skxrbrand · 4 months
Cont from X ( @feelinsheepish / @intxlligentminds)
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" Then eat the grass." Skarbrand offers, a mocking edge to the suggestion. What beastkin turned up their nose at meat?
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xxlordalexanderxx · 6 months
"BIG!" A much TINIER lamb was at Alex's feet, big wide, yet tired eyes staring up to him in awe, tiny woollen tail wiggling. She looked around 4 or 5 years old, an extra leg between her two front ones and her hands clasped together in shock.
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Big blazing eyes lock onto the much more smaller creature, this little fluffy child. He had to kneel down to get a better look.
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"That I am, child, are you lost?" The spies the extra leg between her two initial ones, intrigued by it. "Hmmm you look a little familiar."
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malevolent-fairy · 8 months
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"Some random creature making one of my most powerful allies all emotional? More likely than you think."
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solideerity · 1 year
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Continued from x @feelinsheepish
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Her friend was acting rather strange... He almost never refuses a sweet treat that she can provide! Were the rumors true? Was he ill? She looked so concerned for her fellow taur... She knelt down next to him, gentle and slow, before leaning over his tense body and giving him a sympathetic look. She never liked being sick herself, so she really hates it for him to not even have his usual appetite...
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"Terrance... You look red in the face. Do you have a fever? I can take care of you back at my treehouse if needed! My mother taught me about healing, you know! Plus- If you're feeling hot, it is deep in the woods with a lot of shade!" Oh boy is she clueless. But she looks so sweet trying to offer aid to her friend.
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therxtking · 4 months
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OhmygoshitsaBABY!!! Terry just lowering himself onto his stomach and his lil woolly tail wiggling and heart eyes at the tiny thing. <3333
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NOT mamma! The pup arches his back and hisses. Fur fluffing out on all sides as his tail waves back and forth, trying to crack it like a whip.
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oflostinfound · 1 year
@feelinsheepish ❤'d for a starter
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|| 💎 ||: ❝ Oh-- Shit no no no don't- don't be scared! Uh-- Be not afraid? Shit! ❞
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|| 💎 ||: ❝ Look i'm not going to hurt you. I can't hurt you I'm like totally dead! Yeah that's, okay I know that's kind of freaky, I just- kind of got lost. ❞
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Discussed starter for @feelinsheepish​!
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“Dumb ol’ Taffyta, dumb ol’ teachers, dumb ol’ school trip...”
One might wonder where the frustrated muttering was coming from; at least, they might unless they looked up. One Vanellope Schweet, class reject and all around unpopular kid, had made her way up into the wood’s treetops, where she was idly hopping from branch to branch as if it was the most normal thing in the world for a nine-year-old girl to be doing.
It had all started with a school field trip. Some thing to go out to the outskirts of some woods and study some specific type of bugs in their natural habitat or whatever. Vanellope had tagged along gamely enough - she might skip school whenever it suited her (which, given that she was the favourite target of what felt like most every bully in the school, was often), but getting to go somewhere new was always good, right? Or it had started off that way, until one of her classmates in particular had started her usual thing of making fun of her
- “You should just stay out here, Vanellope; you’d fit right in with all those bugs... after all, you’re just as gross and unwanted as they are” -
and the others had joined in, and had culminated in her being shoved over into the thick mud that said bugs called home. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the cherry on top had been that the teachers had acted as if it was her own fault.
She’d beat a hasty retreat as soon as no-one else was looking; a retreat that took her into the woods and to one of her favourite kinds of hiding place - up the tallest tree she could find. From there, the child had taken to expertly hopping from branch to branch, one tree to another, all the while muttering to herself and trying in vain to pick mud off her school clothes as she put more and more distance between herself and her classmates.
She thought, for a moment as she took another hop between tree branches, arms outstretched for balance, that her sense of direction must have got messed up. She couldn’t define exactly why, but something just felt faintly wrong, like she had been all turned around without realising it.
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No, that couldn’t be right. Putting a hand on her head, Vanellope tried to puzzle through this strange sensation. It wasn’t vertigo, for she had no fear of heights; it was just...
Ah, it was nothing. Couldn’t be. She knew for a fact that she didn’t want to go back the way she’d come; back that way just lay the rest of her class and a whole afternoon’s worth of mockery. Actually, she couldn’t even say which way back was; only, she knew that it was the opposite direction to the way she’d just taken her last jump.
So, keep on going, right?
