softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
spin the bottle | kim kibum x reader
Dear @baselinecult: 
Happy birthday, Leila! You are one of my best friends and I’m so thankful to you for always being there for me. Here’s a fic that I hope you’ll love. Also, I changed my mind - it’s not exactly enemies to lovers but I hope you’ll like it regardless. x
Pairing: kibum x reader
genre: oneshot
words in this chapter: 1.3k
Summary: Life was moving quicker than you knew how to deal with. Your boyfriend had dumped you in the summer but before you even had the time to lick your wounds, you were off to med school with your best friend - who, being in her second year already, had made the promise to set you up with the cutest boy she knew.
It hadn’t even occurred to you that that boy could be Kim Kibum, the funny, flirty, and far too attractive for his own good boy that you’d had a crush on for the majority of your time in high school.
After all, how was she supposed to know? You’d never told anyone.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Keep reading
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
spin the bottle | kim kibum x reader
Dear @baselinecult: 
Happy birthday, Leila! You are one of my best friends and I’m so thankful to you for always being there for me. Here’s a fic that I hope you’ll love. Also, I changed my mind - it’s not exactly enemies to lovers but I hope you’ll like it regardless. x
Pairing: kibum x reader
genre: oneshot
words in this chapter: 1.3k
Summary: Life was moving quicker than you knew how to deal with. Your boyfriend had dumped you in the summer but before you even had the time to lick your wounds, you were off to med school with your best friend - who, being in her second year already, had made the promise to set you up with the cutest boy she knew.
It hadn’t even occurred to you that that boy could be Kim Kibum, the funny, flirty, and far too attractive for his own good boy that you’d had a crush on for the majority of your time in high school.
After all, how was she supposed to know? You’d never told anyone.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“That’s a little harsh - I thought he was cute!” Seulgi frowned, disappointed at your reaction to the boy that she’d pointed out across the on-campus Starbucks.
You realised that you’d said that out loud. “No, no, that’s not what I meant - he’s cute. He definitely is. But he’s from our old school!”
She sighed and twisted a strand of silky dark hair around her finger as she watched Kibum order an iced coffee. “Maybe so. But he’s the cutest boy here.” She tapped her phone screen to check the time and her eyes widened almost comically. “Oh my god, it’s three minutes after. Why didn’t you tell me? I’m late for my lecture!”
You suppressed a giggle, having already told her at least four times. In your years of friendship with Seulgi, you’d long given up on trying to get her places on time.
She grabbed her backpack off the floor and tipped the remains of her frappuccino into her mouth, half-walking and half-running across the floor to dump the plastic cup in the bin and head out of the door. Hand on the handle, she paused and turned around to face you.
“Party! Tonight! Minho’s at ten,” she shouted, before leaving.
You would have rolled your eyes, had she been there to see. As much as you needed a night out, it would be your first party since the term had started a couple of weeks ago. You didn’t really know anyone yet - and you knew from experience that parties really weren’t the best places to people, especially people who you were going to spend the next few years completing a medicine degree with.
Across the room, Kibum sat at a table with a couple of friends, laughing at a story someone was telling. He was gorgeous, Seulgi was right. His hair fell into his eyes, and when his cheekbones hit the light, it -
You shook yourself out of it. You’d go to the party, mostly because you didn’t have anything else to do. And you’d avoid Kibum at all costs. Med school was a fresh start and you didn’t want to spend any time antagonising over boys. Especially boys that you’d already spent enough time antagonising over.
He noticed you staring and caught your eye, smiling. You looked away, quickly, and pretended to stare at the textbook that lay open on the table.
The real question, of course, lay in what to wear.
From outside Minho’s apartment, you could hear the bass of the music playing inside, as well as shouts and laughter. You were nervous, but in firm denial of it. You’d opted for high-waisted denim shorts, a black ribbed bodysuit, and black high heels - only after texting Seulgi after realising you had no idea how formal the dress code was. You pushed the doorbell.
You heard someone walking up to the front door and a second later Minho dramatically swung it open and hugged you. You’d only hung out with him a few times but he was friends with everyone, possibly being the nicest guy you’d ever met. He was also gorgeous, and not just gorgeous to the other girls and boys in your shared classes - the kind of gorgeous that had made people stop in the middle of the street to stare when you’d taken a trip to McDonald’s together a few days before. He wasn’t your type, though, and you were more than happy to remain as friends. Besides, the boy standing shyly behind him - Jinki? - had one hand on the small of Minho’s back and slightly swollen lips. It hadn’t occurred to you for a moment that Minho would be even remotely interested in girls.
“Y/n, I was hoping you’d be here! Come inside, come inside,” he ushered, grabbing your jacket and hanging it by the door. You couldn’t help but smile at his overdramatic hospitality. “Thanks, Minho. Have you seen Seulgi?”
By now you were in the living room, where most of the party was taking place. Minho, being taller than the majority of his guests, craned his neck and scanned the room. “Doesn’t look like she’s here yet.”
Your eyes were instantly drawn to who was here. Kibum, in black jeans and an oversized band t-shirt, held a can of cider in one hand and the waist of a girl in the other.
Why the hell did you feel jealous?
The doorbell rang again and he smiled his apologies, running to answer it. You made your way to an uninhibited corner and pulled out your phone to text Seulgi.
Where are you? I’m alone!
SHIt im on my way. Curlers broke. Give me 15min
You knew for a fact that fifteen minutes meant at least half an hour. You started making your way to the kitchen to find something to drink, but were interrupted by Minho’s loud voice.
“Everybody gather round!”
Well, it’s not like you had anything else to do.
“We’re going to play a game. Seven minutes in heaven, to be exact.”
A few wolf whistles. For the second time that day, you suppressed the urge to roll your eyes. You’d played your fair share of seven minutes in heaven between the ages of 13 and 16. Still, maybe it would be a good way to get to know the people here.
Minho produced an empty beer bottle and carefully laid it on the floor in the middle of the rough circle that his guests had made. He spun it.
The bottle slowed and stilled, pointing directly at you. You felt your face warm up.
“Y/n, and…”
He spun it again, and you couldn’t believe it. Kibum’s eyes met yours and he smirked, recognising you instantly.
