softweebqueen · 4 years
🌻 Guess who is working on a Kirishima piece even though she should be sleeping. That’s right. It’s me. I’m so tired. At this point I’m just typing word vomit. 🌻
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softweebqueen · 4 years
What kind of requests do you do? Like what fsndoms/characters/types of requests?
🌻 I pretty much only write for BNHA. I will do just about any character, I think? I will take any sort of request really. And the characters have to be aged up. Whether it be a college au or not, all characters will be of the appropriate age. However, this all being said, it’s unlikely that any requests will be fulfilled soon because I have plenty sitting in my box right now that I have yet to even touch. I apologize for that. But life is hectic. 🌻
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softweebqueen · 4 years
I don't know if you're still taking asks for the "Pretty asks" prompt, but if you are can you answer: Nail Lacquer, 1975, and Tattoos. If you're not then just ignore this. Thanks! I'm such a big fan of yours :)
🥺 Thank you for sending in the ask! 💕 I also appreciate that you enjoy my work even though I haven’t posted in ages. (I’m working on things I swear!!)
Nail Lacquer: I can’t answer this one very well because it seriously depends on my mood. But really I lean more towards a pastel punk aesthetic.
1975: I think I would go 20 years into the future. I want to see how the world changes and if something awful happens, I want the chance to maybe prevent that. I don’t know. I also wouldn’t mind the 70s because that was a wild time.
Tattoos: My right nostril and ears are pierced. I want to get my left nostril, septum, Medusa, and possibly vertical labret done. There’s also a ton of ear piercings I want done. I don’t have any tattoos but I want quite a few. I know that I probably will get a sunflower tattoo when my life calms down a little!
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softweebqueen · 4 years
Are you currently taking requests?
🌻 I will take requests. I can’t promise that they’ll get done in a timely manner however. But it will get done eventually! 🌻
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softweebqueen · 4 years
hey guys…
it’s with a heavy heart that we make this post but after recent events, we are pretty disheartened with the fandom. we were all already feeling pretty detached from bnha, that is why we were taking a hiatus, but this was the final straw. we were really hoping we’d come back in the future and continue making this a wonderful blog and community, but we can’t…
after looking further into the matter, we’ve discovered a troubling amount of youtube channels that are using our works and/or works of fellow writers on tumblr and ao3. so please for any of you that post content here or on ao3, keep an eye out for channels that might be using your writing without permission. some of them don’t even offer a link to the original owner, they just mention the username in the video, thinking a second of their time is more than enough. fortunately, we’ve had luck with a couple of channels. they took our stuff down when we asked them to, but others blamed us for making our stuff public, which was a punch to the gut.
but even though some were kind enough to take our stuff down, all of this discouraged us from wanting to share any of our stuff, not just for the bnha fandom…
so, with all of that said, we’ve decided that we will no longer be writing for this blog. we don’t want to delete it because it’s a big part of us, but it will be officially closed. we will be changing the url of the blog to ua-archives and we’ll only be leaving a handful of our posts (mainly just headcanons because those seem to be safe). the rest of our posts will be deleted from this blog, but will be transferred to a private blog where we’ll post our future stuff if we ever decide to come back. only those with the password will be able to view it, seeing as that seems the only way we can protect our stuff.
thank you for all the support and memories!
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softweebqueen · 4 years
Every writer on Tumblr: “I would combust out of love if someone ever drew fanart of my fic!!” Me: “oh man I wanna draw this scene BUT THEY WOULD PROBABLY HATE IT AND HATE ME FOR THE NERVE”
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softweebqueen · 4 years
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🌻 Can we just talk about how attractive this sunflower is? Like could you imagine making out with him and him just getting a little too excited and he ends up shocking you. He pulls away absolutely terrified that he hurt you but instead found a dopey grin on your lips, asking him to do it again. That’s when he found out that you are a little masochist. So now whenever you’re acting like a brat in public or around his friends, he’ll simply place a hand on your thigh or around your waist and send volts of electricity coursing through your system to remind you what happens if you keep it up. 🌻
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softweebqueen · 4 years
🌻 If I told you that I have a cosplay TikTok account, would you want to follow it? 🌻
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softweebqueen · 4 years
bring your shithead to work day. (f/c)
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☙ pairing: izuku and yukio
☙ theme: single dad pro-hero deku, megsbigbeefyhairydeku
☙  cw/tw: profanity, comedy, fluff, yukio midoriya*, single dad, oopsie yuki made a poopsie! 
