solaceunknown · 1 month
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what this gene proves is that dragons look 10000x cooler with nose horns and it's crazy how few fr dragons have nose horns
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solaceunknown · 6 months
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Got inspired to make some achievements for individual dragon professions -- will be adding more soon.
Free to use, no need to credit but find me here on FR.
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solaceunknown · 9 months
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flight rising very smart today
(imagine if they could actually eat the breed change pearlcatcher tho???)
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solaceunknown · 10 months
trying to decide on my egg goal for notn should i aim for 1000 or 1200 eggs last year i got over 800 so ive gotta aim higher this year
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solaceunknown · 10 months
Tutorial on bonding fast with your familiars for NotN
This might be the quickest way to get chests and event materials, but only on a computer. Be sure to take all your available familiars out of the vault and Hibernal den so you have more to work with.
First, open 2 tabs in a new window, one is your dragon, the second is your dragon’s familiar page
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Set the filters on the familiar page to ‘Not Bonded Today’
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Next, make your window size smaller so you can fit the bond button on the screen without scrolling down. 
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Once you hit bond on your dragon’s page, use the short cut to switch tabs. On Windows this will be Ctrl + Tab. Do not move your cursor.
On the familiar page, your cursor should be hovering above the next familiar you haven’t bonded yet. Click it and switch tabs again using Ctrl + Tab.
You will be back on your dragon’s page, so refresh (Ctrl + R) to get the next familar. Switch tabs again to pick another one then switch back to your dragon.
Repeat until you finish bonding with all your familiars.
This should take at least an hour to finish depending on how much you own. Watching a video will make this process less boring.
Don’t forget to take breaks and stretch in between bonding. Happy farming!
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solaceunknown · 2 years
Actor Brian Michael Smith’s speech against the increasing anti-trans bills in Texas and across the country.
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solaceunknown · 2 years
For anyone who lives in Florida, devastating news has been released. While it’s not unexpected with all the anti-trans legislation in the USA targeted towards minors, Desantis’s administration has decided to attack access to transition care (such as wanting to ban hrt, puberty blockers, and ‘social gender transition therapy’) for minors.
This is ridiculous, and I am so tired of watching my rights disintegrate around me. I am so tired of watching other trans people suffer because of the ignorance of some politicians. I am a trans kid, I do not want their misguided ‘protection’ that is doing nothing but harm. But as tired as I am about all this and as saddened by the fact that this current attack doesn’t surprise me, I am mostly angry.
I am more angry than I think I’ve ever been before. For too long transgender rights have been becoming more restricted. For too long transgender children and teens have been used for pointless political arguments, as tools to maintain status through spreading fear. But this is enough. We have all had enough.
Hormone replacement therapy, while not needed by every trans person, is an option that saves lives. Social transitioning, such as someone being called by their preferred name and pronouns, is a basic form of respect that saves lives. These anti-trans legislation and arguments hurt people. Even if politicians don’t understand what it’s like to be transgender, they should not attack who we are and what we need to give ourselves the ability to feel more comfortable in our bodies and how we are perceived.
If someone wants a breast reduction because they’re cisgender and uncomfortable with their body, they have that opportunity. But if I want top surgery because of my painful gender dysphoria, my reasoning may be devalued and I may be told it’s something might regret, or it may not even be an option to legally receive by then. But why should having autonomy over my body be questioned just because I’m transgender?
I know transgender teens who need hormone replacement therapy. People who have suffered great mental turmoil over their trans identity and the way the world sees and treats them. My girlfriend needs hrt, and I am so scared of how bans like Desantis’s administration is considering will hurt her. I know how much this means to her and how much hrt would help. I am so angry that the state is trying to take that away from her. While I am not in the right environment to reach out for medical transitioning, I am so scared that this step will eventually lead to me being prevented that option even once I’m no longer a minor as well.
This is not the first attack against the transgender community, and it will not be the last. But Desantis’s new anti-trans moves have not been passed yet, it is not too late to protest and fight against it.
I am done with staying silent, and I beg of you all, whether you’re trans or not, please speak up for us. Please protest for the right to control our own bodies, the right to have access to resources that can save us. Please spread this post or at least speak out on your own. Please, for the sake of saving the lives and mental health of transgender youth, do anything you can to help.
Trans rights are human rights, and we cannot give up in the fight to preserve them. Trans kids are depending on it.
