solideerity ยท 11 months
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"That's so sweet! It sounds as if you've caught the attention of someone really nice!" She remarks softly as she looks at his hair braid. Ah yes, it fit him well... Thank goodness. She giggled and folded her hands in her lap.
"You know, I bet they've been happy to see you so giddy after getting the presents! Maybe if... You know... You were a little more confident in it, they might have the courage to reveal themselves sometime!" She suggested, staring at him innocently. "Like, you know! Walking around with your head high because you know someone loves you and is watching! It's a good impression to make."
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Terry's face flushed but a big goofy smile was on his face as Clora congratulated him. Honestly, he couldn't believe it either! She was the first person she admitted this information to and he giggled awkwardly, not used to talking about this sort of thing. But he was GLAD to finally share, his heart felt like it could BURST.
"Well... First, I got this really nice braid..." He pushed some of his wild locks out of the way to show that he had used it amidst the curls. "And... I also got a flower crown, it was BEAUTIFUL, I'd not seen some of the flowers before and... Also a drawing, that was really sweet..."
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solideerity ยท 11 months
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"A secrete ADMIRER! Oh Terry, that's so wonderful!" She looks so pleased with her friend, gently shaking him by the shoulder to show her excitement. "I'm so happy for you! Gift giving is the love language of your people, right? Oh wow... What all have you gotten? What have you liked the most?" She asks, clearly curious as she moves from sitting next to him to across from him to face him head on.
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Terry giggled at her over dramaticness, rocking a little where he sat in mild embarrassment, clutching the daisy chain close to himself as he debated for a moment with rosey cheeks.
"Ahem... Well... Okay..."
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"Thing is... I've been finding gifts about... For ME and... I think I have a secret admirer..."
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solideerity ยท 11 months
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"Shouldn't SAY?!" She replied in mock offense.
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"But I'm- I'm your BEST FRIEND! Friends tell each other EVERYTHING!" She pretended to sob, wiping a fake tear from her eye before erupting into giggles. "C'mon, Terry! You have a look about you! You gotta tell me!"
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He turned to her, giving her a soft smile of sympathy as she fumbled with the flowers. He was sure she could make some very pretty things! It probably just took time, he'd be there to help her if she needed it.
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"Oh... Well..." He flushed bashfully, staring down at the flowers. "IIIIIII dunno if I should saaaayyy...." It was probably already obvious enough, even without asking, his family seemed to KNOW he was aloof with something or someone.
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solideerity ยท 11 months
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"I'd go as far as to say it is a fantastic day!" She shares his enthusiasm as she comes and sits next to him. She also starts picking up daisies and starts to... Fumble with making the chain.
"Haha, I've never been great at these... If I want to make a nice one, it takes me an... Awful long time." She admits, looking down at her hooved hands with a soft smile. It was so nice to see Terrance... So happy.
"Anything in particular happen to make you this happy?"
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He had been sat in the field he usually resided in, humming a happy tune to himself whilst making a daisy chain and perked up at the sound of Clora approaching him. He sat upright and waved her over with a wiggle of his tail.
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"Clora! Hi! Yes... Ahehehe... I guess I HAVE been... Its just..." He scrunched up his shoulders bashfully and let it relax with a dreamy sigh. "Its just a REALLY good day, isn't it?"
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solideerity ยท 11 months
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"Hey, Terrance! Good to see you! You um, well I noticed you've been in much better spirits lately! Has something... Good happened?"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"Deep? No no, it comes to about... Uh, just above my waist. In the part I like to stay in, at least. You won't have to swim, no worries. I'm not uh... Good at it. Tiny legs on a big deer body don't exactly have the most force to keep you above the surface."
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"Don't worry! I'll be right next to the edge to make sure you're okay the whole time! There's nothing to be scared of." She reassures and guides him out the door and down the stone path. After a small set of stairs down the hill, they come to a shed that looks like it hasn't been touched in awhile. And next to it is the pond she was talking up. It's decently sized, and like she said, doesn't look that deep. She releases his hand and sits by the edge, patiently waiting for him.