☙  a/n-request:  [Okay! Just like a day out. Some good ol taking your son on a non dangerous patrol to see what it is his daddy does for a living. Maybe going to a store and just having a fun shopping trip and fan-boying over Hero Merch because you know one of Dekus kids will be a fan-child like he was too😂 does this count as details or do you need more? Like I avoided anything about a mom because I don’t know what to do for that lol. !!! MAKE IT SINGLE DAD DEKU! yeah. Yeah! Single dad. That’s good]
** I had too much fun with this and kind of just went with it. Hope the cameo is okay. ^-^
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softweebqueen · 5 years
When’s Part Two of that Spicy Sero smut? 👀👀
Soon!! I promise! I work at a hospital so I’m being called in for overtime a lot right now with everything that’s going on so when I get the chance, I swear I will work on it!
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softweebqueen · 5 years
Okay so like I don’t usually share a lot of stuff on this blog (I want to do it more often)
But I feel like everyone needs to read this piece of art. She is my one of my all time favorite authors... Especially her works Crimson Ink and Sugarcoated... And because I don’t share fics on my main blog, I had to share this with you all. Please enjoy some firefighter Deku because I sure as hell did
missed you. (m)
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☙ pairing: izuku x reader
☙ theme: firefighter deku, megs big beefy hairy deku
☙  cw/tw: slight somno, dirty talk, unprotected sex as always, kind of cute and sweet, toys
☙  a/n-request: I had the need to finally write my big beefy hairy deku. i didn’t emphasize on it much in this piece but it was a start. :3
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softweebqueen · 5 years
some pretty asks✨
angel; is there anyone you’d do anything for?
galaxy; what fascinates you?
melody; favorite artists?
silk; what outfit makes you feel confident?
rose; favorite flower?
sun; favorite season
film; favorite movie/tv show?
gorgeous; what do you like in a person?
diamond; favorite color?
infatuation; first crush?
dream; how long do you sleep on average?
brilliant; what celebrity do people say you look like?
perfume; favorite scent?
fleece; have any pets?
pigment; what color is your hair naturally? if you could dye it any color which one would you choose?
charcoal; do you have a good relationship with your parents?
ocean; do you take a yearly vacation?
murky; biggest fear?
devotion; are you taken?
lingerie; what do you wear to bed?
daydream; best memory?
joy; best feeling you’ve ever experienced? 
masque; what’s your skincare routine?
valentine; best gift you’ve ever received?
parchment; favorite book?
garden; do you have a garden? plants? 
oasis; dream destination? 
sense; best subject? favorite subject?
footprints; do you want kids?
rainbow; what’s your sexuality?
sweater; do you prefer loose or baggy clothes?
nail laquer; punk or pastel?
1975; if you could time travel to any time period, what would it be and why?
tattoos; do you have/want and tattoos and piercings?
feel free to reblog and send me some! <3
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softweebqueen · 5 years
~ I see that writers are now putting out more content due to universities and work places being shut down... However, I work at a hospital so I’m stuck going to work everyday that I’m scheduled and if not more. Please pray for my sanity. ~
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softweebqueen · 5 years
🌻 Guess who is working on a plot line for a new series instead of working on requests because she sucks. That’s right. Me. One day I will finish all the requests I have but today is not that day. 🌻
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softweebqueen · 5 years
when people tell you their theories about your fic
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softweebqueen · 5 years
👋 hello 👋 I’m new so can I get some spicy sero smut, I saw that you did sero so I was like yess let’s ask, that’s if your ok with it! But thanks a whole bunch!!!👌👌💕💕
~ So I broke this up into two parts because I know I would never post it if I didn’t. So this is the first part and part number two will be up soon. I just am really bad at the spicy stuff so I need so much help from my friends. Also it’s like 3 in the morning while I’m posting it and I have not done any editing to it so ignore my mistakes.~ 
Fun Fact: Characters are aged up. 
The lights were low in the hazy smoke-filled room. The reek of stale beer and burnt out cigarettes swirled around the air burning those nostrils of anyone who walked in from outside. Bodies filled the tables and the booths while music played in the background drowning out the sounds of their conversations. The bar was surrounded by those who had already drunk too much and found pleasure in harassing the bartenders. The occasional single attractive female would find herself sitting on a stool with a drink in her hand but would soon retreat back to her group of friends when approached by the bar’s seemingly endless amounts of creeps. Their hands traveling places where they didn’t belong and their mouths speaking words that no girl would ever want to hear from a stranger. 
You couldn’t help but wonder how in the world you ended up here in the place you hated the most. Of course, you’ve been here before on lonely nights. Those nights were never as busy as it is now. You were unaware of the reason for it being so busy but you were forced into being at this bar by one of your roommates. It was a rare occasion that everyone was able to get together. Someone was always busy or none of you could agree on one thing. This was a difficult task when there are six of you living under one roof. 