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solaceunknown · 2 years
Hey can we like actually put the word on it whats happening lately
What is happening with anti trans bills and anti trans rhetoric right now in the world is a late stage in the well known ten stages of genocide
We are generally on stage 7 to 8. Out of 10. Stage 9 is when we all die.
I know that's like a big scary word but they are trying to exterminate all of us actively.
So can we put the word on it and say it is what it is and that these cruel and evil people want us dead
This isnt a case of "we never learn". They learned. They know damn well what they're doing and what they learned is how to get away with it more.
They want genocide.
We have to ensure that doesn't happen and the first step to that is to put the word on it. Call it what it is, keep fighting. We will not disappear. We can't.
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solaceunknown · 2 years
Ditching D&D Beyond or never got it in the first place? Here's some free/pwyw resources.
Dicecloud. This online app allows you to make and track character sheets for free! It does a lot of the calculations for you, just like dnd beyond would. Best overall replacement. (Thank you, @chryslerisdead)
PWYW Class Character Sheets by Emmet Byrne. These character sheets in my opinion, are easier to fill out and harder to mess up, with class-specific features built-in. You can easily edit them digitally, and there's even multiclass/homebrew options. Slap em on Google drive or something, share with your DM, lots of options.
Point-Buy Calculator. Easily automates character stat creation if you're using the Point-Buy system.
5e Level Up Tool. Select your class, select your level, get a digestible checklist of everything you need to do to level up. This one is SO GOOD and so slept on.
5e Spellbook. A quick way to reference your spells and build a Spellbook with a ton of filters.
Encounter Calculator. I know challenge rating isn't everything, but this is a good/fast way to see how balanced your encounters are, at a glance, at least in the eyes of the source books.
RPGbot. Lots of resources for DMs and players: encounter builders, dpr calculators, and lists of player options with sample builds and optimization suggestions, which may be helpful to folks new to the game.
Bonus: Online Tools (System Agnostic)
Here.fm. This is the alternative I use instead of roll20, because it's faster/easier. Drag and drop in maps and tokens in seconds, built-in library of stickers you can use for effects, draw right on the virtual tabletop, use temporary drawings to map out moves, built-in dice rollers, and options for proximity chat. I use it in combination with discord (just have players join your here room muted), but it could be used entirely on it's own, I imagine. Not built for ttrpgs, but works incredibly well for them.
Kenku.fm. A PWYW mini browser focused on mixing and sharing music to your dnd games through whatever app you use, with helpful discord support. This app also LEGALLY bypasses the issue that got all the YouTube discord bots shut down, so you can share YouTube audio worry-free.
Additional Resources (Aka, stuff I found out about after I originally posted this):
flapkan. Holy shit, this might be the BEST character sheet option on this list! Form-fillable pdfs with fully automated built-in prompts to auto fill features and spells, built-in Point-Buy and other automated calculations, and it generates a lot for you. Can be used digitally or you can print!
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solaceunknown · 2 years
as a player you should really internalize the intent/task sentence structure. “i wanna open this door by prying it open with a crowbar,” “i wanna set fire to the hay bale with my firebolt,” “i wanna haggle this price by commenting on some minor scratches.”
very often i see players only stating one of these. either “i wanna open the door” or “i cast firebolt on the hay bale.”
what the intent/task structure does is properly communicate to your GM what a success/failure state looks like, and what kind of challenge they propose. sometimes players have a very specific outcome in mind, but when they just state the task, even a successful attempt will be disappointing because the GM does not know what you want to achieve. and vice versa, just stating your intent puts weight on the GM to not only come up with the consequences to the actions, but what even causes them to begin with.
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solaceunknown · 2 years
the 100x100 bio icons thread got updated yesterday and..uh… like one minute ago with new icons, if you wanna check them out! right now it’s all new scene/vista stuff.
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solaceunknown · 2 years
Solstices#289458 and I’d love to get the pansexual ribbon, please!
flash giveaway
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yes i have another giveaway still going on ( check that out too ) but obviously i gotta give out some pretty pride flags real fast . anyone can enter !
1. reblog this with your username + ID# 2. let me know what vista you want 3. ten winners will be chosen by 18:00 flight rising time today ( 1/19 )
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solaceunknown · 2 years
girl help im stuck between a rock (too many dragons) and a hard place (refusing to get rid of any dragons)
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solaceunknown · 2 years
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solaceunknown · 2 years
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Biblical Accurate Angel fan dragon
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solaceunknown · 2 years
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Lisa Frank Undertide dragon is GO
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solaceunknown · 2 years
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gotta say ghost looks real nice on these lanky fuckin boys
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