“In you go, lovebirds!” came the yell, and the two of you were pushed into the pantry. Someone jokingly threw a condom in after you and through the slats of the door you could hear: “Your time starts NOW!”
You met Kibum’s eyes. He smirked again and your heart missed a couple of beats.
“I didn’t expect to see you here, y/n. Med school?”
“Well, yeah. I want to be a doctor. I didn’t know you did, too.”
“Not a doctor. Well - I want to be a paediatrician.”
You hadn’t seen that one coming. “Kim Kibum wants to spend his days working with kids? The more you know, I guess.”
He laughed gently. He’d grown up a lot since you’d last seen him, at school. Only traces remained of the boy whose name you’d doodled on pieces of paper and whose Instagram you’d scrolled through into the early hours of the morning.
“What do you wanna do for, like, six minutes?” he teased.
“I can think of a few things…” you half-whispered.
He closed the distance between you in a single step and all the air suddenly left your lungs. You looked up into his eyes, only centimetres away, and realised that Kibum was the most beautiful person you’d ever set eyes on.
Closing your eyes as he leaned in to kiss you was the most natural thing in the world.
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader; vi
Pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 0.8k 
one two three four five six 
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
trigger warning: mentions of abuse, abusive parents, difficult childhood, abuse-induced murder - if any of these things may trigger you PLEASE do not read this chapter.
“So. You wanna know why I wasn’t at the ball, I’m sure.” Yugyeom swirled his wine glass thoughtfully, watching the dark liquid glimmer under the dimmed lights of the bar. You watched him watch it, and fell a tiny bit in love with the way his dark hair fell into his eyes.
He looked back up at you and you quickly realised that you were staring. You felt the need to say something.
“It’s not just that. It’s - you’re - you’re so mysterious.”
He smirked, but you continued. “I’m serious! I don’t know anything about you.”
And so, as the two of you sat sipping your wine and watching the sun slowly set outside, he told you everything.
“My family wasn’t exactly very nice. My father drank a lot when I was little. He’s in rehab now, recovering, but he drank almost every day of the week when I was younger, and he got violent. It didn’t take much for him to hit me or my mother, or throw things or whatever. He punched a hole in our wall and he threw glasses and stuff. In the morning, he’d clean up after himself and promise that it would never happen again. He tried to convince us every single time that he was a good person and it was a mistake. We went with it, because we were too scared to do anything else. We didn’t have the money to leave him. My mother was in an accident when I was a baby and was in a wheelchair, so she couldn’t work. It really, really sucked.
When I was sixteen my father landed her in hospital again after taking a butcher knife to her. She died that night in intensive care. I left home in the morning and slept on couches until I got a job as a waiter. I saved up and bought my own apartment. It’s been five years, and I’m working two jobs. I was a dancer growing up, so I figured teaching it couldn’t be too hard. And at night I wash dishes, wait tables, shovel driveways… anything that pays, really. I’m in between jobs right now, which is why I had the time to see you.”
For the entire story, he’d been staring into his glass, but he raised his eyes to meet yours. “On the night of the ball, I was washing dishes at a restaurant a couple of miles away, so I couldn’t be there.”
You didn’t know what to say. You hadn’t expected him to open up at all. Suddenly, you felt very, very bad for hooking up with Kai at the ball. You felt the need to make it up for him. You were also falling for him very, very quickly.
“Do you want to come back to mine? And watch a movie?”
Yugyeom raised an eyebrow. “I’m your teacher, y/n.”
Shit. You tried to think of a response, going into mild panic mode, but he laughed softly. “I’m kidding. I’d love to.”
You lived a ten minute walk from the bar you’d picked, and as you approached the familiar block of apartments, you grabbed your phone, just making sure the apartment was empty.
U alright?
Please tell me you’re not still in my apartment
Maybe, are u on ur way home? I’ll kick Jae out if u want??
Pls do that and maybe leave as well
Why? Don’t u love me </3
You text like a Facebook mom. I’ll be home in about two minutes. Screw you in advance.
“Everything OK?” Yugyeom asked as you slid your phone back into your bag.
“Yeah. My friend is at my apartment with her, uh… ‘boyfriend’ is the wrong word. I’m trying to kick them out.”
As the two of you approached the door to your apartment, there was a bang from inside and the door flew open, revealing a giggling Lisa and Jaehyun with his lips on her neck and his hands around her waist. They split apart upon seeing you standing there.
“Y/n! We were just leaving.” Jaehyun seemed almost apologetic. You raised an eyebrow and Lisa grabbed his hand, sensing your mood, and led him into the elevator. You turned to Yugyeom, holding the door of the apartment open to allow him to enter.
He walked in, looking around as you closed the door behind him. Thankfully Lisa and Jaehyun had left the place relatively neat. You hoped Yugyeom would take the stacks of books and magazines, random houseplants and mismatched cushions as artistic rather than disorganised.
He leaned casually against the kitchen counter and you walked hesitantly towards him until you were centimetres apart.
“You’re even prettier up close,” he whispered just before leaning in.
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader; part v
Pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 0.6k 
one two three four five six
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
You were less than happy to see Yugyeom the following Monday.
Kai had been an angel after Lisa had interrupted you two at the ball, offering to explain what had happened to her since you were clearly upset, walking you back to your apartment and writing his number on a piece of paper “in case you need anything.” You’d changed out of your dress, ripped you false eyelashes off and climbed into bed, where you proceeded to cry yourself to sleep.
Upon thinking about it, you weren’t quite sure exactly what had upset you so much. Most likely it was the combination of Yugyeom not showing up, Lisa having a better time than you - avoiding jealousy was not your strong point, especially when hearing all about just how amazing Jaehyun was in bed - and the fact that you’d ended up sucking the dick of a perfectly lovely, unsettlingly handsome guy within your first three weeks of university. You, of all people.
You were practising your group choreographies around the room, Yugyeom wandering around to correct any mistakes, when a member of your group - Seulgi? You were awful with names - nudged you. “He’s looking at you, y/n.”
You detected a note of jealousy in her voice. “Did I do something wrong?”
She smirked. “You’re doing everything right, honey.”
You sneaked a look and he was walking towards your group. “Can I see it from the beginning?” He asked.
