solasity81 · 5 years
+ hannigram
“I’m in love with my best friend” Squad
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Tiny update:)
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solasity81 · 5 years
Marvel really had no goddamn right dropping Endgame during finals. I got three presentations, an outline, a 13 page paper, a fuckton of math homework, and two exams on my mind, and I am one hundred percent willing to ignore all of them in favor of losing my shit over fictional characters. 
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solasity81 · 6 years
captain marvel spoilers without context
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solasity81 · 6 years
Maybe I can get my boyfriend to read them👀💀
Who needs a boyfriend when you have 8650 gay fanfics to read
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solasity81 · 6 years
“Oh, I love books - I read all the time!” I say even though I’ve literally only read fanfiction the last couple of years, what even are books anymore
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solasity81 · 6 years
Peter: *points knife at emotions*
Peter: stay back, slut.
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solasity81 · 6 years
Tombstones of Ancient Roman Dogs
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Aeolidis tumulum festivae cerne catellae, quam dolui inmodice raptam mihi praepete fato.
Behold the tomb of Aeolis, the cheerful little dog, whose loss to fleeting fate pained me beyond measure.
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Raeda[r]um custos numquam latravit inepte. nunc silet et cineres vindicat um- bra suos.
This guard of the coaches never barked unsuitably. Now he is silent and his shade protects his ashes.
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Quam dulcis fuit ista quam benigna quae cum viveret in sinu iacebat somni conscia semper et cubilis o factum male Myia quod peristi latrares modo si quis adcubaret rivalis dominae licentiosa o factum male Myia quod peristi altum iam tenet insciam sepulcrum nec sevire potes nec insilire nec blandis mihi morsib(us) renides.
How sweet and friendly she was! While she was alive she used to lie in the lap, always sharing sleep and bed. What a shame, Midge, that you have died! You would only bark if some rival took the liberty of lying up against your mistress. What a shame, Midge, that you have died! The depths of the grave now hold you and you know nothing about it. You cannot go wild nor jump on me, and you do not bare your teeth at me with bites that do not hurt.
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Portavi lacrimis madidus te nostra catella, quod feci lustris laetior ante tribus. ergo mihi, Patrice, iam non dabis osculla mille nec poteris collo grata cubare meo. tristis marmorea posui te sede merentem et iunxi semper manib(us) ipse meis, morib(us) argutis hominem simulare paratam; perdidimus quales, hei mihi, delicias. tu dulcis, Patrice, nostras attingere mensas consueras, gremio poscere blanda cibos, lambere tu calicem lingua rapiente solebas quem tibi saepe meae sustinuere manus, accipere et lassum cauda gaudente frequenter
Bedewed with tears I have carried you, our little dog, as in happier circumstances I did fifteen years ago. So now, Patrice, you will no longer give me a thousand kisses, nor will you be able to lie affectionately round my neck. You were a good dog, and in sorrow I have placed you in a marble tomb, and I have united you forever to myself when I die. You readily matched a human with your clever ways; alas, what a pet we have lost! You, sweet Patrice, were in the habit of joining us at table and fawningly asking for food in our lap, you were accustomed to lick with your greedy tongue the cup which my hands often held for you and regularly to welcome your tired master with wagging tail.
Source: Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy
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solasity81 · 6 years
I can’t repost this enough
Me on a date: so do you like poetry
Date: -uu|-uu|- -|- -|-uu|- -
Me, shoving date into my purse: okay lets go get married
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solasity81 · 6 years
why be romantic when you can just be roman
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solasity81 · 6 years
school mindset
essays: make each essay you write better than the last

 small assignments: aim for 100s, expect 100s, get 100s

 homework: pretend they’re assignments

 homework that’s not graded: pretend! they’re! assignments!