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"Take your time washing off, if you'd like. Isolation like this is hard to come by, so I'm told."
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Terrance's cheeks flushed deeper as she complimented him continuously. Though part of that was with SHAME... He was NOTHING that she thought he was, he was not a good taur, he was not strong or 'cool' as she put it. He wasn't what his flock or his father wanted of him.
Then the conversation turned to the ointment and he shuffled uncomfortably at the mention. Oh! Yes! At least... He didn't feel as BAD anymore.
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"Um... Is the pond deep?" He asked nervously as he stepped up to follow her.
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"You have SIBLINGS?!"
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"Wow! I didn't even think to ask! I never had any! That's really cool... But you're definitely the coolest out of them all! You're super nice and kind- And you know how to be cautious like I'm supposed to be! I know you'd make a great cervitaur!" She recognized none of Terrance's grievances with his family, but still chose to highlight his abilities rather than his short comings in the eyes of others. Innocently unaware, as always.
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"Oh! The ointment should be all done! Do you wanna come and take a bath in my little pond to wash it off now?" She stepped towards her door and gestured to it. "Its right around the back, near the shed! My friend Balfor used to live in there, but he's off protecting the forest now."
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Terrance smiled at her reaction, it was rather cute in all honesty, those ears were very different! But the way they flopped and her smile was rather catching and his own woollen tail wiggled happily.
It was interesting to hear about her family, but by the way she spoke... They were no longer about and he was going to offer his condolences when she asked him about HIS family.
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"My Ma and Pa?" He gave a weaker smile, staring down to his fingers as they fiddled with each other. "Ha, yeah, both are still around, my Pa is the chief and my Ma is the strongest ewe in the village, which is why she had lots of strong lambs - well, thats what everyone says anyway! I have brothers and sisters too."
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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Clora beamed at his compliment. She had worked hard to make her home nice... And for it to be finally recognized was relieving. Her tail wags back and forth as she lets her head quickly sway to let her ears flop around. Little happy dance!
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"Yeah, my mom was a biped person!! My dad was a taur. They fell in love and had me!! And now I do what my mom did when she was alive; help the people of the forest! Sometimes creatures stumble through that are injured and I'm supposed to help them! These woods were under my mom's protection. Its how she met my dad!" What a sweet story that made... No sense? She isn't the best story teller. "What about your mom and dad? Are they still around?"
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Terrance smiled in reply, yes... First real friend? Well... Perhaps she was his first actual friend too... He hadn't really managed to get close enough to anyone before, especially within the flock.
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"Your mother wasn't a taur?" He blinked in surprise, what was she then? When her daughter was still a taur? "Well.... I think your home is lovely... Its different..." He could list about twenty different things he didn't understand or know what they were... "But its lovely."
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"I spend a lot of time alone too. My mom said it wasn't wise to bring people I don't know all that well to stay in the tree with me... So... Since you're my first real friend, you can imagine how that's gone." She admitted with a soft laugh. Haha ow. Crippling loneliness buddies. She trotted back over to the kitchen and opened her cabinet to pull out a glass, specially made to be held by her hoof hands.
"I was... Gonna wait to bring you... Cause I know you're probably confused... But this used to be my mom's home, so its not really super suited for taurs. She tried to accommodate me after I was born and all... But it's still a bit weird. So if you have any questions, I'll try to answer them the best I can." She puts a kettle over the fire to brew some tea for the two.
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"And I've been dealing with the same stuff for a long time, so I know a good bit about it. My mom's books left a lot of gaps to fill, so I had to figure out a lot of things out myself. I'm just happy I could help you."
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Terrance DID seem a bit better, less flushed anyway and he felt the heat and warmth that had raged through his system before dimming to more of a dull, distant ache. Whatever that cream was, worked a treat - Despite the 'moustache'... Okay, that got a little giggle out of him.
"Heh... Yeah... Thank you, you seem to know a lot of stuff about... This and... Stuff in general," he stared down to this hooves, patting his hands on his sides awkwardly till the mentioning of a drink.
