sogoodtoyou · 29 days
some people have asked for the backgrounds I use in my redux edits, so I guess  I’ll just post whatever I have regarding backgrounds
pictures under the cut : (latest update: 23/11/14)
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sogoodtoyou · 4 months
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Sorry for the bad quality of the gif, watch the demo here and how install !!!
The player is optimized for 3 different players, hypster, flash mp3 and billy.
Hope you enjoy, I’ll be grateful if you give me credits and like/reblog to this post, if you have any issue contact me and I’ll help you.
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sogoodtoyou · 7 months
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sogoodtoyou · 7 months
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HEART OVERLAY GIF PACK [ happy valentines day!!! ♥♥♥  ] gifs for you to use in your overlays, graphics or backgrounds - or just as they are!  please like or reblog if you intend to use - many thanks… Octomoosey <3
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sogoodtoyou · 9 months
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✏ Pattern Set #08
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sogoodtoyou · 1 year
Can someone explain to me why when I hit “get notifications” for blogs it NEVER gives me them? Am I missing something?
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sogoodtoyou · 1 year
hola! donde puedo encontrar iconos como en los de la tablilla Looking at me? Saturn Icons ya no existe </3
¡Buenas! aaaaa, no encuentro el tumblr que subió el recurso cuando lo dieron de baja, pero se llamaba purrviolence. Agrega
< link href= " https://solrainha.github.io/saturnicons/saturnicons.css" rel="stylesheet" > (sacale todos los espacios que tumblr me obligó a ponerselos JAJAJA y reemplaza de nuevo las comillas dobles que siempre se cambian) https://purrviolence.github.io/SaturnHoneybee.html y acá está el índice de todos los íconos. Igualmente lo puedes cambiar por fontawesome o cualquier otra librería de íconos que prefieras <3
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sogoodtoyou · 1 year
Masterlist: Recursos para codificar.
He recibido muchas consultas sobre algunos efectos, recursos que suelo utilizar para codificar o de dónde aprendí a recrear ciertas líneas de código. Esta lista esta pensada para personas que desean crear tablillas e incluso sus propias skins en la plataforma de foroactivo. Dejar un me gusta o un reblog si les gusta o les resulta útil esta lista. Crédito a sus respectivos creadores. Se irá añadiendo más cosas con el pasar del tiempo. Si algún link está roto favor de avisar. Actualizado 30.04.2020
Algunos recursos están en inglés.
Tablas y posiciones.
DivTable - Generador de table
Display - Introducción del uso de display.
Formas y Figuras:
Bennettfeely - Clipply Generador de figuras y recortes CSS.
CssPlant -  Clipply Generador de figuras y recortes CSS.
CssPlant BR - Border Radius Generador
Fondos y rellenos:
Cssmatic - Generador de degradados.
Grabiet - Listado de degradados css.
CSSMAKING3 - Editor de degradados.
ColorHexa - Generadores de colores Hexadecimales.
Animaciones, Transiciones, Hovers:
CSSAnimation - Generador de animaciones automaticas.
MakingCSS - Generador de transicciones (transition) para hovers.
Westciv - Editor de transform. 
Subtle Pattern - Texturas
CSS3 Patterns Galeria - Texturas con CSS
Patternizer - Texturas con CSS
Edición de texto:
MAKINGCSS2 - Editor de sombra en el texto. 
Fuentes (Fonts):
Google Font - Listado de fonts estándar.
FontsQuirrel - Listado de fonts estándar. 
Honey Font - Listado de icon font.
Saturn Icons - Listado de icon font 2.
Font Awesome - Listado de icon font 3.
Linear Icons - Listado de icon font 4.
RPG Awesome - Listado de icon font 5 
Generadores de texto de relleno:
Cupcake Ipsum
Samuel L. lipsum
Generador de imágenes de relleno:
Lorempixel - Generador de imágenes a medida.
Placeholder - Generador de imágenes a medida.
Dummy Images - Generador de imágenes a medida.
Editores de código:
Notepad++ - De escritorio 
Sublime Text - De escritorio 
Codepen - Online
JSFiddle - Online
Codeanywhere - Online, móvil y escritorio
Liveweave - Online
Repositorios, son de ayuda para minizar códigos.
Comprobando la compatibilidad entre navegadores y resoluciones.
Can I use -  Como comprobar el soporte de propiedades, métodos y etiquetas de los navegadores.
