second before flicking down to his hands again. He was nervous. This was weird. The last thing you ever wanted was your feelings to make things weird between you both, you couldn’t afford to lose your best friend. So you took a deep breath to steady your nerves and spoke again.
“You know I mean it, right?”
“That I love you.”
This time the words charged the air between you. His eyes met yours and didn’t look away, searching for something in your gaze that would tell him you were lying. But he couldn’t find it, your true emotions finally being realised - there was no need for you to hide them. For a moment it was silent save for the repeated laugh track behind the animated scenes, neither of you were paying it any attention. Minhyuk reached one hand up towards you, slowly, as if he was giving you the opportunity to move away from him. But you didn’t, instead leaning forward slightly so that his hand met your cheek sooner.
He gently stroked his thumb over your skin. It was a comfort thing, the way you would trace patterns on one another as a form of reassurance that no matter what you would be there for one another. This time it felt heavier like there was more of a promise involved. You waited for him to move, not wanting to have to take the first leap. Luckily, Minhyuk was the kind of person who approached things head-on.
Your lips met his in a tender kiss. There were no sparks or angelic violins in the background, and he didn’t taste like coming home. His lips were slightly chapped and he tasted like the chicken nuggets he had stolen from your box, and the only thing you could hear was the rain outside and the closing theme of the cartoon you hadn’t really been watching. But what mattered was the way your heart felt complete, like this was exactly what it had been waiting for. Your chest constricted and your stomach curled into knots, and you pulled back for a second to breathe. 
He followed you, lips clashing again with more purpose this time. And the butterflies exploded out of your body, scattering their energy into the air around you leaving you free to give in to the emotions flooding your mind. Bliss. You started to move your lips against his and it just felt right, like two jigsaw pieces fitting together. It wasn’t forced or awkward, it was like being wrapped in a soft embrace of love and truly cared for.
“I love you too. Just thought I should clarify.”
You both laughed into your kiss, grins breaking the lock of your lips as your foreheads pressed together instead. The weird tension from when you had said it first had long since dissipated, now replaced with an aura of warmth and satisfaction. Nothing between you was going to change. You were still going to call him out for doing dumb shit like forgetting his student id on the day of an exam in a card access only building, and he was absolutely going to tease you for the way your hair stood on end after fifteen minutes of exercising with him. But that was the way you wanted it. Minhyuk was still your best friend, you wouldn’t change that for anything, but you loved him and he loved you too. 
And you were satisfied that your first date was chicken nuggets, cartoons, and Minhyuk. 
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softidolimagines · 5 years
Small Comforts
SF9 Jaeyoon x Reader
Cuddles and Kisses drabble 
1.2K, G, Fluff
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Everyone knew Jaeyoon as the biggest flirt on campus. He always had a wink or a cheeky smile ready to send to any poor, helpless soul who caught his eye. That’s why you had turned him down the first three times he asked you out, convinced he was just playing with you.
That couldn’t have been further from the truth.
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