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"Oh! Um, yes please!" He clasped his hands together, attempting not to even THINK about his rut now.
"But... Heh... You don't have to worry about having found me... Its always been like that, I tend to spend the time alone."
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"Don't be such a worry wart, Balfor! I know what I'm doing when it comes to this magic stuff! I got just as much training on it as you did..." She grumbles, but she knows he means well.
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"... Did you bring me back any gifts from our forest neighbors?"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"He's a sheep taur! His species apparently holds records by word of mouth like ours did, but they're still... You know. Around. I've been meaning to ask him to bring me to his elders, but I always get too nervous to ask... They have a herd that's a good ways from our forest, but I finally managed to use the spell mother left me to traverse to and from the forest as I please! The one you use to come back in the spring. Isn't that cool?"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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Her patience took hold as she stood outside her own home. She hardly minded being forced to wait. Having company over, no matter how awkward, was pleasant. She hardly gets visitors! And having her BTF (Best Taur Friend) over was quite a treat. Her ears perked when she heard him call out and she poked her head back inside with a polite grin. She trots herself inside and takes the empty jar from him, going and setting it on the counter.
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"Heheh. You look like you have a mustache." She said to break the tension with a giggle. "Are you feeling better now? Sorry about all the, uh, lingering. I'm not used to having people over and I got distracted." After a bit, she clapped her hands together. "So! That just needs to sit there for a few more minutes, then you can go wash it off. As long as nothing... Too stimulating happens for the rest of your season, you should be covered! If the heat starts to come back, you can always ask for more. The most I've ever had to apply is three times during a real intense one, so you should be more than set."
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"Heh, I guess its a good thing I found you pretty early! Otherwise you might have- ... Nevermind, it doesn't matter. Let me grab you something to drink, I'm sure you're thirsty?"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"Balfooooor- Don't say stuff like that!" She twiddled her hooves anxiously at his compliments. "And of course he is! I'll have to introduce you two sometime! It'll be nice to share with each other, I've learned stuff about cervitaur culture that mother didn't leave in her books from him! It's crazy!"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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At his insistence of not needing help, she nodded and took a step back. Of course he doesn't need help! That was a silly question. Besides, he wouldn't want her anywhere near his- ANYWAY. She can stop thinking about that now and she chuckles nervously. Ah, these two are so awkward. But it's cute enough.
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"OH! RIGHT! You need to be alone- I'm sorry! I can be so clueless at times!" She's even more embarrassed than before. She laughed awkwardly as her legs fumbled to walk herself towards the door of her home and step outside. "Just uh- Yell for me when you're done! It should work almost immediately, so if it doesn't uh- Well there's a pond in the back that I bathe in so you can use it." She explains as she shuts the door behind her to stand alone outside her home.
Wow. This was a train wreck for her. She covers her face and lets out an exasperated sigh. Curse her and her lack of social skills! She's been alone in these woods for far too long.
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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Clora didn't catch his sudden embarrassed fit since she was busy with the cabinets. But its okay, his little free show didn't go on too long as she climbed down and approached him with a smile. She reached into the jar and and smeared some of the cream under his nose. It smelled kinda chemical-ly. But that was just from everything she had to blend together to make it.
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"This should help settle you for the moment." She said while concentrating on getting an even amount. "Don't lick it, okay? It tastes really bad." Good thing she warned him. "This helps you not get in a loop of smelling your own pheromones... At least, that's what my mom said in her books she left me."
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"... The uh. Rest of it has to go. ... Near your, um. W-well you get the idea- The nose part is to help you mentally, the other helps you physically. Otherwise your body will just be stuck in a rut but you'll be able to think clearly." She explains as she hands him the jar. "... Do you need... Any help?"
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"You'll hardly believe it, but I've been making friends! One of them is even a taur too! It's so cool!"
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ย  ย  ย ย โ€œAs promised. I will not let Spring come to pass without visiting at least once. All is well, I trust...?โ€
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solideerity ยท 1 year
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"Balfor!!! You're back from your trip across the forest!!!"
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