soldier7567 · 2 years
I like to think after Fives died Rex wasn’t mad at Fox. Rex has been in that position before several times, where he’s shot at and killed brothers under the manipulation of a superior officer. Rex would be make himself a hypocrite if he put the blame all on Fox, and Rex still couldn’t forgive himself for Waxer and all the other 212th boys that got killed that day.
Rex understands that Fives was being perceived as a threat and was acting erratic, he had also threatened the chancellor, which is something that couldn’t be taken lightly. Rex knows no clone would shoot another brother without good reason, and without knowing Fives like Rex did, Fox had a good reason.
I think Rex would try to reach out to Fox for answers, but Fox has already had so many bad experiences with clones that aren’t from the guard and he was scared that Rex was mad at him. Rex is mad sure, mad that he lost one of his oldest friends, mad at this was, mad at the kaminoans, mad at the system, but he wasn’t mad at Fox.
Other battalions didn’t like the guard, cursed them for putting them in the drunk tank, mocking them for being paper pushers, told them they had it easy. But Rex has been stationed on Coriscant for long periods of time before, and has seen the abuse the guard takes. He understands what it’s like to be under an abusive superior officer, if only for a short time, and can’t imagine what that abuse is like on a constant basis. And he doesn’t mind picking up his boys from the drunk tank once in a while, they probably deserved it for being little shits.
I personally love this fic where Rex gets stationed with the guard temporarily after Kavado and experienced first hand the abuse the guard faces. As a headcanon, I think Rex would easily integrate into the guard. In the past Rex was known for being uptight and by the book. After Krell I think he would have the mental preservation skills to be able to diffuse arguments, handle degradation, and withstand the physical abuse senators throw the guards way. (I personally also like the headcanon that Rex is naturally blonde because would have gotten bullied a lot for being defective and it would add to his capacity to understand where the guard is coming from on terms of being shunned by brothers and withstanding abuse)
Rex and Fox parallel each other. Rex starts the war as a perfectionist, uptight, by the book, ready to preform any duty a commanding officer orders him to. Rex fights out in the field, watching his brothers get massacred daily, but he tells himself it’s for an honorable cause and their sacrifice won’t be in vein. But is then presented with the option to desert, he doesn’t because he has to protect his brothers on the battlefield, but now he questions if it’s worth it anymore. Rex has brothers in his battalion he cares deeply for, but looses them one by one and is eventually left all alone. During Umbara he didn’t whatever he could to keep his brothers safe, even if it meant he take on their punishments for them. After Umbara Rex got a lot of blame from troopers in the battalion, and he worked harder to try and make it up to them, but he would never overcome his guilt. I think from this Rex would develop a lack of trust in commanding officers, loose the ability to make new friends, he pushes people away and has a touch of separation anxiety.
Where Fox goes in to the guard graduation at the top of his class, he’s ridged and uptight, wanting to fulfill his duty to the republic. But then he quickly looses faith in his cause when the abuse starts. He watches his men get killed needlessly every day. He has his own group of friends he cares deeply for, but one by one they fall. Fox becomes a cynic who works overtime to fulfill his duty’s and keep his brothers safe. As a commander it’s his duty to keep his men safe and he tries his hardest, but he can’t save everyone. The guard understands this though and harbors minimal blame on him, but Fox however places all the blame on himself, and will never be able to forgive himself for his failure. As the war worsens so do his brothers temperaments, and all of his batch mates push him away, writing him off as a paper pusher, as stuck up, as a no show because he was always too busy. Fox holds a distrust for anyone who isn’t in the guard, he has anxiety about making ends meet for the guard and once his friend group is gone he too is isolated and alone.
Fox and Rex are more alike than we give them credit for and I think we should be building on their relationship more. Pls let them be friends, im begging you universe.
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soldier7567 · 2 years
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it's a long elevator ride to the chancellor's office.
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soldier7567 · 2 years
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soldier7567 · 2 years
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i desperately need rex to find cody in rebels…
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soldier7567 · 2 years
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Rex and Cody got married Pirates of the Caribbean style, I’m sure of it.
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soldier7567 · 3 years
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all of my winged!clones AU paintings so far 🤗
All designs inspired by @yukipri
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soldier7567 · 3 years
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I've got a one track mind and it's in full on codex mode right now.
I drew this a while back and finally found and fixed something that'd been bothering me. I'm also cranky from working too much which encourages me to post the Controversial Content apparently.
Slightly less wholesome full drawing under the cut.
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soldier7567 · 3 years
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🎃 👻 ~Ⱨ₳₱₱Ɏ Ⱨ₳ⱠⱠØ₩ɆɆ₦~ 👻 🎃
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soldier7567 · 3 years
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A brief goodbye as Cody heads back to the 212th. Rex always tries to see him off.
“Be safe,” Rex mumbles.
“You too,” Cody smiles.
For my Peaches
Art tags: @cacodaemonia @leeleebee @omiomicron @anstarwar @three-fold-symmetry @catawampuscorner @peerlesssunshine @cobaltbeam @justasigh37 @imrowanartist @eyayah-oya
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