Shaking off the disorientation, she continued her jumping from one branch to another, moving deeper into the woods - blissfully unaware that she’d just crossed a magical barrier that, had she been walking on the ground, would have turned her completely around without her being any the wiser.
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sweet-chimera · 1 year
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// Also just as a point of reference. I've done all of THIS TODAY ALONE. I AM A MACHINE-- ALSO IT WOULD TAKE TOO LONG TO TAG EVERYONE BUT ONLY ONE OF THESE CHARACTERS BELONG TO ME. (Its heat. I love him)
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cflight · 1 year
Ekira's birthday?! Terrance had put together a very nice gift for them, and he smiled nervously. "Happy birthday, Ekira!" He held it out to them, wrapped in large leaves and a ribbon made from yarn, inside was a hand knitted scarf that was made to look like a handsome looking bow, made by Terry's own hands from his own wool and dyed a mustardy yellow. "I hope you like it."
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“It’s my birthday?” Ekira asked, letting out a small grunt at the gift thrusted in their hands. They knew what birthdays were, of course— after all, they’d celebrated Mari’s not long ago— but to be told it was their own was, well— surprising, to say the least. They hadn’t acknowledged it since their mother was still around— and even then, after all those years of travel, it seems they’d had completely, well— forgotten.
Unwrapping the gift, Ekira’s eyes widen as they remove the scarf, letting out a loud, dramatic gasp as they wrap it around their neck (not before snuggling it up against their face, of course). “Oh, Terrance, it’s beautiful!” they beam, quick to bury the sheeptaur in a plethora of kisses. “Thank you so much! I love it!”
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skxrbrand · 2 months
“There must be something you fear.” Terry asks.
Questions/Comments to be sent anonymously!
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Skarbrand doesn't answer at first. The only reply to Terry's comment is the metal scrape of stone against daemonic metal and after a while it seems the Reaper will ignore the sheep-taur altogether.
Then, without warning, he speaks.
" My father, Khorne."
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xxlordalexanderxx · 4 months
"Mister Alexhandle?" Spring taps the dragon-man's leg. "Do the shinies grow on your chin? My Pa grows hair on his!"
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He looks down, and then he crouches down, tapping the gem thoughtfully as it glows.
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"Oh! Hello little Spring, does he now? And yes indeed they do! They are apart of me and very much alive. They even grow on my shoulders sometimes, but I keep those trimmed because they tend to itch."
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ribbcn-bxnes · 1 year
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"The choice is simple. You either fight, or die trying."
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"Optionally, you may also die pathetically in a heap without having tried at all.
The world cares not, really."
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solideerity · 11 months
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"Hey, Terrance! Good to see you! You um, well I noticed you've been in much better spirits lately! Has something... Good happened?"
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therxtking · 10 months
"WOW! A big ratty!" Tiny little Spring staring up wide-eyed at the 'King' whilst Terrance runs up to try and scoop her up and take her away from the scene.
Gordon had been expanding his prowling to the other side of the mountains, not expecting to be jumped at by little lambs. His ears pin back and he rears slightly as he moves away... He personally wasn't a threat, but he was shocked by how completely fearless it was, bounding up to colossal strangers. Did her parents not teach her of the dangers?.. The other one- oh, he recognized him. That was terrance! Maybe he'd put some sense into the baby. "Yes, I am a big ratty!" He purrs, dipping his head to eye her more closely... She had... An extra leg. A deformity... So it probably didn't get out enough to be exposed to these sorts of things...
"Now what are you to doing out here unprotected, running up to big strangers?"
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oflostinfound · 1 year
Terrance leans in with sparkling eyes. "B... Baby.... <3"
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Hello sheep person, she is just gonna look at him with her big ol magenta space eyes. A new thing to see, a person, that in itself earns some small baby noises.
Of course, Hax is nearby. Their baby laying in her new crib / contained nest while they sit next to it. They're keeping a close eye on the taur.
|| 💛 ||: " She's so curious, just be careful... "
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drachliebe · 1 year
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⋆。°✩ -- @feelinsheepish con't from ( 🔥 )
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“ i'm t.abaluga . i'm a dragon . ” the fledgling replies simply , still staring at the sheeptaur intently . of course it was obvious the other was fibbing , and being given nothing to work means the young dragon will come up with his own conclusions .
“ was someone mean to you ? i'll teach 'em a lesson ! ” he exclaims with a thumb to his chest . inhaling deeply , a tiny cloud of smoke emits from the dragon child's nostrils in emphasis .
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