soledrifter · 7 years
Showing One's True Ability, Reyn finds himself at odds with the new transfer student.  Slime trainer vs slime trainer.  Can Reyn win? Wait, what is Gina doing?
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soledrifter · 7 years
As the world cried, I joined, left, then moved on.  My Retrospective of 2017.
I should change the aesthetic for this account, shouldn't I? Maybe I'll make it a butt ton(heh) weeby, it'll look good, probably. Oh right, the aesthetic is from this prowrestling thing nobody knows, I had it for two years (or even more) with this guy having a drifter gimmick, which essentially is a traveler of sorts. It's not emo, okay?
January-- Actually, let's skip a few months. I personally don't want to relive some unwanted memories.
March came in like a lion, and around this time of the year, there were two days I looked forward to, one less than the other but looked forward to nonetheless. And those two days were only a day apart: My leave from Grade 11 and my very own birthday. Unfortunately, I forgot EVERYTHING back then but hey, this boy became a year older (meaning I'm getting close to getting an actual job and flying out of this damn country) and said boy was also looking forward to the summer season and the new school year to come.
April and May, these two months are considered to be the Philippine summer season. I wish I know why since most school years would start in September for most countries but hey, that's been how the government do it here (It's technically mid-March to mid-June, making it three months but that doesn't sound as appealing.) Like every summer break, my schedule was always: Wake up, eat, maybe even bathe, browse the net, eat, continue browsing, eat, sleep then repeat process. That's how the process looked like-- in April. In May, that process got itself an overhaul, adding "shitting on anime" in that mix bag. Every day, I'd finish 2-3 anime(s?); most I'd forget comepletely because all I wanted was that good ol' MAL watch time yo. Though that became a bit of a problem seeing how some shows that seemed enjoyable became undermined due to my loss of focus in those viewings. One that I did watch with full attention is one of my favourite anime of all time, the wholesome slice-of-life: Space Brothers (or Uchuu Kyoudai / 宇宙兄弟.)
Here's some of my thoughts of it, it'll be in this special box just incase there's a need to skip this:
Space Brothers is just great. It has a very Saturday morning cartoons feeling where you'd sit watching it with the sole purpose of enjoying your day. Space Brothers follow the charismatic, yet reserved Nanba Mutta and his younger brother Hibito in their journey of fulfilling their dreams of space travel. Sounds straight forward, no? It is. That's the great part about Space Brothers. You pick it up to follow these very realistic portrayals of people in this very homey setting. If you're fine with watching a very talky, slow, wholesome anime, pickthis one up, it'll be an enjoyable ride
June was the start of the new school year. Which means new rooms filled with new people that you need to interact with. Like the previous year, I was eased in the class rather well, nothing much to be fearful of other than the obvious cucks in the class. Nothing special had happened just yet with the year, though that kinda is every other year but I'll still give an open mind of the future.
Skipping forward a bit to late October. That was when I had join a scanslation group (which is pretty much a group who translates and make pretty untranslated manga.) It's been a very educational process, learning the ins and outs of scanslation, as well as being enjoyable at the same time. I need more work though soooo-- Quick plug: If you need a typesetter, cleaner, or redrawer for your group, my work email's "[email protected]" (very professional, I know.) I can also do PR and QC. Buy this man before all stock disappears
And to now, the end of the year. I haven't had the most eventful of year, but it has been one of the more enjoyable ones I've had in the past. That's thanks to weeb culture and the people I talk to.
Well, have a good 2018, everybody. Good vibrations all 'round. I shouldn't have drunk alcohol before I did this, maybe I'd actually remember what events to write. Whatever. HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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soledrifter · 8 years
The Clouds are as Red as I Remembered
There comes days where I'd want nothing more but peace and quiet. To look up at the sky and think about anything. To be with my own, without someone outside barging in breaking my peace.
I try to have them in the midst of hardships. Stress, relationship problems, emotional disdain, everything that takes a toll on my body. But with more and more time, I came to the realization that having this time for myself will only make it worse.
It's funny, really. I've been listening to a podcast where they talked about a  wrestler about how everytime people wouldn't talk to him, he'd stare at the clouds and overthink. He was Chris Beniot, you can research what he did, I don't want to touch upon it. But hearing that, in a way, he was what I am now: An emotional wreck, just hiding it from everybody and it's affecting how I would think. Hearing that, the mindset changed.
In these times that I'm alone, the urge of asking someone for help has been always in my mind. There was always someone for it, I didn't want anyone else but her. But when I couldn't, I'd break down, reading what her and I had, seeing the pictures she'd send me when we were happy together. I miss them very much.
I wish I could turn back time. All I want is that. I would have stopped myself if I knew what would happen. The roots of this. When all that happiness turned to this. It was all my fault.
She was right.
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soledrifter · 8 years
The Coldness of Ice, the Warmth of Fire
I remember the days when I was with Shae. I was always the hardass to her happy self. Thinking of it now, I may be a bit too harsh on her. She was always very open with hearing what I could have said, maybe even putting it near her. One time, when I told her to "keep her chin up", she'd tell me that she likes to hear it because it was reassuring. I have so many stories about her, it were the days I cherished. I've always cherished her.
If you're going to see this, Shae, happy advanced (or belated, I don't know) to you! Spook29, the 29th! I still remember!
When it was all said and done, when I got jealous and left, my heart grew dark. When was that? Early 2016.
