I’m probs getting myself hyped over nothing though, but if it comes true, called it
With the Bethesda e3 presentation happening tomorrow I feel like this is the first year in a while where I could realistically see up getting another dishonored game announced. Deathloop comes out this year and was actually meant to come out last year before the delays happened. So if dishonored was the next game in the pipeline (Which I feel like it probably would be) Then work on the game will very likely have started by now. Now just cause I think work could have started doesn’t mean I necessarily think that we are gonna get an announcement this year, but I just think that from this year forward we could expect something.
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With the Bethesda e3 presentation happening tomorrow I feel like this is the first year in a while where I could realistically see up getting another dishonored game announced. Deathloop comes out this year and was actually meant to come out last year before the delays happened. So if dishonored was the next game in the pipeline (Which I feel like it probably would be) Then work on the game will very likely have started by now. Now just cause I think work could have started doesn’t mean I necessarily think that we are gonna get an announcement this year, but I just think that from this year forward we could expect something.
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this is so not how i wanted dishonored to break into the mainstream.............
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So next week is quakecon and there is a time on the schedule for a Dishonored tabletop adventure
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And could just imagine if once they were done with the game they announced they were working on a new Dishonored game or something. Like I know it’s 100% not gonna happen cause they got Deathloop going on rn but I would be so hype. I mean Deathloop is getting released soon leaving them open for other projects 👀. Either way I will be watching all Dishonored panels cause I am always thirsting for more content.
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Honestly I’m so hype for deathloop. I’m such an arcane simp and I have no regrets
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Once more the series is on sale, all games either 50% or 70% off, real good time to get them
So everone is aware every Dishonored game is on sale for the duration of the steam summer sale (25th June - 9th July). So take advantage of the deal while it’s active
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I found this in my drafts and I have no recollection of writing it but I agree
The eyeless canonically use essential oils
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The eyeless canonically use essential oils
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There are a million and one ways in which the dishonored series can keep going now that the outsider is gone, for example having a new outsider, the game taking place in the past or the void itself giving your character powers, to name a few. 
Though something I think would be really interesting to have be the source of your powers are corroded runes. If you don’t know what they are they’re from the books but basically they are very powerful yet unstable runes that give the user access to the void powers without having been marked, but at the cost of draining their life-force. I think having It be that your character has to actively go out into the missions and find the powers rather than just unlock them could be really interesting and it also eliminates the need for arcane to even touch the state of the void/outsider (Though they would almost definitely anyway). 
The way they could work could be that you can only equip so many, similar to bone charms, with the amount being able to be upgraded. The mana bar could be replaced with your life-force. That could act like void energy did in doto, slowly refilling by itself, but also having potions like in dishonored 1 and 2, best of both worlds you know, with the size of life force potentially being upgradable. My other concept for life force is more complex, but basically whenever you start a mission you have so much life-force, when that empties you die. Life-force is drained every time a power is used, with a couple not easy to get ways of boosting it back up. At any point life-force can be spent to swap your corroded rune loadout. Or it could be used to power up a specific power for that mission, think how power upgrades work in dishonored 2, but only for that level, and with the cost of life-force instead of runes. So you could spend a decent portion of your life-force for that mission on one power, making it incredible strong, or you could upgrade everything slightly for a jack of all trades playstyle, or maybe not upgrade anything to allow for the most power use possible. 
Now, do I really think my 2nd concept works all too well, not really, I just got carried away with ideas, but either way I would love to see corroded runes at the very least mentioned int the next dishonored game, as I think they are such a cool concept that could be explored. Ohhh, maybe a target could use them, that would be fun.
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I should be getting a proper gaming pc soon and then I'll finally be able to play dishonored 2 at decent graphics settings. But also I'll be able to record footage since obs despises my current laptop and I'm so ready to just make the shitiest fucking posts
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Every time I look at a padlock my mind flashes with random dishonored codes, this game has truly ruined me but I love it so much
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I’m so exited to announce that I am the new sound designer for dishonored, here are some changes I made to the opening scene in order to increase immersion. This will be coming in an upcoming patch. Hope you all enjoy :)
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There are so many hot females in the dishonored series but like Corvo is straight up the only hot male. Arcane please I am gay give me males to thirst over you fucking cowards.
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if i have to supply the entire fandom with these memes i will 
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Just a picture of Cecilia in a bed since all you hoes do is sleep on her.
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The whole series is on sale again, buy dishonored or perish.
So everone is aware every Dishonored game is on sale for the duration of the steam summer sale (25th June - 9th July). So take advantage of the deal while it’s active
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No sound will ever be as satisfying as the potion pick up sound in dishonored and you can’t change my mind.
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