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4- the environment people are in
Racism is not a natural thing. People are not automatically born into this world with hate towards others with different skin color in their heart and mind. It’s the environment that they are raised in and the influence of people’s opinions that can lead to how a person acts around others. 
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Ones who have a judgmental outlook on others feel the need to spread their hatred to others. People who are not educated enough about the subject of racism can lead to trusting the ones with bad intentions. If this continues on without anyone trying to speak up on what’s wrong, the hatred can multiply between people.
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3- how the media affects racism
Institutional racism is not exactly as harmful as other types of racism, like systemic and individual. However, the media influences the common stereotypes we see today. Most western movies have a white-dominant cast. Whenever a movie contains a minority, they are usually stereotyped which feeds into how a certain race “is”.
For example, it’s quite common for black men in movies to be seen as the gangsters or ones who come from a sketchy neighborhood. For Asians, they are usually portrayed as the extremely nerdy or shy kids in a school setting, feeding into the stereotype that all Asians are extremely smart and if they are not, then they are a “disgrace”. For ones from Latin or Mexican descent, it’s quite common to see many males as non-speaking illegal immigrants or lazy, homophobic slobs. As for females, they are usually seen with lots of skin showing, representing the sexy “perfect” Latina.
Although the film industry is slowly becoming more diverse when it comes to the cast and the roles of minorities, these past occurrences has influenced the stereotypes and racism that has been put on POC (people of color). There has been many moments where minorities have DEMANDED for more diversity in today’s media, however, there are still some who don't care to listen.
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When more and more minorities are able to to star in big movies, people can finally see that they are not all the same and can act in a variety of ways. Many people argue that most movies only care for the “good” actors, the “experienced” ones. However, people can not show what they’re made of unless they’re given opportunities which is limited for POC. Without opportunities, there can be no chance to improve.
America is a melting pot of culture and races, yet we still have many parts of the media where it is white-dominated and has no type of diversity in it at all. 
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2- how people can help others
These situations are a bit more common. You see someone getting discriminated because of their race. Some are too shy to speak up, not knowing the repercussions of the event. Others are afraid of how others are going to judge or treat them. The only thing to know is that you ARE doing the right thing by standing up for others. 
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For example, you’re in a restaurant, waiting in line to order your food. Someone who is in front of you is struggling to order and they don’t have the clearest English accent, as they are not a native speaker. A person from behind shouts, “Hey! This is a place for only English speakers! Speak English or go back to your country!” What you should do is to stand up for them, stand up for the one who is being harassed. Remember to listen while keeping calm and not act too defensive when in a conversation with others. It’ll be risky. What you shouldn’t get in the way is the fear of being judged, what will only matter is that you defended someone who is a victim. As long as you’ve done as much as you could’ve during the event then 
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1 - how privleged people can help
What people don’t realize is that they have the privilege of helping those who are being discriminated in today’s society. Ones who recognize their privilege can use that to help. 
For example, if a white person says a racial slur, usually if someone who is of the race that they are discriminating, they won’t listen. However, if someone who is the same race as them tells them how wrong they are, they would actually consider what they are saying. Use your own privilege to help those who cannot fend for themselves.
Know your place and acknowledge your privilege at all times. Respond appropriately to ones who call you out. You should never harass someone. Acknowledging your privilege is not something to be ashamed of. Instead of trying to make it seem like it’s negative for you, turn it into something that can help others.
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