Some times you question why you chose to move in with the rowdy group that you call your friends. You would soon remember how convincing your best friend Mina is though. She was the reason all of you moved in together. The reason you put your sanity on the line to live with four boys and one other girl. There were perks to being in the same house as these nutcases though. Katsuki always cooked due to him hating how awful everyone else’s food tastes. Eijiro is surprisingly a clean freak so he does most of the chores. Denki was the idiot of the group which provided everyone with entertainment. Mina is like the house’s personal therapist and everyone’s best friend. Hanta… Well, Hanta was a completely different story. Living with him came with perks that only you benefitted from. 
It started on a lonely night when the two of you were home alone with a cabinet full of liquor. Gentle experimental touches were exchanged that night. It soon turned into late-night texts when either of you felt like you needed to feel something. Your roommates began to suspect that the two of you were sleeping together, however, the two of you would very quickly deny it. There was a time where you were almost caught in the shower with him. After that incident, you guys agreed to be ancient history. Your agreement didn’t last long. The two of you were right back at it within a week, continuing your late-night fucks almost weekly now. He was just so… intoxicating. When you were with him with your bodies pressed together, it was a whole different type of high. There also came along the certain thrill of being able to sleep with someone whenever you pleased without the commitment.
“This is lame.” Hanta Sero grumbled as he sat in the seat to the right of you. “Where is everyone else?” The two of you had been sitting at a table waiting for your housemates to join you for the past hour. You passed the time by drinking more thanyou should have, however, you couldn’t stop due to the tall lean boy bringing drinks back to the table for you. In fact, he had just come back from the bar to place a drink right in front of you. You wasted no time downing the drink, feeling the buzz of the one too many drinks coursing their way through your system.
“You know they probably aren’t going to show up. It wouldn’t be the first time.” You pointed with a small shrug of your shoulder. It was usual for them to be late when all of you would get together. Sometimes they wouldn’t even show up. You didn’t mind the little bit of alone time with Sero though. He is good company even when the two of you aren’t fucking. He is laid back, funny, and has such a calming effect on those around him. 
“I wouldn’t mind some alone time with you. It’s been a while.” You leaned in close to him whispering in his ear. Your lips brushing against the soft spot just below his ear before moving away. A loud familiar voice pulled your attention away from the boy who sat next to you. Across the bar was a rowdy group that you called your friends. The ash-blonde boy arguing with the two other boys. The short pink-haired girl, waving frantically when she made eye contact with you. Her lips were moving but the other sounds of the bar filled your ears. You watched as they slithered between the groups of people just to get to the table. Your eyes scanned their figures. If you said they clean up nicely, you wouldn’t be lying. Mina had to have something to do with it because there was no way in hell Denki and Eijiro dressed themselves. They both looked too good. Not too fancy. But not too casual. Just the right mix that made your foggy mind start to wander places where it shouldn’t. 
“I’m sorry we’re so late! It was impossible to get Ei to change out his damn crocs.” Mina grumbled as she sat at the table, noticing just how many empty shot glasses and pints littered the top. “You guys didn’t wait for us?!” Her laughter was so light and playful that you couldn’t help but grin. Without her, you were sure this group would have fallen apart a long time ago. Maybe not fall apart but you all would not be living in the same house. 
“I couldn’t help myself. You know how I am when there’s liquid courage around.” You admitted sheepishly as your eyes locked with Denki’s. The corner of your lips tugging up into a smirk. Oh, the hell you were going to put him through just for the sole purpose that he was the unlucky fool who sat across from you. “I do have to say that you look pretty good right now, Denki… However, I think you’d look better on top of me.” Your coy smile not matching the words that came out of your mouth. A brief silence fell over the table while all their eyes flashed between you and Denki. The table shifted from the weight of you leaning forward and resting your chin in your hand. 
“Alright… You need to calm down and lay off the drinks, you nasty.” Mina scolded you, throwing a paper coaster at you playfully which you tried to catch but only failed terribly. It was a sure sign that you were a bit tipsier than you’d like to admit. It was the childish smile that you flashed in her direction that made her shake her head, laughing. “Well since we’re all here, I can finally explain why we had to come to this specific bar on this specific night.” She looked down at her phone only to check the time as she spoke. “Here in about thirty minutes, karaoke night begins and we all need to loosen up and enjoy ourselves!” The collective groan she earned from the lot of you only coaxed a devilish grin out of the pink girl. How you guys were stupid enough to fall for such an obvious scheme was a whole mystery. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The night quickly passed by as the hours were filled with chit chat, mindless flirting, and downing a few drinks here and there. Your friends even convinced you to sing a solo but other than that you wouldn’t go up unless one of them was singing with you. Most of the time it was just you and Mina having the time of your lives. The time speedily approaching the early hours of the morning. At this point, you were drunker than the others who sat at your table. Denki had joined in with you when it came to drinking, almost catching up to you but didn’t quite get to your leg. A large portion of the night, the two of you becoming touchy and flirty with each other. As this went on, the lean boy next to you only grew tenser, watching the way you acted with the blonde across from you. 