“Sure.” Another member of your group grabbed her phone, connected to the speaker, and reset the song to the beginning. The bass filled the room as you got into your starting positions.
You were the front-and-centre of the group at the beginning, arms outstretched like a mock ballerina for the opening frame. As you waited for the lyrics to begin, he moved towards you, eyes flitting up and down your form. He stood behind you and gently pressed both hands against your abdomen, resting his head on your shoulder. Suddenly, you’d forgotten how to breathe.
“Keep this tight,” he whispered in your ear. You nodded. Seconds before the lyrics started, he stepped away, and you began dancing.
After your lesson, once the rest of the class had filtered out, you hung around to catch Yugyeom. He noticed you waiting and walked over. You tried your best to ignore the fact that your heart fluttered in your chest as he approached.
“Hey, y/n. How are you enjoying this semester?”
You swallowed. “It’s - good. I’m really settling in.”
He smiled. “Did you go to the ball?”
“Yeah. I did. Why didn’t you? I thought everyone went.”
His smile vanished. You wished you could take the words back, but it was too late.
“It’s not your place to be asking me that,” he murmured. You felt colour rise to your cheeks.
“I’m sorry. I just - it was an amazing night, that’s all.”
“I’m glad. I’ll see you around, yeah?” He turned to walk to the door, but you couldn’t let him go that easily.
He turned. “Uh-huh?” “Do you - do you wanna get a drink? Like on Friday night? As friends, you’re my teacher obviously, but I know you’re new, and -”
He cut off your rambling with a smile. “I’d love to. Give me your phone and I’ll put in my number.”
You noticed that your hands were shaking slightly as you handed him your phone, but you both pretended to ignore it. He smiled.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous. It’s OK, I don’t bite.”
You knew you were going to regret saying it, but you said it anyway.
“No? What a shame.”
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
thanks for the tag @halwanoori!! please don’t judge my handwriting everyone 😂 if you see this post, do the tag and tag me because i’m super curious to see what everyone’s handwriting looks like!💖
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
stamina | jinyoung x reader
Pairing: jinyoung x reader
Words: 1k
Summary: proving people wrong is your favourite thing to do. If cocky, handsome Jinyoung thinks he can win a race against you, well, then it’s your job to prove him wrong.
Note: hello lovely readers! I bring an interruption in my constant updates of “polarity” (linked in my masterlist if you haven’t yet had a chance to read it) to bring you a oneshot based on an amazing request from @brittbrat2017 - i hope you all enjoy it <3
As usual, you were early.
From a young age, you’d been taught that being early created a good impression - so you made an effort to be early to every single competition.
This competition was different, though. You were up against the best riders from all over the nation. The fact that you’d even got to this level of competing was crazy to you, and despite getting to the track so early, nerves were already fluttering in your stomach.
Once your horse, Pearl, was settled and comfortable, you felt a little calmer and started to walk around, trying to scope the competition as everyone arrived.
You were standing with a group of girls who seemed to all be as nervous as you were, before seeing a tall boy leading his horse on the other side of the field. As he came closer, you realised that he was gorgeous. More specifically, he was exactly your type. Tall, with amazing body proportions and broad shoulders, he had high cheekbones, deep dark eyes and full lips.
One of the girls standing with you nudged you, snapping you out of your haze. “Forget it. That’s Park Jinyoung.”
You nearly spat out the sip of coffee you’d just taken from the Thermos you were nervously holding. “As in the Park Jinyoung?”
“Yeah,” interjected another girl. “You know - winner of every national competition Korea’s held in the last four years, rich CEO parents, and drop-dead gorgeous. Don’t go there. Especially after losing a competition to him.”
You quirked an eyebrow. “How d’you know I’m going to lose?”
She laughed, but it was out of pity more than anything. “Like I said, he’s won every national competition held in the past four years. You might be good, but he’s definitely better.”
Your eyes didn’t leave him as he led his horse into the stable. A sudden burst of confidence found you walking over to the stable and leaning over the gate. He straightened up from where he had been checking his horse’s shoes and glanced you up and down.
If only he wasn’t quite this attractive.
“Jinyoung, right?”
He nodded. “And you are..?”
There was an awkward silence. His horse winnined and he turned around to pat it.
“So why are you here? Scouting the competition?”
You laughed. “Yeah.”
He stepped closer to you. The two of you were practically nose-to-nose. Suddenly you’d forgotten how to breathe.
“I never lose a competition,” he half-whispered. “So don’t even try.”
With that, he stepped away and resumed checking over his horse.
Wow. This boy. The girls you’d been talking to earlier had tried to warn you, but you hadn’t realised what an asshole he was. They were right, it was better to stay away.
But you really, really, really didn’t want to.
Over the speaker system, the racers were advised to bring their horses to the track in preparation for the race. Normally, nerves would have been kicking in by now, but today you weren’t letting them. You had to win this competition. Not for the trophy or even the cash prize that was boasted of being a national winner, but simply to wipe that smirk off Jinyoung’s face. For some reason, that gave you more motivation than anything.
Pearl picked up on your nerves, unable to stand still as you mounted her and waiting for the race to begin. You patted her side, leaning close to whisper soothing words in her ear. You had faith in her. She’d never let you down yet. On the other side of the long line of racers, you could just about see Jinyoung. He was watching you. The second he realised you could see him, though, he looked away, instead focusing on the track ahead.
And then the race was starting and you no longer had time to think about anything but the track in front of you and the ground underneath you.
You were in perfect harmony with Pearl, the two of you gliding over the ground, her almost singing with the excitement of racing. Gently, you eased her forwards, picking up the pace. The other racers fell behind you. It was just you, Pearl, the wind whipping past your face - and one other racer, matching you neck and neck.
Jinyoung, obviously. You knew he wasn’t going to give in that easily. Turning your head to the side for a fraction of a second, you saw him leaning forwards, trying to pick up the speed, as his horse ploughed on. You were a couple of inches in front of him, and you used that to your full advantage.
