diary entry - work with Aphrodite
i have already written about worshiping Aphrodite and the journey i had since february but a lot of things have changed since then, so i'm here writing an update.
i'm doing tarot readings at least once a week and The Empress has been coming out for a very long time. since i've been worshipping Aphrodite and working on self-love and beauty matters, this didn't come as a surprise but as time has passed, i've started to feel her closer to me.
when talking about signs, i was a sceptic. Aphrodite, Venus and the concept of divine feminine is so incorporated in our society that every time i've come across something Aphrodite-related, i didn't think it was a sign at all. but today, after a huge cleansing session, i had this feeling that the she is close. and fun fact, every time i've opened any social media platform, something Aphrodite-related came up (and not Venus or divine beauty as usual, these were all specifically about Aphrodite).
in the evening, i lit her candle and after finishing my skin-care routine, i meditated. there's a foggy, hidden place where i imagine myself every time i meditate, but now i started walking away a little and i went to a willow where she appeared. i did my best to show my gratitude towards her and she seemed to be happy. then she reassured me that i'm doing great. there was a small and sweet conversation in which she pointed out how important the acts of self-love is, she touched my cheeks, then she laid down on the ground with a smile and i walked back to my place.
after this meditation, i needed a lot of time to ground myself. during summer i have been practicing psychic abilities and meditation, so this kind of experience isn't unusual for me but recieveing this much light and sweetness is rare. i am grateful for her and for this whole experience. i am so grateful.
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diary entry - deity worship for self-love and glamour magick
tw: weight, body, eating, mental health issues
today is Full Moon in Capricorn. since i have many Capricorn placements in my natal chart including my Venus, i've thought this evening is a nice moment to reflect upon my self-love journey.
earlier in this year, there was a Venus retrograde in Capricorn, so i also had my Venus return at this time, and it motivated me to change a few things about my life, mainly focusing on venusian topics. in january, i wasn't feeling very well mentally, and it took a lot of strength to crawl out of this dark place. in february, during the Full Moon in Leo (which is my rising sign) i cut my hair and set up a smaller altar for self-love. i was determined to work on myself, since i wanted to fix the way i see myself. i needed to release all the hate i held for myself - and looking back, it was life changing step.
the altar was set up for Aphrodite/Venus, since i have their statues (i know that they are seperate deities, but i have an Aphrodite statue from Greece and a Venus statue from Italy - although i'm going to refer to Aphrodite now on, because it's her statue i eventually put on my altar). the altar consists of a pretty vintage glass bowl in which i put rose quartz, amethyst, sea shells, sigils for love and confidence, bay leaf, a pink stone from Cyprus (which is the birthplace of Aphrodite) and jewellery that my loved ones gifted me. i also have a beautiful collage of lyrics from Aurora's songs (my best friend gifted me for my 20th birthday), a wooden love spoon from Wales, and of course, a pink candle. when i light the candle, i listen to beautiful love songs, do skin care or make-up, dress up and most importantly, write self-love and beauty affirmations in my manifestation journal with pink ink. i've been writing these affirmations almost every day since february and it's incredible how much these small, mundane tasks have been helping me during these month.
i changed so much, and the people around me, my friends and family members also noticed this energy shift. i used to hate my body and hate myself for my flaws and mistakes, i used to hate how i look, how i dress, how i smile, how i talk, how i move - i hated every part of me. it was insane. writing affirmations really changed how i look into the mirror and how i view myself - i started to accept myself, i started to love myself. these small tasks i did for myself with the intention of self-love and gestures for Aphrodite completely changed my mindset. when i say or think something negative about myself, i immediately feel guilty about it. i view myself as a valuable and lovable person, and now i can finally give the love for myself i need and i deserve. when i look into the mirror, i see myself as a beautiful woman. i feel comfortable in my skin. i became confident.