He had stopped drinking a while ago just so he could keep an eye on the two of you. It was driving him insane. The way you would pull your bottom lip in between your teeth as Denki spoke to you. How you would lean in only centimeters away from the other boy’s face just to say something to him. All the snide and dirty comments leaving your lips. It was really starting to get on his nerves. Hanta Sero knew that there was nothing between the two of you that would make you tied down to him however that didn’t stop the jealousy that rose up in his chest as he watched your feather-light touches brushed against Denki’s skin. You were his plaything and he wasn’t just going to let some ripoff Pikachu steal you away.   
You finally noticed how tense the boy next you was as you leaned against him, holding your stomach as you tried to suppress the giggles that Denki pulled from your lips with a stupid joke that would normally only make you roll your eyes. When you finally pulled yourself together, it was impossible to hide the smirk on your lips. It took long enough for Sero to get so worked up. You were unsure if you would be able to keep up your game with Denki for much longer. Of course, you loved Denki but you could never imagine yourself doing anything with him. He was like a brother to you. 
“A little tense are we? Do you need some help loosening up?” You whispered and leaned in close to the raven-haired boy. Your lips brushing against the shell of his ear while your hand came to rest just above his knee. Laughter threatened to spill from you when you saw the stupid look on his face. He seemed to be frozen in fear. Neither of you had ever been very touchy with each other in public so he had a right to be taken aback by your actions. “Just relax… I’ll help you loosen up.” You purred quietly before laying your head on his shoulder, looking at your other friends who were engaged in a seemingly heated argument about something you couldn’t care less about. 
Feather-light touches brushed against the rough material of Sero’s jeans as your fingers trailed up his thigh, stopping to squeeze gently when it seemed his attention was pulled away by someone at the table. You continued the conversation that you had been having with Denki all the while. Though you drug out your teasing touches, Sero prayed that time would slow down. He wouldn’t be able to control himself if your teasing continued to work it’s way up his thigh. It wasn’t long until all eyes were on him, mouth agape from the gasp that your touch pulled from him. Your fingers brushing against the tent in his ever so tightening jeans, the innocence and fake concern plastered on your face as you looked at him like everyone else only frustrated him more. Tonight was going to be a long night for you. 
“Bro, you okay? Do you need anything?” Kirishima was genuinely concerned for his friend considering how Sero was squirming and gritting his teeth like he was in pain. The raven-haired boy scrunching up as his brows furrowed together, breathing as if he had just run a marathon. If only his friends knew the torturing he was enduring. How the feeling of your hand cupped against the bulge in his jean, applying light pressure as you rubbed him up and down, was driving him so far up the wall that he almost considered bending you over the table. He considered fucking you in front of all of your friends and everyone else in this bar so they knew just how much of a slut you are for him. 
“Hanta… Do you need some water?” Your sweet voice filling his ears as he turned to glare at you, the root of his current problem. To prevent this from going any further, his fingers wrapped tightly around your wrist as he mumbled something about being perfectly fine. He applied more pressure to your wrist as he moved it away from his crotch before letting it go and drop to your side. His head turning to meet your gaze, giving you a look that could mean that you were completely and absolutely both figuratively and literally fucked. 
“I think it’s best to be the time that I go…” You rubbed the side of your neck with a small smile. Your friends now shifting their attention from Sero to you. Pouts forming on Denki and Kirishima’s lips. They began to beg you to stay awhile longer. Stay for a couple more drinks. Sing a song or two more with them. There were many appealing offers however you know if you stayed longer and drank anymore, you’d get yourself in even more trouble. 
“Just one more song. Sing for us one last time.” Mina begged with big sad puppy dog eyes burning into your soul. To deny her request would be like denying a starving puppy a bite of your ham sandwich. It was impossible to deny her request. Even if you weren’t already drunk it would be impossible. The table teetered slightly as you used as an aid to stand up from your seat. 
“One last song then I’m gone. Out of here.” A quiet sigh escaping but you couldn’t hide the smile on your lips as your friends cheered for you.
~ Heh. I promise the second part will have the spice you desire. It may not be good spice but it will be spice. Also gotta tag my favorite Hanta Sero lover @fourteenow ~
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softweebqueen · 5 years
~I promise I have content coming but after watching Heroes Rising I have come to a conclusion....
If Kirishima wanted to destroy my body, I would allow him to, I would be his personal punching bag but I will also be his teddy bear. I love that boy with all of my heart and I mean it when I say that he is best boy ~
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