“Come on, baby,” you muttered to Pearl, and her ears twitched. With that, you pulled on the reigns yet again and she jolted forwards, perhaps going faster than she’d ever gone before. The finish line was approaching steadily. Jinyoung was now a couple of metres behind you. If only it could stay like that -
And you were over the finish line, letting go of the reigns. Pearl slowed and stopped. In only a couple of seconds Jinyoung was over the finish line too, but that didn’t matter. You’d beaten him. Slowly, you could feel a smile begin to spread over your face.
The other racers finished, too, and you climbed off Pearl and stroked her nose, making a mental note to find some treats for her later as a reward. You’d won.
A tap on your shoulder had you turning around to see Jinyoung in all his sweaty, exhausted glory. To your surprise, he was smiling.
“So,” he said, hesitantly. “I guess I was wrong to make assumptions. Congratulations.”
You grinned. “Thanks. I do love proving people wrong.”
He sighed dramatically, and with an exaggerated flourish pulled out his phone.
“Can I get your number?”
“What? Why?” the moment those questions had left your mouth, you regretted asking them. Idiot.
“Because not only are you the best racer here, but you’re also the prettiest.”
You laughed, and took his phone to type your number in. “Glad to see you’re right about some things.”
82 notes · View notes
softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader; iv (m)
pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 1.2k
one two three four five six
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
WARNING: this chapter contains smut! (although it’s not with who you think it is...) dirty talk, blowjob, making out, swallowing, um I think that’s it anyway enjoy <3
You’d both agreed that arriving late was definitely better than arriving early, and had waiting about ten minutes after the ball’s official start to leave the apartment and make your way there. As you approached the entrance of the hall where it was being help, you felt nerves curl in your stomach. Just before Lisa went through the door, you pulled her aside.
“Lisa,” you hissed, not wanting the people around you to hear you. She blinked in surprise. You’d seemed so confident all this time.
“This is a terrible idea. He’s a teacher, for God’s sake. This was all a mistake. Fuck.”
To your surprise, you felt tears sting your eyes. You blinked furiously, not allowing them to destroy your makeup.
She slapped you. Just a small slap on your arm, but it shocked you. You looked up from the ground to her face and to say that she looked unimpressed was an understatement.
“Y/n, you look beautiful, anyone with a working pair of eyeballs can see that Yugyeom gives you sex eyes every time you’re in the same room, and anyway, it’s the most glamorous night of the year. You’re going to go in there and have him dropping to his knees at the pure sight of you.”
You laughed, but she didn’t miss the quiver in your voice. She softened.
“Let’s do a deal. We’ll split up once we enter, as we agreed, and I’ll come and find you in half an hour. If you want to go back to your apartment, then as much as I want go be going back with Jaehyun tonight, I’ll go back with you, and we can order pizza and watching Brooklyn 99 and bitch about how dumb boys are. That sound good?”
You nodded, love for Lisa flooding your body. “I don’t deserve a friend like you.”
“Yes, you do!” She called over her shoulder, already walking towards the hall’s entrance.
Taking a deep breath, you followed her.
The inside of the hall was practically unrecognisable. Strings of fairy lights decorated every available surface, pastel balloons covered the ceiling, and soft music played as people entered. Clearly, the two of you weren’t the only ones who’d had the idea of arriving late. You scanned the room, spotting Jaehyun standing with two boys whose names might have been Mark and Johnny if you’d remembered rightly. Lisa had definitely picked right - he looked amazing in a suit and tie. Not allowing yourself to be distracted, you continued looking around, searching for Yugyeom. He was nowhere to be seen.
For the second time that night, you felt tears well up in your eyes. You couldn’t believe you’d dragged yourself out to a dreaded social event for him to not even be there. Where was Lisa? You could see her making her way towards Jaehyun, sitting down next to him and placing a hand casually on his thigh as she leaned in to talk to him. Her flirting game was one to be envied.
You gathered together the tiny amount of confidence you still had and began to walk towards her -
Not seeing the man who was standing a little to your left, who you promptly walked straight into, causing his champagne flute to be knocked out of his hand.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.” You mumbled, and the tears finally began to spill. This night couldn’t get any worse. He picked up the pieces of glass on the floor, tossed them onto the nearest table and finally lifted his eyes to yours.
And Jesus Christ was he attractive. Why did you have a habit of running directly into stupidly attractive men? Seeing your tear-stained face, he stepped back to a respectful distance. You cast an eye over to Lisa’s table. She hadn’t noticed a thing and was still staring into Jaehyun’s eyes. Oh, well - at least she wouldn’t tease you about it in the morning.
“I’m sorry,” you said, again. He laughed quietly.
“I’m Kai.”
“I-I’m y/n. And I’m having the worst night of my life.”
“Yeah, this party kinda sucks. Wanna go outside and get some air?”
You nodded, and he led you out through a back door which you hadn’t known existed. He sat down on a bench on the pathway leading back to the university apartments and patted the space next to him. You sat down. You could smell his cologne, and it was slightly dizzying.
“So, why exactly has this been the worst night of your life?”
You took a deep breath, and told him everything. How you’d been crushing on Yugyeom since first setting eyes on him, how much you hated social events, and how he hadn’t even turned up. Kai was silent for the entire story, but winced slightly at the mention of Yugyeom’s apparent abandonment of the event. Once you finished, he finally spoke.
“Sounds pretty shitty. If it makes you feel any better, my date also didn’t show up. So I was alone too when you, uh, found me.”
You could have laughed. “Apparently I have a habit of running directly into people.”
Shit. Was the alcohol you’d consumed before leaving the apartment really having such an effect on you? You felt more confident than you had done maybe ever. Desperately, you tried to cast your mind back to watching Lisa flirt so effortlessly. What had she done?
Kai didn’t once take his eyes off you as you trailed your fingertips gently up his leg.
“Wanna keep me company for a while?” You breathed.
He leaned over and cupped your jaw gently in one hand, slowly pressing his lips to yours. Something inside you was awakened, and you suddenly wanted more. A lot more.
You kissed him back, opening your mouth to allow his tongue to explore, and found yourself moaning into the kiss.
You were the last person on earth to find yourself making out with a stranger. This was slightly unbelievable.
He settled his hands around your waist and pulled you onto his lap. He was hard underneath you, and kissing you with more fervor now. You began kissing his neck, harder and harder, gently biting and sucking, and he threw his head back and groaned, ignoring the fact that there would definitely be marks in the morning.
