somegilmoreguy · 2 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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somegilmoreguy · 9 months
Neck deep in a Gilmore girls rewatch and working on an essay about the hand-me-down emotional damage of the Gilmore women (Richard is included with the women here, as a treat). Hopefully, I'll finish it this week, and it won't be thirty pages long. I could talk about this fucked up family for hours (affectionate).
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somegilmoreguy · 10 months
Anyway, no-fault divorce, easy access to birth control, and abortion on demand all serve to make families stronger, healthier, happier, and more robust, because they allow family to be a matter of choice rather than a means of social control and violence.
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somegilmoreguy · 11 months
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CHAPTER NINE - Rory and CJ's Birthday Parties
"Well, are you alright?" Rory asked, her voice tinged with concern as she looked at him seriously. CJ nodded, "I'm fine, I had time to relax and calm down, I'm good." He took in his sister's frown and slightly red-rimmed eyes. "What about you? What happened?" He asked, setting down the brownie and facing her fully. Rory shrugged, crossing her arms over her chest and glancing around as the staff began cleaning up the party. "Ror?" Rory sighed, shaking her head as she chewed her inner cheek. "First, Grandma invited all these Chilton kids without our permission, then she told me that you and I had to make a speech to our guests, and you were nowhere to be found, so . . so, I yelled at her," his sister recapped. CJ raised an eyebrow, "You yelled at Grandma?" He asked, feeling equal parts scared for his sister as well as impressed by her. "Kinda wish I was there to see it," he quipped with a smile. "Well, the rest of the party had front row seats," Rory snarked, sounding bitter.
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somegilmoreguy · 11 months
Reblog and put in the tags an unpopular or commonly hated character that you like. Does not have to be a villain, can be anyone / anything.
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
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So I did a thing :3
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
24/7 christopher hayden hater the grind never stops
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
I love how Jess visibly walks around Stars Hollow with his nose in a book like at LEAST 80% of his conscious hours, and Lorelai's like, "What can my daughter possibly see in this guy? Must be that dangerous bad-boy appeal."
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
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Matt Czuchry as Logan Huntzberger Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life 1.04 “Fall”
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
you know what we were robbed of?
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this fucking trio right here.
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
Twenty or so years of watching this show and I still gag watching Tristan sexually harass Rory. Even when I was in grade school I was repulsed. I know tv and society was just kinda ... like that back then but damn.
Please don't derail this post and make it about other characters I'm just expressing disgust here. Also I am not saying you can't like him or that I don't like him. I just remember watching him as a small child and feeling sick in a way I couldn't explain and that feeling never left lmao.
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somegilmoreguy · 1 year
You can call me Guy or Gil. Nearly 30. I grew up watching Gilmore Girls with my bio mom, I have extra opinions every time I re-watch.
I'm pretty equally critical of all the characters, though not particularly anti any of them. I even like all of them (barring Jason who's name I constantlly forget even after 20 or so years watching because I care so little about him) I have some personal issues with Christopher, though people I know tend to be obsessed with using him as a token to show why Lorelai is the most evil Gilmore Woman in a weird game I like to call the Gilmore Olympics. They're all just refusing to break generational curses.
I find liking or disliking characters morally neutral, I'm not going to debate why my faves are better than yours. I don't care if you don't like a character I love, or if you like one I hate, it doesn't affect me unless you try to make them out to be innocent babies then I think you're annoying. Just don't act like a freak when I talk about Tristian being a sex pest and Christopher being shitty to Rory.
Feel free to ask me fmk with the Gilmore guys.
Also I'm autistic so don't assume I'm being aggressive unless I'm using outright combative words. I occasionally use "tone indicators" which is a / and spelling out the tone of a phrase. Usually /joking, /neutral or /not mad.
No dni because I'm an adult with a job who knows tv shows aren't real but I'm very obviously a massive homo so if you have a problem with that you won't have fun here.
There will eventually be hyperlinks below. None yet though.
IMPORTANT: Gilmore Girls aired from 2000-2007. It will be problematic, that goes without saying. Television was a little different back then with what you could get away with. That doesn't make it okay but that was the norm. I may provide cultural context on posts occasionally but I wont be harping on its flaws too much. There is no need for me to beat a dead horse and say "I know this was problematic!" Everytime I speak. I will be mindful with trigger warnings though so I will still be trying to make this blog safer to navigate.
Episode by episode break down + seasons and series conclusions.
Character breakndowns
Character Headcanons
Babs Trans headcanon
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