softielaces Ā· 3 months
Brighton, England.
I find myself forgetting Iā€™m not home
These city streets are more familiar than you to me
Nothing is the same and I wash my own hair in the shower
Every moment I am away, I fall in love with the strangers and
The backwards streets and
The cobblestone sidewalks and
The setting 5 oā€™clock sun and
I love this place the way I love my family
Comforting in some internal way that warms me from the inside out
I find myself forgetting Iā€™m not home.
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softielaces Ā· 3 months
On Public Transit
I love when people are too loud on the 25 to Universities
Unapologetic laughter like the hollow voice of a preacher
Casual conversation between me and you and you and you
The world could be burning and you would just smile out the window and
Tell me everything Iā€™ve missed.
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softielaces Ā· 3 months
today, iā€™m thinking about you. sweet like a gardenia and warm like a fireplace, and iā€™m letting myself remember why i fell in love with you. i couldnā€™t tell you exactly when or where it happened but i can tell you one of the many times i found myself absolutely sure of it.
we were sitting in your car at the lakefront, the water crashing in time with our hearts. i kissed you and kissed you and then i kissed you some more. my red lipstick smeared all over your face. it was like i painted you. the windows were fogging and i felt alive for the first time ever i think. you gave me this rush, this feeling iā€™ve chased every day since. i want to feel it again. i would go back there if i could, to that time of not knowing and not needing to. just being there together in the way we wanted. iā€™m so glad i decided to snap a picture before it really dawned on us just how much of a mess i had made you. it makes me smile even still.
well anyway, i love you and i miss you and i basically canā€™t wait to be with you again. for the rest of our lives. forever.
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softielaces Ā· 3 months
I am always the one to get left behind.
My heart is so full I always force my eyes to see the best in everyone.
I never give up on anyone.
I give a million second chances.
I will fall to my knees and beg you to stay even when itā€™s me who should have left years ago.
It is a curse to love this way yet I continue to let love in between the cracks.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
byler headcanon i thought of on the bus this am:
* based on the song ā€œhow did you get so goodā€ by lourdes (so good btw go listen to it)
mike has known will basically his whole life so heā€™s really confused when will starts like actually flirting with him to the point mike goes beet red and can barely be in the same room as him and when they kiss for the first time, mikes just like ??? i thought this was your first kiss ???
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
TW: disordered eating, talking about weight and weight loss
i may not know how much i weigh now but
i know it is less than a week ago and
it feels good to know-
but i have to remind myself that-
but then again it felt so good last time
and nobody knows you have an
eating disorder when youā€™re not
thin to begin with because
ā€œyou look so good!ā€
you can only hear the narrative
so many times before itā€™s
what you tell yourself in the mirror
and i only have one meal a day
and i walk and walk until the ring closes
and i look in the mirror
hungering for something other than
food, i hunger for a body
that looks like itā€™s 2020 and
itā€™s going through itā€™s first real breakup
and it only eats 600 calories per day and
itā€™s easy to fall back into this,
easier than i thought it was but
it feels better than before.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
Okay so I really want to start a Byler Fic thatā€™s just like full of angst. All this deep pining and all the good stuff and then follow it with the fluffiest shit youā€™ve ever read. Also! I want them to be studying abroad in England together (mostly bc thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing so I have ideas)!
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
"I feel so normal about him" well I dont. move
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
quiet cities speak the loudest
if you just listen to the heartbeat
you could almost fall in love with
the honesty of a quiet city.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
It is beautiful to be with you,
warm and soft kisses shared
between latte in coffeeshops
before noon and after
forever and ever but
it is beautiful to be without you,
the piece of my heart that you keep
left somewhere behind
reminds me just how nice
it feels to be loved from afar.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
Why did this make me emotional
Yeah Mike and Will are gonna kiss to heroes (David Bowie version) in the last scene of one of the episodes of season 5 and itā€™ll roll into the credits with the song still going
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
no because my little fan girl heart is screaming! me n bestie are in London about to watch stranger things: the first shadow. last week, Sadie was here. not that I think anyone will be at this show but I can still hope šŸ„ŗ
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
The stuffed cat I sleep with every night
Kind of smells like you
On the weekend of your birthday
With your dadā€™s cigarette smoke
And your body warm from the sun.
We sit in the backseat of your moms car
And I am reminded every love story
Is the same even after years and years,
I will love you like nothing happened
Before we met and I had never had
My first kiss in the bed of some girl
You know, but you like to tell yourself
You donā€™t know the girl who kissed her
Best friend in a Catholic school cafeteria
When she was 13 and didnā€™t understand
How people could be so mean.
I wish more than anything that
You were in the bed beside me and
Your hands were wrapped around me
Like the seatbelt on a roller coaster
But for now we must be this far,
I think about that song I used to like
As a child 1,000 miles felt so long
But now I know how much longer
4,678 miles feels when itā€™s between
You and the American girl and
Theoretically 6 hours isnā€™t that long but
Iā€™m in bed and youā€™re still at school and
I just want to tell you everything and
Listen to you breathe even if
Itā€™s over the phone and I learn
Something about myself,
That maybe I am ready for marriage
Because I want nothing more
Than to have a ring on my finger
And to show it off to strange boys
With green hair who text me at midnight
And ask me to meet them at bars and cafes
And ask me to sit next to them on couches
And tell me they want a bisexual girl
With a preference for women
Right after I told him about you and
I wonder what youā€™re doing now and
If youā€™re thinking about me.
I love you.
Iā€™ll come home to you soon.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
Okay but imagine if in season 5, we get some kind of montage of scenes filmed secretly during season 1 with baby byler where theyā€™re both so obviously figuring out that they like each other and theyā€™re blushing and stuttering and-
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
Somebody please fill me in. What is this local village inside joke??? Iā€™ve been in class all day šŸ˜­
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
I will not let you
fall through the cracks while I
fall for the cracks
in city sidewalks where
my heroes were born and
the sun kisses me to sleep
while you sit at home
waiting for me.
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softielaces Ā· 4 months
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