You found yourself wondering if you were going to end up having sex. You hadn’t had sex in about a year, but right now there was nothing you wanted more.
“Fuck,” he gasped as you bit down on his neck gently while rubbing your hand in slow circles over his erection. Leaning over to his ear, you whispered, “Can I suck your cock?” He nodded, and you slipped down to kneel on the ground in between his legs. You looked up at him in what you hoped was a seductive manner through your eyelashes as you unzipped his slacks and pulled down his underwear, allowing his cock to spring free.
At least you could remember the technique for giving a blowjob. You wrapped your hand around the base of his cock and ran your tongue lightly over the head, causing him to emit another groan. That was enough prompting for you to gain more confidence; you started sucking, finding yourself completely lost in the motion.
“I’m gonna come,” he gasped, and you sat back with your mouth open wide as he released into it. You swallowed daintily, and crawled back onto his lap, ready for more.
Just as he reattached his lips to yours, though, the door the two of you had left the hall out of slammed open, and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
“Oh crap. Um - bye.” Lisa practically sprinted from the scene. It was at this moment you realised it had clearly been half an hour.
82 notes · View notes
softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader; iii
pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 0.4k 
one two three four five six
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
The sudden, loud knock at the door made you jump out of your skin.
Upon opening the door you were enveloped with a hug that was all silk bathrobe, Miss Dior and giggles. Lisa pulled away, beaming, and looked you up and down. Her brow furrowed as she took in your sweatpants, oversized t-shirt and fluffy slippers.
“Ok, y/n, we have approximately two hours to turn into ball-ready princesses. Luckily for you, I’ve turned up fully ready -” she batted her eyelashes, showing off sparkly lids and false lashes “- and all I need to do is get into my dress. You, on the other hand, are going to need some work.”
You laughed, not even trying to protest, and Lisa set down the bag containing her dress as well as a small suitcase containing more makeup than you’d ever seen in one place in your life, and got to work pretty quickly.
Fast-forward a couple of hours and the two of you were wiggling into your dresses while SHINee played in the background. Empty wine glasses stood forgotten on the table. You’d been so nervous about seeing Yugyeom that Lisa had decided to get you sufficiently tipsy. Well, both of you tipsy.
Lisa finished zipping up her dress and the two of you observed your reflections in the full-length mirror. Admittedly, you both looked great. Lisa had somewhat of a magic touch when it came to makeup.
She was wearing a full-length black dress with a high neck and straps, a slit in the leg revealing a pale slice of skin. You’d opted for white to contrast, wearing a tight-fitting mid-thigh-length dress with a low v-neck. Both of you were wearing heels that matched the dresses.
She’d really worked wonders with your makeup, choosing deep red lipstick, winged eyeliner and glowing cheekbones. You couldn’t help but think to yourself that if this look didn’t entrance Yugyeom, then nothing would.
You turned around to see Lisa pouring herself another glass of wine while bopping her head to the music. It had become evidence quite a while ago that your neighbours were SHINee fans too, as you hadn’t yet received any complaints despite playing music at full volume through your sound system.
“Are you trying to get drunk before you even get there, Li?!” you exclaimed, watching her practically down the entire glass.
“I can’t help it!” She giggled, hiccuping. “I’m nervous. Jaehyun’s been sending me mixed signals ever since the start of the semester. What if I’m getting dressed up for nothing?”
You grabbed her face, forcing her to stare into your eyes. “Lisa. If Jaehyun doesn’t want to take you home with him the second he sees you in that dress, then he’s gay.” She giggled again. “Let’s go,” you winked, grabbed your clutch and turned the music off. “We have some boys to impress.”
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
thank you so much for 200 followers my loves! 💖
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
this was the best birthday present EVER thank you so so much kira 😭💗 i literally screamed reading this like why is jaebum trying to bias wreck me so hard?!? your writing is beautiful thank youuuuu
Road to Ruin
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Jaebum x Reader
Description: You may or may not have a thing for your roommate’s best friend.
(Happy birthday @softlyjackson !!! I hope you enjoy the fic! ❤️❤️❤️)
“For the fiftieth time, I am not going out with you, Jaebum,” you exhale through your nose, covering your eyes with your palms, too used to this situation every time you two are alone, “I’ll say it once more loud and clear. I’m not interested. Got it?”
“No, I didn’t quite catch that, Y/n. Could you repeat yourself please?” Jaebum grins at your obvious annoyance as he leans back in the sofa, sitting in all of his dark haired, pierced ears, punk tee and beautiful smile glory.
Typically you would have struck up a conversation about his Ramones “Road to Ruin” band shirt- the album being one of your favourites.
Since it’s Jaebum, however, you’d rather not give him another reason to interact with you.
“Go away,” you groan, face down on your arm resting on the table, and when he laughs your heart does the tiniest leap.
“That’s no way to treat your guests now is it?”
“You’re Mark’s guest,” you say referring to your roommate who was currently playing video games with his friend Youngjae, “not mine.”
“Well I’m talking to you aren’t I?”
“Yeah, why is that? Go play Call of Duty or whatever, I’m busy,” You continue to write your assignment and when he doesn’t move his gaze from your face you huff out angrily. “Mark, tell Jaebum to leave me alone!”
“Leave her alone, Jaeb- Oh, crap! Go left, Youngjae!” His eyes remained glued to the screen, furiously working his controller and not paying any attention to you- this causes Jaebum to laugh at you.
“Traitor,” you mutter, throwing your rubber at Mark and wincing when it hits the back of Youngjae’s head instead making him cry out in indignation.
“Ow, Y/n!” He chucks it back, missing wildly for fear of not wanting to be distracted from the virtual game.
“Sorry,” you laugh, getting up to retrieve the rubber which is now conveniently on the other side of the room.
“I’ll get it,” Jaebum pipes up and you sit back down seeing as he’s closer to it.
“So what’s your assignment about?” He sets the rubber down and sits next to you on the table instead of his previous spot on the sofa.
“Some literature question on Jane Austen,” you explain, surprised that he’s actually taking an interest.
“Hm, sounds boring,” he crinkles his nose cutely and at this moment you realise how different his personality is from his appearance.
