solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
(( Hello! I have made a new RP server that condenses the old ones I ran (Primarily for my own mental health), and features my muses: Hexx, Lace and Luxie, Nadire Ampora, Perlie and Pumkut, An0n, The Infrared, Davesprite, Ri’ahni, Lil’chu, Dualscar, and a whole handful of others. My activity here is going to be minimal for a while given I can’t stop from actually logging on (Aspies are terrible schedule changers) but I won’t be posting IC and just checking notifications.
My discord is:  Little One#6380
Just tell me who you are and I can invite you to the server. It is 18+ though, because I don’t have the spoons in me to membergroup out the dozens of channels, and I didn’t feel I needed to accommodate given I interacted with so few people under 18 anyway.
Also like, don’t add me just to yell at me. I’ve dealt with enough bullshit stress and you’re just going to get blocked.
For those of you in the server, or satellite rpers who wanna poke at me: I will still take and answer asks and magic anons, but you won’t see the effects on the dash, and I will only submit art to my art blog @lookwhatkayteedid or @dontlookwhatkayteedid (NSFW).
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
(( Hey, if you’re still interested in interacting with my muses, or just talking to me, please DM me for my discord. Checking my notifications at this point is a form of self harm and I need to step away from the RPC until they get their angry little heads out of their asses. A lot of my muses have their own servers, even, and I’ll gladly talk and RP with you there. ))
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
relationship update
@jadebloodgoth has been fully retconned from solbee’s memory
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
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i put a lot of effort into making another one of these
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
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                                               ! ! ! S A L E ! ! !
                            Christmas Palette Commissions!
Hello! I’m looking to get some commissions done before Christmas!  Do you want a head-and-shoulders shot with sketchy lineart and a transparent background, using the palette above? Or perhaps you have your own five-color palette you’d like me to use? Look no more, I can make it happen for you! Slots are unlimited!
Single Character: $15
Two Characters (In one picture): $20
Two Separate Pictures: $25
Normal Colors: +$5 Of Above Prices!
Normal Colors + Shading: +$10 Of Above Prices!
Contact: IMs or  Little One#6380 @ discord.
Ko-Fi Donate: https://ko-fi.com/A0854DVY
Commission Discord (Recommended!): https://discord.gg/Mu5tNXV
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
I mean there are other reasons one might wwant to wwear a diaper if you get wwhat I'm sayin
ii don’t get what you’re 2ayiing. plea2e come off anon ii ju2t want two talk.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
looked up what diiaper2 are and ii defiiniitely don’t wear anythiing liike that? ii’ve got a lot of ii22ue2 but iincontiinence ii2 not one of them.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Hey man it's fine if you do no hate. You like wwhat you like no need to police that
ii liitterally have no idea what you’re talkiing about??
ii don’t even know what a diiaper ii2.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Do you wwear diapers?
what the actual FUCK ii2 thii2 que2tiion????????????????? no??????????
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Dear future me,
dear future me,
ii’m dead, ii don’t have a future.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Dear ex boyfriend,
dear ex boyfriiend,
ii mii22 you. when you dii2appeared, ii held on two you for week2, for periigee2 even, ju2t hopiing, watchiing and waiitiing, that one day you’d come back two me. ii u2ed two wonder, what wa2 iit ii diid wrong? wa2 iit me? wa2 iit 2omethiing biigger? why diid iit take 2o long for you two come back?
god, ii remember the la2t thiing we had done twogether two, a pale 2pa date twogether. we fiiled and 2hiined each other’2 horn2, wa2hed each other’2 haiir, and ate lunch twogether after cookiing iit twogether. do you remember that? ii remember iit liike iit wa2 la2t fuckiing week.
and then ii diidn’t 2ee or hear from you agaiin for a quarter of a 2weep.
and then, there you were. iit wa2 you, and you had an explanatiion. but iit wa2... you had a chance at liife agaiin. a new world, a place two raii2e your grub, and you... kiilled your2elf. two come back two the bubble2. two come back two what you left behiind, you’d 2aiid.
ii had a tran2portaliizer, you know. ii could have 2een you agaiin.
and then... after that, after you’d explaiined your2elf, after we parted way2.... ii diidn’t hear from you agaiin. diidn’t 2ee you, anythiing. and 2omehow... 2omehow that one hurt wor2e than the fiir2t tiime. but iit wa2 what ii needed two fiinally move on.
ii’ll never 2top loviing you, my pale2t danny ampora, and ii hope liife’2 exactly what you wanted iit two be now.
(( @prince-of-nope it’s incredibly inconvenient that tumblr won’t let me tag you >:( anyway, not the same muse, but the same mun. ))
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Dear person I like,
doe2 thii2 mean 2omeone ii have a cru2h on or ju2t 2omeone ii liike iin general? becau2e liike. there’2 a difference. ii gue22 iif ii had two piick 2omeone ii wa2n’t datiing though...
dear per2on ii liike,
ii’m not goiing two 2ay me liikiing you ii2 ratiional. liike yeah, you’re 2uper liikeable, and we’re totally friiend2, ii even gave up my liife for you. you were a per2on who wa2 2iimiilar two me and fun two hang wiith that one tiime, and then ju2t kept exii2tiing after, even when ii dii2appeared for a long tiime. a con2tant, 2ort  of.  you’re a good con2tant, and that’2 why ii liike you. why you’re a good friiend, you’re alway2 happy two hear from me, and iit make2 me a liittle happier ju2t two me22age you even iif ii wa2 anxiiou2 two 2triike up the conver2atiion becau2e hey, ii forgot people exii2ted for two week2 agaiin.
ii liike you. you’re a con2tant that ii hope never leave2 my liife, even iif ii’m 2ketchy at be2t iin your2.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Do it.
I will write about the following, leave one in my ask box.
Dear person I hate,
Dear person I like,
Dear ex boyfriend,
Dear ex girlfriend,
Dear ex bestfriend,
Dear bestfriend,
Dear *anyone*,
Dear Santa,
Dear mom,
Dear dad,
Dear future me,
Dear past me,
Dear person I’m jealous of,
Dear person I had a crush on,
Dear girlfriend,
Dear boyfriend,
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
Play ‘This or That?’ with my muse! Send two things (can be anything!) to them and they’ll have to choose one!
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
💭 solbee
wwell ii mean of cour2e ii thiink youre fuckiin great. iim not 2ure wwhat el2e iim meant to 2ay here.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
ii thiink youre fuckiin cute
wrong but ii’ll accept iit.
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solbeecaptor-blog · 6 years
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