softidolproject · 3 days
🔰 Would you please reblog this if you’re open to RPing with sideblogs?
There are rp blogs out there that don’t want personal blogs to follow them and like their posts even though those often have rp sideblogs. It would be a shame to ignore those just because they aren’t their main blogs. Please be so kind to reblog this post so that people with sideblogs know they are welcome. Thank you.
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softidolproject · 1 month
Just because someone slows down doesn't mean they are not interested anymore!
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I have seen anxiety-inducing posts about partners drifting apart and having lost interest when not interacting, but real life happens fam. Yes, when we are low on brain juice, we choose to reply to threads that appeal the most to us at that time to not get swamped in threads too much.
But we REALLY need to stop assuming the worst about our partner right away when our thread is not among the few chosen ones and takes longer to get replied to.
Maybe your partner wants to tend to your reply when they feel less tired, to give you the best they can do? Work and private stress can also take a while to subdue, so please be patient with your partner and don't just softblock because your brain assumes only bad things.
Sometimes we are in a bad place ourselves and need to step back a bit instead of projecting our own insecurities onto our partners in these moments. And taking time for yourself is perfectly okay. Being chronically online is not healthy in the long run.
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softidolproject · 1 month
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softidolproject · 1 month
When I say minors I mean both minor muses and muns. Since it is explicit erotic material, even if there is consent between both of us, we could be charged of child pornography and judged as a sex offenders. 
Please, do not lie about your age. It will damage us both
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softidolproject · 2 months
minors DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT with me or any of my content challenge 2024
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softidolproject · 2 months
reblog if it's okay for people to mention your muse(s) in their threads!
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softidolproject · 2 months
We love shipping in this house. 😍 Reblog if it's okay for partners to ask for a pre-established ship with your muse(s)!
Doesn't mean you have to accept, but you're totally down to discuss it!
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softidolproject · 2 months
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softidolproject · 3 months
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softidolproject · 3 months
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softidolproject · 3 months
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softidolproject · 3 months
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a shout out to canon divergent blogs .
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softidolproject · 3 months
Small Roleplaying Tips For RPers With Anxiety
Over my past years roleplaying I’ve put together a list of small things I occasionally need to remind myself of for whenever The Anxiety™ comes to town. Hope it can help y’all out as well!
This is not an expectation: Nobody expects anything from you, and you don’t owe anyone 1 thing. You are here for YOU and nobody else, anyone who says otherwise needs to be cut from your life bcos u don’t need that. snip snip.
Who said you had to be the best?: I find myself often trying to just be the BEST because I think it will stop me from being anxious, but it really just makes it worse. Focusing on only being the “best” takes the focus away from the fun of it.
You can’t please everyone: This goes for more than just roleplaying, but there is such a component in anxiety that makes this extremely difficult to accept. Take a deep breath and just say it until you hear it. It’s okay, people will get mad at you, you will have bad interactions; such is life.
Icons/Promos/Art/Themes do not equal quality: I used to think I would never be quality until I had all those things, but really, it’s in the writing and interaction. I can list endless blogs that have beautiful graphics and resource, but the writing? I’ll pass.
Find your community: Probably one of the most important things I’ve learned. Surround yourself with bad people and you will have a bad time. Find the right people? Buddy I promise you’ll be having a ball.
Other people’s perception of you does not define you: Another really important thing I’ve learned. Every single person you meet will see you differently than the last, and it will always never be how you actually are. These people only see a screen and words, how can you expect them to see everything you are?
Everything is okay: And that’s it. Everything is fine. Your brain might be running itself all up but when it comes to the facts- you’re okay.
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softidolproject · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Umi Sonoda!
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softidolproject · 3 months
If we are mutuals, you are welcome to: 
tag me in starters 
answer my open starters
spam my inbox with memes
ask me to spam you with memes
scream at me in ims at all ungodly hours
randomly drop a plot idea on me whenever you want 
never be scared that you’re bothering me in any way bc, if i followed you, i love your blog and I am always down for interacting with you!  <3  <3  <3
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softidolproject · 3 months
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It do be like this sometimes… ♡
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softidolproject · 3 months
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