“Not everyone’s a cool music major like you,” you say with a mocking smile.
Dismissing this with a brief laugh, Jaebum then prompts to ask you a question that catches you off guard.
“Hey, why do you pretend that you don’t like me?” Tilting his head, he mutters the words quietly which contrasts the other boys’ yelling.
“I don’t know what you mean,” the sentence comes out of your mouth way too fast for even you to believe it is true. Lying straight through your teeth, you stare hard at your paper.
“And I don’t believe that for a second,” he scoffs.
There is a minute of silence where Jaebum patiently waits, and you don’t know what to say.
“Look,” you sigh, “you don’t want anything serious, I’ve heard the rumours. Do not even try and defend yourself, Im Jaebum. We both know they’re true,” you chuckle at his wide eyed expression when he opens his mouth ready to interrupt. “And you’re also Mark’s roommate and I don’t want a situation where you have to stop coming over and Mark gets upset.”
“How do you know I don’t want anything serious with you? You haven’t even given me a chance yet,” his voice sounds genuine to your ears, but you really can’t tell if he has mastered the art of fabricating lies in order to get girls on their knees and in his bed with just a couple of words and a change in expression.
“You must have noticed I haven’t been like that recently,” he raises an eyebrow and you have to give him that. He really hasn’t been up to his usual habits these days- a peculiar fact that you and Mark have discussed and are very confused about. “I want to try with you, Y/n, why can’t you do the same?”
“I-I don’t…” you hesitate, not used to Jaebum’s usually chill and carefree persona suddenly being serious. He may be completely willing to try but you’re not willing to get your heart broken when you’re so young.
Especially when you already know you feel something for your roommate’s best friend.
“It’s getting late and I have class tomorrow,” you gather all your things, standing up.
“You’re going to sleep already, Y/n?” Mark finally diverts his attention to you and frowns.
“Yeah, I’m really tired,” you yawn, not having to lie about this after staying awake late the night before.
“Okay, but are you coming to the party tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I said I would,” you smile at him, “goodnight,” you say to him and Youngjae and they do the same before going back to their virtual violence.
“I’ll see you at the party tomorrow,” Jaebum smiles, looking content rather than smug and you curse inwardly. You should have expected him to have been planning to go there.
“Yeah, uh, I guess,” you nod awkwardly as you turn away walking to your room. As you shut the door, you scowl at yourself for being so obvious and collapse on your bed trying not to think too much.
“Woah, you look good, Y/n,” Mark observes as you walk out of your room wearing a mid-thigh oversized t-shirt you found in Mark’s room that passes as a dress paired with some fishnets and combat boots.
“Aw, thank you,” you smile brightly at him, “a real improvement from my recent state of a coffee dependent, barely surviving, exhausted life form.”
“You and Jaebum would be really good together,” he remarks, sounding surprisingly innocent.
“Just because I’m wearing your Guns N’ Roses shirt and he’s into the same type of music?” You try for nonchalant as you roll your eyes.
“Erm, no, that’s not actually my-“ He’s cut off by your phone notifying you with a text that your best friend Hyojin is outside.
“She’s here, let’s go,” you motion towards the door, prompting Mark to get up.
Taking a seat in the front, Mark in the back, Hyojin starts the car.
“You look nice,” Hyojin smirks and you know what’s coming next won’t be anything good. “Is all of this for a certain black-haired punk enthusiast who’s also coming to this party?”
“First of all, shut up before I destroy your tires,” this sends her cackling, “second of all- I don’t need to have someone to impress. Maybe I just want to look nice,” you say truthfully.
“Hang on,” Mark speaks up. “That description sounds awfully familiar.”
“Now look what you’ve done, you wench,” glare at Hyojin who snorts.
“Everyone knows there’s something there except Mark- he never pays any attention to his surroundings.”
“Excuse me,” Mark points a finger to Hyojin, “I’ve been told my vacant expression is adorable.”
“Very adorable,” you giggle along with your best friend.
“We’re getting off track here. You like Jaebum?” Mark leans forward in his seat so his face is next to your headrest.
“Yeah,” you mumble, not bothering to hide anything.
“Huh,” he leans back and returns to his phone.
“Is that… all you have to say?” You ask.
“Yeah, you guys have similar interests. I can see it happening,” he shrugs, making you want to pull on your hair in frustration.
You almost wanted him to be against it.
“Honestly, Y/n,” Hyojin sighs, pulling up to park, “You’re the only one who’s against this just because you’re scared of getting hurt.”
“Why would you be scared?” Mark looks up sounding baffled. “He’s a great guy and doesn’t even fuck around anymore if that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I don’t know, I just don’t want to make it weird,” you unbuckle your seatbelt and get out of the car as the other two do the same. “We’ll just see where it goes.”
“Forgetting about him, our mission is to make you as drunk as possible,” she grabs your hand and pulls you into the house after Mark departs to find his friends.
You wait in the kitchen drumming your fingers on the counter. A few minutes later, Hyojin returns balancing four cups somehow, filled with a liquid that you don’t even bother to ask about.
“Drink up,” she thrusts a cup into your hands, tipping back her own.
“Wow,” your expression gives away the burning in your throat from the first large gulp you take- which seems to be a mistake.
“Ah, fuck it,” you take an even larger swig.
“I know you wanna be drunk, Y/n, but slow down a little,” Hyojin’s voice is already a little shaky due to her being more susceptible to alcohol out of the two of you.
Ignoring her, you grab the other cup starting on that one too.
“Hey, I’m going to go find Youngjae,” Hyojin sets her cup down with a determined look, “he’s cute and I won’t have the courage to do this sober. Wish me luck!” And with that she stumbles away back into the party not waiting for a response.
Picking up Hyojin’s second cup which she left unfinished, you don’t hesitate before draining it.
“Good enough,” you say to yourself walking out of the kitchen.
Through your tipsy haze, you spot Jaebum leaning against a wall on the other side of the room and your first thought is to head towards him.
“Hey,” you look up at the taller boy who seems surprised that you’ve come to him.
“Y/n,” Jaebum’s face breaks out into a smile, instantly making yours do the same.
He has such a beautiful smile
“So do you,” he tries to hold his laughter in and you realise with a jolt that you said this out loud.