Reponsivepx - Comprobar página web en diferentes resoluciones.
Resonsive Tool  -  Comprobar página web en diferentes resoluciones.
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sogoodtoyou · 1 year
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Hey guys! As a writer myself, it’s hard to have a lot of resources for writing in one place. That’s why I decided to create this masterpost, and maybe make more if I find future resources. I hope you like it, and expect to see more masterposts like this in the future!
Appearance Generator
Archetypes Generator
Character Generator
Character Traits Generator
Family Generator
Job/Occupation Generator, (II)
Love Interest Generator
Motive Generator
Name Generator
Personality Generator, (II)
Quick Character Generator
Super Powers Generator
Brand Name Generator
Medicine Title Generator
Name Generator
Quick Name Generator
Vehicle Generator
Town Name Generator
First Encounter Generator
First Line Generator, (II)
Plot Generator, (II), (III)
Plot Device Generator
Plot Twist Generator
Quick Plot Generator
City Generator
Fantasy Race Generator
Laws Generator
Pet Generator
Setting Generator
Species Generator
Terrain Generator
Subject Generator
”Take Three Nouns” Generator
Word Prompt Generator
Color Generator
Decision Generator
Dialogue Generator
Journey Generator
Title Generator, (II), (III)
Some Tips
Just a few I found from the writing tips tag!
Writing action / @berrybird
How to create a strong voice in your writing / @collegerefs
How to plot a complex novel in one day! / @lizard-is-writing
8 ways to get past writer’s block / @kiramartinauthor
psa for writers / @dasakuryo
”Write Using Your 5 Senses” / @ambientwriting
How People Watching Improves Your Writing / @wherethetransthingsare
Writing Science Fiction: Tips for Beginners / @fictionwritingtips
Creating Likeable Characters / @authors-haven
Descriptive words / @somekindofstudent
Words to replace “Said” / @msocasey
Obscure color words / @mintsteelpeachlilac
Words to spice up your stories / @busyibee
Words to describe someone’s voice
Words to Use Instead of Very / @gaybybirth
Touchy Feely Words / @gaybybirth
Some Advice
Stephen King’s Top 20 Rules for Writers
”But my plot isn’t UNIQUE or BIG enough!” / @youreallwrite
8 Things Every Creative Should Know / @adamjk
(How To) Get Over Comparing Yourself to Other Creatives / @adamjk
How to Get Over Common Creative Fears (Maybe) / @adamjk
14 Tips From Stephen King On Writing / @i-can-give-you-prompts
Electronic Thoughts / @eruditekid
“Mix About Writing” An Instrumental Mix / @shadowofemirates
Shut Up, I’m Writing! / @ninadropdead
Chill / @endlessreveries
Breathtaking Film Scores / @tweedskirts
Music to Write to Vol. 1: Starlight / @crestadeen
Music for Written Words / @ghoulpatch
Dead Men Tell No Tales / @scamandersnewt
Fatale / @dolcegf
All These Things that I’ve Done / @referenceforwriters
Feeling Soaking into Your Bones / @verylondon
I Can Feel Your Pulse in the Pages / @rphelper
Morally Ambiguous / @scamandersnewt
Wonderwall / @wheelerwrites
Pythia / @mazikeene
Ballet: To Dance / @tanaquil
Websites and Apps
For Writing
ZenPen: A minimalist writing website to keep you free of distractions and in the flow.
The Most Dangerous Writing App: A website where you have to keep typing or all of your writing will be lost. It helps you keep writing…kind of. You can choose between a time or word count limit!
Evernote: An online website where you can take notes and save the product to your laptop and/or smartphone!
Writer, the Internet Typewriter: It’s just you and your writing, and you can save your product on the website if you create an account.
Wordcounter: A website to help check your word and character count, and shows words you’re using frequently.
Monospace: An Android app for writing on the go when you feel the inspiration, but you don’t have your laptop on you!
For Productivity
Tide: An app that combines a pomodoro-esque timer with nature sounds and other noises! (Google Play / Apple Store)
ClearFocus: An Android app with a pomodoro-type time counter to let you concentrate easier and stay productive.
Forest: An app with a time counter to keep you focused and off your phone, and when you complete the time limit, a tree grows in your garden! (Google Play / Apple Store)
SelfControl: A Mac downloadable app that blocks you from distracting mail servers, websites, and other things!
