softmochiii33 · 4 years
"We're a team, remember?"
“Ugh,” a teenage boy sighed loud enough that his parents shifted their attention to him.
“Why, can’t I just move away from this stupid house!” a young Beomgyu yelled at his parents and there were water droplets forming around his eyes.
The sound of a smack was heard but it was so loud it made Beom Gyu’s head turned so fast the other way. There was a red mark of a hand on Beomgyu’s cheek. There were water droplets falling from Beomgyu’s face, he lowered his face down.
He ran towards his room; he locked the door and he approached his closet. He scattered through his closet, looking to find a backpack. He finally found it, he started picking up his clothes, undergarments, t-shirts, pants, and now he went into the bathroom to search for his tooth brush. He headed to his cabinet beside his bed that has a lamp on it. He grabbed an envelope that had some money and a paycheck which he worked for.
“Now, I need to jump off the window and have a normal life,” Beom Gyu breathed out of sarcastically.
He jumped off the moment he said that. He ran off from the house and went straight through the dark street he then again focused in where he was going. He kept looking everywhere, left and right to see if anyone was there.
Why can I hear footsteps everywhere?
Should I walk the other way?
Or should I just continue walking?
“Nah, I’ll just continue it’s not like I’m a scary cat!” I murmured to myself
The footsteps are getting louder every time I walk forward. There’s splashing everywhere from the rain. It’s like more than one person running but they’re getting closer to me but why at this kind of hour in the middle of the night?
“Ouch my chest. Wait, who are you? “a tall boy asked.
“Wait. Who are you??” another boy questioned as I turn to face him and look at him in the eyes. Damn his eyes are so bright from the moon.
“Are you a runaway?” this blonde hair boy said.
“Um. I think we all are?” a confused boy blurted out.
“Okay, first of all, shouldn’t we not trust each other? " I asked.
“And second of all, we should go somewhere like a hotel because I did not bring an umbrella and I am soaking wet!” I screeched.
“Erm, yeah I guess so? I only have 10000 won with me though,” the tall boy answered.
“I guess so, I have 15000 won,” this pink hair boy blurted.
“I have 23000 won I can use?” the blonde boy commented.
“Well, I have 35000 won I got from my allowance,” the tall brown hair boy concluded.
“I think that’s enough money but if it isn’t I’ll just add my 45500 won in and my paycheck!” I urged to say that.
Once I walk with them in the cold and dark streets, I notice that two of the boys have scars on their necks. I wonder what happened to them? Should I ask them? I don’t think I should, it might make them uncomfortable with sharing the story behind their scars and marks on their necks.
When we arrive a 6-story hotel, the hotel seemed pretty okay for a hotel. The shadows and the hotel sign are all I see where the hotel is at. We faced the receptionist and went towards him to book out a room or two.
“Hello! What kind of room are you looking for to book out?” the receptionist greeted at us with a smile that was showing his white teeth.
“Well, we’re looking for two rooms that connect to each other? And with three beds in a room and two in the other room!” I informed the receptionist. As he nodded his head then switching his attention to the computer in front of him as he started typing on the keyboard.
“Well, there is 553 and 552 available with the rooms you suggested,” he requested the room numbers as he looked straight into our eyes.
“We’ll take it! Thank you so much sir!” the brown hair tall boy thanked him as bowed to him.
“No problem, kiddo,” the receptionist replied
When we arrived at our signed rooms, I walked with the four boys. We split up so two and us three. We haven’t really talked so should I ask them some questions before we go to sleep?
As I, walk with the two boys who one has blonde hair with big beautiful brown eyes and one that is taller than me who has a shade of brown hair with eagle shaped eyes. Now when we entered the room, I went straight to the bathroom and I grabbed my backpack to get my clothes so I can take a shower. I grabbed a gray shirt with white stripes, black sweats and an oversized purple hoodie with the hood part white.
When the brown hair short boy ran off to the bathroom, I went straight towards the middle bed and I dropped my backpack on the bed. The blonde boy did the same thing and went to the furthest next to my bed by the window, he sat down on the bed and he took of his shoes placing them by the door.
“Uh,” I stuttered which made him look at me in the eyes with stars in his eyes. I got shocked by his stares, he looked at me down and up. He tilted his head in confusion.
“H-hello. Um, my name is Kai Kamal Huening! Nice to meet you~,” I bowed.
“Oh, nice to meet you Huening. My name is Taehyun, Kang Tae Hyun,” the blonde boy bowed too.
As I, was about to speak, the sound of the water was not heard anymore and so I thought the brown hair boy finished taking a shower. Once I grabbed my backpack, I got out my phone and went straight to the alarm app to put my alarm for tomorrow.
The bathroom door opened and the brown hair boy came out fresh with a towel while he was drying his hair with it. There were droplets of water dripping off his hair wetting his hoodie. His hair covering his brown eyes.
“Oh, hello there. I’m Choi Beom Gyu, nice to meet you two.” He greeted us with a smile.
“I’m Huening Kai, nice to meet you too Beom Gyu!” I smiled at him.
“I am Kang Tae Hyun, nice to meet you too Beom Gyu.” Tae Hyun introduced him to Beom Gyu.
“I’m guessing we should go to sleep, since you guys probably have to go somewhere tomorrow and I’m a trainee so I have to sleep now,” I stated.
Their eyes got bigger and then they stared at me like they were shocked. Then they looked at each other in the eyes like they were speaking each other through their eyes. Their hair flipping once they turned back to look at me in eyes. Now I’m starting to sweat because of the nervousness.
“Uh, are you guys, okay-” I got interrupted by Beom Gyu.
“You’re a trainee too??” Beom Gyu suddenly interrupted me while pointing at me.
“Oh yeah, at Big Hit entertainment,” I concluded.
“Why? Are you guys trainees too??” I replied.
“Yeah, I’m a trainee at Big Hit entertainment too,” Tae Hyun responded.
As we went to sleep, Taehyun turned off the light of all the rooms and it was already 10’olcock. The rain droplets are heard splashing on the windows and on the roof.
When I was trying to sleep, the water faucet turned off and I flinched by the sound of the bathroom door opening. The light got turned off so I lifted up my head to see who it was. It was Taehyun, his eyes bigger once he noticed me awake. 
“Hey, why are you still up?!” He half yelled and whispered.
“I couldn’t sleep because of the rain,” I whispered back.
His mouth made an ‘O’.
He grabbed his backpack and searched for something. He grabbed out a pair of earbuds. He went to me and handed them to me.
“Here,” he handed them to me.
“What about yourself?” I questioned him.
“Oh,” he chuckled as he put his hand on his chin.
“Um, what about we share your bed together so we can share an earbud each?” he exclaimed to me while looking at me in the eyes.
“Uh, okay...” I said as my eyes grew wide.
Once I finished my sentence, he sat on bed then laid next to me kind of close. He faced me while handing me an earbud and placed the blanket on top of us. As we closed our eyes, I can hear his slow breath which made me flustered.
“All five of us met at the Big Hit company when we found out we were trainees there. Although we didn't know each other enough we still considered each other as family so we decided to be group and debut with each other. We got accepted and now we’re are a group called ‘Tomorrow by Together’. All five of us have one dream and we love our Moa!” Beomgyu declared to Moa, their fans.
“Hope we’ll be together tomorrow too Moa, all together, Fighting!”
Well I forgot to upload this on txt's anniversary on here. So here you go. Enjoy!
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softmochiii33 · 4 years
I don't see no difference
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Too adorable. My heart-
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