i changed physically, too. my skin became clearer and i lost weight (i didn't start a diet, i think my eating habits became a little bit balanced - i'm still kind of midsized, i think). i'm getting more and more compliments from people who have seen me during my worst times, and they've been telling me how beautiful and confident i became (and it really feels nice, i'm very grateful for them).
although i dedicated the altar and the small gestures for Aphrodite, i have never tried to reach out to her. i'm really content with worshipping her and i like the idea of her being proud of me, even though i don't even search for signs from her. i just love embodying all the values she represents.
i did a small tarot reading for this journey of mine, and these are the five cards that came out, in order: Ten of Swords, Five of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, King of Cups and The Lovers. i think these cards represents these couple month really well.
all in all, i'm very grateful for this change. it doesn't mean that i'm free from all my insecurities and i always feel good about myself - i still have bad moments sometimes, but i learn how to overcome them. i sincerely accept and love myself for who i am. and it makes me so excited, that it's only the beginning.
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orriculum’s witchcraft masterpost ✨
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✨ 101 - basics :
there are some accepted standard methods used widely in witchcraft,
unpacking witchcraft - spell types 
some basic terms to know
methods for spells
grounding, a quick how-to  
when to cast a spell - by weekdays
when to cast a spell - by time of day 
how to cleanse
how to charge
nullifying spells  
about jar spells 
jars and mold 
“beginner” spells  
grounding masterpost 
disposing of spell materials 
✨ 202 - your own path
your own path is where you diverge from the standard things you learn at first, and may require you to write your own spells or adjust others to your needs.
how to write your own spells - resources 
understanding herb associations with rosemary 
how to substitute in a spell
how to write curses 
how to write glamours
searching spells by ingredient 
how to adjust a spell 
✨ tools:
tools of witchcraft overview a witch’s wand 
building a broom/besom 
correspondence resource 
on making moon water
herbs for spells : grocery store vs. home grown vs. edible wilds 
a witch’s book 
✨ you should know:
“to be a witch” falsehoods 
other witches and you
witchcraft and the law 
difference between a witch and a herbalist 
self care for the witch
low effort witchcraft
 when your spell fails
tarot and pendulums can get it wrong
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diary entry - my relationship with deity work
i've seen a lot of witches and pagans talk about deity work on social media, and i was interested in it, but i haven't considered starting deity work myself.
tho i wanted to educate myself on this topic, so once i wanted to watch a youtube video on Chaotic Witch Aunt's channel about deity work, but as the video started, suddenly all the lights went off in the whole apartment building. it was around 10 pm, so everything turned pitch black, and my cats started acting kinda weird in my dark room. what can i say, i started panicking, and i did a basic cleansing and locked every mirror (again), and as i was drawing the protection sigil on the last mirror (which happened to be in my room), the electricity came back. this was quite scary as a baby witch, so i stopped learning about deity work.
this incident happened more than half a year ago, and i was gathering knowledge on other topics in witchcraft. i haven't thought about getting into deity work, since i was more interested in more mundane things. however, a few weeks ago i felt an energy shift and i had this feeling that someone is reaching out to me. i was trying to use pendulum, tarot and oracle cards to communicate, but something was always off. as i started to learn about this topic (and yes, i could watch Chaotic Witch Aunt's video with no problem this time) i realised that it must be a trickster spirit. although the cards were leaving signs that it could be Hermes, but when i askes which plant is associated with him, the cards were suggesting other plants (i used Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle deck, which has a card portraying strawberry).
now i'm writing this after i've finished cleansing my space. thinking about it, this experience kinda changed my mind about this topic. i think i would be ready if a deity would come, but i don't want to rush it if i don't have to. i am open to new things.
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welcome ❤
i'm an eclectic witchcraft practitioner. i've been interested in witchcraft since forever, and i've been actively practicing my craft a while, but i'm still at the beginning of my journey. i want to go deeper in spirituality, so i've decided to create this profile and use it as a journal.
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