Prompt Blogs
Writing Tips Blogs
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sogoodtoyou · 1 year
posted by mary
like if you save
credits to the owners
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
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Getting music on your profile
All you have to do is download your mp3 file to drop box and proceed to copy and replace everything after the /s/ up until the .mp3
(code here. )
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
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Different designs call for different icon fonts. Some sets have thick, round lines, others have sharp, elegant lines. Some have unusual icons, some are lightweight and just have the basics. Instead of asking for everyone’s favorite icon fonts in my discord groups 500 different times, here’s my masterlist of icon fonts and icon font collections for easy reference.
While there are many icon fonts out there, the ones in this collection are easy to use and install. If your favorite icon font isn’t on the list, reblog with your picks!
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
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on this page you can see (currently) 18 fonts that i’ve hosted an upload link to so you can add it to your theme !
( + )
please credit if you take any codes from this page.
more fonts to be added/updated in the future !
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
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- helpful sites i’ve discovered on my journey to coding !
(✿◠‿◠) hey there pals, i wanted to share a few sites i’ve come across within the past couple of days that have helped me with coding. coding is still something i’m learning but with the help of these websites, it’s slowly becoming easier to do / understand.
coveloping - has a bunch of generators for things like border-radius, shape, etc and provides you the code and you just have to pluf it into your code and adjust it.
w3schools - pretty much my go to for everything coding, provides codes, and tutorials.
remove.bg - i use this to make .pngs for themes, i like it because it smooths the corners of the .png and gives it a very clean edge.
whatismyscreenresolution - this site lets you see your theme and coding on different screen resolutions.
toptal - i use this site to get different patterns for my themes and inspo.
codyhouse.co devices - this section of the site gives you codes for different devices incase you wanna have your theme inside of a device, i haven’t figured out how to do so but figured it might be useful for someone else. 
codyhouse.co components - this site offers alot of different coding for different stuff, i just have it to play around with. 
code pen - this site offers a lot of tutorials for coding that may be useful to some. 
15 best web safe fonts - this article is great when not knowing what fonts to use. 
postimage - i use this to upload and get codes for ,png images / sidebar images.
octomoosey theme tutorial - this tutorial is really what helped me get familiar with coding tumblr themes and what not, it’s great for people starting out. 
html & css code samples - this is pretty helpful. 
icon finder - offers a bunch of icons in svg form, png form and other forms. they have a paid section, but the free section is pretty great. 
honeybee icon font by suiomi - my favorite when it comes to adding icons to themes. 
css clip-path maker - something i found recently for making shapes, it also gives you the code.
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
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- helpful sites i’ve discovered on my journey to coding !
(✿◠‿◠) hey there pals, i wanted to share a few sites i’ve come across within the past couple of days that have helped me with coding. coding is still something i’m learning but with the help of these websites, it’s slowly becoming easier to do / understand.
coveloping - has a bunch of generators for things like border-radius, shape, etc and provides you the code and you just have to pluf it into your code and adjust it.
w3schools - pretty much my go to for everything coding, provides codes, and tutorials.
remove.bg - i use this to make .pngs for themes, i like it because it smooths the corners of the .png and gives it a very clean edge.
whatismyscreenresolution - this site lets you see your theme and coding on different screen resolutions.
toptal - i use this site to get different patterns for my themes and inspo.
codyhouse.co devices - this section of the site gives you codes for different devices incase you wanna have your theme inside of a device, i haven’t figured out how to do so but figured it might be useful for someone else. 
codyhouse.co components - this site offers alot of different coding for different stuff, i just have it to play around with. 
code pen - this site offers a lot of tutorials for coding that may be useful to some. 
15 best web safe fonts - this article is great when not knowing what fonts to use. 
postimage - i use this to upload and get codes for ,png images / sidebar images.
octomoosey theme tutorial - this tutorial is really what helped me get familiar with coding tumblr themes and what not, it’s great for people starting out. 
html & css code samples - this is pretty helpful. 
icon finder - offers a bunch of icons in svg form, png form and other forms. they have a paid section, but the free section is pretty great. 
honeybee icon font by suiomi - my favorite when it comes to adding icons to themes. 
css clip-path maker - something i found recently for making shapes, it also gives you the code.
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sogoodtoyou · 2 years
can you post a list of all the mock social media template PSDs like insta, snap, facebook, etc.? thank yaaaa!!
A masterlist of 190+ Social Media templates!
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sogoodtoyou · 3 years
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THOROUGHBREDS (2017) dir. by Cory Finley
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