To skip a couple of months, when all I ever did was to be happy, then when that changed, I took the time and ask Shae to have a talk, like old times sake. She sang that shitty Frozen song, we had a nice little talk, it was all fun. I even told her how much I softened up in the months we haven't talked. Talking with her then was a reminder of how we were a year ago and a comparison to both our lives now.
Miss ya, Shae. I still love ya, you shit.
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soledrifter · 8 years
The liar, the thief, lied to and stolen from; 2016
As 2017 is quickly approaching, I thought it would be a good idea to write up what happened with my year; like to what I did last time. 2016, where I moved away from my friends in search of a different light. A light I did not expect.
Before that, I was living off from 2015. What I started then, I continued till the end of the first half. Playing videogames, having a decent social life and actually enjoying the idea of the accompaniment of others. That’s still a constant though not as much as what I had then. Before I write too much, I would like to take this back to the first quarter of the year. The Prom.
Another Prom?! Yeah! I don’t know why it was a good idea to have another promenade for the Seniors this year. Sure, for the ones who’d be leaving the school but other than that, it’s not really ideal. My time on it was uneventful, to say the least. Not much dancing, more so watching over my friend as he was sleepy the whole night. I was pretty dapper that night, three-piece black suit with a grey jacket, having a shirt under. This time, I picked out the colours myself. Twas preeee sweet.
School Ends, Philippine Summer starts. That means being on the internet 24/7 and having fun with friends! It turned out boring and all I did was watching videos, creating content and fucking around with the other guys. Before it’d end, I would never thought I would change as a person.
It was then when I joined another community, Skyblock Online.
My friend’s brother wanted us to play Skyblock since he was bored playing the same ol’ Skywars. That we did and I’ve met a ton of nice guys and one of them was a moderator. Sweet, caring, kind, that’s what she was. Always the highlight of my day and all we did was to spend every second of the day together.
I remember coming home from school and wanting to jump on Realms with her, finishing off “We are the Rangers”. Though, after a while, we’d fall apart and I was broken emotionally and mentally. I’d think it shows in my grades, haha. Though, what that was was the highlight of my 2016. It was the best time I’ve been with others and I will never forget that.
2016 was the best and worst year for me because of that. Happy spending it with her and emotionally distressed due to what I did wrong. I want to forget those negatives going forward and I hope it’ll be a little better.
Happy New Year to each and every one of you. Good vibes all around and I hope you all had a wonderful 2016.
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soledrifter · 9 years
2015: The Roller coaster of a lifetime
As I write this down, its only 25 minutes away from the New Year and its best to write up what happened with myself to start off this blog properly.
Good day, 2015
I finished off the year with my wonderful friends at the now defunct Southshire Teamspeak. Salty, Zed, a few American were with myself in a room, waiting for the New Years and throwing a tantrum in a Minecraft Server.
More than just a dream
The year started off by meeting Spook29, some random gal I’ve interacted with in the Vineyard(?) Teamspeak. We were somewhat close for a long time. I wish we still were but hey, times change. In the span of the year, I’ve been in mostly written chats with her. Talking about social and sexual stuff- mostly the 2nd one but ohoho, its not what you think. She also likes cats and chocolate Ahhh.. I miss her- I still do.
Prom night, what a great night
I participated in the prom with no date in mind. A teacher picked someone for me as I’m not really the most approachable guy in the room. It was fun. The event itself was great just hanging out with friends. I’ve also danced with a few members of the opposite gender. Its a typical prom night but was chaotic and fun, probably my favorite part of the year.
As I’m writing this, I can hear fucking tooting outside. I can’t write for shit
Lets skip to mid year.
New School Year, more opportunities
When starting the next school year, I had something in mind. That something is to get out of my way and actually not be a silent doofus in the corner of the room but also be a goofy silent doofus who actually interacts with people. Hey, its working. I’m being a stupid fuck just to garner attention, I don’t do this because I am one, just a heads up.
Presenting: t-shirts
I had shirts as gifts for the Christmas party. It wasn’t something I enjoyed but the thought counts (and its also my fault because I strictly said “shirts” as gifts). I’ve had moments in the thing and I can’t write properly because of the noise-
It was a dull party. The food was fine, the interactions were... uneventful and I felt let down from all of it. It was still something though.
I got a minute to wrap so I’ll be quick. 2015 has been a great year. I’ve had more time with friends and I wish that’s going to carry over to the new year.
Happy New Year, everybody!
and excuse the bad choice of words, I had small time.
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soledrifter · 9 years
I needed some place to post personal issues and anything in between. Since Twitter couldn’t do that, the best thing is this. 
I am someone who isn’t easily pleased. I force myself to laugh or even grin in some of my conversations. I use the term for I am seeking for the unknown, if I see something of amusement, I’ll put it on the list and move forward. I do not stop and enjoy the scenery.
What’s the blog going to be like?
Already in the information. Its going to be me talking about my experiences, past or present- my thoughts about the future. You’ll read things that I wouldn’t tell anyone though I’m getting there. I’m pretty awkward when talking about these sorts of things.
Why are you such a fuccboi?
I’m not, fuck off.
What are the certain topics you’re going to talk about? Any details?
Social interactions, what I’ve been missing about just to name a few. Its going to be deep real quick.
Anything else?
Yeah, just a disclaimer, the blog is going to be my opinions, my own thoughts and in my own words. I might say use foul words so keep that in mind.
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