 tests: study for 100s, expect less

 long term projects: act like it’s due in four days -even when it’s not- until you’re done with it

 group projects: do not get angry

 presentations: pretend you’re obama
disclaimer: this works for me, it may not work for everybody, do not push yourself too hard!!
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solasity81 · 6 years
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writing a strong introduction
writing brilliant paragraphs
ways to get past writer’s block by @kiramartinauthor
everything you need to know about the mla format
narrative essay + descriptive essay by @areistotle
cliches to avoid for essays by @appblrgirl
proofread better by @livingbtwnthelines
i’m here for a consult by @scriptmedic
non-writing things to do to make you a better writer by @bellarosepope
editing checklist by @anomalously-written
advice on writing a nice thank you note by @thesnicketfile
essay basics by @novanovelist
how tos
how to write an essay by @captainnaustralia
how to write college level essays by @caesarstudies
back to school: How to get an a*/8 or 9 in an English Lit essay by @thelawgraduate
how to write a university level essay by @healthyeyes
how to reduce your word count by @rewritign
how to write comparative essays
how to write a critical review
how to write a killer unprepared text essay
how to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word by @holyhoee
how to write a history essay by @delphicoracle
tips on writing an essay by my history professor by @busy-bizzy-bee
great writing tips
tip for all my student readers by @afternoonsnoozebuttonalex-blog
those different essay keeps popping up tips by @thisnerdsadventures
tips for writing research papers by @studysection
essay writing tips by @study-well
websites for writing essays by @intellectys
writing apps, extensions and websites by @uglystudies
app recommendation: Hemingway editor by @namaste-shay
list of cute and simple apps/websites/extensions for your writing pleasure by @busymarina
resource for writers by @studyquill
website which grades your essay by @leightaylorwrites
google like a boss by @estudemarina
things almost every writer needs to research by @the-right-writing
who needs wikipedia by @procrastinatioff
a no-nonsense guide to writing an essay by @hufflepuffwannabe
a step-by-step guide to writing a five paragraph essay by @emmastudies
strong and weak verbs masterpost by @gryfhindor
words to replace said, except this actually helps by @ms-mazarin
advanced english vocabulary by @languagesandshootingstars
vocabulary by @belleresources-blog
words to keep inside your pocket by @aurelle
synonyms for words commonly used in student’s writings
words that describe someone’s voice
synonyms for ‘suggests’ in essays by @justkeeprevising
alternatives for overused words by @thestudyingcabin
100 words every high school graduate should know by @kimtented
world building by @createwithwriting
english literature “to emphasise” - alternatives by @studyingboookworm
academic phrase masterpost: connecting words by @jwstudying
writing plots
character development worksheet by @aetherial
how to write characters that feel like real people by @kancrum
20 basic plots by @thewritershandbook
52 short stories in 2 weeks by @ourwritingtherapy
make sure to read the poem at least 3 times over. skim once, and read twice. Skim and read once each if you don’t think you have enough time. Don’t let the length of it intimidate you.
annotate anything that will help you to answer the question. Answering the question, aside from literary devices on their own, is the most important.
be selective about the quotes and literary devices you find, and identify which ones you can write more about.
annotating effectively by @hideandstudy
how to annotate by @tbhstudying
Other masterposts by me
Apps for students
icon credit to @sensiblestudy
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solasity81 · 6 years
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Kirk Quilaquil  -  http://ninjaticdoodles.tumblr.com  -  https://www.artstation.com/ninjatic  -  http://kirkquilaquil.daportfolio.com  -  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kirk-quilaquil-2358865b
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solasity81 · 6 years
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the rdj spectrum: tag urself edition
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solasity81 · 6 years
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I love my Brucie-bear <3
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solasity81 · 6 years
So for grad school on Monday, I have to teach four Latin words to the rest of the class (all language teachers, none of whom know Latin, all of whom know my antics) without explaining what they mean in English.
I’m thinking of coming in in full Athena/Minerva costume, labeling my spear, shield, helmet, and aegis, and just yelling at them in Latin like I am a vengeful goddess carrying their doom at the end of my craft foam spear.
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solasity81 · 6 years
*Rome is burning*
Emperor Nero: “That’s so sad, Apollo play Despacito”
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solasity81 · 6 years
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I don’t even regret this.👍🏻
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