You avert your gaze downwards to look at your boots- until you hear him speak again.
“I like your shirt by the way.”
“Thanks,” you say, “It’s actually Mark’s.”
“No,” he drags the word out, a smirk forming on his face, “I don’t think it is.”
“What… what do you mean?” Your voice changing to a whisper as he leans forward.
“It’s my shirt.”
Your eyes widen and you suddenly want to hit yourself.
Of course. Mark doesn’t even listen to Guns N’ Roses!
“Oh,” you don’t exactly know what to say, “you… must have, uh, left it. When you…”
“When I stayed over, yeah,” he finished your drunken sentence.
“Don’t worry. My clothes look good on you,” the corner of his mouth turns up along with his eyes sparkling with amusement and something else you can’t quite figure out.
His compliments don’t seem to be the influence of alcohol considering his completely calm and sober posture.
“Do you have anyone giving you a lift home by the way? You seem kind of out of it,” Jaebum concernedly asks.
“Stop it,” you say quietly.
“Stop what?” The cute little laugh that escapes his lips along with his confused look makes you pout even more.
“Stop being genuinely worried. Sto-stop being.. a nice guy. You’re going to make me like you even more than I already do,” you sniff.
You may have had too much to drink.
This stops him in his tracks and you figure that now is the chance to do it whilst he’s shut up.
You grab him by the collar of his plain white tee and pull him forward to crash his lips against yours.
You’d like to say it was the best kiss of your life.
But to tell the truth you don’t remember anything after the first thirty seconds of moving your lips against his own in your sloppy, desperate and very drunken state.
You only remember waking up the next morning covering your eyes from the bright sun peeking through even though your eyes were already closed.
Why did you have to listen to your best friend and get drunk?
Pressing your fingers to your temples, you turn around to realise that your face is planted in something hard and solid and most definitely not your duvet.
Fingers groping around, you crack one eye open and see a blurry figure laying in your bed.
Scrambling to sit up, you wildly look around to notice that this is not your bed or your room and yes, there is someone in the bed with you.
Someone shirtless and with the name and face of Im Jaebum.
Looking down slowly, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding since you’re wearing all of your clothes from yesterday.
“Morning,” Jaebum’s husky voice sounds from next to you.
“Uh,” your throat suddenly feels dry, “morning?”
“Do you remember any of last night,” Jaebum asks, stretching his sleep away, causing his arm muscles to ripple slightly and you hesitate before answering.
“Nope,” you fake memory loss and ask the question that’s been bugging you, “so why am I in your bed, Jaebum?”
“Right,” he sniggers at your panicked stare, “well since you don’t remember anything, I’ll fill you in.”
“You kissed me-“
“Huh, really? Did not remember that at all. Are you sure I did th- that?” You falter, following your sentence with nervous laughter.
“Yes, Y/n, I’m certain,” he shakes his head at you, “and then afterwards you kinda passed out on me and I didn’t want Mark to go home early so I told him I’d take you.”
Shrugging, he gets up and makes his way to the bathroom, throwing a shirt on.
“There’s a spare toothbrush in the bedside by the way.”
“Wait, why are you being so nonchalant about this, we need to talk,” you say reluctantly.
“What’s there to talk about? You like me and I like you,” his endearing smile makes an appearance again and you think that its way too early in the morning to be feeling like this.
“I-I was drunk,” you shake your head, cheeks warm before Jaebum rolls his eyes, cutting you off.
“Were you honestly lying?” He asks you seriously.
“No,” you sigh.
“Then why are you so scared?” He laughs gently, sitting on the edge of the bed, “just give me one chance and after that I’ll stop asking for more. I promise.”
You stay quiet for a few seconds.
“Okay,” you agree in a low voice.
“Okay?” Jaebum grins at you wanting confirmation.
“Yeah, on one condition though” you force yourself to adopt an unsmiling expression.
“Anything,” he hasn’t stopped smiling.
“I’m keeping your shirt.”
“Deal,” he chuckles, taking your hand.
You beam at him, glancing at his twinkling eyes having a strong feeling that this could work.
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
thank you so much gorgeous. 😭💗
happy birthday to me!💗
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
happy birthday to me!💗
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader; ii
pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 0.8k
one two three four five six
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
The next morning, the mysterious guy you’d met last night didn’t even cross your mind as you woke up, combed mascara through your lashes and headed to the studio, eating a granola bar while walking. Lisa was waiting outside for you, and as you approached she looked up from her phone.
“Y/n!” she yelled, excitedly.
“Lisa! It’s eight in the morning. Inside voice, please.” She covered her mouth with one hand to stop herself speaking, animatedly bouncing from side to side. It was clear she needed to tell you something.
“Fine. What is it?”
“We have a new teacher. Miss Park’s finally gone on maternity leave and I saw the new guy this morning. We’re in for a treat.” She winked before grabbing your hand and leading you inside.
You nearly dropped the remaining half of your granola bar upon seeing the man leaning against the mirror talking to one of your classmates. It was the same man you’d barrelled into at full force last night.
Lisa giggled at your reaction. Surveying the room, you quickly noticed that all female dancers in your class were clustered at the back, giggling and whispering. You weren’t the only one who he had this effect on, clearly.
“OK, everybody!” He called, and the chattering in the room ceased instantly. “My name’s Mr Kim, but you guys can call me Yugyeom. I’ll be taking these classes for the rest of the semester as your previous teacher has gone on maternity leave. I hope that’s OK with everyone.”
Someone at the back of the classroom whispered, “It’s sure as hell OK with me,” and a giggle echoed around the room. Wisely, Yugyeom chose to ignore it. “Right, let’s go around and everyone can introduce themselves.” He scanned the room, looking for somewhere to start. To your simultaneous shock and horror, his eyes landed calmly on yours.
“We’ll start with you.”
You quickly realised that everyone in the room was waiting for you to say something. “OK. Um. Hi. My name is y/n.”
Yugyeom smiled, his eyes never once leaving yours. “We’ve met before, I believe.”
You could feel your face grow warm as you slowly nodded. The girl standing next to you began to introduce herself, and his line of eyesight changed to settle on her. Suddenly you were no longer the focus of attention and you felt intensely relieved.
The second class was over, Lisa all but sprinted over to you while you were packing up your stuff, ready to leave. “How do you know Mr Tall, Dark and Handsome?!” she whispered.
“I don’t know know him. We ran into each other last night. Like, physically.”
Lisa gasped. “What does he smell like?”
You laughed, casting a quick glance around the room to make sure he wasn’t within hearing distance. Yugyeom was on the other side of the room, retrieving his iPhone from where it had spent the class, plugged into the sound system.
“That’s a weird question, Li. What’s the big deal anyway? He’s not even that cute.”
She raised her eyebrows, but you weren’t finished.
“Plus, he’s a teacher. That automatically makes him a million times less attractive.”
“He’s only a year older than us!” She protested. Then she smiled knowingly. “I bet you’re just trying to cover up your attraction to him. Odds on I find you two making out in a cupboard at the ball or something.” She laughed delightedly before skipping away, just before she could realise just how right she was about you attempting to cover up your attraction to him.
Besides, you’d completely forgotten about the ball. It was a tradition at your university for a ball to begin the first semester of the year. All students and teachers were invited for a night of over-dressing, drinking and dancing. It was where all the scandals of the year took place, and it set the tone for how your relationships with everyone at the university were going to pan out for that year. As it was your first year there, you’d never been before.
Shit. Yugyeom was definitely going to be at the ball. The thought of him in a suit made you feel slightly dizzy.
That being said, you realised that despite over-packing on ballet shoes, leggings and toothpaste before you’d left for that semester, a ball gown hadn’t been something you’d thought to bring. The ball had been advertised in the pamphlet about the school that had arrived through the letterbox in the weeks before you’d left for the academic year, but it hadn’t even crossed your mind that you’d want to go.
“Lisa!” you yelled, and the tiny figure in the distance turned around and began walking back towards you. Once she reached normal talking distance, you said it.
“Wanna go ball gown shopping?”
She raised and eyebrow, and you sighed.
“I have somebody to impress.”
73 notes · View notes
softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
polarity | yugyeom x reader: i
pairing: yugyeom x reader
genre: smut
words in this chapter: 0.6k
one two three four five six
summary: life as a dance major in one of seoul’s most prestigious dance academies isn’t what you expected. from being constantly overshadowed by your beautiful, popular best friend to falling pretty hard for one of your teachers, your first semester is a wild ride from start to finish.
WRITER’S NOTE: hi loves i’m finally back with another fic! yugyeom is one of my long-time bias-wreckers and the one thing everyone associates him with is dance, so i played on that idea… and this was the result. i hope you all enjoy this fic and please continue to support me. thank you so much!
Once you’d actually gotten into the academy, you’d thought that the worst was behind you.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Back in your hometown, you’d been the best dancer anyone knew - because you were the only dancer. But upon moving to Seoul and enrolling in a course with a hundred or so of the best dancers from around Korea, you quickly realised that while you were good, there were other students who were far better.
And that’s how you ended up stuck in a cycle of overwork and stress - staying at the studio once everyone had gone home to perfect choreography or go over anything you’d learnt that day, declining invites to parties so you could stay at home and revise your course. You’d barely even found time to make friends, sitting time and time again at lunch with a girl from your contemporary class. You were the only two students who’d moved to the academy outside Seoul - you from a tiny village near Busan and her from Thailand - and she was easy to warm to. On your first day she’d positively bounced up to you, exclaiming, “Hi! My name is Lisa! You are..?” She was beautiful, with full lips and a slim frame, and you couldn’t help but feel a stab of jealousy whenever the two of you walked past a group of guys and they couldn’t tear their eyes away.
You constantly told yourself that you didn’t care, anyway. Boys your age tended to be immature and foolish. You were only nineteen; in your philosophy, boys didn’t grow up until they were at least twenty.
With a sigh, you pushed open the door of the studio. As always, you were playing loud music through your earbuds and scrolling through your Twitter feed, completely unaware of your surroundings, which is why you didn’t notice that, unlike normal, the studio light was already on. And that was how you walked straight into someone.
You pulled your earbuds out, a hurried apology already forming on your lips, before falling silent upon seeing the boy standing in front of you. He was tall, with long, sinewy limbs, dressed simply in sweatpants and a black tank, sweat glinting on his cheeks, clearly from just dancing. His hair was slightly wavy and his fringe was messy and tousled, and in his dark eyes was an unmistakable sparkle that, right at that moment, you knew wouldn’t be leaving your mind anytime soon.
“Shit, I’m sorry!” he exclaimed, stepping backwards.
“No, no, it was my fault, I -” you decided to stop before stumbling on your words. A hesitant smile formed on his lips.
“Well, I’ll let you go into the studio. I’m done now. I’ll see you around though.”
He walked towards the door, throwing an easy smile over his shoulder before heading outside.
It took a few moments after his exit for you to realise just how quickly your heart had been beating. You headed through to the studio to begin practising the choreography you’d learned that day, but his playful eyes just wouldn’t leave your head. Despite wanting to do the best you could that semester, a large part of you really, really wanted to run into him again. Although perhaps not physically next time.
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
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a moodboard for POLARITY (yugyeom x reader), stay tuned...
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softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
i’m speechless
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366 notes · View notes
softlyjackson-blog · 6 years
you guys had better go and support kira’s new fic even if she stole my idea for it (i’m kidding, it’s amazing! show her some love!)
Tension Part 1
Secret Agent!Jeongguk x Secret Agent!Reader
Description: You’re one of the best undercover agents of your age. But then again, so is Jeongguk, which is something your pride doesn’t seem to be able to accept.
Moodboard masterlist
Prologue | 1 | 
“Have you found him yet?” The quiet static of Namjoon’s voice rings in your ear making you set down your glass on the counter with a harsh thud.
“Namjoon,” you hiss, breaking your unbothered facade for the first time tonight, “it’s been five times you’ve asked me this question. I️ will tell you when I️ see him!”
Ignoring his agitated sigh, you go back to scouting the room full of chattering individuals, looking for a man whose face you don’t even know.
“How are we even meant to tell who this ‘Jeon Jeongguk’ is?” You hear after a few seconds of Namjoon ruffling through some documents.
Keep reading
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